Past comes to light at UA

Getting back into her bedroom she sighed in relief that she wasn't caught sneaking back in. Shinta then finally decided to unpack her bag from the weekend. Upon doing so a familiar black shirt torn at the top fell from the mess of clothes from her bag. When she noticed the shirt she picked it up and smiled smelling it some, it still smelled like her big brother. She still didn't understand why being around him just made her feel at peace. Shinta got her dirty clothes into the laundry chute and had changed into that shirt for her pajamas. After finishing up her nightly beauty routine shinta was on her way back to her room bumping in to Shoto. "Oh hey, that's a new night shirt. Where did that one come from it doesn't look new?" He asked her curiously. "Oh a friend's, they let me borrow it and snuck it into my bag before hawks and I came back to the school" she said to him playing with her thumbs some. "It looks good on you, but I would be careful of too many wandering eyes from the boys around here" he said protectively something about the shirt was bothering him some still. Shoto took his leave to his bedroom and so did Shinta before anyone else saw her. Soon after she headed off to bed. The next day was a day of studying and she had work to do for her 'boss'.

The next day everyone worked together and they played a version of jeopardy with questions or things that could be covered in the exam. After that everyone started doing quirk practice. Shinta used this time to get a glance at Deku's book on his classmates. That would be the best thing and then she could get it over with in a matter of seconds. Midoriya how ever spotted her looking through his notebook "Hey doll, did you need something?" He asked Shinta as he came over the new nickname making her blush softly. Luckily she had managed to get most of the pages recorded on her phone before he came over. "Oh I was just checking for my page. I noticed you still don't really have a lot for it. I did promise you back near the beginning of the year to help you fill it in didn't I?" She asked him smiling not fully lying to him either. "You sure did. That would be great, later after studying ill come by your room and we can work on it" He said taking his book with him this time. The rest of the day went pretty smooth with out any problems or so they all thought.

Later in the evening closer to dinner time the students of class 1A got an unexpected visitor. "All might? What are you doing here sir?" Midoriya asked practically fan boying over his mentor making some of the others laugh. "Yes young midoriya I just came by to see how everyone was doing. Also Shinta if you don't mind could I have a word with you?" He asked and shinta looked up feeling an odd sense of dread. "Yes sir" she said getting up from the table she was studying at heading over. "Don't worry young midoriya. Im sure all of you are going to do great on your exams tomorrow!" All Might said happily before leading Shinta outside, the happy smile he had faded to a much more serious expression once the door shut. "Shinta I need you to answer me honestly. It has been brought to the attention of some of the staff that you were spotted with a member of the league of villains over the weekend. It was also said that you seemed rather close to this person" he said to her and shinta slowed her movements getting a bit nervous now. "You don't need to answer me. I will say this though remember your a hero they are villains. Not just that the league is a top priority, being accused of these things the school has no choice. We have to open an investigation on you my dear. Unless you tell me why a pro hero would come to the school saying these things" All might said turning around to face Shinta who seemed to be frozen in fear.

After a moment or two of letting his words process she looked up "What pro hero if I may ask sir? There is a certain pro hero who has it out for me. My da- Sensei Aizawa could explain that to you" she said complying to the questions trying to speak professionally. The last thing she wanted was to get caught or get the league caught after she just got in. "Alright dear girl, for your sake I hope he can give us the answers we need. Go ahead back in with the others" All might said to her and headed off towards what one could only assume to be Aizawa's. Shinta stood there for a moment to collect herself and took out her phone and opened her messages. The contact she clicked on read 'Patchwork'.

S: That mother F-. He is trying to ruin my chances at even finishing out at UA now!

P: Who? Whats going on?

S: That wanna be hero Endeavor. He informed the school that he apparently saw me with you over the weekend

P: I mean you were ;p. I know he is a bad person. He will pay soon. Don't you worry he is gonna get knocked down as peg real soon

S: What are you planning?

P: you'll just have to wait and see won't you. Get some rest Baby Flame. Good luck on your test. Not like you need it

S: thanks. I think I got this but who knows. Night

Shinta then put her phone away and headed back inside the dorm building everyone else had already started to eat dinner. She almost seemed to just be on autopilot which Midoriya took notice of but staid quiet till after dinner. After Shinta had finished her food like most of her classmates she went and washed up her plate. The strange part was that she didn't say a word during dinner or before leaving the table. Midoriya decided now would be the time to go check on her so he quickly followed after his girlfriend. "Hey wait up. Shinta what's wrong? After you went out to talk with All might something seems to be bothering you" he asked her taking her hand in his as they got to her room. Shinta just looked down her grip on his hand tightened a little. That small response was all he needed as he led Shinta into her room. Midoriya walked over with her to her bed and sat down with her, Shinta just plopped her head on his shoulder after that. "Someone is trying to get me kicked out of UA" she said softly in almost a whisper. Those words stung deep for midoriya "Who? Why?" He asked her it was like his heart took over at that point. Midoriya turned to face Shinta caressing her cheek and smiled "you belong here. Just like the rest of us" he said smiling at her.

Those words gave her courage "E-endeavor. He wants to destroy me ever since he saw me at the beginning of the year" she said to him. Midoriya knew of her past, he was the only one who really knew how she had broken her ribs earlier that year. "Well, I'm sure the teachers will be on your side. You are a great student after all" he said to her smiling planting a soft kiss on her lips. "Plus I'm sure your dad isn't going to let them just kick you out" he said to her and Shinta smiled at him. "Thanks Izuku. Im glad I have you" she said smiling at him. "Its getting late though. You should go get some rest" Shinta said to him caringly. "Alright, You too doll" he said smiling at her before taking his leave from her room.

Meanwhile at Aizawa's "SOMEONE DID WHAT!" He shouted at All Might the anger very clear on his face. "My friend, please calm yourself. Another pro-hero brought it to the schools attention that Shinta was seen with a villain over the weekend. She did however explain to me that someone apparently has it out for her. So I can hear the full story she told me to come talk with you" All might said and Aizawa's face paled some. 'The whole story? You sure Shinta?' He thought to himself before sighing heavily. "You are not going to like what the story is sir. The knowledge you are about to get may destroy another pro heroes entire career" he said bluntly. Aizawa went over to his desk unlocking the drawer and handed All Might the file. "This is Shinta's true identity" He told him as All might looked at the name on the medical file in his hand ~Todoroki, Shinta~. "What are you saying?" All might asked him and he looked further in-depth at the contents of the file. The first real thing that caught is interest was the birth certificate with the signature Todoroki, Enji as the fathers. "So he is her father. How did you get her? This just leaves more questions" he said and Aizawa nodded.

"Showing you this is just to make what I am about to tell you easier" Aizawa said taking a moment "Shinta still has yet to tell me every detail. I don't suspect she ever will to be honest. When she was seven he threw her out. The same night that his son Touya disappeared, the doctors told me when i adopted her that the burns on her arms have been there since she arrived to them. When I adopted me they explained the night she first was brought to the hospital how scared she was after telling them her last name. After I adopted her I promised to protect her so we destroyed her records keeping the only two copies ourselves. Enji is her father and has wanted her gone since the first moment he saw her at this school" Aizawa said to him All might just stood there quiet for a moment. "I see. Well it seems we are going to have a much larger investigation on our hands than I thought. Thank you for your honesty" he said giving Aizawa his signature smile before taking his exit. Aizawa was now fuming ready to take matters into his own hands at this point. The secret was out now…who knows what's going to happen next.

In the morning all the students of class 1A quickly got themselves together and ready before heading off to the exams. The Written exam would be first before they would continue on to the practical exams. "This year due to the increase with villain activity the practical exam is no longer going to be against robots. But you will pair up and go against a teacher. Shinta on request of our principal your practical will be one on one" Aizawa said to his class who all looked rather shocked at the news. Shinta was a bit nervous 'this has to be due to the investigation. That or how I acted at the licensing exam' she thought to herself before the class heard Aizawa say "begin" before he retreated back to his sleeping bag. The room staid silent as everyone worked on the written test. Most of the students seemed to have no problem with test while a few struggled with it. Before too long the timer that was on Aizawa's desk went off. He then reemerged from his nap "Alright, that is it for the written part. Everyone head to the locker rooms and get in your hero gear. Be ready for the practical exams" He said taking his leave after gathering everyones tests.

All the students headed to the locker rooms Shinta staid back for a moment, Shoto noticed as he was All the students headed to the locker rooms Shinta staid back for a moment, Shoto noticed as he was one of the last ones out as well. "Hey sis, you got this. You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit, just try to keep your emotions in check and you'll win no matter who you go against" he said encouragingly. Shinta smiled some at how Shoto always knew just what to say. "Thanks. You too baby bro" she said playfully as they both headed to the locker rooms.