The first moment of vulnerability

The night proceeded on like any other night after dinner they did some training drills before they went off bed. Shinta however instead of going to her room climbed out her window and up on the roof since her room was on the second floor. For some reason sitting on the roof the breeze against her skin as she looked up in the night sky was just relaxing to her. It wasn't the first time nor would it be the last time she was up there. Like many other nights Shinta wound up falling asleep out on the roof waking up right as the sun broke the horizon in the morning and hurriedly climbing back into the room and into her bed till her alarm went off for school again.

Over the next few weeks Shinta began to acclimate well and had even gotten the courage to move into the dorms with her classmate's. Aizawa made sure her room was close to Todoroki's upon her request even though it concerned him some. The sports festival was the next day, all the students hang out in the common area. Shinta went out to the grounds right in front of the dorm building since they aren't supposed to leave at all. Shoto had gotten closer to his sister she was a friend to him now, still unaware of the secret between them he noticed her sneak out the door. He sighed and slightly chuckled it wasn't the first time she had done it, but this time shoto decided to follow her it seemed to him like something was on her mind and for some reason he didn't quite get he felt he needed to be there for her. Shoto still kept his distance but went out with Shinta who was laying in the grass wings fully spread out taking in the rays of the moon.

The young boy would be lying if he said he didn't admire the young girls form but he also felt bad for Shinta for all the burns on her skin 'why can't I just seem to talk to her' he thinks to himself annoyed. Meanwhile Shinta's eyes were closed she had started to drift to sleep not long after for the first time in months her nightmare started again her eyes beginning to dart back and forth under her eyelids.

~in the nightmare~

"where are we going papa?" A younger version of Shinta asked the man scared and pain setting in from the burns on her wings now but she has to hide the pain due to being in her fathers presence. Shinta was around 7 but emotions were for the weak he always told her. Enji never gave her a response just kept walking until he knew The young girl had no idea where they were. "D-dad please you're scaring me" She stuttered out as he stopped in an alleyway deep in the city. She had never been to the city and had no clue where they were. "From this moment on you are nothing Shinta. You are no longer a todoroki. You are just a bastard orphan child" he said to her so coldly. She looked up and met his gaze and froze and began trembling in fear She didn't respond to him in time so he tightened his hold on my wrist "Do you understand you brat!" He shouted at me and the young girl began crying due to the burn he had now placed on my wrist and nodded "yes pa- yes sir" I said and he let go of her as she fell to the ground. Enji Stood there and watched her cower for just a moment longer before he left

~back out~

Shinta starts to groan and whimper as her hands clench, wings flutter and it becomes clear to shoto she is having some kind of nightmare. He had two options he could either go get a teacher risking her possibly losing control in the process or try to comfort the sleeping girl. With out even thinking he went over to the sleeping girl and scooped her up into a seated position in his lap making sure her wings rested comfortably on there own as he held her in his arms and hummed the tune his mom would to him when he was scared as a child. Shinta was trembling and latched on to him and started crying, she was still asleep but she was crying. Shoto froze up some surprised a small blush crept across his face due to the new contact to him, but even so he just held on tight to her "it's ok I'll protect you" he whispered to her and rocked softly. " you'll abandon me like he did..throw me out like trash" she said in her sleep before starting to calm down those words stung shoto "it's time to wake up now it's ok your safe" he said he didn't want to show the words bothered him.

Shoto continued slowly rocking her until he felt her head move some and he loosened his hold some "no, please just a bit longer" he heard in a groggy voice that would melt even the coldest of hearts and he smiled "I'm not going anywhere" he said softly. Shinta then picked up on the voice and shot up causing her to fall back out of his hold. "W-What? What happened?" She asked seeming almost scared and small blue sparks jumped around her fingers. Shoto felt the fear emanating from her "shh...its ok I came out to check on you and you were having a nightmare. I came over with out even thinking and comforted you how my mom used to me when I was younger" he said softly looking down waiting to hear her pick on him but he just heard a soft sigh and a chuckle 'To think my baby brother would calm down one of my nightmares' Shinta thought to herself before calming down and smiled helping shoto off the ground "Thanks then, count yourself lucky not many people have been able to do what you just did" she said jokingly as they headed in. Shoto chuckled thinking she was joking but she really wasn't.

The siblings went their separate ways to their bedrooms across from each other "T-thanks again sho" Shinta said tussling his hair some before going to her room or the night. Once her door was shut Shinta let out a fearful sigh "i could have lost it. That was so stupid what if he would have found out" she said to herself flopping onto her bed not even bothering to change out her clothes from the day. They still slightly smelled like Shoto and for some reason that smell was calming "it reminds me of Touya" she mumbled falling back asleep in her bed. Shoto stood there in the hallway for a moment confused to being called 'Sho' only his family calls him that; before he just shook his head heading into his room for the night. The Sports festival was the next day he needed to to get some sleep as well it was going to be a long day tomorrow.