Proper Introductions...?

Hawks was in a bit of a frantic moment getting a bunch of paperwork done. He never thought there was going to be this much paperwork to have a high schooler go undercover. "Hey bird brain" shinta said chuckling watching hawks run around his office. Hawks halted hearing her voice "You're early?" He said looking at her before going back to finish the paperwork "Yea…dad let me off early since I have work studies today and last period is sparing" she explained and he nodded taking a seat at his desk. Hawks eyes darted over to the other chair by the desk to tell her to sit down and she then sat in the seat waiting patiently for him to finish up his work. After a few more moments of silence the one sounds being heard was the scribbling of a pen on paper. "And done. Ok, sorry about that I had to fill out a punch of paper work before we could head out for the day. We are going to meet up with Dabi and Toga. Shigaraki still isn't trusting dabi very much right now. Be on your guard at all times. You know the two of us won't let anything happen to you if we can help it. But were not always gonna be there" he said to her softly. Shinta smiled "I understand. I've gotten stronger don't worry I'll be alright" she said chuckling some.

"Lets go then" Hawks said leading her out of the building before they took flight heading to the outskirts of the city. He was still a bit nervous about all of this but knew they wouldn't be able to go back now. Soon enough they arrived at the location he was given and they both landed. Shinta was a bit tired it was a long flight for her still to go that distance but at least her wings didn't spark this time. Quickly catching her breath Shinta looked around and noticed two figured walking towards them. It was dabi and toga, it took every ounce of will power she had to not run into her brothers arms. Hawks noticed the look in Shinta's eyes when she saw Dabi but was very impressed that she managed to not ruin anything. Shinta also remembered back to when she got to see her brother while she was healing, they think she is something else to him so she should behave accordingly to keep the facade going.

"I see you brought my pet back to me. Good now she can meet the boss" Dabi said as he walked over to the two of them toga watching his movements per their bosses orders. Dabi walked up to his sister a small look of joy in his eyes to see her doing well after her wounds. They both had a moment looking into each others eyes before she heard a small click and a slight tug on her neck, she glanced down to see a leash now hooked to the collar her brother had given her and he pulled her in close "just play along, its to protect you" he told her quietly before turning around to the other two that had been growing rather impatient. Hawks had a strange look on his face he had so many questions he wanted to ask, he had never really seen how the two siblings looked at one another until now. "Let's go lover boi. You can have your playtime later" Toga said which caused Dabi to growl a bit at her before they all headed back to the hide out. Hawks walking beside Dabi to his left. Shinta to his right since the leash he know has on her was in that hand. Shinta just kept quiet, she kind of already understood the vibe of how she needed to act for this to work.

After leading them down a few winding alleyways they arrived at the hideout. Toga and hawks walked in first. Dabi tugged on the leash some when shinta tried to follow and she jolted back some looked up at him "What is it?" She asked him "look I still don't trust Shigaraki. So please don't speak inside unless spoken too. Unless we are in my room you have to address me as master when around the others to keep this going. I'm sorry to do this to you but its to protect you as long as I can" he said to her and she nodded in agreement before they headed in as well. Everyone else already inside waiting for them at the bar. Kurogiri had dabi's usual drink ready and made for him to grab as he entered. Dabi gestured to Shinta to grab his drink for him and she did just as he asked keeping with the obedient pet facade. He then sat down in his usual seat Shigaraki seeming to get annoyed at his display as he pulled shinta onto his lap "Boss I'd like you to meet my pet. She is in the same class as that boy Bakugo you see" he said to shigaraki who seemed a bit interested now. "So I see she has wings, so does that bird brain. Why should we let her join us at all. Whats stopping me from just getting rid of your little toy for lying to me?" he said stepping closer to them. Dabi said nothing he just dropped the leash meaning she had free rein to prove herself.

Shinta just kind of grinned "show him how strong you are" Dabi said in an encouraging tone to her and she just gave Shigaraki a crooked grin that actually startled him some. 'This girl has that look on insanity in her eyes, and she's a hero?' He though to himself as the heat in the room started to rise as Shinta's bright blue flames ignited covering her wings and snaking up her eyes following the path of her burns and she went to attack him. Not even moments before she would have made contact kurogiri deflected not just her attack but shigaraki's as well. "If you both could refrain from so much violence" Kurogiri said in an almost motherly tone as he released both of them from his hold. Shinta's flames still smoldering around her and her wings not backing down. Shigaraki began circling her to inspect her and the quirk of hers "My that sure is an interesting quirk there. I'd saw your flames may even be hotter than you're masters" he said chuckling some looking at dabi trying to get under his skin. "I think I may just give you a trial run, but due to your master over there I do have to punish you some" he said grinned and reached out for her arm. Kurogiri stepped in using one of his portals to move his hand from the girl "Sir, I am sorry but I must stop you from doing this. The girl as far as I can see recently underwent surgery and has dealt with enough suffering. We are not monsters after all" he said. His words surprised everyone, Dabi used that moment to quickly grab back ahold of the leash softly tugging to get her to calm and come back to him.

Shigaraki glared at him before he just stormed out of the building as Shinta put out her flames quickly returning to Dabi's lap. "Soooo….that went well" Toga said laughing earning a glare from everyone else in the room. Moments later everyone in the room except shinta's phone went off with a text from Shigaraki telling them to keep her there. She needed to prove she was serious about helping spy for them by staying away from her dear friends all weekend. He would give her tests to prove herself over the next two days. Dabi smirked and fist bumped hawks behind shinta's wings so that no-one else saw them, he took the bait. Hawks then cleared his throat and walked over towards shinta with a smile "Alright baby bird I brought you back to your master for the weekend. I'll return Monday morning before school for you" he said patting her head, it was his way of trying to tell her what was happening and she nodded to him. "Thanks again for bring this little firecracker back to me" Dabi said to him with a lustful grin. Playing her part Shinta just kept her eyes low trying to hide her own emotions from the others who were still in the room. Hawks gave Dabi a nod and a slight glare like saying 'if she gets hurt i'll end you' before taking his leave. Dabi at that point scooped shinta up before she could even try to protest taking her back to his room. "No-one bother me you got that!" He shouted back towards the bar as he carried her down the hallway. Shinta was confused a bit by things but was happy to be with him as well.

Once they got in his room he set her down and unhooked the leash from her neck as he locked the door. "Before you ask, They don't know we are related in anyway. I told them you're as you would say a pet to me. It was the first thing I could think of to help keep you safe" he said to shinta who seemed a little annoyed still. That look of rage from her small fight against their boss had really fired her up. "Who does that crusty mummy think he is?! Telling me I'm weak" she said and chuckled as her mind went back to when she fought orca. She calmed down remembering how if Aizawa wouldn't have stopped her she could have killed him. "Maybe I do belong here, I mean I almost killed a hero during the exam" she then said in a much calmer tone flopping down on Dabi bed. He sighed walking over sitting next to her "I'm sure it wasn't on purpose, you don't want to be like me. You always said you wanted to be a hero so that one day you could prove the monster wrong. I couldn't forgive myself if I let you go against your dream" he said to her. "Now can you tell me what you mean? How did you almost kill a pro hero?" He asked part of him was worried for his sister, that look she had he knew all too well.

"Oh, so orca and his gang were the 'villains' we had to fight. I was up against him like I told you back at hawks place. I have a flammable liquid that I can use to coat my wings before igniting them. Doing this turns the heat up to double its normal max temp and made my wings triple in size but as flames. I was pretty much cooking him alive" she said looking down a bit ashamed of herself. Dabi just chucked some and ruffled her hair "oh sis you are defiantly more like me than you should be" he said jokingly to her and she playfully punched his arm. Dabi did however get her phone set up with all of the leagues numbers and added her into the group chat for orders from the boss. Dabi had fall asleep before Shinta did, he didn't have a window and she had a lot on her mind so she couldn't seem to calm enough to sleep. Once shinta could tell Dabi was out cold she snuck out of his room it was around 2am and she went out to the bar. 'Maybe I can get Giri to give me a drink so I can sleep' she thought to herself as she got out to the bar. She was wearing one of her brothers shirts as a night gown it looked like a short dress on her. It was an older one that was kind of torn so it hung off one of her shoulders.

Kurogiri heard the shuffling of feet and saw shinta emerge from the hallway "Shinta dear girl what are you still doing up? Shouldn't you be asleep" he said again with that motherly tone. Something about it was soothing to her in a way. "Giri can I tell you something? If it's weird or anything I apologize" she said coming up and sitting on one of the bar stool near him "hmm?" He asked her giving her a glass of soda to drink "well I was gonna ask for something harder to try to sleep. But did you know you have a very motherly tone in your voice. I really like it since I never had one of my own" she said softly.