The aftermath and a Secret is revealed!

The pro hero's that were in the arena had acted quickly in getting things calmed back down, Shoto had run off during the commotion. He had to see if shinta was ok 'She didn't seem alright during our fight' he kept thinking as he got closer to where shinta had reemerged. The sight he saw made him freeze up scared to move "no..please be alright" he muttered and ran over to Shinta who was out cold on the ground a small pool of blood by her right arm blue flames still smoldering around her. When Shoto got closer he could still see her chest moving up and down and sighed in relief that she was ok. Shoto radioed their fellow classmates that he had found Shinta. Aizawa instructed Shoto over the walkie to take her back to her dorm and to stay there with her until she woke up. The fatherly tone coming out very strongly laced with concern, everyone lowered there head some "I promise sir. I won't leave her side" shoto responded over the walkie before taking Shinta in his arms. Even though he was a year younger and a bit shorter he was pretty strong; he carried Shinta back to the dorms and kicked open her bedroom door before placing the girl on her bed as she groaned some.

Shoto sighed feeling bad for the girl before him, he quickly went down the hall and got a first aid kit so he could bandage the cuts on her arm he assumed were from her fighting someone when she was coming back out to everyone else. Once the wounds were bandaged shoto took a deep breath before getting comfortable leaning against the girls headboard sitting next to her sleeping form, it was oddly relaxing for him. As he looked around her room he noticed the burn marks on 90% of her things 'she must have nightmares a lot' he thought feeling bad for her, he could tell the burns were from her quirk losing control. Other than the burns her room was very basic she hadn't really done anything with it to personalize it in anyway. This just made the young boy want to know more about her. Shinta groaned some in her sleep before rolling over; upon rolling over she placed her head in Shoto's lap and got herself comfortable before drifting back off.

Shoto froze up a blush taking over his face before he calmed down setting his hand lightly on her shoulder and just rested his head back against the wall. He was tired as well it had been a long day 'I'll just rest my eyes a little' he thought to himself closing his eyes. Not long after shoto had also drifted off to sleep lightly holding on to his friend who was sleeping with her head in his lap. A sight that would if caught by there fellow classmates would surely get used as blackmail on them. A few hours pass by and the door so Shinta's room slowly opens it was Midoriya coming to ask her those questions like she said he could. The sight he came in to made him blush and he stumbled tripping which caused the book in his hand to fly out of his hand and hit the side of her desk with a crash.

Both of the two who were sleeping now fully awake and looked over at midoriya glaring. Shinta then realized the position she was in and quickly sat up "I'm sorry Sho- todoroki for any inconvenience I may have caused you" she said looking away from him a few small tears fell from her eyes, Midoriya saw them but kept quiet; he knew why. Shoto was taken back by her words "it was no problem. Im just glad you're ok. I guess I'll let you guys be" he said softly hurt by her words, he wanted to ask her so many questions but could tell it wasn't the right time. Shinta remained in the same position using her flames to evaporate her tears before they could fall so he wouldn't see. Shoto nodded to midoriya and headed out "get some rest, i'll see you later" he said softly toward shinta how just nodded toward him.

Once the door was shut shinta took a deep breath and wiped her eyes "okay, as promised midoriya ask away" shinta said as if she didn't want to talk about what had just happened. Inside shinta was mortified that was cruel toward her brother she didn't want to do that but she was terrified of what his father would do if he found out. "Oh umm okay. So first if you don't mind how do you know endeavor? What did he mean about your mom?" He asked her sitting in front of her on her bed with such an intrigued and excited look on his face. His notebook open to the page on her. He really didn't have much just what he has seen really. "Before I answer that question I need you to promise me one thing. And that one thing is that this can ever leave this room. I mean it" shinta said giving him a very serious expression. This statement caused young midoriya to gulp and he nodded "I promise" he said closing his notebook and shinta smiled some taking a deep breath grabbing the one stuffed animal she had, it was falling apart with burns on it but she didn't care. Midoriya felt bad and almost regretted coming to talk to her; yet at the same time he was happy to see she felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable around him.

"Endeavor he is...he's...he is my biological father" shinta said quietly looking down she hadn't admitted that to anyone in a very long time. Aizawa only knew due to her file even he didn't know a lot about what had happened to her. Midoriya froze for a moment he could see the fear she had and felt bad for asking now. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" he said softly his hand was hovering over her knee but he hesitated unsure if it would upset her. To his surprise shinta took his hand in hers intertwining there fingers. "No it's ok, it's time I try to start talking about it. I'm glad that I get to share the experience with you" she said smiling earning a blush from the boy before she released his hand. "Ok so I guess next question then. Why do you not have that last name why did sensei adopt you? If you can't answer just tell me I'm sorry if it's hard to talk about" he said nervously. Shinta smiled some reassuringly and gulped "I lived there until I was seven, but I was isolated with my big brother touya who I heard went missing the same night I was thrown away. Someone found me passed out somewhere in the city and took me to the hospital. After I was patched up from some burns I lived in the mental health youth center until Aizawa adopted me" shinta said still being very vague on most details she still wasn't ready to share it all. "Wow, that sounds rough....I'll try and hurry up with the questions. So I take it Shoto doesn't know you're related? What are you going to do now, you have class together and are on a team?" He asked and she nodded "No he has no idea, I only know its him from the few times as a kid I caught glimpses of him through a crack in my brothers bedroom door and the last name. That is honestly a great question I don't know really. For now I'm just going to have to be careful with spending time with him outside of class I guess" she said and midoriya smiled he was proud of how strong she was even with everything she has been through.

"Maybe another day after you get some more rest I can ask the stuff to get the notes for my hero book. Thanks for talking with me and don't worry your secrets are safe with me" midoriya said smiling and shinta smiled back giving him a small kiss on the cheek. "Thanks your the best. Would you mind just turning my light out on your way out?" She asked midoriya before she laid back down on her bed and almost immediately fell back asleep. This caused him to chuckle some and he draped her blanket over her before leaving her room turning the light out just as she asked. He then blushed a little thinking of the kiss on his cheek she gave him. He shook it off before heading off to bed for the night himself.

Meanwhile with the League of Villains Toga pulled out the jars of blood she had each with a name on it. Dabi watched intently until he saw her pull out Shinta's and grabbed it "hey, that wasn't easy to get" toga whined trying to get it back "not her, don't ask questions I just... just not her. Please not her and don't bring her up" he said showing the concern even though toga seemed crazy deep down she was a nice person. She understood enough and nodded as dabi hid the jar before there boss walked in. "Good, looks like you got a nice selection. Now when they go off to the camp we will be ready to strike. Remember we are bringing bakugo back. I want him to join us, if you're able maybe that girl too. The one who was supposed to fight him" he said before walking off to his room. The last part of his words made dabi breath silently hitch. He hoped shigaraki wouldn't notice her. The villains all went off to their rooms once dabi got to his room he made sure his door was locked and pulled the jar of blood back out of his jacket. The blood still warm inside and he held it close to him 'this is pathetic, I'm hugging a jar of her blood. But to know she is still alive...I've missed my baby flame' he thought to himself. He placed the jar of his sisters blood on his nightstand and went to sleep thinking of the past when he was younger.

~Dabi dream~

"Touya! Touya come on its time to get up. I'm huuungrryy" a young dabi heard he looked to be around 12 years old his sister 5. "Mmmm....just take one of my snacks from my bag" he groaned before he could hear tiny feet scamper to his book bag. He turned his head to see his little sister wearing one of his shirts she kidnapped from him again. They never bought her any of her own clothes he had to make sure she had something. The Young shinta looked and found a bag of her favorite chips in Touya's book bag and she cheered some happily. Not long after a pound was heard on the door making the young girl jump and run into her brothers arms even though he was laying down still. There father hated when she made too much noise. "Its ok baby flame, I'm right here i'll keep you safe" he told her stroking her head before sitting up pulling his little sister into his lap. The blanket fell revealing his bare chest but it was nothing new to her since they shared a room "I got something made for you. Its something very special, I know I'm not always there and that Enji can be scary for you. So I got this made so that you know that until either I remove this or it falls off I am out there. Even if we aren't together just know that as long as I'm alive I will find you" he told his little sister and opened a small box he had sitting on his nightstand. Inside was a small collar solid black with small blue flames on it, shinta smiled and hugged her big brother letting him but it on her "thank you touya. Don't ever leave me" she said and he hugged her tight "ill do me best" he said back

~End of dream~

The rest of the night went silent for everyone. How are things going to unfold over the next few months?

As time passed Shinta went back to stay home for a few weeks with out warning. All she would do is go to school, her part time job with hawks and come home. Aizawa noticed something was wrong but also knew that she wasn't going to share about it unless she wanted to. Before long it was time for them to go to the camp meaning the school year was starting to come to a close. Surprisingly no other crazy attacks from the villains. For the summer UA was having its students go to a Forest "retreat", boy were the kids wrong to be excited about their summer.