Reunited at last

Once he entered his room he was tackled by Shinta who pinned him down to the ground holding her hand glowing with her flame to his face "now who are you? And where am i?" She growled and he just chuckled before easily knocking her off of him pinning her down "calm down, again I wont hurt you. I know I look different but it's me baby flame. It really is, I told you I would find you again" he said and it all hit Shinta at once "t-touya?" She stuttered out he cringed at that name he hated being called that name now but something about hearing her say it again made his heart race some. "Please don't call me that anymore. I go by Dabi now, that name died the night i ran away" he said before letting his sister up. Shinta stood up and dusted herself off some "but why? Why become a villain? Why did you bring me here?" Shinta began questioning her older brother. She still couldn't believe it after all these years he was back in her life. It almost felt like a dream to her "I didn't have anywhere else to do. Our father made sure that it seemed I disappeared so i kept it that way. The League found me a few years back and I've been with them since. As for you" he said stepping closer to his little sister even though she was his sibling part of him was drawn to her but more in a possessive kind of way. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her in close "I wanted to see you. I mean come on your the only one I ever really cared about" he said and Shinta hugged her brother tight. "I love you too" she said and hugged even tighter for just a moment "I missed you Touya" she said she just had to get it out of her system one last time. "I missed you too baby flame" he said smiling down at her. "We need to get you out of here before the hero's find our base. Do you trust me?" He asked her and she nodded.

'Like you have to ask' she thought to herself smiling at Dabi it was like a dream come true her brother was back in her life. The relationship they had was always kind of a strange one even when they were little. Shinta had a crush on her big brother when she was younger and being in his hold again she realized it was still there some a small blush crept across her face. "Alright as soon as crusty goes back to his room I'm getting you out of here. I'll tell you more after that" he told her releasing her from his hold handing her a familiar book bag "your clothes are in there, I cleaned up your wounds when we got back here" he said to her and slipped out of the room before she could say anything. Shinta still was at a lose of words and hugged the bag close to her, she almost felt like when she was younger again and they were trying to sneak out past their father.

Not long after a door was heard opening and slamming shut down the hall causing shinta to jump. Moments later Dabi reentered the room with a bandanna in hand "I need to blindfold you so you don't know where we are. It's just a rule here" he said before blindfolding her taking her hand "alright let's go. Don't let go and stay close" he said and began leading his sister out of the base. Unfortunately bakugo started coming to right as Dabi and shinta walked into the main room "Let her go you bastard!" He yelled causing dabi to jump and catch kurogiri's attention. He darted his eyes quickly to the door signaling him to hurry and leave if he was, knowing Shigaraki heard that. Dabi growled and squeezed his grip on his sisters hand tighter and pulled her quickly out of the base, but amongst the hurry a few of her dying feathers fell behind them almost like a small trail to the exit. As Shigaraki entered the main room he heard the exit door to the base close and saw the burnt gray feathers leading out the door 'I knew he was hiding something' he thought and picked up one of the feathers walking over to the spikey haired boy tied to the chair in front of him.

"So it seems we did have another visitor. Tell me do you know who the feathers belong to? Answer me and maybe we will let you go" shigaraki said twirling the feather between his fingers before he disintegrated it to ash from his quirk. Bakugo got nervous, he cared about her for some reason and it pissed him off. "None of your damn business!!" he snapped back at shigaraki before an explosion blew through the wall. Once the ash settled bakugo saw their friend's and teacher there "we're here don't worry kachaan" Deku said before both sides began to fight shigaraki went after midoriya. "Just get me off this damn chair already you damn extras!" Bakugo shouted he was pissed and his anger made him just want to join the fight nothing else on his mind at this point. Aizawa used his scarf and pulled the angry Pomeranian over to them and signaled to his students it was time to go. Shoto used a combination of both sides of his quirk causing a big smoke cloud to allow them all to escape safely. The Villains used the same opportunity to retreat as well. Shigaraki sent dabi a text with the address of their new hideouts location.

Once Dabi felt they were safe enough away and his sister would be able to find her way back to the city if not to the school he removed her blindfold as they stood in a dark alley. He had her up against a wall standing in front of her and smiled "I promise I'm coming back for you but right now it just isn't safe for us to be together" he said and caressed her cheek as she leaned into his touch, she really did miss it. "You better, now that I know you're still alive. You can't leave me like that again" Shinta said getting brave and placed her hand on his cheek and he smiled "alright, well I need to go now. Behave yourself baby flame" he said before giving Shinta a quick but loving kiss. Her eyes still closed caught by surprise he used that moment and vanished leaving her there not sure what to think as she placed her hand to her lips 'did he really just do that? Did he hear those thoughts I had?' She thought to herself before walking out of the alleyway to collect her bearings. She was a bit of a hike to either location but she knew if she flew she could get there much faster.

"I'm still tired and feel a bit weak but I need to get back. I have know idea how long I've been gone" she said and reluctantly put on her goggles and took flight. Shinta knew that if she pushed her wings to far it was also a trigger for her flame quirk, she just hoped she could make it back to the school before then. Meanwhile the others managed to get bakugo back and he had been cleared by recovery girl. Aizawa met up with all his students in the dorm. He needed to get as much info from Bakugo as he could. There still had been no sign of Shinta and everyone was worried. "Wait you mean that brat isn't back yet?! I saw one of them take her out before that guy shigaraki came back into the room. He looked kind of concerned in a weird way" bakugo said and began getting pissed at himself for not being able to get free and save her himself. "Than that means there's hope. She is still out there were gonna find her Kachaan" Deku said and bakugo just punched him out of anger and stormed off to his room. "Alright we can continue our search again after school for her tomorrow. I know it sucks but you are all heroes in training and you need to go to your classes" Aizawa said before taking his leave as well. Instead of going home he went to a near by bar, he has gone there the past two days before going home to get a drink or two. He was worried but tried his best not to let Shinso or even his students know how worried he truly was for his daughter. 'I swear dabi if you hurt her i'll end you myself' he thought as he took the first sip of his beer trying to unwind some to attempt to sleep.

Shinta had been flying now since dabi had removed her blindfold that was around sunset, it was now dark and the streetlights were coming on. That actually helped her when the large city lit up it felt like a beacon calling her home. She was getting tired her wings were beginning to ache and she glanced up seeing smoke starting to come from her feathers, they were going to catch soon she needed to hurry. Shinta kept pushing before long she could see UA and smiled "almost there guys" she said to herself as her wings began to catch on fire. Her blue flames completely taking over all of her feathers as she kept pushing herself tears began to stream down her face "just a bit further" she said and aimed for the large fountain on school grounds. Once she got close her vision started to blur and she began to fall from the sky her wings still burning a bright blue from her flames until she landed in the fountain the water softening the impact some as well as putting out her flames. Among the loud crash heard across the campus a faint scream of pain was heard as well. The students of 1A there dorm happened to be close by the fountain she landed in and went out to investigate.

As they all slowly exited the dorm building they see ash and grey feathers still on fire falling from the sky leading to the fountain. Shoto, Midoriya and Bakugo with out hesitation all ran to the fountain hoping it was Shinta, but also hoping she was ok. As they get closer Shoto freezes up a bit at the sight of their friend out cold covered in soot from her own quirk. Bakugo was the first one to jump in the fountain and he picked her up practically growling like a rabid dog over their favorite bone as he held Shinta close to him for a moment. "Don't worry me like that again you damn brat" he said knowing full well she probably didn't hear him. "Lets get her inside" Bakugo said picking her up bridal style carrying Shinta inside there dorm building. "Icy hot why don't you call the teach and let him know" he growled behind him before entered the dorm building. Shoto just shot him a glare but he was right so he pulled out his phone and sent their teacher a message

~she's back Sensei. Shinta she's back other than exhaustion so far she seems ok. Bakugo and midoriya are getting her situated in her room at the dorm~