Aftermath Questioning

After dinner everyone got comfortable in the living room before Shinta could even pick a seat Bakugo softly yet roughly pulled her next to him on the couch. Shinta glanced up at him "what you loser?" He said to her a small blush on his face when they made eye contact. Midoriya sat on the other side of her as everyone else filled in around. Everyone facing her like it was story time Shinta took a deep breath with a small gulp, she sneakily grabbed Deku's hand he froze a small blush on his cheeks but said nothing and just smiled keeping there hands hidden. Holding his hand seemed to give her some strength "ok so as you know shoto and I were on a team. Toga came after us, I kept her distracted and shoto went to meet up with Deku and this angry Pomeranian" she said jokingly toward him "oh shut it! At least I didn't have a villain's filthy hands on me" he said earning him a death glare making him gulp "look I don't think you'll believe me but something about him is different ok. Just trust me with that he didn't hurt me, toga had used a sleeping poison on both of us. He gave me the antidote and cleaned me up" she snapped at him "geese I was just joking" he said to her and she growled ignoring him now. "I don't know much really. There weren't any windows so I had no idea how long I was gone. But he let me go, he had blindfolded me and took me out of there. I couldn't tell where we were or where we were going. But when he removed the blindfold I was at the edge of the city and he was gone" she said leaving out any of the person details like the kiss she shared with dabi and the fact of who he was.

"Well, that sounds rough but we are all glad you are back here and safe with us Shinta" Iida said fixing his glasses "Well we should all get some rest; I'm sure the teachers are gonna probably have a lot of questions for you tomorrow" he then said and shinta nodded letting go of Midoriya's hand before getting up and heading to her room not giving anyone a chance to try to stop her. Midoriya looked down and then just headed to his room as did everyone else. Bakugo though staid right on the couch his pride was hurt when she argued back, he isn't really used to people fighting back in that kind a way. 'Who does she think she is to snap back at me? I was the one tied to the chair while that burnt piece of leather had his hands on her' he thought to himself and growled getting up on an autopilot he walked up to Shinta's door. Right as he was about to knock he snapped out of it and turned away going to his room 'yea right, she won't want to talk to you after the way you acted. Smooth move' he thought to himself slamming his bedroom door shut before going off to bed.

Shinta on the other hand was not asleep she sat there on her bed holding her brothers shirt in her hands "this feels so strange. I should hate him for being a villain but I can't. He's my older brother, he was the only person in that hell that cared about me back then" she said to herself as tears began to fall from her cheeks onto the shirt below "if I tell dad he won't be happy, I mean I'm sure he already knows where I was at this point. But maybe I should finally tell him the truth…maybe I have to" she said softly and began kind of spacing out again like she had in class. Shinta didn't remember telling her father the truth that morning she was still too tired. 'Not this time, I need to get outside' she thought to herself and as quietly as she could snuck out of the dorm building. From there she went out front to lay in the grass. She didn't intend to go far, she just needed to be outside. Shinta smiled looking up at the stars in the sky before she began to fall asleep. As Shinta drifted deeper into her slumber she began to have another nightmare but this time it was different. It wasn't something that had already happened.


Its a few years down the road, Shinta had graduated from UA and was working at hawks agency. Thanks to Endeavor no other agency would hire her. It was getting late on a winters night she was walking home from a long day, her wings sore from the flying all day. She had lost touch with most of her classmates after they graduated, as she headed home she saw a familiar figure up ahead. "D-deku?" She called out the figure turned around sure enough it was him. She had told him senior year how she felt about him. After that things had gone south and he had gone off and joined the league, Shiggy had found out about her and threatened to kill her is dabi tried to see her again. So everyone had left her she was alone but seeing the man she had loved, who had broke her heart standing there in front of her she didn't care. Shinta ran to him and went to hug him only to be met with a punch to her gut from him. "No, you're a hero now Shinta it's over. We are over it was all just a game to me, all of it don't you see? I found it fun playing with the emotions of a broken girl" he said chuckling he was so cold compared to who he was before. "W-what happened to you?" She asked him with sorrow in her voice. "Heroes happened; and now I have vowed to rid the world of all heroes. Even You doll" he said to her using that name he had called her many times before and her eyes darkened knowing he wasn't there for a reunion but to kill her. Before she could even react it was over she felt a sharp pain and blood spill from her lip. "Your deku died before you got to confess. Too bad he didn't get to watch the life drain from your eyes" he chuckled and with that did one final blow ending her….


At the end of the nightmare Shinta shot up screaming her flames flared across the ground and went up the nearest tree. She took a few deep breaths calming down and looked around realizing the sun was up it was morning. "I slept out here all night?" She asked herself putting her flames out on the now smoldering tree out front the dorm building before she tried to sneak back into the building before anyone realized she was up and wasn't in her bed. That nightmare had really gotten to her some though, she had only had flashbacks or variations of them before but this…something felt so different about it. Shinta was able to get back in the building and made her way to the kitchen and when she turned the corner to walk in, still wearing the clothes from the day before she was caught. Bakugo looked up hearing someone enter the kitchen and saw Shinta realizing she was in the same clothes from the previous day and they had scorch marks on them, not just that but she looked guilty. "You didn't sleep in your bed did you?" He bluntly asked her as he slid her a cup of coffee the exact way she liked it.

Shinta watched him make the coffee as she entered the kitchen reluctantly and took a sip of it before answering his question 'omg this is too good' she thought as a smile crept across her face. "No, I couldn't sleep so I went outside. Thats all I was laying in the grass out front the building and fell asleep" she said to him and he walked around the counter and closer to her. He put his right hand down on the counter beside her and took his left brushing the hair from her face "you can't just sneak out anymore, the leader of that pathetic league noticed your feathers. He knows someone else was there" he said in a soft almost caring tone before he went right back to being his normal self slamming his right hand on the counter "So if your gonna do something like that come wake me up or something so your not out there alone!!" He yelled and stormed off a blush on his face, being around her got him riled up. Probably because of just how reckless they both were.

The words he said rang in her head as she stood there sipping her coffee after he left 'but what if he tries to hurt dabi because he hid me from him?' She thought to herself concerned but had to try to put those fears aside. "He wouldn't want you to worry for him. He would want you to follow your dreams" she told herself finishing her coffee before heading off to get a shower in the girls washroom. The morning went by smoothly and everyone went and did their own thing shinta was sitting in the common area with midoriya, shoto and the bakusquad watching tv. She knew Aizawa would be coming to get her at some point to go for questioning and it made her nervous. Not even thinking Shinta leaned into midoriya which practically forced one of his arms around her waist as they all sat there. Shoto noticed and sort of smiled he was happy to see she may have found someone that seems to accept her. Aizawa soon walks into the dorm building and they all look over "Come on shinta it's time to go" he said and she gulped nodding to him before getting up. Bakugo was too into the show to really pay too much mind to anything else going on around him. "I'll bring her back once we are done with the questions" Aizawa assured everyone before the two of them headed off to the main building. Shinta just kept quiet still trying to figure out how much she was going to tell the teachers about what had happened.

Meanwhile back with the league Dabi had been put on lockdown since he refused to give shigaraki any information himself and he had to make kurogiri get him the information. Kurogiri had found very little to almost no information on Shinta. The only information he could get was things that everyone knew from seeing her at the sports fest and from her work studies. Kurogiri returned that evening and handed shigaraki a very thin folder "this is all I was able to find. Her records seem have been destroyed at the hospitals" he explained and shigaraki sighed in frustration looking everything over. "This isn't much but it's something. Now I have a name and a face to this person he was hiding from us" he grinned as he began scratching as his neck aggressively thinking about what kind of strength she could have. "We need to bring her here, teach him a lesson for disobeying me and see why she is so important to him. Maybe we can use her to our advantage as well" He grinned looking over at kurogiri who sighed and nodded. They began to work up a plan on how they would pull this off assuming she is being heavily guarded being the fact that she is a UA student and a daughter of one of the staff members.

Aizawa and Shinta finally make it to the principals office seeing him, all might and Hawks as well waiting for them. "Hawks?" Aizawa questioned as Shinta sat in one of the open chairs "All might asked me to come since she is working part time at my agency. So to go over security detail and such for her. Sorry baby bird, you won't be doing any solo jobs for a bit" he said with a chuckle earning him a glare for the nickname, he really only ever used it when he needed to get a point across though. "Alright so let's just get to this. What happened before you were taken and what do you remember from after?" The principle asked her kindly. He was adorable he looked like a giant stuffed animal to her so she began to explain it to them.

"So Shoto and I were on a team like always. We realized something was wrong and Toga came running at us. We worked together to keep her busy for a bit. Then I kept her distracted and told shoto to meet up with Deku and Bakugo and help them. We all figured they were going for him after what happened at the sports fest. Toga had made a remark about Dabi wanting to keep me for himself before she had managed to cut me with her knives for the second time" she said and took a short break to let them take that part in from what had happened. "What do you mean for himself?" Aizawa said in almost a snapping tone all might rested his hand on his shoulder "my dear friend, I know you want to know but you can not lose your temper. Why don't you go take a walk and get some coffee" he said in an offering manner but more or an order kind of tone. Aizawa took a deep breath and sighed "Fine" he grumbled and headed out of the room. "Alright, do you know what Dabi meant by that statement by any chance?" The principle then asked Shinta and she shook her head no. "its alright, go ahead and keep going" hawks said and rubbed her back some. He cared about her but controlled his curiosity and frustration the best he could about what had happened.

"One of the blades was covered in some type of sleeping agent, by the time I got to the fight I went to go after the shadow guy. Before I could get close enough to even try to attack him I was hit by an attack. I don't really know who's but I think it was dabi. Moments later I blacked out from the poison that was on the blade. After that everything is kinda cloudy still. I woke up in a bedroom in clean clothes my wounds had been bandaged. I don't know how long it had been there. Dabi came in blindfolded me and took me out of the hideout. All he said is he had to get me out before Shigaraki saw me there" she said to them. She couldn't share with them any of the other details and she looked down "You did great. It seems for some reason Dabi is protective of you. It is something we have never seen from him, or well any villain really" All might said to her "But you're back here safe with us and at least for the next few weeks you won't be able to go anywhere alone. One of your classmates if going to have to go with you to your job at hawks agency and on campus the restrictions won't be as tight but you will have to follow strict curfew. You won't be able to just walk around by yourself at all hours anymore" the principle said and she nodded it only seemed fair.