Dark past coming to light

Kurogiri was going to protest giving her any alcohol due her still being 17 years old but he sighed and poured her a glass of a sweet red wine and handed it to her. "Keep this between us. I think your 'master' might try to kill me if you get drunk" he said to her and she nodded "And I have heard it once or twice. But if I may what do you mean you never had one? Everyone has a mother" he asked kind of confused. Shinta gulped taking a big swig of the wine she was given, this was the first time she has ever brought it up. "M-My father he had used my mother to produce him a strong heir after having some issues in his own home. When I was around a year old he came to take me away from her…." She said and it was like her quirk activated but in her eyes, Kurogiri could practically see flames dancing in her eyes "What did he do?" He asked sounded almost annoyed at this man even though the identity has been kept from him. "She tried to stop him the stupid woman. He set our home on fire with her in it. Holding me in his arms as he watched it burn to make sure she was dead before he took me to his home. I was put in a room with one of his older sons who became the only person to show me any love until he disappeared and I was thrown away" she said finishing the wine in her glass, Kurogiri was at a lose of words a few tears had actually formed in his glowing yellow eyes.

"My dear girl answer me this then please. Why do you want to be a hero? What does a hero mean to you?" He asked he had noticed that Shigaraki had slipped into the room during her confessions to him. Shigaraki listened to it all surprised to hear of a hero with such pain in their past. Such emptiness in fact. "I want to be a hero to prove myself. I want to be better than the man who's blood runs in my veins, I don't care about all the fame like they do. I just want to help those in need not caring about the payout I get for it" she said to him. A clap was then heard from behind her causing her to jump tossing a ball of her flames in he direction of the noise. Shigaraki had moved out of the way before it hit him "My my my that is an impressive back story. Your answer to my friends question there was the right answer though. You're more like us here in the league than you realize dear girl" he said and he began scratching at his neck again thinking of all the things they could do with her quirk on their side. The anger from being lied to arose again and this time dabi wasn't there to stop him, Shigaraki quickly made his way over to the girl sitting there at the bar. Kurogiri had returned to his work and didn't notice the advancement, Before shinta could even get a chance to turn around Shigaraki hand made full contact with her wing. He activated his quirk just enough to cause a slow decay in that area to cause her pain to punish dabi, or so he thought. Shinta cringed feeling a sharp pain on her left wing noticing Shigaraki pulling his hand back quickly retreating to his room.

Shinta knew something was up as soon as she saw some of her feathers falling turning to ash as they did 'fuck, he must have touched me' she thought before getting up quickly which cause kurogiri to look up at her "You heading back to bed now?" He asked her softly and she nodded without thinking she turned around and headed to dabi's room. Kurogiri noticed the small decaying spot on her wing and shook his head. 'If I didn't know any better id say my master has a death wish' he thought to himself as he continued to man his post. Shinta made her way back into Dabi's room and snuck back into the bed facing him so that he wouldn't be able to see her wings as she closed her eyes to try to get some rest drifting off moments later. It felt only moments had passed before shinta felt herself being shaken awake and she opened her eyes groaning "whaaa?" She whined "What the hell happened to your wing?!" He snapped at her and she whimpered cowering which made him calm down some and take her pulling her closer to him "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scream at you. Please though what happened? When did you leave to room?" He asked her his demeanor had changed back to his softer one. Shinta was still a little scared of him from the yell it seemed to be a trigger when people screamed at her. "I'm sorry I couldn't sleep and went out to the bar. I was sitting with Mamagiri talking. He came in during the conversation and snuck up on me before I could tell what he was up to" she said realizing just how bad the spot was seeing a black spot from the decay on her wing. "Next time just wake me up then. I'm gonna kill him" he growled placing Shinta down gently next to him before getting up from his bed.

He grabbed one of his t-shirts and went out his room and down the hall to Shigaraki's room. Shinta gulped some 'his temper is like our fathers' she thought and her inner child took over making her hide in her brothers closet. Just like all the times she had as a child when there father was angry. Screams could be heard from Shigaraki's room before silence came over the building again. Footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway back towards the room the scared girl was in and she cowered some. For some reason it had triggered a flashback for her and she was seeing the flashback not what was actually happening around her. To Shinta the footsteps she heard were her fathers coming to look for her to force her to train again and again till she would faint. When Dabi entered the room noticing he didn't see her but could hear her faint whimpers from his closet he sighed 'man I really fucked up. I set her off…she won't come out even if I asked her to. Not until she's ready, not if she sees me as him' he thought and just sat on his bed slumped over "I'm sorry I lost my cool. I don't like seeing you hurt and knowing that it was my fault that happened….I couldn't let him slide for it" he said speaking to Shinta even though he knew she wouldn't answer him. Shinta lifted her head hearing her brothers words through the memory, she wanted to go to him but she couldn't her body was stuck in fear still "t…t..touya" she said softly in almost a whisper but he heard her as if she was right in front of him. Dabi immediately got up and opened his closet "its ok it's just you and me. No ones going to hurt you" he told her guiding her out of the closet slowly it was like he knew exactly what was happening and he felt like an ass because he had caused it.

"I mean it baby flame I'm sorry for yelling at you. Shigaraki is going to be apologizing for what he did before we go out for your mission this evening" he told her calmly as he helped her sit on the bed and she nodded taking a few slow deep breaths before she calmed down some more. "Alright, sorry about that I don't know what happened when I heard you and Shigaraki yelling something took over and it was just like when we were little" she admitted to him and he nodded holding her close to comfort her for a bit. "Hey kiddo I need to go to a mission of my own this morning. While I'm gone I want you to make sure you get yourself cleaned up and bandage your wing. You don't want anyone to see that at your school" he said to her kissing her forehead before he got up leaving the room. Shinta looked at her phone and looked at her pictures she had a few she had taken when she was flying of her friends that came out nice. When she got to the picture of Midoriya she smiled before deciding she would try to nap some more for now until a bit later in the day before getting ready. After Dabi left his room he sent Hawks a message.

D~ one of her triggers is being yelled at…found out by accident

H~ How the hell do you find that out by accident?! What did you do you burnt piece of leather?!

D~ Calm down Bird brain!! She snuck out of my room when I was sleeping and shigaraki managed to touch her wing and leave a decay spot. I need you to get something for it and meet me

H~ Mother F-….Alright I'll meet you at our usual spot in four hours with something to put over the affected area

D~ Thanks Dude

H~ ;p

D~ Screw you

After the conversation he headed off to go deal with his business. Shinta had an alarm set to give her about 90 minutes of rest before she would get ready and she was out cold burritoed in her brothers blankets. Back at UA Midoriya and the others were starting to wonder why she hadn't come home yet. It was kind of odd that she staid out over night for work study. Midoriya being a concerned boyfriend went and asked Aizawa who informed him that it was approved to be a weekend long and she would return for class on Monday. That put his mind and everyone else's to rest as they continued with there plans they had made. Toga wanted to say hi to her new bestie but came in seeing her all burritoed in the blankets dead to the world. Toga thought it was just the cutest thing. She couldn't resist and took a picture of her giggling before running out of the room sending it to Dabi. Not long after that Shinta's alarm went off waking her up, she turned it off and got up grumbling. She remembered dabi had showed her where the bathroom was when they went to his room the night before. So she grabbed one of his clean towels from his closet and went down to his bathroom that was just a few doors down. When shinta got in the bathroom she could easily tell it was his bathroom burn marks on the walls just like how his room and her room is and she chuckled some. She then got her shower which felt great until the water hit the decaying area washing away layers of skin causing her to want to scream and instead just like how her brother would she let her flame quirk pulse out with her pain through the room adding some new burn marks to the walls. She didn't want to scream it showed weakness, that's what she was told as a child. Once her and the wounds were clean she got out of the shower tears had run down her cheeks from the pain some and she wiped them away drying herself off before wrapping the towel around herself. Shinta then quickly went back to dabi's room and locked the door so she could get dressed and be ready for the mission.

Shinta finished getting into her hero gear finishing by putting her scarf back on double checking that the vial from shoto was still there. Of course it was and she smiled some before placing it back in its hidden pocket and headed out to the bar to meet with the others. The meeting where she would get her first test was only minutes away and she knew not to be late. Once Shinta walked out to the bar area Kurogiri smiled some and poured her a glass of the same wine he had the other night and gave her a small nod sliding the glass to her. He had also then placed Dabi's drink directly next to it "Your master has returned. Be a dear and take him his drink as well" he told her "Thank you mamagiri" Shinta said with a small smile grabbing the two drinks and headed over to Dabi taking her spot in his lap like the night before. After Shinta sat in her spot Dabi releashed her to keep the act going; even thought part of him was kind of liking it. Dabi noticed a wine glass in her hand as well when she handed him his glass of scotch and placed his hand over it right before she could take a sip of it earning a pout from her. "Did you ask me first?" He asked her in a slightly stern voice he just didn't want her to pick up his habits. "That would be my doing Dabi, it is also a well known fact that kids as young as five or six have a small glass of red wine every once in awhile. Red wine in moderation is good for the heart" Kurogiri interjected and Dabi removed his hand to allow her to drink "Next time just ask me first" he growled toward Kurogiri.