Going Home?

Shinta took a deep breath she never thought a day would come that she would ever return to the todoroki home. Moments after Shinta walked forward following them inside keeping her head low still. Not long after entering the home they were quickly greeted by their older sister Fuyumi. After greeting shoto and Midoriya when Fuyumi's eyes landed on shinta she froze some; she recognized her still. "Shinta? Is it really you?" She asked, hearing those words shinta looked up quickly in shock "Y-yea its me. Hey Fuyumi" she said shyly which in return she was hugged by her sister. "Natsuo come down here! We have company" Fuyumi called upstairs and we could hear him grumble some as he came down the hall to the living room. Once Natsuo saw Shinta his face paled he didn't seem so happy to have her back there. "Oh great she's back" he said walking back off with out another word. Shinta was taken back for a moment by those words, but then she remembered they never got along. The few times Touya had Natsuo keep an eye on her she was temperamental and burned him a few times. "Its ok fuyumi, he and I never really did click before" Shinta said trying to defuse the situation. "Alright well we are going to get ourselves situated then Shinta and I are going to go see mom" Shoto told their sister before pulling shinta down the hall Midoriya following behind them.

Shoto stopped at his room first "this is where we are gonna be staying midoriya, go ahead and make yourself comfortable. We will be back in about two hours" Shoto told him before leading Shinta down the hall to the last room "and here it is. I hope it won't be too hard while we are here" he said as they entered the room. When Shinta went in the room so many emotions went over her she didn't know what to do. "Its just how I remember it; well mostly" she said and flopped on the bed which still had a faint trace of touya's scent to it. "Alright, Let's go see mom. We need to get back before he does" Shinta said to Shoto still a bit nervous to see her after all these years. The whole thing of being in the home it all felt like a dream that would turn sour at any moment. Shoto led her to the hospital his mother was at. When they got to her room whoever Shinta stopped the door. "Come on" he said to her and she just stood there "why don't you go ahead and warn her first" she said softly her nervousness clear in her voice. Shoto just sighed softly and did just that. Shinta took a few deep breaths after seeing Shoto and his mom talking for a bit she went in. "Hello Mrs. Rei" shinta said looking down some unsure of how she would react.

Rei looked at Shinta as she spoke "Shinta is it really you? Shoto filled me in some my dear girl. I'm sorry for what had happened to you" she said but Shinta still saw a gleam of disgust in her eyes towards her. "Its alright its in the past. Hey sho I'm gonna go get some fresh air. I'm sorry" Shinta said and quickly left the room before he could try to stop her. Shoto was rather confused but let her have her space and spent the time with his mom. Shinta found herself a nice secluded spot under a tree near by. She would wait there for her brother feeling like she shouldn't have come. Shoto was a bit confused "mom I thought you said you missed her?" He asked his mom "I did. But Shoto it is still hard to see her. She is a product of your fathers greed for power. I'm sorry it wasn't what you had hoped but I can not show her fake love. It is crueler than the truth" Rei said Shoto was just quiet not saying a word. It was like something took over him and he got up walking out the room "I'll see you another time then mother" he said taking his leave going outside to find Shinta. Soon enough Shoto found his sister sitting under the tree "hey, sorry about that. I didn't know she was going to act that way" he explained "Its alright Sho. I can't really blame her after all" she said as she stood up.

The siblings began their walk back home silent for most of the walk that is until they saw Endeavor returning home…early. As soon as Shinta saw him she pulled her brother into a near by alley out of sight "Sho he's home. He wasn't supposed to be back yet" she said scared "its ok, do you remember which window is my room?" He asked her and she nodded. He could see Shinta was starting to freak out some after seeing their father. "You can go to my window. Have Izuku let you in that way. You can hide out with us for now. Move you to your room after he goes to sleep tonight" Shoto said in a calm reassuring tone. Shinta nodded and they began heading back as well, she quickly veered off going to his window just as they planned. Things went smoothly until dinner time when Natsuo picked a fight with his father again like he always did. This time though he told his father he knew the truth about Shinta, that they all did. Shouting then could be heard from the dinning room. Shoto and Midoriya quickly barged back into his bedroom "We need to get you out of here. Natsuo told him that we all know who you are. We need to get you somewhere safe he won't find you" He said and as soon as she heard those words she already knew where to go. "I got this. You guys just be safe, bring my stuff back with you when you go back to the school" she said quickly as the heard footsteps coming down the hall. She quickly jumped out the window and took off in flight to create as much distance as possible. None of them realized a few of the smaller feathers had fallen on his floor when she took off. Endeavor not long after barged in the room "Where is she?! That stupid brat!" He shouted at the boys who just played dumb before he gave up storming out of the house. During the few moments he was in his sons room he saw the feathers, he knew she was there.

He walked down the street a but further to a payphone a smirk on his face as he picked it up. He was going to report a 'suspicious' girl who had been sneaking around his house. He would do anything to get the investigation to end. Even if it meant pushing her to the breaking point and making everyone think she is a villain. After giving her description he hung up returning him with a smile on his face. Several blocks way Shinta had landed in an alley and was walking around in the city. She was going to pick up a few things before heading to LOV hideout. The only place no-one would suspect her to be. After going into a few shops picking up a few outfits and getting some strange looks Shinta had finished her shopping. She was walking out of the last store heading to her destination. Not long after she was stopped by two officers "Can I help you?" She asked them "there was a report of a girl matching your description sneaking around the todoroki home. Tell us was that you?" They asked her and shintas face paled. She couldn't think of a good response, before she could even really think she just took off in flight. Shinta flew as quickly as she could to the LOV hideout after making sure she wasn't followed. As soon as she arrived she went in surprising everyone who just so happened to be having a meeting.

Everyone looked over toward the door when they heard it open. Seeing Shinta emerge from the hallway Dabi was shocked to see her but acted quickly pulling her to him. After a moment of confused silence in the room the meeting continued Shinta hadn't said a word, dabi could tell something was wrong by the look in her eyes. Once the meeting was over Dabi led Shinta back to his room "why are you here? Not that I'm complaining but why did you come here?" Dabi asked Shinta who just turned on the police scanner he had in his room which made him nervous. Moments after they heard a repeat about her "Be on the lookout for a young girl with heterochromia eyes and gray wings. She was last spotted…" Dabi turned it off "Why are they looking for you?" He asked her hugging onto her "Enji" she said making sure to leave out where she was a bit nervous to tell him she went home. "He told them I was acting suspicious and he thought I was engaging in criminal activity" she explained. The whole thing annoyed her brother she could tell because his grip had tightened on her "Its ok, your safe now. Tomorrow I'm taking you to hawks though. Crusty is up to something, you aren't in the best place mentally right now. I can see it in your eyes that more happened. I won't push you can tell me when ever you want. I don't want him to find that out and try to break the remnants of your hope" he said to her and she smiled knowing he was right even though she wanted to be right where she was. "I'd rather be right here but I understand. Oh so I hoped Rei would have been happy to see me again. She wasn't happy about it at all. The look in her eyes showed disgust just like when I was little" she mumbled to him.

"You went and saw mom? Who took you?" He asked as they sat on his bed "Shoto did. I told him who I am. I got to meet our siblings again earlier, Fuyumi was very sweet. Natsuo did not take seeing me well, he is the one who outed me to enji. I went home…I was excited we had a plan to keep me safe while there. But then he got home early and at dinner Natsuo told him I was there. I managed to get out before he saw me" she said looking down knowing she was going to get a lecture for it. Dabi wanted to scream and shout at her for being so reckless and stupid but he just hugged her instead "I want to yell, I do. I also know it is not going to help. You need to think, to him you are nothing you know he will stop at nothing to get what he wants" he told his sister and she nodded. The two spent the rest of the night talking and enjoying each others company until they both fell asleep. Back at the todoroki home after Endeavor returned home he saw both Shoto and Midoriya walking out not saying a word. The two boys headed back to the school dorms, it was better than being in that place. When they got back they camped out in the common area since everyone else had gone away for the summer. They were both worried about Shinta, but knew she went somewhere safe. Shinta for the first time in quite some time began to have a nightmare once again. She began groaning as she tossed around…


Shinta was at the school with her classmates but things were different. Her friends didn't know her, but not just that they all hated her. Everyone saw her the same way Enji did, as nothing more than trash. It was at one of the festivals everyone was going for her and the teachers did nothing to help, some even joined in. Before long they had managed to beat her down and things faded to black. Soon after just like before Shinta was walking home after a day in the field. In the distance she saw deku, this time she was aware trying to turn around and leave. Her feet refused and she began walking towards him. Just like before the boy she cares for ended her.

During all of her tossing Shinta wound up punching dabi waking him up. "The fuck?!" He grumbled before he realized she was having a nightmare. The entire time he wanted to wake her but knew not to, instead he just held on to her so she couldn't hurt herself. "Shh…its alright. Your dreaming" he said soothingly to her. Those words slipped through to her and before long she shot up and screamed, her flames just like his always did flared through the room leaving their own burn pattern on the walls. Dabi flinched when the flames hit him they were a bit hotter then his so they hurt some even for him. "Its ok, I'm right here. It was just a bad dream" he said again as she took a few deep breaths calming down. "I…They….He…." She said trying to process what she had saw "Its ok baby flame. Slow down. You don't have to talk about it unless you want to" he told her looking into her eyes. Dabi always knew exactly how to calm her down. With one more deep breath "It was a recurring nightmare. Deku was there its a couple years from now. He and I had been estranged after school and I had told him that I liked him. He just kind of vanished, but that one night coming home from a patrol. I see him standing there in the distance under a street lamp. I run to him happy to see him, but he wasn't so happy. He winds up killing me, he hd become a villain and ended me because I was a hero" she said to him. Dabi sighed he understood the fear she had of the dream. "If that boy cares about you in anyway trust me he wouldn't hurt you. From what I have seen he likes you. That being said while I am alive I will do everything in my power to keep you safe from harm" he told her and she smiled some "Thank you Touya. Lets try to get some more sleep" She said to him. Dabi rolled his eyes in annoyance at the name once again before laying back down after releasing his hold on Shinta. In response to that and still being shaken up by the nightmare Shinta curled up to him placing her head on his chest. Just like many times before when they were kids. The two fell back asleep, the rest of the night going peacefully.