Confronting the Beast...losing time.

Early in the morning as the sun was beginning to rise Dabi had already woke shinta up and the two were heading towards Hawks penthouse. Shinta filled hawks in while they were on the way. The door would be unlocked for her when she got there. Hawks had to head to the office for work and would be back that evening. He told her she would need to explain more than. Once they got to the Building Dabi walked Shinta up and made sure she was safe comfortable before he took his leave retuning to the hide out. Shinta got herself comfortable in the guest room like she always did when she was there, she pulled out her phone and let the boys know she was safe at Hawks.

Shinta: I'm safe at Hawk's place. I'm gonna stay here for a few days while things calm down after what happened. Enji tried to say I was committing crime. It's not safe for me to be around you guys right now. His goal is to get my kicked out of school and to see me locked up I know it.

Shoto: I understand. We left after he had returned and are back at the dorms. Its just us here at the moment, you would be safe here. Aizawa won't let anything happen to you

After his response Shinta just didn't know what to say, so instead she figured she would pick up around the place for hawks as a surprise. As the summer proceeded Shinta had returned to the school campus half way through break. That's around the same time as a lot of their classmates. The first day back on school grounds Shinta was pulled to the principals office and questioned about the accusations made about her earlier that summer. After she explained her side of things and they cross checked her information with Shoto and Midoriya which cleared her for the time being. With everything going on the school kept a very close watch on her every move, She couldn't leave school grounds without either being tailed or escorted every time. They figured doing this would keep her out of trouble. As well as see if they could get visual proof for themselves of the negative relationship she has with Endeavor. Finally one of the days near the end Endeavor requested that Shoto come to his agency for the day and that he could bring with him 3 friends. Shoto filled everyone in and it as decided on who would go, they knew it was risky but they had to do it. The next morning Shoto, Midoriya, Shinta and Bakugo all headed to Endeavor's agency.

When they walked into his office Enji stopped abruptly in his tracks when he saw Shinta "what is that doing here?" He asked looking at her "she is one of MY friends. No more than that DAD. I know your secret all of us do" Shoto said and Shinta gulped that wasn't part of the plan. Endeavor started to get more and more upset as his son spoke. "Oh yea and what is that my boy?" He said as he now towered over them all. The boys all surrounding Shinta as soon as he got close. "We know that Shinta is my sister. WE know that she does exist and that you threw her out like she was trash" Shoto said as he said his words Midoriya and Bakugo joined in by the end all three boys were talking in unison. "So you told him even after you were warned to stay away. You will pay for your insolence" He said grabbing Shinta before any of them could react. He had shinta by her neck the three boys growled "now now you don't want to attack a pro hero do you? Run along you three, I am going to do some training with this one" he grinned Shinta was struggling in his grasp until she felt his hand heat up. At that moment she stopped fighting it "just go, tell Aizawa" she said to them. Bakugo being the hot head wanted to fight him anyway until he saw that look in Shinta's eyes. The look of fear and acceptance as well as bravery. "You better be back soon you hear me!" he snapped grabbing the other two. "Don't ask lets just go. I think she has a plan. We need to let the teachers know now" Bakugo said and the three ran off to the school as fast as they could.

Once the boys left Shinta's expression changed, it went dark and sinister. "Oh dear father, you thought sending them away was to protect them. No no no you see it was really to protect you" she said but her voice sounded different, something about it sounded almost demonic. The temperature in the room began to rise higher and higher Shinta's wings ignited as the room got hotter. As soon as her wings ignited Endeavor had let go caught off guard. That moment gave her the time she needed to recover before she smirked "My turn" she said and threw a giant ball of her blue flames at him, it as impossible for him to dodge it. Doing the only thing he could Endeavor took the attack which burned him all over his body setting his office on fire "You will never touch me again. Or the next shot will be your end" Shinta said before throwing a ball of her fire at the glass window shattering it before she flew out the new hole in his office wall. Her anger had control she just wanted to destroy things right now so she kept flying until she got to the abandoned parts of the city.

Upon landing she just let loose. Shinta screamed as loud as she could letting her anger just consume her as a surge of her flames shot out igniting all the nearby buildings. Shinta then threw balls of her fire at the buildings. Things began to crash down around her as she stood there in the center of it all watching the buildings burn she just kind of chuckled. That's when she noticed a group of people coming towards the chaos she had created, the one leading the way looked to be none other than overhaul. In her current mental state Shinta stood there flames in her hands ready to fight, when in reality she should be running. Overhaul saw it was just one girl and had his men stand back he didn't feel the least bit threatened by her…fool. As soon as he was in range Shinta shot her fire at him "good someone to fight" she said that's when he realized who she was. Overhaul had seen the display of her powers at the sports fest and even at the licensing exam, so he knew of her sanity slips. Even though he could make quick work of the fight and end it right there he chose not to. "Don't bother me child. I am not here for you we are passing through, I know who you are and I do not wish to bring more attention on myself right now" he said signaling his men to just keep walking as they passed her. This both shocked and annoyed Shinta who just took off in flight.

Once up in the air Shinta began to calm down and returned to her normal self. She didn't remember what she had done, only up until she flew out the window of Endeavors agency. "Great I lost time. That's not gonna be easy to explain. I should hurry up and get back" she said to herself as she headed back to the school. Even though she didn't remember what happened she still for some reason could still see overhauls face in her memory. It was dark at this point and way past curfew for her as she arrived at the dorms. Shinta quickly and as quietly as she could entered the dorms only to be greeted by Aizawa. "Oh hey dad" she said nervously as she realized her clothes smelled like smoke as well. "What happened?" He asked her concerned and that's when she remembered the reason she sent the boys out was to get the proof they needed. "I got it recorded. I'll get the video footage for you tonight and have it ready tomorrow of what happened when we were there" she said hoping maybe she got footage of what else happened from when she lost time. Aizawa nodded he could tell she didn't want to talk about it really and knew not to push at the subject. "Well you do that and get some rest. School will be starting back up soon" he said giving her a big hug before taking his leave back to their home. Shinta smiled some as she went up to her room flopping on her bed.

As soon as Shinta laid down she was comfortable and fell asleep almost instantly. She knew in the morning she would be able to take care of the video footage she had captured. The boys were off in there rooms already asleep seeing as it was around 12am. In the morning Shinta woke up with her first alarm and instead of going back to sleep she staid up and got the footage ready. While doing this shinta realized the camera's battery lasted longer than they thought it would. She had caught her destroying the buildings on camera as well. When she saw what she had done she quickly saved it on a separate disc before deleting the proof of it. After finishing up with the footage Shinta quickly went and snuck the flash drive onto Aizawa's nightstand. Her first alarm she had set to go off around 5am, he wouldn't be getting up till closer to 6:30am. The Flash drive had a small note saying ~Here's the proof you need~ in plain sight for him to see when he wakes up. Shinta then went back to the dorms and relaxed watching some tv in the common area enjoying some quiet time. As she sat there reflecting over the past year it dawned on her that even though she is dating midoriya that hadn't really done anything couples do really. Its been all about school and then the summer didn't go as planned. 'Maybe it be better if we were just friends. Uraraka has a crush on him anyway, they would be cute together. She isn't damaged, all I am going to do is bring more trouble to him' she thought to herself not hearing that someone else had come down.

Shoto was the next to wake up as he came downstairs he saw the tv on and cautiously entered the room. The boys didn't know she was back yet and he knew Midoriya has been a late riser recently. Once he saw it was Shinta he smiled "Glad to see your back. We were worried when we didn't see you come back last night" Shoto said to her as he came in the room. Shinta looked back at him as he came over to the couch and sat with her. "Thanks, sorry I didn't come back sooner. I needed to clear my head after what had happened. I got the footage we needed though and got it to Aizawa. Now we just have to wait and see. I just hope they let me attend school next year with you guys" She said to him the images of what she did still playing in her head. Part of her enjoyed what she did while the other part seemed ashamed of it in a way. "You'll be in class with us just like last year. Don't worry there is no reason for them not to let you continue your schooling here" he said then noticing something was wrong "Hey sis, remember you can tell me anything. I won't turn my back on you; you're my family and real family sticks together" he said to her.

Shinta looked down debating whether to tell him what happened. "Lets just say my temper turns me into someone else entirely" she said to him with the lets drop it expression and he nodded. The two sat there watching tv together for a few more hours until midoriya came stumbling down the steps. Bakugo's sleepy figure not far behind him as the two siblings watched the two head to the kitchen to fuel their bodies for the day with caffeine. Shinta decided to go in the kitchen with them Shoto remained comfortable on the couch. "Morning boys" Shinta said happily midoriya looked over at her and smiled. Yet something seemed off in his expression it looked like traces of fear? Bakugo looked over he hadn't seen her since graduation smiled over at her "Morning Teddy Bear" He said not even thinking as he spoke. Those words caught the attention of both of the others in the kitchen. Midoriya looked like he was going to say something, but he just grabbed his cup and left the room "On that note I'll take my leave" he said exiting the room 'The hell?! Aren't you my boyfriend? Shouldn't you have been upset or jealous?' Shinta thought watching him leave. "What did you call me?" Shinta asked him noticing his face was a bright red.

The look on his face was priceless he was as red as a tomato right now "Nothing, you didn't hear a thing" he said trying to get away from answering her. 'Dumb ass! She isn't gonna let this go is she?' He thought to himself as Shinta stepped closer to him "Yea I don't like that answer. So what was that you just called me Katsuki?" She asked him cutely making him blush more he was trapped at the curve of the counters in the kitchen. He had no way to escape without giving her the answer so he decided he would go for it. "Fine, but you asked for it" he grinned which caught her off guard as he stepped closer. Bakugo wrapped his arm behind her pulling her closer to him their faces only inches apart. "I said Morning teddy Bear" he said with a low growl that sent shivers down her spine as she began to blush now. Bakugo having her right where he wanted took that moment and kissed her. Shinta was caught off guard but returned the kiss something felt different for her from when she kissed midoriya. Her heart raced some and before she knew it he had pulled away and started making their coffee's "Take a seat would you. Your in the way" he then snapped back to his normal self.

Shinta just shook her head "The fuck just happened?" She asked herself out loud bringing her hand to her lips as she moved out of the way sitting on one of the bar stools.