Forest training camp and drama

Everyone gets loaded onto the bus and Shinta grabbed Shinso before he could protest and made her big brother sit with her "please don't ask, I just...I have to keep my distance from todoroki" she said this was the first time since the sports festival she has talked about shoto with him. Shinso turned to her and lifted her head softly "you can tell me why when you're ready. But I do want to know your reasoning" he said in his stern but loving big brother voice. "I promise" she said and once everyone was loaded onto the bus they headed off. Shinta kept pretty quiet which her big brother didn't mind he enjoyed the silence anyway. An hour or so later the bus pulls into a rest area everyone gets off to stretch and use the bathroom if they needed.

Moments later everyone was greeted by the group of heroes known as the pussycats. Shinta immediately knew this wasn't going to be some retreat. "Alright everyone you need to get to camp by 12:30. There will be obstacles of course but if you don't make it there on time then you won't be getting any lunch today" the said not long after many of the others sighed in frustration as we all got ready to go. Soon after we all headed into the forest to make it to the camp. Shinta reluctantly waited for her team mate Shoto and since she forced shinso onto the bus for 1A he was paired with her as well. Having Shinso there made it easier that's for sure. "Alright lets do this. Shinta I don't think you'll have much room for flight in the forest so we should stay close for better support if its needed" shoto said to both of his teammates and they nodded head in. All the teams entered into the woods what they thought would be easy was not in the slightest.

As all of the students traverse the forest they were met with clay creatures among other obstacles. At one point Shinso intentionally 'got lost' after shoto asked him to so he could try to talk to shinta. They were in a clearing it seemed safe and shoto stopped and softly grabbed his team mates hand "Shinta wait please" he said softly with what sounded like sadness as well. Shinta froze up at his touch and slowly turned around as she tried to hide the fear she had now of getting too close to her baby brother. "What's wrong todoroki?" She asked and he sighed "that, ever since the sports fest you have been acting different. You haven't called me Shoto like you did not since I saw you walk over to my...." Then he had a small realization "...father. Look I don't know what he told you but your my friend please don't shut me out. You can be yourself with me and let your guard down" he then said pulling her into a hug before she could even try to pull away. "Yes o-your father is the reason I have been distant. I can't tell you what was said or what happened though. I just can't. If you truly mean those things though then id like that. I miss the hang outs we had" Shinta said and smiled chuckling softly at her younger brother and hugged him back.

Conveniently Shinso shows back up moments later after the two release from the hug. "Come on guys I found the path that will lead us right there" he said and they nodded. The three of them finally making it to camp. The other students all coming out of the woods around the same time as them. By this point it definitely was past 12:30, try more like 5:30 that evening. Pixie Bob was actually impressed with class 1A thinking it was going to take them all even longer to get there. After some rest though they were led inside to a nice dining hall and got to chow down on some delicious food. After everyone had full stomachs we were all told to get our belongings off the bus and get settled in our team rooms. When shinta heard team rooms she gulped knowing now that they were at the camp Shinso was no longer paired with her in Shoto. The students all got their things and got settled in before they heard an announcement that the girls could head to the baths now. Shinta could barely contain her excitement and headed out and met up with the other girls. They were prepared knowing the boys may try something.

The girls had all gotten into the baths relaxing and joking around. Shinta smiled softly seeing them all have fun as she got in the bath further down from everyone else. She already knew like always her wings would leave ash in the water. Momo noticed shinta struggle and sighed feeling for her fellow classmate, but she also knew shinta was very closed off and didn't want to bother her. Meanwhile the boys were trying to make there way towards the baths to sneak a peak at all the girls Midoriya and Shoto were trying to stop them the best they could but to no avail. Right as Mineta almost made it over the wall Kota managed to knock him down saving all us girls. He got a bit of special treatment after that for the evening as the boys dealt with a punishment.

After all was said and down shoto came in the his teams room and saw Shinta already asleep and sort of smiled. He missed being around her even though he couldn't quite tell why. Not long after shoto drifted off to sleep as well. Around 5 in the morning an alarm was sounded waking everyone up. "From today forward you are on your own. We won't be helping anymore, welcome to your training camp" the pussycats said to everyone. "Today you all need to train on your quirks because tomorrow you will all be going into the forest again" pixie bob explained and everyone scattered to the groups and all went of to train. "Shinta please wait. We should work together" shoto said grabbing Shinta hand as she tried to go off on her own to train. When his had touched hers she froze 'your gonna be the death of me little brother' she thought to herself "Alright, just if I start to lose it we need to call the fight" she said to him sternly and they went off to one of the training fields.

Shoto wanted to focus on his ice first "alright I'm not going to hold back either. You need to call it if you need to stop as well" he said and threw an attack towards shinta who dodged throwing her own attack of blue flames at Shoto "you got it" she said smirking and took flight she was going to make sure to push him and make him use both sides "you're going to have to use both sides if you want to reach me" she said and he chuckled. Their match continued through the day like many others did. Later that evening the sun was setting and everyone heard the bell to head back to camp. Shinta was a bit winded and touched back tot he ground. The was the longest she had been in flight in a long time.

"Go on ahead i'll be right behind you" Shinta said when she felt that someone was watching her from in the tree line. Shoto nodded he was exhausted thinking about the food he was going to eat. Once he was out of sight and Shinta could clearly tell no-one else was around "who are you? Show yourself" she growled a small blue flame smoldering in her hands as she stood her ground facing the tree line she felt she was being watched from. "Calm down I'm not here to hurt you. Its just me, I had to just double check" a deep voice said that rang deep with in shinta and she froze up some her flames showing her emotions as they drip to the ground 'that sounds so familiar' she thought as the figure walked out of the shadows. It was the villain she had seen at the sports fest the one who called her baby flame. "I promise I am not here to do harm to you shinta. I can't believe you're alive..." he said but out of instinct shinta went to attack him anyway.

Her attacks just earning a chuckle as he dodged each one till he had his sister pinned to a large rock. "You still have that same spunk. There, there baby flame" he said and kissed her forehead and she just froze and blinked looking up at her brother right as she went to say something they heard footsteps coming toward the clearing where they were. If this was seen it would definitely not look good, Shinta looked over at the sound and felt herself be released from the mans hold "take care, i'll see you again soon" she heard him say and he disappeared. Not long after shinta saw her classmates black and green messy hair come into sight, Midoriya was coming to check on her and she quickly headed over to her classmate. 'Who was that guy. Could he be Touya? Touya WAS the only person who ever called me that. But he looks so different' lost in her own thoughts shinta kept walking not realizing midoriya had stopped in front of her causing her to bump into him. "Oh sorry deku" she said and "no it's alright. Come on let's go in and eat. Iida and some of the others cooked for our class tonight" he said happily pulling his friend along. Shinta didn't bother to protest he mind was still swimming with thoughts of the man she saw and who he was.

Aizawa could tell something was on her mind and went over to the table where shoto, Midoriya shinta and a few other of his students were at. "Shinta a word please" he said in his fatherly tone and she gulped softly nodding "Sho can you bring me back some to our room?" She asked him and he smiled and nodded "yea" he was happy to hear her call him that again. Shinta followed her father outside "what is going on shinta? I have not really pushed or questioned anything since the sports fest. I know something had to have happened between you and endeavor there. I am here for you, your my daughter. Let me protect you" he told her pulling shinta in for a hug. He rarely ever hugged her so she knew how worried she really had made her dad. "I didn't realize how worried I had made you. I'm sorry dad. Yea I spoke with him and he is how I broke my ribs, I was told to stay away from his son" she admitted to him. Aizawa's anger grew but he didn't show it. "He can't hurt you, you're a student of UA. He won't do this again" he told her and she smiled. The two of them went on a small walk and kind of just caught up a bit before he took her back to her room. "Get some rest tomorrow you are all going off into the woods. Be Ready" he told her and she headed inside. Shoto was laying down a bowl of curry sitting on Shinta's nightstand. A small smile crept over her lips before she sat there in the dimly lit room eating her curry, her younger brother sleeping in his bed on the other side of the room. After finishing her dinner shinta did the exact same and headed off to sleep. She knew she needed her rest for the following day. It was not going to be easy and she knew that.