Quirk Training and a kidnapping

Most of the next day was spent the same way, through quirk training. After lunch though they started having teams enter the woods for the test of courage. The teams that entered first closer to dusk were teams that were having more difficulty to help give them a better chance. Finally the last few groups were let to enter the first. Shoto and Shinta as well and midoriya and Bakugo were the last two teams that got to enter. Once they got further in Shoto started to feel a bit sluggish and they two of them soon realized something wasn't right. "Try to stay close" shinta said and spread her wings as far as she could and swept the air in front of them to give them some clean air even if only for a moment. "We need to keep moving and try to find the others. This has the league written all over it" Shoto said after catching his breath some. Shinta luckily had her scarf she just tightened it some to cover her mouth better. The two made there way deeper in and found their selves in a clearing. The thick Smaug not there so they stopped to catch their breaths, they could hear other students fighting and screams in the woods. Shoto seemed to be getting a bit freaked out and shinta grabbed his face between there hands placing her forehead to his "we got this sho, I won't let you get hurt" she said to him and he blushed some and just nodded.

"Aww, how cute. Too bad I had to interrupt. Now let's play!!" A young blonde girl said chuckling running at them. Shinta shoved shoto back so they could both dodge Toga's attack. Shinta lunged at toga who attempted to cut shinta; Shoto used that moment to throw an attack at toga who quickly managed to slice shinta's arm before dodging the ice wall. "You missed me there pretty boy" she said giggling and licked the blood from her blade shinta realized then she had been cut "mmm, you taste yummy. I may have to break that promise" she said and tried to attack again before shinta punched her using a blast of her blue flames, a small new burn starting on her knuckles again. "Shoto go find the others I got her. Please if I'm right there here for kachaan" shinta said and shoto nodded knowing she was probably right. "Just be careful" he said before running off toga seemed to interested in the winged girl to care about Shoto.

Toga lunged at Shinta again this time getting her with two different types of blades; one toga licked the other she resheathed. "Well that was fun friend. I'll see you around later. Bye bestie" she said before running off disappearing without a trace. Shinta was confused but she remembered noticing that toga only licked one of the two blades she used the second time and wondered why but ignored it for the time being. Shinta hurried off to meet up with the others hoping she could find them before it was too late. Sure enough not long after she found the clearing where Shoto, Deku and Kachaan were all fighting Toga, twice, kurogiri and Dabi. Shinta saw the fight in front of her she was starting to feel sleepy and couldn't quite tell why. She stumbled over to her teammates Dabi noticed her out in the fray he knew that if kurogiri saw her he would grab her with in instant. Part of him wanted that so he could see her, but part of him was worried about his boss due to him being very protective of his little sister. Shinta of course while Dabi was deep in his thought went after the one villain there that everyone seemed to be having trouble with....Kurogiri.

Twice and Toga were tiring the others down waiting for her poison to kick in knocking the explosive boy out. Dabi saw his little sister charge at kurogiri and did the only thing he could think of so she wouldn't get sent back to shiggy with him being alone at the hide out. He threw a blast of his own fire at her catching Shinta off guard with her already being tired his attack even though it was no where near his full power was enough to send her back some and that was just enough to the point where she exerted all of her energy she had left and she passed out. Toga then grinned "Dabi there's a present over there for you!" She shouted to get his attention to Shinta as if it wasn't already. Her saying that got everyone else's attention as well "No! We can't let them take Shinta! Kachaan be careful they want you too" Midoriya said to the spiky blonde haired boy "don't tell me what to do you dam nerd!" He shouted charging at the villains trying to get over to Shinta. The same poison that made her pass out was starting to really take effect of him now, Dabi was able to sneak up on bakugo due to him staggering from the poison knocking him out. "No!" Midoriya said and tried to run after Dabi who had shinta cradled against his chest and bakugo by the back of his shirt both of them unconscious. A Black portal opened right behind him "Later losers" he said before walking through disappearing all the villains in fact disappeared.

"Midoriya it's going to be alright we will find them. I know we will for now hurry we need to get back and tell the teachers what happened. If they don't already know" Shoto said and he nodded. They two of them hurried back being the last two to reemerge from the woods. When just the two of them came out the pussycats and Aizawa seemed concerned "What happened where are Bakugo and Shinta?" Aizawa said to the two of them anger slightly rising in his voice. "Th-the league...they surrounded us we tried to fight back. They managed to use some type of poison to make them pass out. The Shadow guy Kurogiri teleported them away as soon as they had bakugo. Im sorry sir we tried everything we could" Shoto said falling to his knees. He felt he let down his friend not being able to protect her when she needed him; not only that but the villains now have her.

"Alright everyone hurry back to camp. I know its going to be hard but please try to get some sleep tomorrow we are heading back to UA. Don't worry we will find them" Aizawa said and all the students did as they were told. Shoto and Midoriya decided to bunk together for the night since they were both freaking out about there friends. "I hope there ok" Shoto said and midoriya agreed before they both closed their eyes to try to get some sleep, they were exhausted after all.

Meanwhile back at the league hideout Bakugo is tied to a chair in the main room while they wait for him to wake up toga was the one in charge of babysitting him and to call everyone down once he woke up. Dabi somehow managed to convince Kurogiri to do him a solid and had him put shinta in his room. He may have implied something more sexual but he did what he needed to; he had to keep her safe. Dabi laid his younger sister down on his bed sitting next to her and caressed her cheek softly "this wasn't exactly how I wanted our first true time reuniting to go but it will have to do" he said softly brushing his sisters hair behind her ear while she slept, he had already given her the antidote to the poison first thing when they got back. Dabi had also changed his sister out of her dirty and bloody hero gear into an extra pair of sweats and a band tee he still had from when they were younger before he had laid her down to rest. "Ill be back baby flame. I hope you can forgive me" he said kissing her forehead softly before leaving his bedroom locking the door from the outside so she couldn't get out just incase.

Moments later Dabi could hear shouting "he's up!" Toga called down the hall both Shigaraki and Dabi coming out to the main room "where is she! What did you do with her you sick bastards?!" Bakugo yelled, Dabi knowing all too well who he meant but kept quiet as did the others. Dabi was very surprised but also grateful for them keeping her a secret from their boss. If he knew she was there he might hurt her and he couldn't let that happen. "Now now Bakugo we brought you here to get you to join us. You're strong and the hero's will just hold you back" Shigaraki said to him and Bakugo just laughed "I'll never join you! There gonna find me, you're all screwed. There gonna find us both" he said chuckling and Dabi got annoyed and punched him so hard it knocked the explosive boy back out. "Tell me Dabi why does this boy think we have someone else? Are you hiding something from me" shigaraki asked him Dabi not even threatened in the slightest shrugged it off "No idea. I'm going back to my room" he said before taking his leave 'I need to be careful he doesn't find out she is here' he thought and headed to him room unlocking his door.