Weighing Her Options

"Hey come sit with us. We aren't at school they don't need to know" Shoto said smiling at his sister. Shinta softly smiled in return and decided he was right, it couldn't hurt. "Shinta! Glad to see ya. Bakugo is on his way still he should be here soon" Kirishima said as she sat down with them and she chuckled at him seeing they had already ordered his drink for him as well. Shinta just kept thinking about the look of surprise when he sees her sitting there. Before too long Bakugo got there when he saw her it felt like time stood still, he was beyond happy to see her. Shinta looked up feeling a new set of eyes on her and she saw him and smiled "hey you" she said to him as he sat beside her. With out a single word he grabbed her gently and kissed her in front of all their friends not caring anymore if they knew. "Long time no see nerd" he said jokingly before grabbing his drink. Shinta just smiled and blushed seeing the expressions on their faces. "If you guys don't stop staring I'll kick all of our asses" Bakugo snapped and everyone went back to what they were doing. "So what have you been up to this past week?" Denki asked her like he was expecting some amazing story.

"Not much honestly. I've been cooped up inside, this is the first time I've been out of where I'm staying since I went on hiatus" she said knowing she had to keep the details secret. "But why did they do this all of a sudden?" Kirishima quickly asked. Shinta gave him a quick glare "I don't know. I was just told I had to do the hiatus, they didn't give me a lot of detail" she said trying to get them to drop it. "Well we miss you back at the dorms. This one here has been a bit pouty since you have been gone" Denki said pointing to bakugo who growled at him "Can it nerd!" He snapped and shinta just chuckled at the display. "Well only one more week. I can't wait to see everyone again" she said to them. The group hung out for a bit longer before they had to head back to the dorms. Shinta watched as all of her friends headed off back to the school before she began walking the other way. As she began walking back to hawks place she got a message from him. 'Hey, I won't be back home for a few days. I am helping out with an investigation' and she sighed after responding with an ok she headed in the building and up to Hawks place. Shinta decided she would try to help out some and cleaned up around the place for him. Finally later that night she began to get tired, she was laying in one of the lounge chairs he had on his balcony. Looking up at the stars above shinta began to drift off to sleep. Hawks was doing an investigation but it was more so his curiosity had been peaked after living with her for the past week. He wanted to know more about her past, the parts that no-one really knew. Little did he know he was not prepared for what he would find out.

As the night progressed things staid relatively calm for shinta. Eventually she went in and to her bed sometime during the night. Hakws was still awake at a hotel in an entirely different city, the city where Shinta was born. He was looking over his notes before he went off to sleep for the night. The next morning Shinta woke up to seeing a message from Shigaraki tell her to come to the hideout after school. Shinta chuckled at the thought of how surprised they are all gonna be when she shows up in the morning instead of the afternoon. She quickly got dressed before heading off to the LOV Hideout at least she could still do something. When shinta walked in she was surprised when she didn't see kurogiri at his post but twice was currently manning the bar. "Twice where's kurogiri?" She asked him "The heroes took him. They captured him during the attack recently" he explained and she looked down nodding. Shinta then decided she would just go surprise dabi since no-one else was out in the bar area. When shinta opened his door she saw him still asleep curled up to a pillow, she thought it was absolutely adorable. She went over to his bed and sat beside him as she ran her hand through his messy hair while he slept "Morning sleepy head" she said softly earning a groan from him as he started to kind of wake up.

Dabi opened his eyes some and saw shinta sitting there "Its still morning. Why are you here so early?" He asked in a sleepy voice. "The school saw me, I was suspended for two weeks with full radio silence to anyone at UA" she said to him. Due to him not being awake he was still confused "What do you mean saw you?" He asked her "They saw me during the attack, they saw me with you helping in the destruction" she said to him before getting up from his bed "Maybe I do belong here. They think something is wrong with me, that I'm going to snap. Maybe I should just stay here and not go back" she said to him as she went and sat on his desk her feet on the chair. Dabi was now fully awake after hearing her confession. "Don't talk like that, there is nothing wrong with you Shinta. I can't let you do that. Try to stick it out" he said to her knowing every time he had to try to talk her down from that ledge it was getting harder and harder to. "The school doesn't trust me, they think I'm dangerous though" she said trying to protest. That is when he got up coming over to her practically pining her to his desk. "Too bad, you deserve to be there. Now promise me you'll give it your all and stick it out" he said grinning at her with a devilish grin "I promise touya" she said softly her heart was racing due to her current predicament. "Good girl" he said before giving her a soft kiss on the lips before going to do his normal morning routine for the day leaving Shinta confused some but she smiled and just flopped onto his bed.

Hawks in the other hand had found an interesting lead. Shinta's mom may have been related to his father. Finding this out he knew it could be confirmed with a blood test if he could get her to agree to it. Hawks took all of the information he found back home to talk with her about what he had found out. Shinta was with the LOV though in a meeting currently they were trying to figure out a way to get kurogiri back. That evening when Hawks got home and he didn't see her there he began to get nervous and called her. Shinta saw her phone ringing and realized the time and answered quickly "Hey, sorry I lost track of time" she said "Where are you?" He asked her but it sounded almost strict "Shiggy called a meeting, I'm coming back now" she said to him hearing how he sounded upset as she heard him groan "Make it quick its late you shouldn't be out still" he said hanging up. Shinta was surprised at how upset he seemed but after saying her goodbyes she quickly got back to hawks place, landing on his balcony. "Im back. Again I'm sorry" she said and he hugged her which made her freak out some and push him off. "The hell?" She asked him. "Its a long story but tomorrow would you be willing to get some bloodwork done? I'll explain why a bit afterward" he asked her and shinta looked at him strangely "ok?" She said confused. Hawks began to show her the information he had found out since she wouldn't let go of her curiosity. When she saw the conclusion he came to she was shocked as well. "Well now I see why you want to do the blood work. What if we are related? What then?" She asked him "that bridge will be crossed when the time comes. For now go get some rest please. I also may have been able to pull some strings you may be able to go back to school sooner" he said and she smiled softly at the thought.

Something still felt off for Shinta though, part of her didn't want to go back. It felt like they had all turned their backs on her. Heroes make mistakes but they weren't treating her like a hero, so her thoughts became twisted. If they want to treat her like a villain she can give them what they want, even so she had to try still. She promised even if she didn't want to she would try. Shinta went off to bed hawks did the same not far behind. That night was the first in a while for shinta where a nightmare began once more for her.


Shinta wakes up in a hospital bed looking around confused noticing that everything around her was up in flames. She did the only thing she could run and get out of there, doing so she saw her friends in the hallway but they were dead all of them burnt to a crisp blue flames still smoldering on their corpses. That's when she realized what it was, she did this. Shinta had set the hospital on fire killing everyone in the building when her flames raged through the corridors. Shinta hurried and ran finally getting outside tears in her eyes from the horror she had seen. Not long after getting outside the building she was stopped by Midoriya and Bakugo she looked at them both happy to see them alive. While she was distracted looking at bakugo she didn't notice midoriya had moved until she heard the click of handcuffs on her wrists. Once she realized what was about to happen she shook her head "No I can't let this be the end!" She screamed taking flight knocking both of the boys down in the process ands he flew off trying to figure something out. Shinta too distracted by her thought didn't notice the two quickly catching up to her until it was too late. She heard midoriya and before she knew it his attack landed sending her down tot he ground. The collision with the ground knocking her out, the two then escorted her to a holding cell for villains and waited for her to wake up. Shinta woke up not long after realizing where she was and she looked at her friends "Just kill me, don't lock me in another cage!" She screamed at them….


Shinta woke up at that moment breaking heavy as she looked around realizing she was still at hawks and it was just a dream. After that she was afraid to go back to sleep though so she just went out and sat on the balcony to relax. "Would they really do it if they had to?" She asked herself thinking about if her friends could really arrest her if she went dark. The line between the two had become very thin recently and she was having a hard time staying on the correct side of that line. The rest of the night passed with Shinta stargazing until the sun rise started. Hawks would be getting up soon but she didn't care she just staid on the lounge chair trying to not worry about the nightmare. About an hour later Hawks woke up and when he came out to get his coffee he saw Shinta on the balcony. "Let me guess another nightmare? Looks like you been out here for awhile" he said to her coming out sipping his coffee. "Yea, I had snapped and somehow set an entire hospital on fire killing everyone inside it" she said to him and he nodded "its alright it was just a dream. Don't worry that won't happen" he said to her "why don't you go get ready we are going to go do that bloodwork. After that I am going to need to head to the agency though. If I'm not mistaken the school is going to let you back to the dorms starting tomorrow since you haven't done anything to warrant you being a danger" he told her "Sounds good. I'll be glad to be able to see my friends again" she said before she went and got ready. Hawks did the same before waiting for her by the door when he heard her coming down the corridor.

The two headed off to the doctor Hawks knew who was going to run the testing for them. Hawks had decided that if she really is related to him in any way he was going to make sure she was well taken care of. The two arrived and were taken to two different rooms. The doctor came in and drew Shinta's blood first; after obtaining the vials required for the testing shinta was led back to the waiting room. Hawks came out not long after her "the doc said the results should be back in couple of days. Why don't you head on back home. I know you have been bored out of your mind so I will have one of the girls from the office bring some files by the house, they need to be organized if you don't mind. I know it's not want you want to be doing but its something" he said to her "No that's fine. At least I won't is there bored all day" she said to him jokingly as they got outside. The two went their separate ways Shinta returning to his home. About an hour or so later one of the girls from Hawks agency arrived dropping off two boxes of files to be organized for her. Shinta got to work, the two boxes of files kept her busy through the whole day. That evening Hawks got back home right as shinta finished up the files and she had started dinner. "You are my guest. You don't have to cook" he called out as he got closer to the kitchen "But I have been here for a week and we might be family so hush" she said pointing the knife she was using to cut vegetables at him. "Fine fine fine" he said and grabbed a drink from the fridge "I'll stay out of the way then. Thank you it smells good so far" he said and she chuckled. "I haven't even done much yet just started sautéing some of the veggies before I start preparing the meat" she said to him as he left the kitchen and she just rolled her eyes at him. The two sat down to a nice meal together before they watched a movie before heading to bed.