the calm before the storm

Once out in the arena for the practical everyone pairs up, all but shinta. Thats when it hit her "its just like the first day all over again" she said to herself softly before she felt someones hands wrap around her waist from the side. "Hey doll, come sit with me and kachaan till it's your turn" Midoriya said smiling up at her. "Alright, thanks Izuku. Really for everything this year" she said blushing some as they headed over to bakugo. "No need to thank me. You deserve happiness" He said to her "Kachaan Shinta is gonna sit with us so she won't have to sit alone" Midoriya said and Bakugo just rolled his eyes "What ever nerd" he said trying to act like he didn't care but he was happy she was there with them either way.

The first group up was Shoto and Momo against their homeroom teacher. The next fight would be Midoriya and Bakugo against All might. The groups continued on from there, Shinta waited to see who she would be fighting. When it came to Shinta's name as one of the last matches she was going to be going against not one but two of her teachers. Shinta was going to be up against Ectoplasm and Power Loader. "Well this just got harder" she said jokingly to her friends "it just means they think your good if they are testing you this hard. Just be happy about it, you loser" Bakugo said to her and she just chuckled playful punching his arm in response. The matches soon began as everyone watched to see how things would plan out. The first team that had gone up didn't too well failing the practical exam.

Fumikage and Tsuyu passed in their round, the next match being Shoto and momo against Aizawa. The match was rather entertaining as everyone watched intently. After too long the match came to an end Momo and Shoto had passed as well. The rest of the fights continued now just two fights left. Midoriya and Bakugo against all might and Shinta's match. Some of the other students had gone back to the dorms afterwards due to injuries. The two boys started off their match not working together which Shinta thought was funny in a way. 'If they would just work together' she thought to herself watching the match unfold. Soon enough the two finally realized it and began working as a team which assured their victory.

Last match would begin shortly and Shinta was about to head down to the arena as All might stopped her for a moment "Shinta I just want to say I'm sorry. The investigation is being looked into but don't worry he will pay for what he has done" All Might told her as she smiled "Thanks sir" she said before heading down to their arena. All of the teachers were there to watch the match, it wasn't just to test her but part of the investigation. If pushing her she loses it again it could give them the wrong impression. The staff only knows small bits of the truth such as the fact that she is a Todoroki. Once the match started ectoplasm immediately made a few clones to more she had to watch they could see how quickly she can think outnumbered. "Begin" was then heard and Shinta took flight noticing that she longer saw power loader. 'Two set of cuffs. I can try to take them both down or try to escape. Escaping would be the safer option but that's just not me' Shinta thought to herself before landing on top of one of the faux buildings. "Always make sure the coast is clear before landing" One of ectoplasm's clones said landing a blow on her sending her off the building. Thats when the real fighter in her clicked like all her other fights, during the fall her wings ignited and she turned quickly and headed back up.

Quick work was soon made of the clones of Ectoplasm as the faux city was in a bit of ruin. Half of her allotted time has now passed "you better get moving kid" power loader said reemerging from the ground below her. Shinta moved just quick enough and was able to blast him with her flames as soon as he landed on the ground shinta was able to cuff him. "One down one to go" she said grinning and charged at ectoplasm she just wanted to show them she had control of the flames. As the fight progressed her flames grew wrapping around her along her burns "play times over" shinta said throwing a large ball of blue flames at him finally catching the teacher off guard. That moment of falter is when Shinta quickly cuffed him and was announced as passing her exam. Shinta shrugged her wings as the flames went back out less feathers getting burned each time she did it now. The classmates that had staid cheered for her happily. Aizawa was impressed that even though he say a glint of that look in her eyes she kept control, he knew it was not an easy task for her.

After the exams everyone was able to relax until the graduation at the end of the week. Summer break not far behind that, all the students were excited. All but shinta who hid away in her room while everyone else was talking about where they were going for the summer. Shinta never really didn't anything, her dad was a teacher so he was busy a lot. Shoto decided he would go check on her a couple hours later seeing how it was almost dinner and Shinta hadn't come down yet. When Shoto got to her room he saw it empty, her jacket was still there so she was. He knew if she wasn't in her room she probably went to the roof, that way no one would see her go outside. Once he got to the roof he saw the great feathers blowing in the soft breeze "hey everyone was getting worried about you. You kind of just went off to your room as soon as everyone was talking about summer plans. What going on?" He asked her sitting beside her, their feet dangling off the side of the building as they leaned on the railing. "I don't have plans. I'll probably be stuck here until they finish the investigation anyway. I didn't want to hear about all the fun everyone was going to have" she said smiling softly trying to hide the pain she felt.

"Well if I clear it with Aizawa then how about you come home for a few days. We can hide you from father, plus Midoriya is staying over as well" he said to her nudging her arm jokingly earning a small blush from her. "If Enji sees me in that home you know he will try to kill me right" Shinta said looking off at the setting sun those words cut Shoto to the core. "Wait is t-touya's room still there?" Shinta asked her brother who kinda froze some he hadn't heard that name since he was young. He had the flashback from that night, the first time they ever really met in the fire. "Y-y-yea…I think so. Mom fixed up his room and it was left alone after the accident in hopes he might come back. Dad avoids it like its the plague" he said and then grinned it clicked "Thats perfect, he would never suspect you if your in there" Shoto said happily and hugged her "Im sure the others will be happy to see you too" he said to her and she chuckled "I'm not so sure about that Sho. When we were little they did not like me. I remember getting nothing but dirty looks anytime I did come out of Touya's room" she said to him. "Did Rei ever miss me when he threw me out?" Shinta asked Shoto with a look of almost longing in her eyes. "She actually did I think. When she fixed up our brothers room I think she made adjustments for you as well incase you showed back up. Even though dad told her you died in the fire, part of her knew it wasn't true" Shoto said to her earning a smile. "Think she would remember me?" She asked him "Why don't we find out tomorrow? We can go see her" Shoto said to her and she nodded "that would be great" She said as the two siblings sat there enjoying the sunset.

Once the moon had risen the two finally headed back inside, they had called Aizawa who reluctantly agreed to let her go there. Aizawa just urged them both to be very careful its risky. The two siblings exchanged a warm hug before heading to their rooms for the night. Shinta for once was excited about the summer. Even if it could mean having to deal with Endeavor on his home turf, she wanted to spend time with her friends and family if she could. The rest of the night went silent shinta had a few small nightmares but nothing extreme like most nights. The next day all of Shinta's friends surprised her by taking her to the amusement park near by. All of them had fun through out the day it was like something Shinta had only dream about. In the afternoon the girls decided to take Shinta to the mall for a small shopping trip, they were all going to get dresses for graduation. Yaoyorozu had plans something special for her with Shoto and Midoriya. The two pitched in and gave her some money to help with the trip. The plan was to get dresses with matching shoes; then to get their hair and nails done.

The rest of the night went amazing Shinta had a blast. She got her nails painted black with blue flames on them to symbolize her quirk in an art form. The girls all headed back to the dorm, on the way back Shinta saw a text from her favorite contact 'patchwork' "hey guys I'll meet you back at the dorm. I have to make a pit stop. Yaoyorozu could you put my dress in my room for me?"Shinta asked her friend who nodded "of course just be safe" she said and the girls went their separate ways. Shinta then read the message "meeting at the hideout 20 mins" is all it said but any message she would get from dabi made her happy. Once Shinta knew the coast was clear she took flight heading off the the LOV hideout getting there with about five minutes till the meeting. As soon as Shinta got there she saw dabi landing I front of him hugging her brother "I missed you touya" she said "remember don't let them hear that name" he grumbled trying to not show how much that named bothered him still. Dabi then pulled out the leash smiling at her "you know the drill" he chuckled clipping it to her collar before they went in "nice nails by the way baby flame. They match our quirk" he said before they made it to the others "good you made it and on time" Shigaraki said in his condescending tone

"I'm here that's what matters crusty" Shinta snapped at him which surprised even dabi for a moment "Now now lets not pick a fight tonight" Dabi said to her pulling her down to her spot in his lap. "Now give me the info you have collected" Shigaraki ordered and Shinta placed the book of all the notes on the table by him before returning to her seat. "If anything is missing from this or you have lied then next time I won't go so easy on you like the last time" he threatened. To his surprised Toga and Twice stepped in this time "Why would she lie Shiggy? Shinta hates some of the same pro heroes we do after all" Toga said patting Shinta on the head as Dabi slapped her hand away "I didn't say you could touch her either crazy" Dabi growled in his overprotective tone. "You know Dabi, I still find it strange how close you have gotten with this girl and none of us knew about her" Twice said and Shinta shot a glare at him and he just chuckled before sprinting from the room. "Take your pet home. No short cuts either" Shigaraki ordered taking his leave from the room with the notebook. The others doing the exact same returning to their rooms.

Shinta and Dabi headed out of the bar once outside he removed the leash from her again "You know I really do appreciate your understanding with this whole thing" Dabi told his sister "I mean its either this or they find out I'm really your sister. I agree with you on that front if Shigaraki knew we were related he would use it against both of us. I don't mind anyway, I know you're doing it to protect me. Plus you're my brother I love you silly" Shinta said hugging him some as he chuckled putting his arm around her shoulders. "I love you too baby flame" he said to her as they continued their walk back towards UA keeping away from all the busy main streets to not draw any attention. Surely a wanted villain and a new young hero walking together like this would be some juicy gossip no matter who you were. Before too long they got close and had to part ways "Keep your head up and enjoy your summer alright" Dabi said hugging her one last time before leaving. He was always good at leaving before she could even try to protest with words; shinta rolled her eyes and headed back to her dorm building. Successfully making it into the building and to her room with out being caught. Not long after shinta got comfortable in her pajamas which happened to be the shirt Dabi put in her bag the last time she was there. Wrapped up in her blankets Shinta smiled thinking over the year even though there was a few times where things were rough it was one hell of a year. Graduation was the next day, after that shinta would be going home for a few days for the first time in 10 years….