Romance with a side of Salt

Kirishima looked at shinta before their fight started "if it gets too much just tell me" he said still concerned for her to be fighting. He could see some of her stitches so he wanted to try to not hit those areas "Don't baby me Kiri, I'll be fine the doc cleared me to resume normal activities" she said tossing a small ball of her fire at her friend. He quickly used his quirk so the attack wouldn't burn him, but it still managed to crack through the layer he had made thinking it would be enough. 'Damn those are hot! They feel hotter than that villains did' he though to himself "Alright then, let's do this" he said all fired up now grinning. Shinta smiled then she didn't want anyone to take pity on her, she still felt she had something to prove. Shinta took flight to a low hover and tossed another ball of fire at him. Kirishima grinned dodging her attack and came rushing at her. Shinta wanted to work on some of her defensive moves and waited until he was with in range and spun quickly her wings sparking a ring of fire that raged around her stopping him in his tracks. Shinta put the flames out seeing kirishima there cracks in his hardened skin "New trick there, nice" he said and charged at her again. Shinta just grinned hovering just out of his reach, if he jumped he may be able to grab her ankle. He began chasing her around and before he knew it she had led him in circles until he was a bit dizzy. By this point Shinta was starting to get a bit tired. She was trying not to use her flames at all offensively. The other fight had already ended and everyone was watching.

"What is she doing? Her quirks are offense why is she trying to go defense. Specially against Kirishima" Shoto said softly Aizawa picked up on the concern "She asked for this, she wants to work on her defense and how to control her flames better, how to control the heat" he explained before the two still fighting both just collapse breathing heavily. Neither of them wanting to give up "Thats enough we will call it a draw"Aizawa said and they both dropped there head "yes sir" they said in unison. "Alright you four your done for the day you can go meet up with the others back at the dorms. Shinta your work studies with Hawks will resume tomorrow" he explained taking his leave. The boys didn't even know she was doing a work study and she chuckled some "your doing a work study? How long have you been doing that?" Shoto asked her as they all headed back to the dorm building. "Well…since hawks has known me since I was kid he helped my dad train me some. So Hawks said that when I make it into UA he would let me get a part time job at his agency" she said acting like it was no big deal. Kirishima and Shoto both seemed a bit jealous. Bakugo looked a bit annoyed "Tch, show off" he said as they all entered the dorm building.

"I'm gonna go look over my notes in my room" shinta said to them and headed past everyone in the common area. She was a bit nervous for tomorrow, the mission would be starting after school. "Am I really ready for this?" She asked herself and heard her phone go off. Shinta grabbed the phone answering it "hey hawks. Whats up?" She asked him hoping no-one would come by her room and hear her on the phone, no-one knows she has it yet. "Aizawa told me he is letting you start back up tomorrow. Im sure your nervous, but you are gonna do great. Your brother and I will both be right there" he said in a reassuring tone. "Thanks, yea I'm a bit nervous. Where do you want to meet up after school?" She asked him. "We can meet at the agency, that no-one thinks something is up" he said and she nodded in agreement "yea, very true. I'll see you tomorrow then after school" shinta said taking that moment to end the call. As she takes a moment to sigh out in relief she hears a knock at her door "yea?" She called out turning the desk chair around as her guest entered the room "hey shinta. I just wanted to come see how you were doing. Oh wow I like the changes you made in here it looks nice" Midoriya said as he came in. Shinta smiled some seeing that he was her guest "Y-yea hawks likes to spoil me when ever I stay at his place since he has known me so long" she said getting up and moving over to her bed patting the spot next to her.

Midoriya took that as his invitation and sat down beside her blushing softly. "Deku, you don't have to be nervous. I like you too" she said putting her hand on his and he just smiled. They sat there in silence for a moment just smiling at each other. Deku took a deep breath scooting closer to shinta and smiled at her. He was now sitting right in-front of her, her legs between his "Shinta, I think you're beautiful" he said with a blush before leaning in and kissing her gently on the lips. The entire thing caught shinta off guard from the moment he called her beautiful. When she felt his soft lips gently pressed to hers after a moment of shock she kissed him back. Not long after they both released from their first real kiss blushing at each other "Would you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" He then asked her looking down nervous of her answer. Shinta cupped Deku's cheek in her hand to have him look at her "Of course, id love to be able to call you my boyfriend" she giggled. "Oh I will say this though remember I'm doing a work study with hawks so if I'm gone for a few days at any point I'm ok. Please remind my brother of that too" she said to Midoriya "Of course, anything for you. I meant what I said though, I know you act like you are ok with them but I know you aren't. You are just like Shoto and don't like to talk about it. But I think you burns make you who you are. The past has helped you get to this point where you are now. Here with me" he said gently and she blushed not sure what to say and looked down some. Shinta had never really been complimented in such a loving way before so she didn't know how to react.

"Y-your too kind Deku. I don't know what to say honestly, I've never had someone say such nice things about me in that way" she said softly and Midoriya remember back to her telling him how she was thrown away from the todoroki name at a young age and dealt with a lot of pain back then. "I will always be here for you. I will help you see how beautiful you really are" he said before giving her another soft kiss in the lips. "I should probably head off to my room before we get caught" he said and she playfully pushed him "yea, it's probably a good idea. Thank you for everything. I mean it Deku, I'm glad to call you my boyfriend" she said and kissed him again lovingly before letting him leave her room for the night. Shinta went over to her bed a huge smile on her face before she decided to drift off to sleep they had one more day of school before the weekend. It seemed Hawks was trying to plan around her not having to miss a lot of school if they can help it during the mission. They were going to have to work fast with the end of the first year fast approaching. So much had happened this year she got into her dream high school, got to be reunited with not one but two of her siblings. Endeavor had stepped back into her life and not in a good way and now she has a boyfriend.

In the morning Shinta's alarm went off and she got up smiling when she remembers the events that happened the night before. Moments after she hurried down it was her turn to help make breakfast today. The girls all worked together making pancakes for everyone to enjoy before going off to class. Shinta had made her plate and one for Midoriya as well knowing he was going to one of the last to come down for breakfast. Soon after midoriya came down with some bedhead rubbing his eyes, shinta looked over at him smiling at how cute he looked. The girls all took notice as did a good chunk of the rest of the class at the way she looked at him. "Deku, I already made you a plate" she said and all the girls "AWWWWEEEE" in unison causing both of them to blush as he comes and sits down. 'Wow, she plated them exactly how I always do' he thought to himself before digging in happily to his food "So tell us are you guys like a thing now?" Shoto asked as he came in the room, he hadn't even seen the display but it was like he knew. "How did y-? How?" She asked him stuttering as she blushed 'Thanks bro, how did you find out already?' She thought to herself a blushing mess and Midoriya cleared his throat as to get everyones attention who was listening "Yea, I asked her out last night" he said blushing as well before taking Shinta's hand in his smiling. "Congrats, I'm happy for you" he said to her smiling.

After breakfast and everyone gushing over the new couple everyone headed off to class. Bakugo seemed quieter than normal Midoriya could tell, I mean they are best friends after all. "Hey kachaan wait up" midoriya said knowing he wouldn't and he ran after his friend to catch up "What do you want nerd?" He asked growling some at his friend "Whats bothering you? You seem really upset this morning" He asked him "You really want to know? You stole her out from under me!" He shouted, luckily most of the other students were already in the classroom. Midoriya then realized what he meant "I can't help that kachaan. Im sorry but I won't give up her happiness for you" he said before walking into the classroom. Bakugo was taken back some by his words 'Damn nerds becoming a man' he thought to himself before heading into the classroom as well his expression had calmed down some. When he went back to his seat near Shinta he stopped for a moment "I'm happy for you dumbass" he muttered to her before sitting at his desk for once being the bigger person not causing trouble for them….no for her. He wants her happy as well even if that meant she wasn't his

The day went on like all the others, study and training. However Aizawa let her leave early instead of the training since she had her work study. Shinta hurried off to the dorms to change into her hero gear, upon arriving in her bedroom she saw a small gift bag on her desk and was confused by it. Shinta went and opened the bag to find a small black box, she didn't see a name on the gift so she just continued opening it to find a small vial that looked almost like it contained her quirk as well as Shoto's encase in resin and she smiled it was the perfect size to put in that little pouch shinso has sewn into her scarf so that's where she placed it before heading off to Hawks agency a bit early to surprise him, plus she was excited to see Touya again.