Sports fest, Drama and long lost sibling?! Oh my!

Soon enough all the the students in class 1A meet up in their hero gear with each other and Aizawa just glares at all the boys who keep staring at Shinta. 'Why did i allow her to pick something so revealing' he thought to himself pinching the bridge of his nose. He then looked around and caught a glance of a certain hero in the very far back in the stands of the arena. 'Let's just hope she doesn't see him' he then thought as all the students gathered in front of the stage. "Alright so now we are going to do our one on one matches the screen behind me is going to show everyone there opponent for the first round. Once its your turn you will go out onto the field and battle the winner will be determined on the last one standing or once one of you gets knocked out of the ring" the pro here Midnight explained and the board lit up the pair ups were as follows:

Todoroki vs. Shinso

Midoriya vs. Kaminari

Kirishima vs. Shiozaki

Tokoyami vs. Aizawa

Yaoyorozu vs. Ashido

Uraraka vs. Hatsume

Tetsutetsu vs. Aoyama

Bakugo vs. Iida

Shinta gulped some seeing her two brothers had to fight one another but she kept to herself watching the match. Shinso seemed to not rush the fight this time that or Shoto remembered not to answer his questions. "Come on Todoroki aren't you getting tired yet?" Shinso asked him trying one more time. Shoto refused to give in and threw another large blast at Shinso. The whole time he was being sneaky slowly pushing Shinso to the edge of the arena. "Shoto Todoroki moves on to the next round!" Present Mic then shouts when Shinso realizes he backed right out of the arena and growled in frustration. Midoriya as well as Kirishima also moved on to the next round. Now it was Shinta and tokoyami, Aizawa looked over at the hero who has now seen the girl on the field and the look of rage and disgust fills his eyes and aizawa then loses sight of him as the match starts. Tokoyami sent Dark Shadow after Shinta almost immediately and she pushed off the ground to dodge his attack. Dark shadow kind of chuckled having fun with the fight so far not many can dodge him so quickly.

Shinta then tossed small blast of her blue flame at her opponent Endeavor was now standing on the sidelines near where the locker rooms are. Tokoyami was able to dodge all her attacks but the last one and as he got hit dark shadow managed to also land a hit on Shinta as well. That attack made her turn in just a way where she saw him...she saw her father and she froze for a second. Her opponent tried to use this to his advantage but when his attack hit her and sent her back Shinta caught herself just before getting knocked out and grinned almost like a villain "my turn" she said her anger and fear now rising this started to make Aizawa nervous but he was told not to intervene. Before long Shinta started to lose control her wings began catching on fire but before it got too far she was able to knock her opponent out of the ring. "Shinta Aizawa moves on to the next round!" Was then announced and she smiled before gulping and headed to where Endeavor stood waiting for her, Aizawa's attention being grabbed by another student before he could even notice she was gone. Shoto noticed Shinta walking over towards his father and that she seemed scared but he didn't move. Shoto disliked his father and didn't want to be around him either.

Endeavor stood there far enough back now to be out of sight of those in the arena and Shinta approached him throwing a ball of her fire at him as soon as she was in range. This of course gets deflected and he slaps her with his own fire sending her flying deeper into the tunnel "well hello to you too sir" she mumbled under her breath, her anger was the only thing that made her seem brave. As she got closer to him that faded her wings dropped low and her head was down and she dropped to her knees in front of him. Endeavor got a kick out of how obedient she still was all these years later "you'd make a good pet for my real son" he chuckled "you do not belong here" he then growled at the young girl cowering before him.

Midoriya had noticed after too long Shinta was gone and asked shoto where she went and he pointed to the tunnel not even thinking about it. He didn't think it would be anything bad, boy was he wrong. Midoriya began walking deeper into the tunnel and began hearing the voices 'thats Endeavor and shinta's voices' he thought and got a bit closer and kept quiet and hidden he could hear the fear in his friends voice. "I got in by doing well on the exam. I-I...I'll prove to you I am not nothing. I'll prove to you that you were wrong you monster" Shinta said tears in her eyes her voice shaking Midoriya wanted to come out but he knew he shouldn't even be there so he just staid quiet. "You insolent brat! You are worthless and always will be, a whore just like your mother was too probably" he said the last part to her almost to quiet to hear in a growling fashion as he punched her into the wall and a few ribs could be heard cracking as she coughed "stay away from my son you filthy garbage" he said and left with out another word. Shinta froze up in so much pain tears began to stream down her face as she fell to her knees again. Now that the coast was clear midoriya came out and went up to her "h-hey let me help you Shinta" he said softly with a smile offering her his hand

Every part of Shinta told her not to but the pain was too much at the moment and she took his hand As he helped her get up "hold on Deku here; wrap my ribs for me before we go back out there. I want to be able to finish the sports fest" Shinta said handing him a bandage as she lift her shirt just enough for him to wrap her already bruising ribs. Midoriya blushed some but was also very concerned when he saw the bruising already, he did as he was asked and wrapped her ribs for her the best he could "there you go, hope it helps" he said softly to her and hugged him softly. Shinta at this point figured out he heard at least something from what was said. "Lets head back to the others. Later tonight back at the dorms you can come to my room and ask me the questions I know you have" Shinta said to Midoriya back in her calm normal voice and he nodded. While they were gone three more matches had passed Aizawa had noticed her disappearance and noticed something was wrong. He controlled himself and staid in his teacher role and staid where he was watching the matches

"Wow so Yaoyorozu, Uraraka and Tetsutetsu all moved on to the next round as well" Midoriya said with that excited sparkle in his eye as the fight between Iida and Bakugo began. Like always Bakugo trash talked and showed off before baiting Iida properly to run right at him and he dodged with one of his blasts and Iida ran right out of the ring. "Alright everyone we will take a short break before we move on to round two. If anyone needs to be seen by recovery girl do so now" Present mic announced to everyone and shinta just went and sat leaning against a tree waiting to see who her new opponent was going to be.

Todoroki vs. Midoriya

Kirishima vs. Aizawa

Yaoyorozu vs. Uraraka

Tetsutetsu vs. Bakugo

A few minutes later everyone hears a ding "Alright on the screen behind me are our new match ups for round two! So let's get this party started!!" Present mic said and some of those in the crowd were cheering. Shinta just staid against the tree her hand resting over her ribcage as she tried to hide her pain. She knew if anyone found out they would stop her from fighting so she just had to grin and bear it as long a she could. Moments later Shoto and Midoriya's fight began everyone watched it intently a lot of the students who were no longer competing headed back to there dorms for rest during the break. Shinta watched the fight and closed her eyes for what she swore was only a second, but when she opened her eyes she heard them announce "Todoroki moves on to the next round". Shinta got up stretching some and headed out to fight kirishima 'this is gonna be easy' she thought to herself and giggled bending forward just a bit more then normal getting her chest to pop out just a bit more and she giggled at her opponent "oh red riot do we really have to fight?" She asked him batting her eyes at him. So she wouldn't have to exert energy she was going to use her 'charm' against her opponent.

Kirishima was taken back by the sight in front of him as he blushed as fear also ran over him if their teacher saw him blush and he fell back kinda of frozen in shock. The way shinta said his name with a giggle looping in his head. Shinta stood up and chuckled and grabbed onto the stammering kirishima and tossed him out of the ring "sorry maybe next time" she said to him and stuck out her tongue and him and he then realize he just lost and cursed under his breath. "My what a tricky maneuver there on Shinta's part but it paid off in the end she will be moving on to the semi-finals where she will be fighting Shoto todoroki. The next two fights went by rather quickly Yaoyorozu won her match and obviously bakugo won his match as they took another short break. Shinta felt a weird gust of wind enter the arena she felt something bad was coming "Be on your guard. Something doesn't feel right" she muttered out loud to her fellow classmates that were near her who all just looked confused.

Todoroki vs. Aizawa

Yaoyorozu vs. Bakugo

The last two matches were called and Shinta made her way out onto the field she had started to pale some now due to her injuries as she swayed some. Everyone noticed it but the determination on her face is the only reason none of her teachers stopped the fight. Once the fight began Shoto went to attack with his ice but due to her injuries she wasn't able to dodge the attack fully and shoto's ice managed to pierce her left wing some and she reeled some in pain. "I-i can't lose! I have to show my worth!!" She yelled running full force with all the energy she has left at Shoto and started throwing blasts of her blue flames at him. Shoto tried dodging them dodging most before he found an opening seeing how weak she was getting "I'm sorry for this Shinta but i have to" he said to Shinta as she ran at him tears streaming from her eyes from her pain and he hit her with a blast of his own fire and she just fell to the ground finally passing out. Shoto was determined the winner and they rushed her off to recovery girl. Everyone else had to stay there to watch the last of the semi-finals.

Not long after Shinta woke up and coughed up a small amount of blood "you'll be alright deary just get some rest and take it easy. You had a new third degree burn on your ribs as well as four that were broke, Be more careful next time" recovery girl told her and she nodded "sorry about that. I'll do my best" she said and then headed back out the sports fest. Once almost back out on the field an explosion was heard and she ran out seeing actual villains there. Before she could even think a small knife flew toward Shinta and she quickly turned it back against its owner who was now standing only a few feet away from Shinta "Oh aren't you pretty, let's play!" said the blonde girl she seemed kinda of crazy and Shinta took flight to get out of her range or she tried to before one of the girls knives managed to hit her in her wing making her fall back to the ground. Shinta went and threw her flames at the Blonde girl as the flames calmed back down instead of the blonde girl there stood a tall man.

This man seemed mysterious to Shinta but somehow vaguely familiar as well. Shinta stood there her flames starting to spread to her wings now, she has been separated from everyone it was just her and this man "baby flame is that you?" She heard the man in front or her say and she froze up looking like she had seen as ghost. The blonde girl used this to her advantage and knocked Shinta out leaving her out cold after she took a sample of her blood. Dabi wanted to stop toga but knew he couldn't or they couldn't find out who she is. 'If she really is her I have to protect her' he thought to himself after toga was no longer in sight dabi walked up to Shinta who was blacked out on the ground a few feet away as he got closer he saw the one thing that confirmed it was her and he then hurried and escaped with the others. This time they were there to stir up trouble and get blood from a few hero's for their next mission. Where they were going to try to recruit a certain hero on their bosses orders.