A Promise is a Promise Teddy Bear

She then quickly put the phone back where it was previously hidden. Shinta was in pain and not all the comfortable but her eyes finally started getting heavy at some point during the night. Some time the next day shinta was woken up abruptly by the door to the room she was in slamming shut. When she looked at who had enter she saw Overhaul and a few of his men. One of them had a phone ready to record and shinta began to get nervous of what was going to happen to her. "Now be a good girl and I'll put you back together quickly when were done here" he said those words making her gulp in fear. With a slow nod he began, Shinta ignored his words while he rambled on about getting rid of the worlds heroes. She just let him talk until it got to the point where he said he was going to make an example out of his 'volunteer'. "Think of what you are about to see as a warning to those heroes who stick their nose where it doesn't belong" he said before removing his gloves. Shinta looked at the camera with the look of fear, but acceptance in a strange way. Overhaul began his work slowly pulling her apart with his quirk, her screams filled the room. Once he felt he had done enough and Shinta had passed out from the pain. They ended the video shortly after that with him saying "any other hero who gets in my way will end up the same way if not worse". As he promised her he put her back together just as quickly as he tore her apart. "Take her to Eri's room, she will be staying with her from now on" he told his men as he left the room returning his gloves to his hands. The men nodded and removed the hooks from her wings freeing her legs. The two escorted Shinta to Eri's room, once she was in there they removed the bindings from her arms locking her in.

The young girl was very scared of the new person in the room at first. Shinta took a deep breath the pain she had felt still felt like it was radiating through her even though there was nothing wrong with her anymore. "Hey Eri, My name is Flame. I am going to be your new big sister" she said kneeling down to the scared girl before her. Those words brought a smile to the girls face before she hugged Shinta. Shinta smiled at the display of affection she was receiving from the girl. Knowing that they were looking for her gave Shinta some hope, she would just try to ride it out as long as she could. What Overhaul didn't expect however was for the LOV to see the video and happen to know his victim. About two hours later most of UA had seem the video as well as most of the people in the city. Hawks was trying to help the best he could on top of his work load. When Bakugo and her friends saw the video they all assumed the worst, they didn't see him put her back together. After a tantrum from hell bakugo calmed down some, Aizawa had to restrain him to protect well everyone.

They had a lead hawks was investigating they just had to be patient which none of her friends liked that thought. Aizawa much like her friends couldn't help but think the worst, part of him knew though that she wasn't dead. Hurt yes but not dead, even overhaul wouldn't risk killing a hero on video. The investigation into finding her continued on for a few days before finally they heard that he was on the move with Eri and someone who looked like Shinta. Shinta at this point looked pretty rough, from her own nightmares to being tortured by her captor she was exhausted. On the last full day before overhaul was going to move her and Eri the LOV made their move. Shigaraki had invited him back to the hideout to discuss business. Prior to this incident they had wanted to work with him. More so they wanted his quirk, that is until he went after Shinta. When he arrived at the LOV hideout he was met with brute force. They had him pinned to the wall Dabi glaring at him with death in his eyes. "WHERE IS SHE?!" He shouted punching overhaul in the stomach again as hard as he could. They they exacted their pound of flesh on him. "Wouldn't you like to know? Too bad, I'll tell her you said good bye " he said before making a quick escape. He used his quirk to block them all from him to give him time to escape. The next day came finally, the time where they would get her back.

All of the student of class 2A had worked together coming up with a plan to get not just Shinta but Eri as well. The time came for him to move the two to a different location. While they were on the way there Midoriya showed up with some of their classmates. Shinta saw him and wanted to run to her friends but she didn't want anymore pain if she acted 'defiant'. All of her friends saw the way she was acting and could see she had been through a lot over the past few days. Before too long a large fight had broken out during the commotion Overhaul stopped focusing on Shinta more worried about Eri. Bakugo used that moment to grab her and he started running. Once Shoto saw he had her he quickly went off with him so they could get Shinta back quickly and away from overhaul. Shinta was so happy when she saw them and followed the boys as they used Shoto's ice to get them back to the school in record time. Bakugo took Shinta to get checked out by recovery girl before they went back to the dorms. Shinta managed to talk the ash blonde into staying with her in her room. "I want to take a nap but I'm still a bit freaked out. Could you stay with me, please Katsuki?" She asked him, he could hear the pain she was still feeling in her voice and nodded "of course you dumb ass. Now get some rest I'm not going anywhere" he said pulling her in closer to him on her bed. Shinta didn't put up much of a fight too exhausted to and fell asleep after she placed her head on the boys chest.

Several hours later the sun setting the fight between overhaul and Midoriya finally came to an end when they successfully captured him. Overhaul was hauled off to jail and those who fought were checked out by first responders that had showed up. The day coming to an end as everyone headed back to the school Shinta and Bakugo both now asleep still in her room. He had a tight hold around her while they slept, that feeling giving her a sense of calm. The calm only helped a small amount though once the her nightmare started. She was reliving the 'punishment' overhaul would do if her or Eri missed behaved. She started groaning before she woke up and screamed. The scream scaring Bakugo awake as he jumped back caught off guard. After collecting himself he hugged onto Shinta. Shinta after the outburst was trembling tears slowly falling "it was a nightmare. I was reliving what had happened while he had me" she said softly before looking at the boy holding her. She could see how tired he was through his eyes "I'll be alright. Why don't you lay back down" she said to him caringly and in response he just pulled her with him. "Fine, but your laying back down too" he said before pulling her close to him so she couldn't escape as he drifted back off. Shinta just kinda chuckled at his display and tried to do the same after about an hour she finally drifted back to sleep.

In the morning the two woke up rather late in the day, it was Sunday though so it didn't matter. Bakugo had woke up first smiling at her sleeping form. Not long after Shinta woke up as well and smiled "Morning" she said he smiled back. The two went down to the common area after making sure the coast was clear for him to come out of her room. When they get down there they are both filled in on everything that happened. During the debriefing Shinta received a text from 'Crusty', Meeting in an hour don't be late. Seeing this she sighed softly luckily no-one had noticed. Shinta informed her friends that she had to go do some work with hawks before she changed into her hero gear heading off to the LOV. Everyone else continued with their normal things, those who were friends of Midoriya went to see him for a bit. Shinta arrived at the hideout about 20 minutes later and went in she had no idea that they knew what had happened to her. When Shinta walked in she was surprised by Toga who hugged her "Hey bestie! Glad to see you in one piece" she said which threw Shinta off for a second before her eyes fell on Dabi as he entered the room from the hallway. When he saw her he froze for a second, he had thought the worst. When dabi saw her he shoved past toga and pulled her into a tight hug. "Don't you ever scare me like that again" he said to her not letting go of her. Shinta hugged him back "I take it you guys saw the video too?" She asked after he released his hold taking his seat. Shinta of course then happily took her seat as well, "We did and he got what was deserved. He should have never laid a hand on you" Shigaraki interjected as he entered the room.

Hearing Shiggy say those words surprised her. "Thanks then guys. I am still having flashbacks from it" she admitted. Those words left everyone else in the room silent, the fact that he said something nice at all was strange. After a few moments Shigaraki cleared his throat "Alright as you all know we have been preparing for our big move. All Might will be retiring soon, when that happens the people lose their symbol of hope. That's when we move in, as before use the nomus. We will be doing this soon you all need to be ready. Now Shinta your job with Dabi will be support and you will be our diversion if we need to escape" he said. Shinta nodded "got it" she said to him the others all agreed with the plan. Once the meeting was over Dabi decided he would walk Shinta back at least part of the way. After they got far enough away from the hideout he let out a sigh of relief. "I was really worried when we saw that video. If any of us would have known he had you I would have gotten you out" he said to her. Shinta understood where he was coming from, since she knew shiggy wanted to recruit him originally. "Its alright Touya. It was painful yes, but I'm still alive. Its just hard when I sleep, every time I close my eyes I relive all of it" she said with that Dabi stopped and pulled her to the side "Answer me honestly please. How any times did he use his quirk on you?" He asked and she looked down. "you don't really want that answer" she mumbled. Dabi put his hand under her chin to make her look at hm "I know I won't but please tell me. Baby flame" he said and she sighed "I lost track after I think 10 times. He had me caring for that little girl, anytime either of us misbehaved I was punished" she said trying to avoid eye contact still. This was the first time she had talked about what had happened really. The look or anger and hate showed on Dabi's face as he straighten up "He will get what's coming to him" he said to her calmly even though she could tell how angry he truly was.

Shinta smiled some knowing he was just being protective. "Alright, I can fly back from here its not too far. Why don't you head back. Behave yourself" Shinta said to him chuckling. Dabi chuckled and return before the two siblings went their separate ways. Shinta went home she knew Shinso was staying at home and she was going to ask him to help her sleep. Once shinta got home Aizawa looked at her with that concerned fatherly look before he just hugged her for a moment "go on and relax dinner will be done soon" he said heading back to the kitchen. Shinta headed to her brothers room she could hear his music in the room so she knocked on the door. "What do you want?" Shinso said from the other side of the door it sounded like he was at his desk based on the volume used. "Its Shinta. Can we talk please? I need your help with something" she said and the sound of a chair sliding was heard before Shinso opened his door. Just like Aizawa he could see it on her face that she was not ok and he stepped aside to let her in. "Oh yea. What's up? I can see your not ok. Dad's gonna worry if you don't tell us what happened to you" he said concerned as he took his seat back at the desk.