Well that just happened

"What just happened is that I showed you how I feel about you" Bakugo said smugly earning him a small glare from Shinta. "Right now I don't think it be smart if I am with anyone. I just bring trouble to those around me" Shinta said bluntly to him "Well that's all well and good but I don't accept that answer. I got your back so do all of your friends. You deserve to be happy and I want to help with that" he said to her as he set her coffee in front of her again the exact way she likes her coffee. This earned a smile from her as she took a deep breath "If we try anything between us lets just keep it quiet. I don't want my enemies to find out anything they could try to use against me" she said to him. Shinta knew she still had to technically break things off with Deku still. Bakugo grinned "Deal, so now your my girl. You come to me if you need anything you go that" he said to her in a strict but loving tone. Shinta sighed knowing there was not much of a point to argue with him "Alright, you got it Katsuki" she said with a smile as she drank her coffee. The two sat there enjoying their coffee in silence, Shinta enjoyed it having the company but not feeling compelled to talk. Before long her phone went off with a message from her dad.

A: Ive seen the footage and the school has it. They are not going to take his allegations too serious but the way you were acting concerned them. The way you acted towards him they didn't see you as a hero but a villain my dear. I am going to do everything I can to protect you, we both knew one day this could happen. No matter what path you take your my kid and I will protect you

When she read the message her face paled some. She knew that meant the investigation into her wasn't done yet. The footage she has of what she did afterwards now extremely dangerous to be in school grounds. Bakugo noticed something was wrong and nudged her arm "what's wrong? Did the footage not work?" He asked her. Shinta looked over at him "lets go back to my room to talk about it. I can show you the footage that way too. It worked but also may have caused another problem" she said and he nodded. The two went to her room and she showed him the footage of what happened at the agency. "When you said your anger makes you a different person you weren't lying" he said trying to make light of the situation. "Yea and that person concerns the school. They don't see me as a hero here but as a villain because of how I acted. If they only knew, they would lock me up for sure" she said looking at the screen. Her eyes fixated on a file labeled 'Lost Time'. Bakugo was concerned by her words and curious what the file was. "What is that? I thought the camera was supposed to run out not long after the confrontation. Can I watch it?" He asked her and she just nodded her head not saying a word. Bakugo opened the video and saw what happened after she left the agency and it surprised even him and he turned it off. "So what about it. It looked like you made sure no-one was around first" he said trying to make her feel better if he could.

"Yea but to them it is going to be seen as destruction of property and harmful to others. I can never let them or anyone else see this video" she said as she pulled the flash drive out of her computer that had the files on it. Shinta grabbed his hand in hers and placed the flash drive in his hand before she closed it around the flash drive. "You have the only proof of what I did. Im trusting you with it" she said knowing he would protect it. "If your giving this to me i understand completely. I'll protect it with everything I got" he said putting it in his pocket. "Now don't worry about it anymore. No one else knows and it looked like no one was there from what I saw. So no one needs to know about it" he said hugging her. Shinta smiled and hugged him back "thank you" she said to him as he let go. "Alright I'm going to go do some training. Later" he said to her giving her a playful punch in the arm before heading out of the room. Shinta watched him leave and took a deep breath knowing she needed to go talk to deku. Shinta was able to grab him and they went out front "What's up?" He asked her "Izuku, I think your more of a friend to me a very close friend. I don't feel romance between us" she said and to her surprise he seemed fine "I was actually gonna say something like that myself to you at some point today. I realized over the summer when you weren't here while we were trying to find you. I wasn't worried about you as my girlfriend but as my friend. I'm glad we both had the same conclusion" he said to her and she nodded "Thank you izuku, for everything over the past year" she said to him and took off in flight she needed to clear her head some.

Once she took flight she flew home, back to Aizawa and Shinso. The two were training out back she could see them as she got closer. Shinta went down to them landing behind the two "Hey guys" she said softly both her father and brother jumped. "Welcome home" they then said smiling as the group went in the house for a break. Aizawa and Shinta filled Shinso in on what had happened with her over summer. Aizawa filled her in with the fact that not too long ago some talk had begun to stir about a villain named overhaul taking over as the new head of the yakuza. That he was working on something that could possibly get rid of quirks all together. That's when shinta remembered the man she saw in the video shinso noticed something was off but didn't push. Aizawa decided to take his leave for a bit to let the siblings catch up telling hem he was going to go deal with the investigation and see if he can get anymore info from the school board. Shinta and Shinso wound up finally having a movie night watching their favorite movies back to back until they both fell asleep on the couch. When Aizawa got home he smiled at the display on the couch and let them sleep giving them both a blanket before going to bed himself. So far the school has agreed to let her attend with restricted access. She has to have someone with her all the time on school grounds.

The school board warned him that she gets two more chances before they will have to kick her out of the school. They did not hold anything that happened off school grounds against her luckily but due to how she acted they wanted her watched while on school grounds. Aizawa knew how hard it was going to be for them to keep her calm and away from that ledge but he would try his best. The rest of break soon came to an end all of the students from class 1A are now Class 2A the second school year had fully begun. Shinta started distancing herself again from everyone getting annoyed with the fact she can't have a moment alone at school anymore. At lunch that day Bakugo grabbed her tray from her "Follow me" he said and led her up to the roof "Figured you'd like some quiet. I'm with you so your not really alone" he said smirking at himself proud of his little plan he thought up. "Thank you, every time I needed to go anywhere someone has been with me. I get why but its already getting on my nerves and its only been going on for like three days" she said and he just chuckled "but at least your still here with us. A hero like you said you always wanted to be" he said

"I don't know if i'd call me a hero either. I have told you yet and you didn't watch till the end of that video but I met overhaul that night. I tried to fight him and he just walked past me saying he knew who I was and at the time didn't need more attention on him" she said finally admitting it to someone. Those words rang in his ears "what do you mean? You met him? And he just walked away? You realize who he is don't you?" He asked her but she nodded no in response to his last question. "Not really. I just found out a few days ago. In the video you have hidden he showed up with his men. I tried to attack him, he dodged it and told me he knew who I was. He didn't want more attention. He then continued on through the chaos I made with him men" she explained to him "You don't realize how lucky you are!" He growled trying to keep his temper under control. Shinta could tell he was upset about it "hey I promise he didn't hurt me he didn't even touch me. Since I have seen him though it may help us identify him" she said with a grin and he knew her plan "we will need a pro-hero to help us though" he said to her "Yea, Hawks will help us. I work out of his agency already. Plus he has his hands full with his intern anyway" she said to him. The two began their plan to try to help hunt down the villain overhaul.

Somehow when he was around shinta even when Bakugo was angry he felt a strange calm over take him. The two figured out there plan before heading back down to finish out the school day. School got to continue for the most part like normal for awhile. Soon enough it was time for the interning to start up again, Bakugo switched over to work with Shinta. Their classmates have figured it out that they are a thing not like they really hide it. Aizawa wasn't too thrilled with the fact that she was dating the hot head, but he had to admit they were cute together. The two entered hawks agency with Tokoyami who went and got himself ready to go do his rounds with hawks. Shinta went to go talk to hawks about the plan some more.

Hawks was sitting as his desk when Shinta entered the room "Hey Keigo. I got a favor to ask" she said cutely using his real name. This caught him off guard and he looked up "What's up baby bird? You have only called me my real name twice now" he said to her "Well Bakugo and I are going to try to see if we can spot Overhaul while we are on our rounds. I am asking for permission to engage in combat if we see him" she said to him standing firm showing her confidence. Bakugo caught up to her finally hearing her the end of the conversation. "As much ask I want to say no; You have to promise me that if it gets too dangerous you retreat. When you spot him alert the agency with the tracker we use on patrols" he said sternly and they both nodded "Don't worry Hawks. Nothing bad will happen if I can help it" Bakugo said sounding as cocky as always. Hawks just chuckled at them "Go on you too. Oh and Shinta remember we have that meeting tomorrow" he said to her as the two left. Shinta waved back at him signaling she got the message. The two students headed off after getting in their hero gear to start their patrol. It took some strings getting pulled but they got approval to patrol the older parts of the city where she had run into overhaul before.

Once they got there they decided to continue in the direction she had seen overhaul go in the video footage. Bakugo followed with her as he saw the destruction she caused first hand it shocked him. 'Damn her quirk really can do some damage' he thought to himself as they kept walking. Soon enough they could hear voices coming towards them. The two were prepared as they got closer to the alleyway the voices were coming from. When they turned the corner they saw him, overhaul and two of his men. It looked like a type of meeting, he had been giving hem orders. "Go find her" he snapped at his men before he looked over seeing the two heroes standing there. His men ran the opposite way down the alleyway to do what they were told. "Well well well it seems we meet again" he said smugly towards Shinta who growled. "If you both were smart you would walk away" he said straightening up his clothes knowing full well they weren't going to leave. "In your dreams" Shinta said and began her attack throwing multiple balls of her flames at him at once. Bakugo took that moment to blast an explosion behind her flames giving them a bit more speed and strengthening his own attack as well. Overhaul was able to shield most of the attack before bakugo's explosion broke through the terrain used to block the attack. The parts that got through sent him back. Shinta went in for an attack that's exactly what overhaul wanted though. He pulled out the gun he had been hiding and attempted to shoot her, shinta quickly ignited her wings and used them to shield her from the attack. The heat from her flames enough to stop the ammunition he fired before she grinned and punched him in his gut.