The Recovery

Little did the doctor know but Shinta was not in a private room. Midoriya was on the other bed in the room on the other side of the cloth divider. Midoriya only heard part of what was said by the doctor at the very end of the incident due to the fact he himself just came to from overexertion as well. Deku wondered what the doctor meant from what he had heard so he carefully got up. He was more so just really sore now luckily and slid the cloth curtain back seeing Shinta sleeping in the hospital bed. Blood seeping through her bandages again. He could see piles of the bandages from her wounds and could smell the burnt flesh as he got closer. "Shinta, i'm so sorry. Please be alright" he said with tears welling up in his eyes. Midoriya pulled the chair up that was by her bed next to her and decided he would sit there instead. He was feeling fine and didn't want to leave her alone. A few hours went by before a nurse came to check on Shinta again, they were surprised to see Midoriya up and moving around. The Nurse came in and apologized for how long it took her to come change the bandages as she began to remove them. Shinta woke up as the nurse had midoriya help sit her up and shinta grabbed on tightly to her friends arm and he looked over at her "Your awake? How are you feeling?" He asked her but before she could answer he saw the tear in her skin along her back below her wings as the nurse had to clean it. Shinta's hold to his arm got tighter and she cried in pain as the nurse bandaged it back up administering her some soft pain meds before taking her leave. Shinta had released his arm but kept his hand and intertwined there fingers. "Thank you" she told him before she drifted off to sleep again deku just smiled at her and kissed her forehead 'why can't I just kiss her, and not just when she is sleeping' he thought to himself "I'll be back. I am going to go let everyone know what's going on" He said to his sleeping friend before taking his leave. He cared for her but the smell of her burning skin and the way her wounds looked he couldn't stand seeing her that way any longer. As Midoriya left the hospital he sent a text to his classmates

Group chat 1A 

Deku: Shinta woke up, she is in a lot of pain still. I think they are going to have to do surgery on her wounds....

Shoto: Its alright Midoriya she is gonna pull through we all know she will

Iida: Shoto is right we just need to stay strong and maybe in small groups we can all go visit her

Kachaan: Im going now. No-one else is coming with me you got that losers

Momo: we will get everyone together and figure out a good schedule thanks deku

Bakugo was just as he said on his way to the hospital 'Stupid girl, why did she have to push herself so far' he thought to himself as he entered the lobby of the hospital. Midoriya waited for him to get there he wanted to try to stand his ground and tell Kachaan he liked her. But when Bakugo came in the room and saw the girl who was asleep holding Midoriya's hand a few tears slipped from his eyes. 'It can wait' deku thought to himself and got up getting shinta to release his hand. She grumbled some at the movement before calming back down. "If the nurse come in just be ready for what you're going to see" Midoriya said to Bakugo with tear stains still on his cheeks as well. "Just go get some rest dumbass, i'll take it from here" he said and sat down in the chair where deku was just sitting. Once Midoriya was no longer in his sight he took shinta's hand in his. "I know you are gonna pull through this. But what were you thinking. That was reckless and dumb. Even I wouldn't have pulled something like that. You are badass though that's for sure" he said and kissed her hand before sitting there in silence with his sleeping friend. He tried his best to deal with the smell, luckily since he naturally produced flammable sweat he knew the smell well so he could handle it a bit better.

Meanwhile Aizawa filled in the other teachers and let hawks know. Hawks kept his composure until he got outside the building and took off flying as fast as he could to the hospital. By this point it had been a few hours the sun was starting to set Bakugo was heading back to the school knowing curfew would be in affect soon. Hawks saw the explosive boy exit the hospital moments before he landed, luckily he was able to slip in and up to Shinta's room with out attracting any attention. When he walked in the room his face paled, he happened to be coming in as the nurses were changing her bandages again she was slumped forward while they cleaned the one on her back, the pain was just too much for her. Hawks seethed in pain for her which got the nurses attention as they finished her bandages "she should be able to have visitors for another hour or two before her pain meds make her fall asleep" the nurse said before both the nurses left. Shinta looked over at him slowly, she hadn't felt this kind of pain since the night her father threw her out. "K-keigo I want my brother" she mutters out in pain tears falling from her eyes and he looked down "I understand but you know as well as I do he can't come in here. He would be swarmed even trying to enter the building" he explained and she nodded "the doctor was paid off to make me suffer, he was paid to wait till my skin finishes cracking and tearing before trying to do anything" she said and started crying. This causing her more pain but she didn't care at that point "Ill deal with that then. You're going to have a different doctor in the morning. Even if I have to take you back to my place and have a doctor take care of you there you will be better in no time. I promise you that baby bird" he said trying to hold back his own tears. "I do need to go meet up with you know who, i'll catch up with you later" he said to her and she nodded trying to smile but couldn't. Not long after her pain overtook her and she fell asleep for the night.

Hawks after leaving the hospital called Dabi...


"What do you want Bird brain?!" Dabi snapped upon picking up the phone

"Hehe....Shinta is gonna have to sit out for a bit before we bring her on board" he said to him gulping softly, he knew just how protective Dabi could be of his sister. Which is why Hawks was getting everything taken care of where Shinta would get transferred back to Hawks penthouse and finish her treatment there.

"EXCUSE ME!!!" Dabi shouted from the other end of the phone making hawks almost drop his phone

"She passed her provisional hero licensing exam but got a bit banged up that's all. Just come by my place tomorrow night around 10" Hawks said and hung up so Dabi couldn't pry for anymore information.

"That asshole! He thinks he can just drop that bomb on me then hang up on me?! Oh bird brain you bet your ass I'll be there" he said to himself before finishing out his nightly tasks. Hawks once arriving home was already greeted by the doctor he was going to have take care of shinta. The staff got Hawks guest room turned into a deluxe hospital suite fit for royalty "alright, We will go pick up the patient from the hospital and bring her back here" the doctor told him as he and his staff left to go get shinta from the hospital. The transfer seemed to go smoothly thanks to the doctor giving her just a little extra dose of pain meds to help keep her asleep during the drive. Once they got back they got Shinta set up in the room hooked up to machines just like before, the doctor had looked over her file and her wounds on the way over and pulled hawks out of the room to talk while his head nurse staid with Shinta

"Her wounds are severe that's for sure, but that doctor was full of it for trying to say he needed to wait. He was just trying to make her suffer, they could have already stitched up the wounds. The transfer took quite a bit out of her so we were gonna let her sleep for the night. In the morning I will get her stitched up so she can start her recovery" the doctor explained to him "thanks doc" Hawks said with a sigh of relief. "Well Good night sir" the doctor said before going back to the patients room. Hawks then went off to his bedroom as well. He flopped on his bed after getting himself comfortable in just his boxers and yawned. "What a day" he muttered grabbing his blanket and falling asleep moments later.

The rest of the night went smoothly until Shinta woke up in the morning from a mini night terror and she flinched in pain. The nurse who was currently on rotation noticed she was awake and went to inform the doctor while the head nurse came into the room and explained that they were going to do the surgery to stitch up all her wounds and she was in good hands. Shinta just went with it noticing the decor she knew exactly where she was. She had slept in this exact room many times before. The doctor came in not long after and they put Shinta under getting to work. After a few hours of cleaning, disinfecting and sticking up all of the cracks and tears in her skin they bandaged up the wounds with a soft gauze and laid her back down comfortably so rest and recover. She was still out from the anesthesia anyway. The doctor informed Hawks of the news by phone before continuing to take care of the patient he was being paid handsomely to take care of.

That afternoon Hawks stopped by UA and went by class 1A "hey sorry to interrupt but I wanted to let everyone know I had Shinta moved from the hospital. Apparently the doctor had been paid off to hold off on her treatment. But she is at my place with a round the clock medical staff taking care of her, the doctor informed me a little bit ago that she is out of her surgery and is now resting. So if anyone wants to see her you have to first clear it with her dad here" Hawks said smiling at everyone even though part of the information he gave them was bad news. Aizawa was shocked at hawks kindness and smiled patting his shoulder "Thank you, I owe ya one" he said to him where just the two could hear. Hawks gave him a gentle nod in return "Alright I think I have over staid my welcome, time to fly" Hawks said before leaving the classroom with out another word. "After school a few select students can go see her. You will all go together, just be mindful that she may still be in a lot of pain" Aizawa said to them as he scanned over his students in the classroom trying to decide who he would let go see her today. Then he wrote down the 3 names of the students he would let go today. "Now here is where we will make things interesting. The three people I have picked can give up there spot and pick another student if they so choose" he explained Bakugo had already by this point threatened some of his classmates if they were picked to give it to him. "Iida, Bakugo and Shoto" Aizawa said and the boys looked at each other and Iida stood up "Sir it be an honor to go see her, but I believe Midoriya should go before I do" he told his teacher who sighed like he always does "Fine, So after school Shoto, Bakugo and Midoriya you three meet Hawks at his agency after school and he will take you to go see Shinta" he explained. The class was all happy with their teachers choice, yea they all want to see their friend but its only fair certain people get to see her before others. Those people being the ones she is closest too.