...Wait Shiggy has a heart?

In the morning Hawks had to leave early. He left Shinta a note though saying she could head back to the dorms today, but she was only allowed to the dorms not to explore the school grounds. When Shinta woke up she saw the note on the counter. She ate some breakfast before packing her stuff back up and an unknown number called her "hello?" She answered the voice on the other end sounded distorted but also familiar "You'll never set foot back on the grounds of UA again" the voice said before hanging up. Shinta was a bit weirded out by the statement but shook it off and started heading out and back to the school. Shinta once outside the building took off in flight, she felt she was being watched by someone and flew away from the school instead of towards it. Once she was far enough away from any type of camera in the city she landed and waited for the one following her to show themselves. Soon enough a guy in a mask that looked similar to Overhauls came with in eye shot, him and a group of men. She knew then she needed to get out of there before it was too late. Right as shinta went to take off she heard a gun go off before feeling a sharp pain in her side looking down she saw a dart. Shinta didn't care she needed to try even if she wouldn't make it. Shinta took off trying still only making it a few blocks before they saw her fall to the ground out cold. "Now we will get revenge on the LOV and the heroes" Kurano said to the men with him as the bound her hands and feet together before tossing her in the van the only trace left were a few feathers from her wings.

Later that day Hawks touched base with Aizawa and had heard Shinta hadn't returned yet. It was after school she should have been back there already. He tried to not sound worried and ended the call before he went to try to find her. Every time he called her phone it just went right to voicemail. After another few hours Hawks spotted her feathers on the ground where she was taken from. When he examined the area he was able to figure out someone had her but not much else. He then called Aizawa to let him know, this of course pissed him off extremely. "You had one job! Keep her safe" he growled "I will round up some of the teachers and we will start looking as well. Any ideas on who it could have been?" Aizawa asked him and hawks took a deep breath. "I think it may have been overhauls men, I found a dart very similar to the ones they were using at the scene as well" he said and Aizawa went silent "we need to find her" he said blankly before hanging up the phone. Hawks knew he was right and began to do everything he could to try to help find her. They had a few hours before shops would close and the streets would die down on traffic for the evening. The feathers being the only thing they had to go off of at the moment he didn't know where to start, the whole time debating if he should contact dabi.

The night continued on with no sign or trace of Shinta. Sometime in the early morning Shinta began to wake up groaning before she realized she was tied to a chair just like before when overhaul had her. She looked around realizing it was the same office "Oh what are you guys upset because your boss is gone?" She asked mockingly to the guys in front of her. She knew it was stupid to provoke them but at the same time it might be her only chance to be found. "Shut your mouth" Kurano shouted slapping her across the face making her head fly to the side. Shinta spit out some blood looking up at him "you took me and the heroes don't want me. They threw me out a week ago, too bad you did all this for nothing" she said chuckling some. This just further pissed the man off and he punched her knocking her back some which pulled her wings that were also constrained. The pain in her wings making her scream some. "Oh i'm sure they'll still try to get you back they always do" he said grinning. "Now sit tight while we finish our preparations" he said before he and the others all left the windowless room locking the door behind them. Shinta once they left checked for her phone hidden away in her scarf, it was there but she had low battery. The only thing she could think to do with what battery she had left was to take a screenshot of the map screen showing her coordinates. She used one of the apps to encrypt the photo before sending it. Right as shinta went to hit send her phone died leaving her unsure if the message sent. Quickly putting the phone back where it was hidden she then sat there waiting for what ever was going to happen. Back at UA all the teachers had called it a night for the search, hawks had as well. Still no sign of her, it was like she vanished.

The night had passed on sometime the next day shinta woke up to being splashed by a bucket of water. Earning a glare to her captor, "what are you going to do? I told you they don't want me. They don't even know I'm gone" she said to him chuckling, her stress was becoming too much and she snapped. "They may not know yet but they will" he grinned. One of the other mean had grabbed her covering her mouth with a rag knocking her back out. That's when they got to work, they removed feathers from her wings some bloody before leaving her there. The men then scattered those feathers all through the city but making sure to still give them a small hint at one of the locations they placed her feathers over a look alike to overhauls mask. When classes started up the next day after getting approval from the principle class 2A began to help in the search. Her friends all trying to keep their composure while they were truly worried for her. The second day or searching began with more hands on deck things went slow. That was until Bakugo found some of the feathers that were covered in blood knowing who they belonged to. Quickly reporting it before he ran off to keep searching for her. Eventually Midnight happened to be the one to stumble across the features with the mask. Once they found this they called everyone back in to regroup, they knew who had her. Once everyone was back at the school Midnight showed the others the mask "His men took her, there must have been some other reason he wanted her before" she said Bakugo could no longer bite his tongue "they are going to pay for this. I'll kill them all!" He yelled and as much as everyone wanted to tell him to calm down they couldn't he had a right to be upset.

"We know who has her now we just need to figure out a plan" the teachers said and dismissed everyone for the day they needed a plan before moving forward. They know who but not the where. No one knew that this was only the beginning if they couldn't find her soon. Bakugo, Shoto, Kirishima, denki and Midoriya all decided they couldn't just sit back and wait deciding to sneak off campus that night to see if they would have any luck. After Shinta had been left in the state she was in all day she was too weak to try to fight. They used that time to move her to a holding cell leaving her hands bounds when they put her unconscious body on the ground of the room. "Everyday we keep her here the target will get bigger, but also we get to watch those heroes squirm. Imagine what they would do if they thought she was dead" Kurano said out loud looking through the window of the holding cell at her. Some of the men at this point were beginning to question him, thinking it was more for revenge of them getting overhaul nothing more. That evening Aizawa called hawks filling him in with what information they had. Hawks knew at this point he should call the LOV, they could find her much faster. Part of him wanted to but part of him was starting to worry about her being around them so much, he was noticing the changes in her. Instead once hawk received the pictures from Aizawa of the feathers and mask they found he forwarded that to the LOV from an anonymous number saying 'They have her'. That way there would be no chance of the other heroes finding out about his ties with them or hers hopefully.

At the current time of night Shigaraki was the only one still awake when his phone went off. When he grabbed the phone seeing an unknown number and it said 1 image and message on the lock screen. He thought that was strange very few had his number, when he opened the messages and saw the image of overhauls mask covered in shinta's bloody feathers. His blood began to boil he then read the message 'They have her' and he screamed out in anger storming out of his room. "WAKE UP!" He shouted down the hall the hatred and angry practically visible in the air. Everyone soon grumbling going out to the bar. "The hell's your problem Crusty" Dabi sad coming in with a very annoyed expression. Shigaraki glared at them all "check your phones" he said and all of them confused grabbed their phones seeing the same notification he had received. "What is this?" Toga asked him they all waited for his response. "Just open the message. Someone is asking to die that's what it is" he growled. Dabi then quickly opened the message as did everyone else. The image they saw; all of them began to get pissed off they knew exactly who had her. "Those bastards think messing with her is a good idea they have another thing coming" he growled storming out of the hide out. "Toga you and twice go with him. Make sure he isn't too reckless" shigaraki said to them before the two followed him out. Shigaraki staid behind planning as well, surprised in himself that he cared about her when last year he thought of killing her on a few separate occasions.

Dabi headed towards the locations they knew were yakuza hideouts. He would destroy each of them if he had to until he found Shinta. He seemed more like a rabid dog chasing its prey than human at the moment. Toga and twice did their very best to keep up with him the whole night. In the morning Shinta woke up in the cell confused and in pain. She looked at her wings seeing spots where they had removed her feathers, she growled some at what she saw. Shinta remember her tears she was able to use her flames on them so as the tears of pain rolled down her cheeks they landed on the bindings on her wrists. Once she felt they had enough moisture to them she ignited her tears catching the bindings on fire. The flames burned her skin some before she was able to break the bindings. Shinta was trying to figure out how to get out and if she even could. She then realized she was hungry she hadn't ate in awhile she wasn't even really sure how long she had been there at this point. A slot on the door opened and a tray of food was slid through "this is all you're getting" she heard before the slot shut. Shinta stared at the tray, not sure if she should trust the food or not. Once her stomach growled at her again she didn't care anymore she had to risk it, so she grabbed the tray. The food did not look all that appetizing but it was a balanced meal surprisingly. Shinta took her time eating remembering them saying it was all she was getting. After she finished she put the tray back before she went back to trying to think of a way out. Those from UA who were trying to find her began another sweep in the city in the parts that overhauls men frequented heavily. Right now if they could get one of the men maybe he could lead them to her. Dabi had checked the places he knew of with nothing to go off of. They were all empty and cleaned out this further pissing him off Toga and Twice keeping their distance. He seemed to be a ticking time bomb at this point they weren't sure when he would go off. The search continued for another two months with no luck yet.

Finally the sun began to set one night, things were starting to seem rather bleak with no sign still of Shinta or the men that took her. One night right as Shinso was going to call it a night for his search he noticed someone who looked like one of overhauls men. He waited till the coast was clear before he decided to tail the guy, Shinso was worried for his sister. He was one of the few people who really knew how messed up her mind is and the longer she was a prisoner the more her hope could die. Following his gut managed to pay off when the guy arrived at a hideout that seemed pretty active. "Hey sorry I got lost where are we?" Shinso asks the guy in front of him who turns around "you don't bel.." And he had him. "Take me to shinta" he told him keeping him under his control. The guy happened to be one of the higher ups and was able to just walk in with Shinso following him no questions asked. Soon enough he took Shinso down a bunch of corridors going deeper underground before they got to an area of holding cells and he pointed to the one at the end of the hall. "Let her out then" he ordered; at that same moment Dabi Toga and Twice managed to find the place as well. They were taking care of anyone who stood in there way heading to the same location. The man fumbled with his keys until he found the proper key for the door unlocking it. Shinso made him wait there and he opened the door to the room. Shinta was sitting in the corner sitting near a drawing she burned into the wall, she looked up at Shinso but she was still weak all she did was smile before she rested her head on the wall. Shinso looked over her condition seeing her wings with scabs on them in many places. He cringed thinking of the pain she probably feels from it. "I'm here Shinta. I'm taking you home" he said to her holding his hand out to her. Shinta looked up at him and cocked her head to the side "Home?" She said weakly taking his hand.