Bird Brain Scheme

Hawks had a look on his face that meant he may be scheming something. When Shinta saw this she was curious but knew not to ask him about it here. Hawks was the kind of person if he didn't bring something up that is on his mind its either not the time to talk about it or he just doesn't want to. Over the years however Shinta had become rather attuned to hod expressions he makes during those times. "If that is all you guys I do believe Shinta's shift at my agency starts soon. So I will escort her there and back today he said gesturing to Shinta to head out the door knowing all too well she didn't really want to be there anyway. "No no that's everything. Thank you Hawks, we will be in touch" the principle said as hawks followed Shinta out of the office. "your scheming again aren't you?" she asked him. Hawks just gave her his signature grin "lets wait till we are back at the office to talk about that. What you say baby bird?" he said to her, 'There he goes using that name again' she thought to herself as they took flight off to his agencies building. "fine" she said and grinned and took off trying to race him back. They would do this every so often to help strengthen her wings and the amount of time she can stay in the air before her wings ignite.

Like always hawks won, he was a very fast flyer but at least she tried. "Your getting a bit faster but to beat me you still need to shave off about 30 seconds" hawks said jokingly earning him a glare from shinta. "Alright before we go in I need you to promise me that nothing from today onwards that happens here leaves here. You can not tell anyone anything about work from today on. I won't explain why that will come when we go to my office. Just please don't tell anyone" hawks said before taking Shinta into the building and they went right to his office. When they go in Shinta sees a few unfamiliar faces and gets a bit nervous, Hawks noticing it stepped in front of her for the moment "well if it isn't the Hero Public Safety Commission. What can we do for you today?" He said but more in a way to tell shinta who it was as well. Shinta then calmed down stepping next to Hawks "Yes, what can we get for you today?" Shinta said trying to be polite.

"We had seen the reports of the incident you were involved in a few days ago. We reached out to Hawks here to help us arrange to meet with you. We wanted to meet with both of you, we need you to do something for us" they said in a rather worrisome tone. Hawks now slightly regretted his decision to get her involved with this. "And what is that?" Shinta asked them point blank she didn't feel like beating around the bush. "We need both of you to join the LOV, get them to trust you find out there secrets and report back to us. That's the only way we will ever be able to catch these guys" they said and Shinta's face just went blank she knew how to hide her emotions, she just gave them the famous todoroki stare "and why do you think they are going to trust me? Im just a high schooler, I am taking my provisional hero license test tomorrow" Shinta said not even letting hawks get a word in, this caused him to chuckle it reminded him of an old friend. Thats when it clicked for him Dabi was touya and his face paled some but he shook it off "No problem we got it guys. I'll make sure everything goes smoothly" hawks said placing his hand over Shinta's mouth to signify for her to not say anything. "Very Good" they said before taking there leave shinta just stood there an angry look on her face waiting for his office door to close behind them. ~Click~ "Why did you just agree to that?! My dad is not going to allow it and you know it" she said to him and Hawks just pulled her in for a hug "yea, but Aizawa doesn't know that dabi is Touya does he?" Hawks asked her and she pushed away from him a look of fear in her eyes. "W-What? How did you know?" She asked him and hawks chuckled walking over to his desk. He sat down in his chair and after opening one of the locked drawers of his desk he pulled out a photo album. Shinta followed him wondering what pictures had to do with her question.

"You never fully got to meet me back then, so it makes sense that you wouldn't remember me from before the youth center. Back then I went by Keigo more, I was one of your brothers friends. He never let me go in his room to meet you he was always so protective of you back then" he said as he opened the album. It was pictures of him and Touya as kids and a couple of shoto when we was younger. Then he had one photo of her, it was from the day she got in trouble and where the burns on her neck came from. Shinta had snuck out onto the roof of the todoroki home, she was in one of her 'bird brain' moments you could say. Hawks had been flying back home and he saw her laying there on the roof in the sunset and snapped a picture. It was the only time he had ever seen her, back then she barely had any burns. When Shinta saw that last photo she looked away quickly letting her flash back ride out. "So were you the person I would sometimes talk to through touya's door? The person who would leave snacks for me by the door every time they came to do homework with my brother?" She asked him and he nodded. "You know that oddly makes a lot more sense now" she said playfully punching his arm "but in all seriousness though how do you expect us to pull this off?" She asked him and he grinned

"I have already been working on this task for some time now, I get told where to meet up and what to do I haven't been to the hideout yet. Shigaraki doesn't trust me yet" he said to her, "but I will tell you this when I was with one of them the other day I did over hear them say something. They said that Shigaraki has been planning on trying to come after you. We may be able to use that and turn the tables. Convince him that you would be a good double agent to help him get in closer with the other students. I won't be able to be with you at all times with him. He doesn't like a lot of people being around him for too long" hawks explained to her. "So you want to use me as a bargaining chip as well as using it as a way to get us both in?" She asked him and he nodded in agreement. "I don't think my brother is going to like this plan but orders are orders. I guess I should get back and get some rest for my test. I'll see you hopefully after school with my license" she said before running out the building and flying back to campus. Once she landed she sent hawks a message

S: Im back at the school safe and sound. Night Hawks

H: 🎉😘😴

"He is such a bird brain" she chuckled before entering her dorm building and flopping onto the couch not paying attention to if anyone was sitting there. She was tired, as she laid her head down the side of her face was met by a leg. She looked up quickly to see who she was laying on to see that it was Bakugo "your fine loser, just get some rest" he said in his normal nature but in a softer tone and she just laid her head down and closed her eyes some. Bakugo used this opportunity to rest his hand on her hip since she was curled up to him using his lap as her pillow. It was still a few hours till dinner and he was now content to spend the rest of that time just the way he was now. Shinta drifted off to sleep she felt his hand but was too tired to really care, she just needed a small nap. Midoriya walked in and saw Shinta sleeping with Bakugo's hand resting on her hip and he glared at his friend before going off to his room. A few hours later Shinta woke up her face was buried deep in Bakugo' stomach at this point so when she went to breath all she did was breath in his scent and she shot up "S-sorry" she said blushing some "You were fine. You needed sleep I didn't want to wake you back up once you were comfortable" he admitted "anyway, dinner is probably gonna be ready soon" he said quickly changing the subject before hurrying off to the dining room

Dinner and the rest of the night seemed to go smoothly everyone had gone off to do their own thing. Shinta went to her room and laid in her bed 'tomorrow is going to be a long day' she thought to herself before she began drifting to sleep. Hawks however that night messaged Dabi to have him meet up with him near his agency "What do you want bird brain" Dabi said coldly to him. Hawks said nothing at first just handed him the picture he had of Shinta from when they were kids. "I know you're the reason Shinta came back safe. First of all thank you, second we both know he wants the League to bring her in so we came up with an idea her and i" he said Dabi stared at the picture of his little sister "I'm listening" he said returning the photo to hawks "We get shigaraki to agree to let her be your inside man at the school" he told him "It's not a bad idea, but i don't know. He's kind of mad still i hid her from him the last time i had her there" he explained "we will just have to be extra careful then" he said him both men nodded and went their separate ways.