It's All Fun and Games Till Your Caught

Shinta quickly looked behind her around the room hoping to see the ash blonde but he wasn't there. 'He made me my coffee still. He must not hate me completely' she thought to herself drinking the coffee as she got ready for the day. As soon as Shinta got to the common area though she saw her dad, hawks and all might. They all looked too serious for it to be a social call but seeing hawks with them confused her some. "Shinta come with us" all might said and then that's when she knew something was off and she nodded. Her classmates saw her being escorted out confused, shoto felt like something bad was going to happen but kept quiet as well. He knew now was not the time to make things possibly worse. Once they were far enough from the building Shinta took a deep breath "can you please tell me what's going on?" She asked them "not yet" hawks said to her with a small smile. That smile put her at ease some "the school noticed you in the fray yesterday. So when we get to the office you will be given a chance to defend yourself about that. There is one other things but that will be discussed later" Aizawa said he couldn't help it. He didn't want to leave her in the dark at least not fully.

After a few more minutes they arrived at the principals office. They had screens up from the cctv cameras in the city. They saw her clear as day on camera with dabi and causing the destruction looking to be enjoying it. "Now please explain this to us" all might said to her. Shinta saw the footage in front of her she knew she had been caught there was no way out but to give them some of the truth. "I have been working undercover to get information on them. I had to play the part so they don't get suspicious" she said hawks almost smiled at how smoothly she crafted her response. "Why have you not told any of us about this?" Aizawa then jumped in. "Because we were both told not to talk about it with anyone who isn't part of the case. The information we obtain becomes classified to everyone but those we report to" hawks said Aizawa glared at him anger clear in her face "Her FATHER should have known she was out there risking her life with Villains!" He yelled at hawks. All might quickly interjecting "that being said we can not let this slide unpunished unfortunately". Shinta nodded "I understand sir. Dad I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't fight my darkness" she said to him. Aizawa unable to think straight just walked out of the room with out another word this felt like a knife threw the heart to her. "So we had prior discussed your punishment. You are suspended and banned from school grounds for two weeks. This goes in effect after school today. That way you can say your good byes to your friends. For these two weeks you are cut off. You will be living with hawks and will not be able to contact anyone from school either" all might explained to her. His words felt heavier with every syllable, when he finished Shinta nodded. "I completely understand. Thank you for at least giving me today" she said keeping it short and sweet her emotions stirring, she just wanted to get on with the day. "Head off to class you can tell them your going on a hiatus for two weeks and have to go radio silent during that time frame. Nothing more I'm afraid" the principle said to her and she nodded "yes sir. I guess I'll see you after school hawks" she said to him "yup I'll meet you at the dorms" he said to her before she went off to class. It took all of her will power not to just run not looking back. Before she knew it she was sliding the classroom door open and received a glare colder than normal from Aizawa "hurry up get to your seat" he snapped as she scurried to her seat. Her friends all taking notice of how different they both were acting and decided they would ask about It at lunch.

When lunch finally came Shinta was going to try to sneak off to the roof she still wasn't sure how to tell them all she was going to be leaving for a bit. But when she got up there she was greeted by all of her friends. The bakusquad, shoto and Izuku, when she saw them all standing there she just froze. Her emotions had become too much for a moment and she zoned out, she came to realizing she was now sitting with her friends. Bakugo sitting right beside her and placed a small bento in front of her "here I umm made you this" he said trying to hide his blush. After a moment Shinta finally took a breath "i…I have to go on a hiatus for a bit. It starts after school today" she said just blurting it out looking down. afraid to see any of them have a look of hate or anger towards her. "But why?" Denki asked "it's a job thing with hawks. I was told I have to go in a full radio silent hiatus from the school and well all of the students or staff" she explained to them. Shinta slowly began to eat the food prepared for her, it was delicious! "Katsuki you never told me you could cook. This is delicious" she said smiling the compliment and smile both making him blush for a moment. "So your saying that after school today we won't be able to see or talk to you for two weeks?" Izuku asked "yea. I wasn't sure how to tell you guys" she said to them. "Well that's going to suck. Im glad you got to have my cooking first then" Bakugo said to her and everyone kind of chuckled. "So you guys aren't mad?" She asked all of them looked surprised "Of course not. We will all be right here waiting for you when you get back" Kirishima said to her. "Thanks guys" she said to them all. The group of friends continued with the rest of lunch enjoying each others company. The rest of that flew by and before too long it was time to head back to the dorms. Hawks was waiting for her like he said "Hey, go ahead and go pack a bag up with what you would need. Its time to go" he told her and she nodded. Shinta went off to packed her bag, right as she went to head out of her room bakugo walked in. "Hey teddy bear. Before you go I just wanted to say goodbye one more time and give you this for while you're gone" he said to her handing her one of his hoodies. Shinta smiled and hugged on tight to him. The two shared a cute moment and a kiss before Bakugo walked her back out to hawks.

"I'll see you in two weeks" she said before her and Hawks took off to head back to his place. "This won't be fun like all the other times Shinta. I have to abide by the schools orders. While you are here you are not allowed to do anything hero related either" he told her as they went up in the elevator to his floor. "I understand" she said to him and once they entered his home and the door shut it seemed like he relaxed more. "But they never said you had to locked in the apartment. I would recommend to be careful and try your best not to do anything dumb over the next two weeks" he said as Shinta started making herself at home. He had headed into the kitchen to start making something to eat "thanks Keigo" she said smiling at him. Shinta was doing everything she could do to hide how she really felt. "Hey I'm gonna go get a shower before dinner" she said to him. Hawks knew something was off he could tell "just remember this punishment it temporary. You'll be back with your friends before you know it" he said to her thinking that was what had been bothering her. Shinta didn't say a word she just went to go get her shower, once in there the water hitting her she just let it all out. All the tears she had been holding in for so long, she just sat there on her knees the water running down her. At that moment though something in her changed. The tears stopped and she felt numb in a way and she finished her shower. After getting out of the shower getting into her pajamas she went out to eat. Hawks saw the way she was acting but didn't want to pry. A lot has happened to her recently she probably just needed some time to think, or so he thought. The two ate dinner in silence which was strange as well for her she normally always talked at dinner. "Shinta please remember I'm here for you" he said to her "Thanks keigo" she said softly to him as she finished her plate. After taking care of her dishes she just went back to her room closing the door.

At this point hawks knew he wasn't going to be able to help her, at least not alone. So he gave Aizawa a call filling him in so far. "Hey Shinta has settled in fine, But something is off. She went to get a shower before dinner, when she came out to eat she was acting as if she was numb. I think the school may have just pushed her closer to that edge, I don't know what to do" he admitted to him. Aizawa groaned he was afraid this would happen "I'm sending Shinso there for now. He can help for the time being hopefully. I will try to talk to the principle about this all tomorrow" he said and hung up. Hawks rolled his eyes and waited for shinso to get there. As soon as shinso arrived hawks filled him in with as much detail as he could before Shinso went to the room Shinta was staying in. He knocked softly "yea?" Shinta asked from the other side. She was sitting at the desk sketching, the sketches seemed to be those emotions she turned off. Shinso then opened the door closing it right behind him "Someone told me you were feeling a bit down. I was given permission to come see you" he said to her. Shinta heard his voice and looked over at him with a small smile "I guess I am" she said. But instead of getting up and running over to hug him like she always did when she was upset she just went back to drawing. Shinso knew from that something was wrong, he didn't like using his quirk on her with out consent if it wasn't during training or fighting but he felt he needed to help her. Shinso adjusted his mask as he came over sitting in the other chair beside the desk "Tell me what's wrong? What's really wrong?" He asked her but his voice sounded like the one she had requested the last time. The sound of that familiar voice made her freeze for a moment "I…I don't know I wa…" and she was under his control.

Shinso began to do his best to help her. While he had her in that state he had her work through all of those emotions she had been bottling up. The ones that became too much and made her numb. Hawks could hear her scream profanities and throwing things, a few moments of silence and then crying he wasn't quite sure what was going on in there. Once Shinso felt she worked through enough or more so he heard all he could hear, he got her to the bed. "Now get some rest. The next two weeks will go by before you know it. We will all be waiting for you to return" he said kissing her forehead as her eyes closed. Shinso waited till he knew she was asleep before fully releasing his hold on her and taking his leave from the room. "She is asleep, her emotions had become too much for her so her mind turned them off. I got her to talk about them I'm sure you could tell that much. She should be better though after this" Shinso said to hawks "Thank you. Tell Aizawa thank you again as well for me" Hawks said and Shinso took his leave, he was still concerned for Shinta but headed off to bed for the night as well. It had been a long day.

As shinso said things went smoothly despite the fact that she was starting to go stir crazy after the first week. Finally hawks gave her permission to go walk around the city after reminding her no hero work. Shinta headed down the street from where she was staying she wanted to go to a few of the places her and her friends would hang out. It was the afternoon after school would be over. She was hoping she would see at least one of her friends or even Bakugo. The closest place of the options was the arcade, no-one was there. Next would be the coffee shop her and Bakugo had gone to a few times. As she neared the coffee shop she felt a bit nervous. When Shinta got there she headed in, she planed to take a break there regardless. She got in line to order as she looked around the shop scanning to spot her friends. As her eyes found the far back corner a smile came across her face. She saw the Bakusquad at one of the booths. She quickly ordered her drink waiting for it. Once she had her drink she slowly made her way to a near by table to the bakusquad. As much as she wanted to sit with them she remembered she wasn't supposed to talk to anyone from UA until the two weeks was up. Shinta made sure she sat with her back towards them hoping to not be spotted.

As soon as she sat down though she felt eyes on her before hearing footsteps get closer to her from behind.