Finally Admitting the Truth

Shinta sat on the foot of his bed taking a deep breath "No I'm not ok, I'm very far from it. That monster tore me apart again and again putting me back together like I was some toy. I lost track of how many times or I just stopped caring once it hit double digits. My options after I woke up tied to a chair my wings chained to a wall; were to take care of that little girl deku rescued or be tortured till I say yes or die" she said to him finally letting it all out.

Shinso hated the words he heard, the pain she went through again. "I can help you sleep tonight. Once you talk with at least dad about what happened I can help with that if you'd like" he said to her looking over at her with a soft sleepy smile. "Thanks, id really appreciate it. I haven't slept well in a little over a week" she said to him as they heard Aizawa call them down for dinner. "Its going to be ok sis. You'll get sleep tonight don't worry" he said as they went down for dinner. The family all had dinner together like they did when she was younger it was nice. Aizawa did however tell her that she would have to tell him what had happened so they could get the report finished. "We can finish the report in the morning. Tonight I want you to go soak in that shower and get some sleep" he said sternly but in the most loving of ways too. Shinta chuckled "Yes sir" she said to him "Im going to help make sure she gets some sleep tonight. So if she is late to class in the morning blame it on me" shinso said as everyone finished eating their meals. Shinso and Shinta helped out by doing the dishes up from dinner. "Just come get me when your ready for bed" Shinso said as he headed back to his room.

Shinta went to get a shower when she really looked at herself in the mirror she hated what she say. She had a few scars now as well as her burns. She started the water so it could heat up while she contemplating things looking at her reflection. IT was a good way for her to think. "You know even though you have the burns and scars you are still you. All of your friends care about you your looks don't turn them away. I shouldn't worry about how I look to others. Just love who I am, who I will become…" she said giving herself a little pep talk before she got in her first shower since the kidnapping and it felt great. Enjoying the hot water shinta took a bit longer than normal before finally getting out and putting on her pajama shirt. Once she had everything all set up for the next day she went to get shinso. The two walked back to her room, he waited for her to get comfortable before kneeling next to the bed. "Whose voice do you want to here this time?" He asked her and she thought blushing for a moment "B-bakugo?" She asked and he looked a bit surprised "he has quite a temper but as you wish" he said before putting his mask on and adjusted what was needed activating his quirk "Sleep tight for me. Will you eat lunch with me up on the roof tomorrow?" He asked her his voice sounding just like the one she wanted to here "sure that sou…" and he had her. After that he worked his magic and she drifted off to sleep. The sleep she was going to have would be one of the best nights of rest she has had. Once his job was done shinso went and did the same thing going to sleep in his room.

Shinta was able to sleep peaceful for the first night in awhile. In the morning as predicted Shinta managed to sleep through all of her alarms finally waking up about half way through what would be first period. Once she realized the time she quickly got herself off to class. Rushing through the door during one of the lectures about what they would be doing. The school was preparing for the announcement of all mights retirement. Shinta already knew and this is where things began to get tricky for her. She had to be with her class at the event but also with the LOV in another part of the city. As shinta began thinking about it that glint of chaos began to spark in her eyes. Shinta quickly tried to stop thinking about it and listen for the remainder of class. The rest of the day went smoothly as the next few days progressed Bakugo had taken shinta on a little coffee date after school. The day for All might's retirement finally coming, shinta was able to fake being really sick so she could stay at the dorms. Everyone else all went to the event, it wasn't normally a big event but this time it felt right.

Once shinta knew everyone was gone and it was closer to the time she had to meet up with the LOV she got herself ready. Instead of her normal hero gear shinta still wore the same pants but had on the shirt she got from Dabi. A hair tie keeping it pulled tight tugged in the back. She then put on her signature jacket, knowing she needed to if she wanted to not risk burning herself too much. The outfit was not that much different from her normal hero outfit but it felt right seeing as she was not doing hero work. After getting ready shinta flew off to meet up with Dabi and the others. Part of her was still nervous about what would happen, what if she was seen with them. Upon arriving to them after being quickly debriefed everyone got to their positions. Before too long the event was underway moments after starting off slowly with the chaos buying them time waiting for the big attack until the new number one hero was named. Not long after the nomus began their mayhem on the town. The number one hero being named not long after, Hawks was named the number two hero endeavor had been named the new number one hero. When the announcement was made and shinta saw the text from bakugo telling her who was picked she lost it. The switch clicked and it seemed like it broke once it switched on. Before too long shinta was causing just as much damage if not more than dabi. He soon realized something was off with her, but he also knew now was not the time to stop her. The other villains now finally seeing Shinta in action were rather impressed. As they got closer to the event hall pro heroes began to show up. At that point was when the groups all separated further apart during this the hero's who were at the event were also one their way including her class mates.

During the mayhem Dabi and Shinta managed to get separated neither of them realizing it until it was too late. Dabi was the first to realize it at that point some of the pro heroes were getting close; following orders he retreated leaving just the nomu to continue. Shinta on the other hand hadn't noticed until she noticed a group of people getting closer to her. As soon as she saw who it was panic started, she wasn't thinking like a hero at the moment. The group getting closer happened to be none other than the Bakusquad, Bakugo spotted her as soon as she also spotted them. He also even from a distance could see that look in her eye. 'This is not going to go well' He thought to himself as they got closer. Shinta seeing her friends and seeing Bakugo starting coming back to reality. She stood there almost like a deer in the headlights for a few moments longer before she had returned back to her normal self. At that moment Shinta ran toward Bakugo after she deactivated her flames. Bakugo smirked to himself he knew what happened but he kept that to himself. The group stopped and let her come to them and she practically knocked bakugo down when she hugged onto him. "I'm sorry….im sorry…I'm…" she muttered being cut off "Don't be. I saw that look in your eyes. You didn't really have full control. Lets get you home" he said zipping up her jacket before the others got up to the two. Her shirt was covered in singe marks and ash from all the mayhem she had cause. "That sounds great. But there are still nomus in the city" she said to him trying to make it seem like she was there helping as well the whole time.

"Yes there are but I am taking you back and then I can come back to help. The others can manage" he said to her. Bakugo was doing this to try to keep her safe. If she started to lose it in front of their classmates or another hero and it got back to the school it would be one of her last chances left. "I get your worried but I feel it would be worse if I wasn't there. I will stay close I promise" she said and he nodded. The rest of the group awkwardly waiting for the two to finish talking. "Fine" he grumbled taking her hand pulling her along they continued on until there was word things were under control. They were all able to return back to the dorms. As soon as they got back Shinta quickly slipped away to get cleaned up before bed, Bakugo had a lot of questions for her so he decided after changing to wait in her room for her. After washing up Shinta looked over her burns once more in the mirror "they are part of what made you who you are today" she said to herself before heading back to her room in her pajama's. When she walked in her room she was rather surprised to see Bakugo sitting there on her bed "Why were you out there? Why did it look like you were part of the attack?" He asked her after the door shut. Shinta knew this was coming "its a long story and I can't tell you. I just need you to trust me on this please. I'm sorry I would tell you if I could but I just can't" she said to him knowing it wasn't what he would want to hear.

Bakugo of course did not like hearing the fact that she won't tell him anything. "Then answer me this at least. Were you with the villains before we found you?" He asked her now standing not far from her. Shinta wanted to tell him the truth she did but was afraid to. "You don't want the answer to that question" she said softly. With those words Bakugo just walked out not saying anything else; he was mad and didn't want to scream at her. Shinta stood there for a moment before looking at the door part of her hoping he would come back. "He isn't coming back. I'm turning into the one thing we are supposed to stop. Maybe he should just show the teachers the footage" she said to herself. After sitting on her bed she pulled out her phone, first letting the LOV know she was alright. After that she sent Bakugo a message as well.

~Shinta: Katsuki, please trust me on this. All I can tell you is it is job related. If you don't trust me and truly think I went dark turn in the footage. I wouldn't blame you for it.

Bakugo was laying in his bed when he heard his phone go off seeing the message from Shinta. He read her message still annoyed but responded back to her.

~Bakugo: Fine, just give me some time I need to think. Good night

He sent the message before putting his phone in do not disturb and he went to bed. Shinta saw the message from him understanding completely. She then tried to go to sleep, insomnia setting in for her. Finally around dusk after she decided to study all night she fell asleep at her desk. In the morning she heard what sounded like her door shut when she woke up much to her surprise siting there on her desk next to her was her coffee just the way she liked it.