Secrets revealed

"Hey everyone" She said smiling and bakugo did the unexpected, he came over and hugged the winged girl causing her to freak out some pushing off of him. "The hell? Since when do you hug?" She asked him surprised before being bombarded with more friendly hugs from her classmates. "Im just glad your back" he said a slight tinge of pink on his cheeks as he grabbed a cookie and moved along as everyone came in to say hi and grab a cookie as well. Finally Shoto walked in and saw her, a few tears fell from his eyes he couldn't believe she was back already. He went up to her and hugged her tight not caring about everyone else in the room watching them. Shinta hugged back, he was her brother she didn't care she was happy he cared about her even if he didn't know the truth yet. He wrapped his left arm around her neck pulling her in close to be mindful of all of her scars. "Gomenasai, I didn't mean to make you worry about me sho…" she said softly to him and he blushed some. Everyone else just kind of felt awkward for a moment before deku entered the room his eyes lit up like a kids on Christmas morning when he saw her. Shoto quickly out of his way to he could hug her as well. Shinta smiled and opened her arms and deku ran to her it was adorable like a scene in a romance book. Bakugo however was not so happy about the little display "get a room losers" he said and stormed off, it was now obvious to him who Shinta liked. Didn't mean he wouldn't still try though, he would just have to be creative. Everyone who was still in the kitchen in unison "AWWWWWEEEEE" they all said making Shinta and Deku both blush as red as tomatoes and turn away from each other. Shoto just chuckled as everyone went about there business, they all wanted to spend time with her but knew to be patient.

"Shoto, can…can we talk?" She asked him softly after everyone else had left the kitchen. Shoto got a bit nervous hearing those words. That was always a scary combination of words to hear for someone. "Yea what's up?" He asked and Shinta grabbed his hand leading him back to her room. When they entered Shoto was shocked at there new decor "It looks nice" he said softly as he sat down on shinta's bed facing her. Both of them at opposite sides of the bed. Shinta seemed nervous and picked at her fingers some "well umm" she said and got up going to her desk "it may be easier if I just show you. This will explain everything to you, why your father looks at me with disgust as well" she said handing Shoto a file that had her name on it but it was different it was a medical file that said Todoroki, Shinta. Shoto's face paled when he saw the name and looked up in disbelief before opening the file. The very first thing was her birth certificate with her mothers name and Enji Todoroki. Shoto froze for a moment "he never wanted us to meet. I was nothing to him but a weapon. Once he thought I was too weak he got rid of me seeing as I was just an orphan anyway" she said softly. Shoto continued to flip through seeing the hospital records from when she was in the hospital at age 7 "that's the same day…" he said and went silent "the same day touya disappeared. I was in the room with him the burns on my arms are from his quirk, when I tried to help calm him down" she explained. "Not long after I was thrown away and disowned" she said looking away. Now he knew her secret and it made her nervous of what he would do now.

The silence in the room started to scared Shinta and she began rocking back and forth some. Shoto wasn't trying to be so silent. He was just in shock from the news "p-please sho…say something" she said in a scared tone. That's when it all hit him, the few memories he had of her from when he was young. The tone in her voice now the only tone he ever heard from her when they were kids. "H-he-he told me you were dead. That you died that night with touya" he said anger in his eyes but also sadness. Shinta wanted to reach out and hold her brother but was so afraid to at the same time, the anger in his eyes reminded her of there father. "I'm so sorry. You should have never had to go through any of this. I know I can never make up for our father but I would love if you come and meet the others over the weekend" he said with a small smile as he rubbed the back of his head. Shinta just smiled happily and hugged him "So now that you know can I start calling you bro? I mean since I am your big sister and all"she asked him in a joking manner leaning on him some. The comment caused him to chuckle which brought straight joy to Shinta "sure as long as I can call you my big sis" he said hugging her back. "I would love nothing more Sho" she said happily. "Hey it's getting late, you should probably head to bed" Shinta said to her younger brother who was already half asleep in her hold. "You know what you're already falling asleep why don't you just lay down. Thanks to hawks I got an upgraded bed anyway" Shinta offered and he smiled. It was almost like they were young kids having there first sleep over together after finally meeting.

After getting permission to get as comfortable as he needed for bed Shoto was down in his boxers climbing into bed quickly getting under the blanket scooting in to the side of the bed closer to the wall. That upgrade shinta was talking about was the fact that now instead of a twin size bed like everyone else she had a queen size compliments of hawks. He never explained his gifts and never let her give him anything in return so she had just learn to accept them at this point. Shinta came back out from behind a divider she had by her closet in some new pajamas she got. It was a tank top with the sun and moon on it with cute little black shorts to match. "Alright you comfortable?" She asked him before turning out the light. Once she saw him nod she hit her bedroom light switch using a small bit of her flame to help guide her to her bed. Shinta put it out once she reached her bed "Night baby bro" she said with a small smile "Night sis" he said. They were both facing each other as they fell asleep. Not long after they both had fallen asleep taking each others hands in the process and for once both of them slept soundly with out a single nightmare. It was the first time in a long time for both of them.

In the morning Shoto woke up before Shinta had and just smiled at his sister. "I'm glad to have finally found you. To finally be able to see a smile on your face not just tears" he said softly toward his sleeping sister. He used that moment to fix his sisters hair from in front of her eyes "I hope to never see you suffer again" he said softly before slipping out of the bed. He quickly got dressed as he heard shinta move in the bed behind him. Right as he finished putting his pants on he heard a squeak from Shinta stretching that made him chuckle at its cuteness. Shinta hearing that threw a pillow playfully "don't laugh at me" she said chuckling "anyway you should hurry and get over to your room before the others catch you in here this early" Shinta said and that realization hit him as well and he threw his shirt on not buttoning it and quickly snuck out of her room.

Shoto was almost in the clear until Iida came out of his room as Shoto was in the process of letting go of Shinta's door knob, grabbing his own. He was behind Shoto so he hadn't seen his exposed chest yet. "Mind telling me why you're sneaking out of another classmates room?" He asked Shoto who jumped turning around. When iida saw his shirt was open he got a bit flustered getting the wrong impression "Shoto, you should be focusing on your studies not extracurricular activities" he said in a stern yet caring tone. Shoto blushed some any boy would being accused of such things. "Iida I assure you, you got it all wrong. We got talking and I wound up falling asleep while she was telling me a story about something. Shinta just didn't want to bother me. I swear, trust me she is more like a sister to me" he said to him "If you say so. Well move along don't want to be late for class" Iida said before walking past going off to eat before class. Shoto let out a sigh quickly getting into his room before anyone else saw him.

Shinta was getting ready for school, she was one of the few students who still had an old alarm clock. Aizawa hadn't gotten her a phone yet. As she grabbed her book bag a box toppled out the top. "This is hopefully the last of Hawks surprise gifts" shinta said as she opened the gift box. Inside was a brand new phone, already set up and in a case with blue flames on it. Shinta smiled "that bird brain" she said chuckling as she looked ay her lock screen. "Of course he would" She said, Her lock screen being a picture of him. When she unlocked it however it was a really nice photo he was able to get of her during the licensing exam when she was against orca. Her massive blue flame wings glowing and she just smiled and locked the phone putting it in her bag before heading off to class. Shinta wound up being one of the last students in right as the bell rang. Aizawa gave her a displeased expression "Try not to let this become consistent" he told her as she took her seat. Shinta was still having a little bit pain here and there from the stitches.

Half of the class went out to the schools training fields and did one on one fights while the other half spent time in the class room with the books. Those inside were the ones with the lower grades and Shinta since she had missed some school. Most of the day was spent the same way. For the last period of the day the student inside went out to the training fields while the other come inside and study. Aizawa was outside with his student who would be sparing. "Alright Bakugo you are going to go against Shoto. Shinta I want you to go against Kirishima" he said, he had kirishima do extra study time to help him work on those few things he scored low on. The fights began on the two separate sparring field Aizawa watching from between them. He knew that the fights would be a bit more challenging on all the students due to the quirks they were against. Shoto had started to be able to control both of his side at once now so going against the explosive teen. Kirishima having a hardening quirk would be a good test for him against high heat flames, and help shinta learn to control the temperature a bit more to get through different types of durability.