Proving her worth

Not long after Shigaraki walked in the room "good your all here and on time. Tonight shinta your mission is going to be simple. You should have no problem with it. You're going to break our friend Compress out of the facility they have him imprisioned in" he said to her and her face paled she knew this was not going to be easy. "Oh and Dabi will only be escorting you there. You will be going in alone you are a hero now after all it should be an easy task for you. If you fail then I'll kill you" he said to her chuckling and she gulped dabi's hold on her waist tightening causing her to squeak "Need I remind you, you will not lay a hand on her again" dabi growled at Shigaraki who just ignored him "Get moving both of you!" He yelled at the two and kurogiri opened a portal for them. "This will take you close, Dabi you know where to go from there" he explained. Dabi nodded taking Shinta's hand the leash hanging relaxed from his wrist as he led her through the black and purple swirling portal. The portal brought them out in the woods by the prison. Once there Dabi pull the schematics out and explained where they think he is in he building. Previously they had already set up a way into the building using one of the old hallways that isn't used as much anymore. Shigaraki had decayed a back wall and done so enough to guide her close enough to there person she was supposed to break out. Dabi led her over to where the entrance was and watched her go in…alone. 'I can't believe this' he thought to himself but he knew not to disobey not if it meant Shigaraki would hurt her.

Once inside Shinta was able to get down to the level that Compress was on rather quickly which seemed surprising to her in a way almost like it was too easy. Compress's cell was in her sight and as she got closer she stopped when she saw that someone was standing right in front of the door to the cell guarding it personally. Then it was like a light bulb went off in her head and she found a notebook on a random desk before going down toward the room into sight of the guard "sorry sir I am doing a work study with hawks and he asked me to do a personal interview with compress here" she said cutely to the guy standing watch. Once again she used her feminine charms to make the guy a blubbering mess before she knocked him out getting the key from him. "Come on let's go. Shigaraki sent me, Dabi is waiting for us outside" she said to compress who she thinks grinned as she unlocked the door and they made there escape. Dabi on the outside was starting to get rather impatient she had been in there for close to an hr, typically that's not a good sign. Right as he was about to enter he was Shinta and Compress running out to him right as the alarm went off that a prisoner escaped. Shinta still felt like it was too easy but didn't want to question it. Dabi contact Kurogiri who opened a portal to bring them all back to the hideout, Compress was the first one through Dabi looked back at Shinta as they heard what sounded like someone coming towards them "Hurry up" he called to her and Shinta ran as fast as she could since she still couldn't use her wing just yet thanks to there boss.

Right as Shinta went to reach her hand out for Dabi's to go back home and she sees them. A pro hero coming towards them to investigate the alarm. Shinta did the only thing she could think that would work and shoved Dabi through the portal shouting through as well "CLOSE IT!" Was heard as dabi fell through the other side on his but and kurogiri quickly obliged. "The hell! She is still out there!" Dabi screamed at them "Just trust her. She must have a plan if she sent you back knowing it would upset you" Kurogiri said, Shigaraki just chuckled he was more impressed she managed to pull it off. Meanwhile Shinta quickly turned on the victim card before the other hero got to her completely. After some questioning which she was able to smoothly avoid the hero took the bait letting her leave. Shinta sighed then and continued to walk towards what she could remember of the hideouts location. Making sure she wasn't followed before she pulled out her phone luckily their boss was nice enough to drop a pin on the map in the group chat incase something like this happened. Once she knew which way she needed to go she began the walk back after informing the league that she got away fine and was on her way back. Shigaraki refused to let any of them go help her get back so Dabi just went off to his room to wait for her to return.

Several hours later Shinta finally had made it back, her legs sore from the walking annoyed that she can't fly at the moment. Kurogiri saw her enter "Ah welcome back Shinta. Your master is in his room sulking. Would you be him a dear and take him his drink when you go back?" He asked her and she nodded grabbing the drink too tired to talk as she headed down the hallway. Upon reaching Dabi's bedroom instead of using her free hand to open the door she just clunked her head into it. "I told you guys to leave me al-" she heard from the other side of the door until Dabi opened it seeing her and he smiled at her some. He took the glass from her sitting it on a near by ledge before he scooped her up and put her to bed "Hush now just get some rest, we can talk later" he said to her after grabbing his glass taking his spot next to her on his bed. Shinta didn't even grumble at him as soon as her head touched the pillow she was out. Dabi could hear very faint snores from her and he just chuckled to himself, once he knew she was in a deep sleep he got out the ointment he had gotten earlier that day from hawks and very carefully applied it to her wing when the decay was. "Man am I lucky you've always been such a heavy sleeper" he said to his sleeping sister as he finished applying there treatment. This however caused her to groan some and she swung her arm over Dabi's lap now trapping him there on the bed. Which he didn't mind, he was just glad to see that his sister was alright and seemed for the most part to be happy now. He finished his scotch before scooting down moving his sisters arm now to his chest as he laid down beside her turning out the lamp on his nightstand. He held his sister protectively and drifted off to sleep not long behind her.

The two siblings slept peacefully for a change and both woke up in the morning to an alarm going off. Dabi had some things he had to do, Shinta looked up at him sleepy when he got up leaving the spot that was warm now cold next to her. "Go back to sleep, you won't have to do anything till the evening" he told her the only light he was using was a small flame in his hand to try not to wake her up more. "If you say so" she grumbled and went back to sleep as he headed off to do his thing for the day just like the rest of the league did. Later that day Shinta woke up looking at her phone seeing it say 5 and she jumped up and hauled ass to the bar she was supposed to be there at 5 and Shigaraki hates when people are late. Shinta gets out there and runs right into Dabi who had the leash in his hand again and clicked it back onto her collar "you over slept, ill have to punish you later" he said putting his hand around her neck and she just looked up at him knowing it was all a show and he wouldn't actually hurt her. "Now, now keep your kinks in the bedroom. Tonight all of us are splitting up to the locations I gave to the captain for each group. Once there summon the Nomu's and let the chaos ensue" Shigaraki said to everyone. Dabi along with having Shinta leashed had his arm around her waist as well. He wasn't going to let her out of his sight around the boss anymore after before. "Move out" Shigaraki demanded and everyone headed out through portals thanks to kurogiri. Dabi made Shinta go through first following right behind her. The main task for her was to not be a hero but add to the chaos, if shinta could do that then Shigaraki would let her in. Dabi hated the idea, he knew why shigaraki wanted to push her it was that look in her eyes. The same look he saw in Dabi's eyes long ago; that look of pure insanity if given that nudge she could lose control and would inevitably become a villain.

Dabi decided that he would distract her instead of letting her get involved and set Shinta up in the arcade and made her promise to stay there. "Look what Shigaraki wants you to do I can't let you do. He wants to push you down the villain path and as I explained to you before I won't let you give up your dreams" he said giving shinta enough money to keep her busy for a good hour or so and went back to the area and caused the mayhem and chaos he was instructed to. Shinta knew her brother meant well but her curiosity still got the best of her after about 20 minutes. With a decent hull Shinta decided to go investigate after hiding her winnings in the alley near where Kurogiri would open the portal to return. When shinta got closer to the Chaos. Part of her was shocked by the destruction around her and yet part of her wanted to join in 'Maybe this is what he meant. Why Dabi told me to stay back' Shinta thought to herself as she continued to walk through the the area hearing screams in the distance the buildings around her some destroyed and burning. That look of chaos seemed to be growing in her eyes as she continued soon enough she happened across her brother and the Nomu. As soon as she saw who the Nomu was fighting she quickly retreated back the other way. Her classmates were there but not just any of them it had to be the ones she cared about. Bakugo, Midoriya, Shoto, Momo and Kirishima were the ones fighting the Nomu all she could think is she had to get away before they saw her. Shinta got back to the arcade as quickly as possible to finish waiting for Dabi. She needed to shake what she saw, the feeling of wanting to cause destruction and who she had seen.

This was not an easy task no matter what she did she just couldn't stop thinking about adding to the mayhem but also wanting to help her friends. Before too long things seemed to have calmed down. She heard a ding if the door to the arcade and she looked over seeing Dabi who looked worn out write as she won a small blue teddy bear from one of the machines. Shinta grabbed it and ran over to Dabi "Hey your back. You look tired" she said to him handing him the blue bear. Dabi smiled at the bear and his sister, he could see that look though he knew she went to see the chaos. Dabi sighed softly "Lets go were done for the night" He said to her taking the leash back from her that was still hooked to her neck. As they walked back over to he meeting point they grabbed her other prizes calling Kurogiri to let him know they were done. Soon enough the portal opened and the two of them walked through reemerging back at the bar Shigaraki was waiting for them, on the walk back dabi smeared some soot on her face and messed up her hair to make it look like she was involved. "How did she do?" Shigaraki asked coming over towards them Dabi stepping in-between the two immediately "She did amazing. While my Nomu distracted some of her classmates she destroyed surrounding buildings. I think I may have even seen an attack or two from her go toward her friends" Dabi said grinning his signature grin. He was too much of a smooth talker for Shigaraki not to believe him, the details just seemed too precise for him to question it. It helped that that look of chaos was still smoldering in her eyes from what she had seen. "Very well, you're in for now. If I tell you to come you get here. If you're given a mission you do it. Don't think of betraying me or i'll kill your master first then you" he grinned before walking off. Shinta just kinda held onto Dabi's back a bit intimidated by their boss for the millionth time.

The two took there leave back to dabi's room but Shinta could tell something was bothering him. "D-Dabi your choking me" she said softly as they stopped at his room and he opened the door "In" he said sternly keeping a low tone but she could tell he was upset even as he unhooked the leash he wasn't gentle this time as he tugged it off the collar. "Why didn't you stay in the arcade the whole time like I told you to?" He asked Shinta after closing his door. Shinta looked down "I…I…I was curious of the chaos" she muttered out and he sighed but it sounded different from others she had heard from him before. Shinta looked at her brother who almost looked uncomfortable in his own skin "I'm sorry. I didn't do anything though I swear. I saw the Nomu fighting my friends and ran" she explained to him as she reached out to touch his arm. Dabi didn't saw anything but pulled away when her fingers touched his skin "I'm getting a shower" he said and left the room. Shinta looked at the door confused to why he just left the room in such a hurry for a shower.