He Always Gets What He Wants

Bakugo was charging toward the two closing the distance. Shinta's attack was clean in execution but during that moment that she landed a blow on him he had grabbed her arm with an ungloved hand activating his own quirk "say good bye to the bone here" he grinned as he went flying back from her attack. The pain then hit her in that single moment from that touch he had managed to break the bone in her arm. Shinta quickly acted and turned her scarf into a sling. Once the dust had settled overhaul was gone, bakugo noticed her arm in thew makeshift sling "What happened?!" He snapped, he had missed what had happened it all happened so fast. Shinta could barely process it herself. "Overhaul messed up my arm. I'll be fine lets head back its getting late" Shinta said trying to hide her pain like she always would. Bakugo growled at her stubbornness "fine but you're going to recovery girl when we get back to the school" he said strictly and she sighed heavily "fine, do you want to just fly back?" She asked him knowing she needed to get her arm looked at asap. He nodded and held on tight to her from her left side since her right arm was injured.

Shinta took off once he seemed to have a good grasp on her she took her time flying back taking a more scenic route. It almost felt kind of like a date in a strange way and she smiled. Soon enough they arrived back at the school. As soon as they landed Bakugo grabbed her arm pulling her to recovery girl. "I know if I don't take you myself you aren't going to actually go see her" he said to her and she just chuckled "How come you know me so well already?" She asked him taking his hand in hers as they headed in to see recovery girl. "Because I'm the same way" he responded "Can I get for you guys?" She asked them looking over noticing Shinta's arm but she waited to see what was said. "My arm, We were out on patrol and I got into a fight with a villain and they broke my arm" she said making sure to leave out who the villain was. "I see, Bakugo my dear go ahead back to the dorms. Shinta will return after I get her patched up" she said in a reassuring voice, but shinta heard another tone underlying in those words. Shinta smiled at him and he grabbed her cheek turning her to fully face him before planting a kiss on her lips. "See you when you get back teddy bear" he said with a smile before heading out and back to the dorm. What had happened today was to be kept between them and Hawks if he asked for the details since he is covering for them.

Once it was just the two of them shinta slowly removed her arm from the makeshift sling of her scarf. The skin was already discolored from it could be tell the bone was in bad shape. Recovery girl was even surprised at what she was seeing. The wound but more so the fact that this wound should be extremely painful and shinta seems relatively unfazed. "Lets get an image of the damage but I will say we are going to have to do some reconstructive surgery on your arm" she said leading her over to the machine. After the imaging she was able to see that both of the bones were broken two places, the breaks were not clean however so she was going to have to remove parts of the bone and replace it with metal to reattach the broken bone fragments. Shinta nodded signing the papers after getting recovery girl to agree to not tell her dad. After about three hours shinta began to reawaken after her surgery. "Alright keep your arm in the sling while it heals. Mind the stitches and be careful with rapid temperature changes on your arm. The metal in the arm is going to make it very sensitive to the temperature. Don't worry though the metal used is treated to be able to withstand the heat of your flames" she explained to Shinta. "Thank you mam" she said bowing her head some putting her arm in the sling before heading back to the dorm building. This was the first time all year she has been able to walk by herself and she was really enjoying the quiet of being alone for once outside. "Man I missed this" she said as the wind picked up and she felt the breeze against her face and through her feathers it felt so freeing to her.

Not long after she got to the dorm building going in everyone seemed to be in there rooms. Shinta decided she should probably let Bakugo know she is back. She decided to head to his room which was down the opposite hallway of hers. Shinta knocked on his door but didn't hear a response so decided to do what he always does and barged into his room. The sight she saw made her smile and she had to take a picture. Bakugo was out cold laying diagonally across his bed part of his head and one of his arms hanging off the edge. Shinta chuckled after taking a picture carefully, which was not easy to say the least with one arm. After putting her phone back away she went over to he bed kneeling in front of him and ran her hand through his hair. "Hey you" she said softly and he kind of grumbled leaning his head into her hand as she played with his hair. "Hey I'm trying to talk to you here" she said giving him the head scratches he was asking for. Bakugo was slowly waking up grumbling again "huh? Shi…n…ta?" He asked in a raspy voice his eyes still mostly closed trying to adjust to the light of the room. "Evening Sleepy head" she said and chuckled before poking his nose softly. The gesture making him scrunch his face at her "hey no touchy" he said as he opened his eyes and adjusted himself so she could sit on the bed with him. "I'm glad your back. So what did recovery girl say?" He asked seeing her arm was bandaged in the sling.

"Well she had to do reconstructive surgery on my arm. I have to keep it sling until it heals fully. But I am cleared otherwise" she said smiling at him. "That's good. I'm glad your going to be able to return to normal for the most part. We will have to think up a good story to tell people for what happened" he said "I got that. We ran into a villain on patrol as we confronted them we were attacked and during the fight the villain managed to break my arm" she said and he smirked "That's genius babe" he said and kissed her again. "Im glad your mine" he said to her and they both just smiled at each other enjoying each others energy. "As much as I would like you to stay here with me I don't think it would be a good idea. Its getting late and I can tell your tired. You should head to bed" he said caringly to her and she nodded. "Night Katsuki" she said smiling knowing every time she said his first name it made him blush. She thought it was cute how flustered he would get over it. After giving him a small kiss Shinta headed out of her room and down the other hallway to her room. Midoriya spotted her as she came out of Bakugo's room since he was in the common area, part of him kind of hurt with jealousy but part didn't care either. Shinta quickly went to her room and got ready for bed. They had class again the next day, after taking the medicine she had been given by recovery girl she drifted off to sleep.

School proceeded like normal for a few months until midoriya and Lemillion ran into Overhaul with a little girl named Eri. Midoriya didn't want to give it up no-one blamed him for that. They figured out a good time to strike and just waited till it was time. Shinta was doing her normal job one day for hawks agency doing her patrol route. Since it happened to be a weekend she was given permission to do a night patrol. Finally after no issues at school for awhile they lifted the restriction. Shinta was walking down one of the less busy streets that was known to have criminal activity it was starting to get dark but the lights still had yet to come on. Due to the tall buildings sight was a bit more limited in the darkness, as she passed an alleyway she heard what sounded like a gun and felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. Shinta went to turn around seeing the attacker come from the shadows and she saw him overhaul and she gulped "I wouldn't bother running you wont be awake much longer due to that tranq in your shoulder" he said and she could see the look of joy in his eyes. Shinta began to feel the effects almost immediately and began swaying "Why are you doing this? Why me?" She asked her words slurring before she passed out.

Overhaul happy with himself signaled his men to grab her, they binded her wrists in front of her and one of them carried her over his shoulder. The men went back to their hideout with their victim feeling victorious for the moment. A few hours had passed and Shinta began waking up before she felt a sharp pain in her wings and her eyes shot open. She was chained to a wall by her wings he had pierced them with hooks to keep her there. He had put her in a seated position at least. Her hands and legs bound, Shinta took in her surroundings before her eyes finally landed on her capture. "To answer your prior question, because you are going to be staying here working for me to watch the girl. She keeps running and having a female figure may keep her from running away" he said coldly. Shinta had heard of the bullets he had been making and looked to make sure she didn't see a gun. "Who said I'll stay. Why would I help you?" She snapped at him and he grinned.

The room they were in seemed to be an office of some sort, Overhaul took off his mask and gloves walking closer to her. "If you don't I will just completely tear you apart and put you back together until you say yes" he grinned manically at her. Shinta didn't want to help him, she knew he was hurting Eri but if she was here maybe should could protect her. She was thinking it all over this did not amuse him the slightest. "Answer me girl" he growled grabbing her arm the one he hadn't already messed up activating his quirk. Doing exactly as he had threaten he tore her arm apart before her eyes and she tried to hold back the screams of pain as he then put her arm back like nothing was wrong with it. "Now are you going to help me with her or do I need to do more than just your arm" he said. Shinta taken over by her pain shook her head yes as a few tears fell. 'They'll find me…they have to' she thought to herself before answering him "Yes, I'll help take care of Eri" the tone of defeat in her voice. "Can you at least tell me what time it is or let me tell my classmates something so they don't worry?" Shinta asked him she knew at this point it was better to accept her situation than to fight it.

"Oh its around 11:30pm and no you can not. We want them to worry, that's the point. Now tomorrow you are going to help me one more time before I untie you to take care of Eri. I need to make an example out of a hero for everyone to see" he grinned those words made Shinta's face pale. With out another word Overhaul grabbed the items he had previously removed and put them back on. "I'll be back for you in a few hours. Sit tight won't you" he said laughing some as he left the room. Shinta just dropped her head in defeat before she felt a vibration from the hidden pocket of her scarf. Shinta grinned some they didn't find her phone when they tied her up. Once Shinta heard nothing but silence she used her hands and mouth to get the phone out of the hidden pocket. On the screen she said six missed calls from Bakugo and four texts as well. Even though she was in a bad situation seeing that knowing he was worried about her gave her the hope she needed. After carefully managing to get her phone between her tied up hands shinta was able to send a message out. It was still tricky to type with her hands the way they were so mistakes were made in the message she sends to bakugo


Sos! Overhaul hasd mew. I don't know where I anm. Im scarewd…

Bakugo was still up since he was worried about her. When he saw the message fear over took him. He immediately contact Aizawa who calmed him down some. The next day they would try to find her, bakugo didn't like it but he was right it was too late to go out now.

~we are going to find you. Hang in there teddy bear, I'll find you~

Bakugo responded that made her feel a bit better.