Recovery Part 2

After that the class went off to gym, Aizawa used this time to go see shinta himself so he could have some time with his daughter. He did however grab Shinso filling him in on what had been going on. Shinso was not very happy with being kept in the dark for so long but went with his dad to go see his sister. He was worried, he had never heard of her needing surgery before from her quirk it scared him. Aizawa hurried off to Hawks place and was let up to go see Shinta. Shinta was currently awake and eating some soup. One of the nurses sitting in the corner of the room with her when Aizawa walked in her brother behind him. Both of their breaths hitched when they saw all her bandages but shook off the look of worry. "Hey kiddo, how you feeling?" Aizawa said in his joking tone coming over to sit in the guest chair by her bed. "Dad? Shinso?" She asked tears practically falling from her eyes.

Shinso grabbed another chair sitting beside Aizawa "I thought I told you not to go beating yourself up again?" Shinso said jokingly causing his sister to shoot him a glare. "Yea its me" he said chuckling some "It hurts, but thanks to hawks and the doctor he has helping me I'm getting better. The doctor said after some time the skin may reseal but ill have to keep stitches for awhile" she explained looking down, she didn't even know if she passed the exam. "We are glad you're ok sis, you really had us all really worried" Shinso said to her and she smiled at her brother "Thanks for coming to see me bro" she said softly before looking back to her father who was waiting patiently for his turn to speak again. "Thats alright, I know you'll make it work in your favor. Seeing as you passed. The school is going to send your provisional license here since you are recovering here" he said happily and she smiled "I passed?" She said smiling a bit more. Shinso couldn't be happier for his little sister, just like their father he was so proud to see the young woman his sister is becoming from what she had dealt with in the past. "You sure did kiddo, after school a few of your classmates are going to come visit you for a bit. I want you to get some rest till then. I look forward to seeing you better back in class soon" Aizawa said before kissing his daughters forehead taking his leave. "Take care sis, we need to do a movie night once you're better" Shinso said before following Aizawa out of the room heading back to UA. Shinta finished her soup before she got comfortable for another nap before seeing some of her friends.

A few hours later a knock was heard on the door the nurse opened the door. Shinta looked over not sure who to expect from her class. As the door opened she saw the three boys that had grown close to her and she smiled "Hey guys" she said softly still pretty weak but better than before. "Hey, nice to see ya again dumbass" Bakugo said before taking a seat in one of the three chairs by her bedside. Midoriya was quick enough to get the seat closest to his crush as he gave her a soft smile before the others could see. "Glad you're feeling better" Deku said to her as he sat down. Shoto came over and smiled which shocked the other two boys in the room "Im glad you're alright, I've missed our late night chats" he said a small blush on his face admitting something so personal in front of the others. Deku just blushed as well his mind getting the wrong impression for a moment and bakugo just growled "tch, you're both so pathetic" he said. The bicker between the boys caused shinta to laugh some before she then cringed in pain some. "I'm fine, it was just from the laughter. I needed it though. So tell me did you guys pass?" She asked and kachaan looked off glaring some at nothing and shoto looked down hesitantly "I did, but these too both have to take a remedial course and are going to get an opportunity to retest at a later date" Deku said and she chuckled some "I'm sure you guys will do just fine" she said smiling. The four friends spent a good few hours before an alarm went off to signify it was time for them to get back to the school for curfew. "Thanks for hanging out with me for so long. It's been a bit lonely" she said with a soft smile at her three friends. Shoto gave her hand a soft squeeze before he headed to the door, Bakugo softly gave her a play punch to the shoulder and headed over as well. Deku stood up and held her hand "I hope you come back soon" he said kissing her hand softly with a smile a blush plastered on his face. "Night Deku, I'll see you again before you know it" she said a small blush on her face as well. Midoriya then took his leave with their fellow classmates.

The doctor then had come in to check on her wounds, when they removed the bandages much to his surprise her wounds seemed to be taking extremely well to the stitches and they could now let them breath with out the bandages. "Its going to sting some since the skin is still very raw but you are healing very well. I would honestly saw with rest and another day of the medications and you'll be able to return to school" the doctor said and Shinta's face lit up. "Thats great. Thank you doctor" she said and sat back after the stitches on her back were cleaned. "Tomorrow you should be alright to get a small shower. Keep the water to a minimum on the stitches the best you can though" he explained before taking his leave to let her rest. Hawks was still doing work at his agency keeping an eye on the clock 'two more hours till I meet up with him at my place. I really hope she is doing better than this morning. I hired the best doctor in Japan to take care of her. He is known for his quick recovery times with minimal scaring' he thought to himself. It was like he was trying to calm himself down as well. The next two hours passed shinta was watching tv from her hospital bed, she could actually tell her wounds were getting better when she didn't need the pain medications as much. Hawks kept himself buried in paperwork until it was time for him to head home.

Once Hawks landed he saw Dabi emerge from the dark alley next to his building. Hawks did a quick glance around to make sure no-one was around before he lead dabi into the building and up to her penthouse. "Please just stay calm, she may be really out of it still. They had to stitch up some of her wounds" Hawks explained to the man standing next to him as he heard him growl softly before shrugging "fine bird brain" he said as coldly as normal. The two arrived not long after at Hawks penthouse and he led him in and to the guest room "She is in there, ill let you have a moment with her" Hawks said knowing full well he didn't have a choice to let him or not as he walked off to go get something to eat. Dabi took a deep breath thinking of all the worst possible things that could have happened before he knocked on the door "Yea?" Shinta called out in a confused tone looking over to the door as it opened.

Shinta's eyes lit up when she saw him "Tou-Dabi how did you get here?" She asked him trying to contain her excitement waiting for her big brother to come sit with her. "Lets just say a little birdie told me. What happened to you?" He asked concerned as he got closer seeing the stitches that were on her legs, one across her chest and a large one that snaked across her back. Dabi sat on the edge of her bed as she made enough room for him to sit there happily. "Oh yea…I forgot he told me about how he knew you back then too. I well you see" she said looking down kind of embarrassed at herself for her injuries as well "You see what? Come on tell me baby flame" he said and she melted when he called her that loving nickname "I was helping fight the 'villains' in the exam I took on the head guy. I got stronger and found a way to control the fire wings using a liquid substance I can make them grow in size. Well I was getting weak and started to lose it some and may have almost roasted a pro hero before my da-Aizawa stopped the fight" she said looking down some. Hearing how it all happened dabi just started to laugh some "you really are a chip off the old block with your temper" he said jokingly and she punched his arm in response. "I learned it all from you" she said grinning and he just smiled for a moment before his expression went back to his normal blank one.

"Look this isn't just a visit of pleasure sadly. Hawks told me about this idea you both have to pitch you as a spy for him on the students of UA?" He asked trying to hide his concern since he was talking business "Oh…um yea. That was the best solution we could see so that I would still be able to safely see you" she said to him and placed her hand on her brothers. He looked up at her with that loving look in his blue eyes "Crusty is still a bit pissed off about me sneaking you in and out the last time. I just want you to be safe. Oh and to the league they don't know you're my sister so there just play along" he said with a grin. Shinta gulped some she knew that look all to well on his face but nodded. She knew he must have been planning something too 'What did he tell them I am to him?' She thought to herself before yawning she was starting to get tired. The siblings had been talking now for over two hours. "Alright get some rest Shinta, I mean it. I'll see you when your mission starts" he said and kissed his little sisters forehead before he left the room. Shinta was too tired to respond and mumbled and closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead drifting off to sleep.

In the Morning Shinta woke up when the doctor came in to tend to her stitches again "Well great news, you can return to your classes starting tomorrow" the doctor told her after the check up and she smiled happily "Thats great. Thank you so much" She said happily. Hawks was standing by the door with a small piece of plastic in his hand grinning from ear to ear "To add to the good news your license came this morning as well" he said walking over and handed it to Shinta. Once shinta had it in her hands she just smiled she couldn't believe it. She made it she was going to be a REAL hero. "Alright get some rest. I'll take you back to the dorms today right before last class gets lets out so that you can surprise everyone" Hawks explained before going back out to the rest of his home. Shinta couldn't believe that in three days she was practically as good as new just had some stitches. The doctor and his staff began to clean up there equipment as well seeing that there job was done. Shinta finally got to get a shower and went off to the shower in the guest room. For some reason a certain black and green haired boy came to mind as the hot water ran over her body and she blushed at her thoughts. "He may not even feel the same" she muttered to herself as she finished up her shower doing as the doctor had said being mindful of all of her stitches. The skin was still a bit sensitive to the touch but nowhere near the way it did the first day.

Back at UA all of the students were starting to get ready for the final exams. It was almost the end of the first year at this point for them at school. Shinta knew she had missed a few days and really hoped it wouldn't effect her grades too much. Shoto had been taking notes where he could for shinta as did Midoriya. The whole class would try to talk about her and all hope she was ok but would get yelled at almost immediately by Aizawa. The day proceeded and Hawks true to his word had snuck Shinta back onto campus and to the dorm building. "Alright Baby Bird stay out of trouble. Saturday we start" he said with a serious tone and shinta knew exactly what he meant, the mission to get the LOV to trust her. So she would also be able to see her brother easier.

Shinta put away all of the stuff Hawks sent her home with, he always spoiled her when she staid at his place. She had 5 bags of new clothes and two bags of decorations for her room. She quickly got to work and got everything situated before going out to the kitchen in her dorm. She knew the best way to get everyones attention at once…cookies. Shinta quickly got to work she only had about 40 minutes until everyone would return to the dorm building. Those 40 minutes came and went quickly the entire dorm building smelled like the homemade cookies she had made. The door soon opened and she could hear her classmates all falling over each other to investigate the smell. Bakugo managed to be the first one in the kitchen by shoving his way through everyone, not long after everyone else was crowded behind him in the door frame as they all stood there in disbelief to see shinta standing there before them.