The Licensing Exam

The next day all of Class 1A as well as a few other classes from UA went off to the Takoba National Stadium. Once everyone was gathered in the room they soon realized how many others were taking the test as well. The counter on the wall read 1540/1540 students have arrived, before the orientation began. It was explained that due to recent events the licensing exam that used to have a 50% pass rate now only has a 10% pass rate. Many of the others in the room began to get nervous, Shinta however was not phased by any of this information. Not long after everyone received three targets, they were instructed to place on visible spots of the body. As well as a box with 6 balls in it. The instructors then explained that only the first 100 applicants to successfully take down two others by hitting all three of the targets on them will pass. A feeling of dread spreads through the room but for some reason shinta just smirked she was ready for this, she had a mission to follow through with.

Moments later all of the applicants were led out to a huge arena shoto grabbed Shinta and pulled her aside real quick "Just be careful, the other schools are all going to be targeting us first. They have seen our quirks from the sports fest, be on your guard" he said and she nodded smiling "Don't worry I got this" she said and messed up his hair some before walking out and getting ready for the fun to begin. Not long after all hell broke lose. A student named Inasa Yaorashi was the very first to place. Shinta went off on her own she felt she had to prove herself again. She knew Endeavor would be there with all the other heroes, she said to pass before her brother and show her father she is not as weak as he thinks she is.

Shinta while flying she had already gotten one person just needed one more to eliminate, she noticed a group of students from Another school ambush her brother and she grinned. "Sho, just watch yourself" she said grinning a wild grin toward Shoto. When he looked up seeing the look in her eyes he knew she was about to do something stupid but got prepared as he saw her summon her blue flames. The heat from above began to get the attention of the other students. Shoto used this to freeze them all to the ground only seconds before Shinta dive-bombed the students with a blast of her blue flames. She could hear them all screaming some and watched them all suffer for a moment before putting out her flames claiming her victory passing as the 56th person. She left two of the passed out students alone, Shoto took that as his victory as well making him the next student to pass at 57th. Aizawa smiled proud of her for making it through the preliminaries as he glanced over at endeavor who looked beyond pissed that she managed to upstage his son "that little bitch" he growled lowly under his breath Aizawa heard him but kept quiet he knew now was not the time "you do realize I am her guardian now correct. I raised her to be strong and independent and to always protect her friends" Aizawa said snapping at endeavor before heading to another part of the teachers lounge area. Endeavor just growled seething in his own anger.

By the end of it all all the students from call 1A made it through to the next phase of the exam and were given a few minutes to recover before moving on. Anyone who had injuries was also then checked out by the med staff that was on the sidelines. Once everyone was patched up they were lead to an area above to get some recovery time in as the arena was prepared for the second phase. Detonations went off making the entire arena look like a disaster site. It was explained that actors would be helping with the exam playing the victims in the simulation. This is to simulate helping victims in the aftermath of a villain attack. Points will all be determined on efficiency as well as how the hero acts with the victims and in the situation. Everyone listened and this is where Shinta got a bit nervous she wasn't great at talking to people. Shinta went over to Aizawa who was standing in the back of the room "I have to talk to people? You know that makes me nervous" she said pouting at her father some and he chuckled "you'll do fine. Stick with your teammate, you two work really well together" he said patting her on the head. Shinta nodded and went over to Shoto "lets stick together, Im not that great around people I don't know but when I'm around someone I know it makes it easier for me" she said smiling and he nodded.

Not long after the break had ended and everyone was to go down to the arena. Once everyone was in place a gun was shot off to signify them to start, all of the actors already in place. "Alright Shinta lets start up in the mountains over there. Everyone is going to want to focus on the city here. Those in the mountains may be of lower severity but they are still victims and need our help" he said and she smiled she was proud of him "Alright, Well hold on and don't squirm I can't keep my balance if you move around" shinta said grabbing her teammate before he could respond. He quickly grabbed onto her and they took off towards the mountain region. Just as she predicted everyone else was focusing in the city. A few others did however go off to the mountains as well Katsuki and his group were helping on the opposite side of shoto and Shinta to make sure they could all maximize proficiency. This got them all a few more points earned back from previous mistakes made.

Shinta and all the others up in the mountain area were able to make quick work in that area clearing it off and getting all of those there to the first aid area that had been set up. Not long after that a crash was heard and as the dust settled everyone saw Gang Orca and his men. They were supposed to be the villains in the scenario, just when they started to get the swing of things too. Shinta was started to get rather annoyed dealing with all of the actors so seeing they now had 'villains' to fight she grinned in delight. "Sho keep helping with defense here by the first aid base and protect the injured. Im gonna go have some fun" Shinta said pulling her goggles up meaning she was actually going to use flight in her attacks and took off, shoto now noticed how her speed had also increased in her flying. Shoto reluctantly said back but was able to help keep all of the injured safe and keep any of Orca's men from doing any harm to them. The proctors were impressed with how quickly he was able to multitask between his defense and offense abilities. Shinta managed to make her way through to Orca himself and began her fight. After a rough fight shinta was starting to lose it some but she had been pushing herself in this point and was prepared for it now. She grabbed a bottle of liquid from belt and poured it over her wings and grinned at Orca. "Game Over" she said and her wings ignited but she had control this time, The fire that was being emitted made her wing size triple. Her wings now towering over both of them the heat radiating off starting to cook everything in the surrounding area. The heat was starting to become too much as she was drying him out, shinta didn't stop though even though he waved the flag to get her to stop. Aizawa realized this and quickly ran down to the arena "Who wants fish sticks?" She asked orca chuckling a ball of her blue flames in her hand before it all just disappeared. Aizawa was standing there close to both of them his quirk activated to stop her, upon him stopping the fight shinta turned around revealing the fact that she had burnt through her shirt the jacket the only thing keeping her chest from being exposed thanks to hawks treating it to resist her flames. Aizawa quickly grabbed her and Orca's men came over to help him "Sorry about that, it seems her quirk must have recently leveled up but she doesn't have full control yet" he said to his fellow hero before carrying shinta off to the medics.

Shinta was taken to a hospital room she had caused a few more burns on her body, those area had previously been burnt and the skin was beginning to peel and crack. When she woke up she was in so much pain she screamed waking up the other person in the room. Her nurses heard her and came running into the room and quickly administered some pain medication to help her calm down. The doctor then came in after the Shinta had calmed down some. "Shinta Aizawa, I'm glad to see your awake. You caused a few very serious burns on your body, those burns unfortunately were over older burns you already had. This is causing your skin to start to crack and tear in those areas. We are going to need to sew those areas back up but we have to wait until the burns heal some" the doctor said coldly "You know him don't you? He asked you to be my doctor so he could make sure I suffer!" She shouted at him and he signaled the nurse to sedate her "whether that is true or not my dear girl, that is how your treatment must go" he said before walking out, she was right that doctor was paid of by her biological father to hold off on her treatment as long as they could to make her suffer.