Learning something of the past

Deciding to not worry about it Shinta switched back into the shirt she had been wearing at nights while she had been there. After that she quickly ran out to the bar and grabbed them both a drink from Kurogiri. Returning to Dabi's bedroom right as she heard what she thought were faint moans from the bathroom 'could he be?' She thought a blush on her face from the thought before she went in the room placing the glass of scotch down on the nightstand. Shinta drank her wine and checked on her wing seeing that it looked much better than it had the day before. Not long after Shinta finished her glass of wine she got comfortable in the bed. As soon as she got comfy the door opened and Dabi walked back in the room with only a towel around his waist. Shinta just flopped her wing over her face so she wouldn't see the show that it felt he was tempting her with.

Not long after she felt a cold sensation and a sting on her wing before she pulled it back, revealing Dabi sitting beside her in a pair of skin tight boxers. "What was that for?" She asked him with an annoyed look "Its an ointment for the wound" he said sternly and finished applying it to both side of her wing. "Lets just get some rest. Im glad you didn't join in, there's no turning back once you start. I can't risk letting you do that. If I take a life its nothing to me but right now you still have hope and I can't let you take a life and destroy that" he said not facing her but she knew it was all directed towards her. "I understand. I am sorry I did that. Can you tell me what's going on? You been acting strange since you came back" shinta asked him. "I am upset you didn't listen to me. I have some other frustrations but I can't burden you with those" he said to her. "Its not a burden" she said and came closer to him he was still kind of in that same mind set he was in before the shower. "Fine if you really must know. You don't understand what you do to me. Especially when you misbehave" he said to her with a small blush before gulping back his scotch. He laid down facing away from her he was trying to behave, she was his half sister after all. Shinta was a bit taken back by the words and blushed before she just laid down as well.

"Good night touya" she said in a sleepy voice. Dabi would have gotten mad if anyone else would have said that name but he kind of missed hearing her say his name. "Good night baby flame" he said back softly as the two drifted off to sleep after an interesting night. Early in the morning they wake up to the sound of an alarm, this time it being shinta's. "Oh yea I go back to school today" she said still tired "you'll be fine, just try not to overwork yourself your wing is still healing. Take the ointment its on the desk as well" Dabi said rolling over to face his sister as she got ready for school. Hawks was going to meet her at the hideout and they would fly back together. "Alright, just go back to sleep grumpy" Shinta said chuckling as she grabbed the ointment putting it in her bag. Dabi just chuckled at her and rolled back over doing just that. Shinta then took her leave it was still early no-one would be up except everyone's favorite bar tender Kurogiri. "Ah good morning Shinta. Thats right you head back off to school today is that right?" He asked her "Yea, Im kinda excited but at the same time not. I mean everyone I'm sure is gonna notice my wing and ask questions and ill just have to keep deflecting. Just teenage drama type stuff. I will keep my phone close and do my best to be here for the next mission I get called in for" Shinta then said to Kurogiri seeing she had a message from hawks saying he was almost there. "See you then" he said to her as she headed outside. The door shut as she saw hawks, adjusting herself some and putting her goggles on she took flight it hurt some still but she could fly at least. Hawks was luckily on her right so he hadn't seen her injury yet.

"So how did it go?" Hawks asked and Shinta rolled her eyes "here we go with the 20 Questions" she said jokingly. "It went well I think, Shigaraki agreed to let me in" she said to him "Thats good" Hawks said "the whole reason we set this up was more so to let you be around that one person. Who was family to you even in your darkest times. You two have such a bond…I just can't quite put my finger on it. After all the pain you endured you deserve happiness. I may not have seen what you went through or been there but the day I took that photo of you. Thats all I needed to see, a girl at 5 years old clinging to her only personal item. Hiding on the roof in tears shouts from your father heard inside. Ever since then I made it my personal vow to make sure I never see that look in your eyes again. To make sure that you will never want or need for anything" he explained opening up to Shinta finally after all these years. They were about half way back to the school by this point. "Ha- No Keigo thank you. You have been an amazing friend over the years. I have always wondered why you spoil me so much now it makes sense. I have gotten better over the years from what had happened. But now that he is sorta around again its halting my progress some. I think I can manage though with all of the support everyone gives me" She said her face finally showing pain from the wound.

"No need to thank me, Your wing is it starting to bother you?" He asked her and she nodded. Hawks signaled for them to land. Moments after a car drove up to them and he opened the door for her to get in "Hop in, its one of the cars for the agency. We can take this back to the school the rest the way" he explained to her. Shinta nodded "I take it you gave Dabi the ointment didn't you?" She asked him and he chuckled "yup you did" she said as they headed off to the school. They pull up and Shinta hurries off to her class Hawks right behind her. They get to the door and the bell rings right as she opened the door so Aizawa looking at both of them annoyed "Your late. Don't let it happen again" he said to both of them who nodded "We took the car back, Her wings were just a bit sore from all the work we did. It was my fault I didn't think you would want her to push herself that early" Hawks said 'there he goes. Mister smooth talker' she thought as she quickly got to her seat. Her friends all noticed the small black spot in her wing. It was half the size it was when it had happened but it was still there. They all kind of glanced at each other then back up front. Shoto just kept looking at the spot on his sisters wing wondering what happened. The day proceeded on like all the others. They had there final in two days. The next day they were all given off with strict orders to stay in the dorm building and study.

After class Shinta didn't wait for any of her friends and headed back to the dorms "Alright we need to see what's up with her?" Bakugo said breaking the groups silence. The others all agreed and headed back to the dorm building as well. After the group discussed it they decided to send Bakugo to try to talk with her knowing she was going to want to be hard headed. Midoriya was a bit nervous about letting them be alone since he knew how his friend felt about her. Feelings aside they had agreed and even he knew that if they wanted answers they may have to push. "Alright kachaan just be nice please. Also remember she is MY girlfriend" Midoriya said with a small burst of courage and Bakugo just chuckled "Yea yea" he said as he headed to Shinta's room. They all knew that if she wasn't in the common area or out front next place to check would be her bedroom then the roof.

Bakugo got to Shinta's bedroom door he could hear music from the other side as he knocked gently before barging in the room "Lets talk" he said closing her door before going over to her bed and sitting down. "What is it?" She asked him she was laying on her stomach on the inside of her bed her injured wing was extended out. Also knowing he wouldn't leave until he got an answer. "Tell me how did that happen?" He asked her pointing to the decayed spot of her wing. Shinta turned around and sat up so she could face her friend a serious look on her face but she showed her pain. "You know exactly how it happened Katsuki. You know who did it…but don't worry he already paid for it" she said softly. Bakugo blushed some when he heard her call him his first name before rage filled him; he did know exactly who it was. "Why were you back there? What else did they do to you?" He began asking her the anger wrapped around each word "I wasn't back there. I was doing my work study with hawks and we came across them. I got sloppy and he managed to touch my wing. Thats all I swear. Plus you know not all of them are bad" she said to him and looked at her like she was crazy.

"Yea I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. You're a hero, they are villains and there filthy hands should never get the chance to touch you" he said to her and shinta blushed some. A knock was then heard on the door before in walked Midoriya with his signature smile along with her brother looking concerned. "Hey guys, I get your worried but like I told Katsuki I was out on my work study with hawks and got sloppy. Shigaraki managed to touch my wing for a moment. It will be healed up soon though" shinta said softly to them. Midoriya came over plopping himself between his friend and girlfriend earning a chuckle from her.

"Well come on bro. Get in here" she said not even thinking and shoto smiled sitting down as well the four now kinda of in a circle. "Wait bro? The fuck?" Bakugo questioned. The siblings looked at each other and just nodded to each other "Shinta is my half sister" Shoto said to him and the two siblings smiled "Wait so you and icy hot here are related? It makes sense but how does no-one no this?" He asked them.

"Katsuki, please this is our secret. If our father found out that I told his precious son he might just try to lock me up as a villain or worse" Shinta said and her mind thought back to the last time she saw him and he broke her ribs. Bakugo's breath hitched when he heard who the monster that has hurt her was and he nodded. "Don't worry I won't tell a soul" he said to her. The four friends were having a good time just hanging out in her room until around 7 when Iida called up for dinner to anyone in their rooms. Bakugo and Shoto headed down first. Shinta waited till they were fully out the door and stole a kiss on midoriya's lips. before he couldn't even react she was following them down for dinner. Dinner went like most nights and everyone caught up with shinta from over the weekend. A few other classmates asked about her wing and she just said it was an injury during work studies to sum up the story more.

After dinner Shinta helped clean up the kitchen with some of the other girls and felt her phone going off in her pocket. When shinta pulled out the phone and she saw the caller id her face paled some Crusty. 'I thought he wasn't going to call me during the week?' She thought to herself quickly excusing herself. Shinta slipped out front of the building going under her favorite tree as she answered her phone "Yes?" She asked "I thought we all agreed you weren't going to call during the week when you could blow my cover" she snapped feeling some courage at the moment. This outburst earning a sinister chuckle from the other side of the phone. "My you really do have a mouth on you don't you. Yes, that was the plan but I know that you're exams are coming up. Make sure you take notes of any of your fellow students with strong quirks. Need I remind you what happens when I'm disobeyed?" He asked her "No sir. I got it it will be done" she said coldly almost the same tone as her brother as she hung up the phone. In the back of her mind she hoped no-one saw her go outside. Shinta decided after she could tell the coast was clear took flight and landed on the roof of the dorm building. That door being unlocked for the students to go up there and she snuck back in that way going back to her dorm.