Shinso finds out Shinta's little secret

Shinso then got her up and on to his back having her hold on. "Yes home" he said to her and had the guy start leading them back out. Once they were close to the main building they were stopped by Dabi and the others. "What are you doing here? From what we heard the league has no ties with overhaul" Shinso growled at them Dabi eyes locked onto Shinta who was barely conscious on Shinso's back. "Just give us the girl. That's all we want" Dabi growled trying to keep his cool his flames smoldering in his hands. Shinso was curious at this point why the league seemed so interested in her and figured he would try to get some answers. "Tell me why do you want her?" He asked smirking waiting knowing the man in front of him could not resist but to answer him. "None of you-" and Dabi stared blankly at him. Toga and twice were off fighting some of the others still. "Now why do you want her?" He asked him again having Dabi under his control he knew he could get the answers he wanted. "She is my baby sister. I love her and came to protect her" Dabi heard himself say screaming in his head at himself for saying that. Shinso went silent at those words for a moment "You and your friends will go back home and not worry about Shinta. She is safe back at UA. Now Leave" Shinso growled and Dabi did as he was ordered. Shinso then quickly made his way out before releasing his hold on Dabi fully. He knew he needed to get her back to the school but it was getting late and they were too far to make it before curfew. Shinso found a near by hotel and got them a room. After getting Shinta comfortable he went and got them food making sure to get plenty knowing she was probably hungry. When he got back to the room he heard the shower running "I brought back some food sis" he said through the door "Ok, I won't be long" she said but he could tell she was still having a hard time her energy levels still very low. He set up a little feast for her at the desk in the room before he went and sat on the bed to eat his own food. Shinso kept thinking about what dabi said to him he knew he needed to ask her if he wanted to know for sure.

After getting cleaned up Shinta dried off putting the clothes she had back on before going back out into the room. When she saw all the food her eyes lit up ands sat down starting to eat. "Thank you" she said happily. Shinso gave her some time to eat before speaking "so I ran into some of the members of LOV when I was getting you out. One in particular said something interesting I wanted to ask you about" he said and she looked over a bit nervous "Yea?" She asked him "Dabi he said you are his sister. What did he mean?" He asked her hoping she would be honest with him. Shinta sighed she knew eventually she was going to have to tell someone the truth. "Can we please keep this between us?" She asked him, Shinso could tell it would mean a lot to her if he said yes. "Of course, I won't tell anyone I promise" he said to her just wanting to know the truth. "Dabi was telling you the truth. He is the oldest todoroki, the one that went missing the same night I was thrown away" she said to him looking down. Shinso was at a loss of words from the confession he didn't know what to think. The silence started making shinta nervous and she started picking at her nails some waiting to hear him say something. "Well that's a lot of new information. I won't tell anyone I promise but be careful he is a villain remember that" Shinso said coming over and giving her a soft hug before throwing out his trash from the meal. "When you're done come lay down and get some rest. We are going home in the morning" he told her and Shinta smiled nodding before she continued to eat her food. Shinso turned out all the lights but the one by the desk for her so he could go to sleep. What sleep he would get was always a very light sleep so he never felt rested. Once Shinta finished her food and cleaned up after herself she got in the bed and curled up against Shinso's back. It felt safe being close to him after what had happened the past two months. As soon as she got comfortable she went right to sleep.

Feeling Shinta get comfortable and hearing her shallow breaths while she slept put Shinso's mind at ease and finally he drifted off. In the morning shinso woke up before Shinta and he shook her softly "time to get up. Let's go home" he said to her Shinta grumbled rolling over "five more minutes" she groaned "we need to head back. The others have been searching for you in shifts" he said and when she heard those words she shot up. "Wait really? Even after what I did?" She asked him "yes you're still a hero" he said and she got up hugging him "alright let's go" she said to him. Shinta was feeling a bit better she still felt weak though, the two siblings checked out of the hotel and began the walk back to UA. The walk took about 2 hours or so due to them needing to take breaks for her every so often. As they got close shinso pulled out his phone sending a message to Aizawa 'I found her. We are almost back at the school'. When Aizawa felt his phone go off despite him currently teaching he checked it. Seeing those words he smiled some "alright class we are gonna take a short break. We are going to head to the gates I have a surprise for you" he said and the class all headed to the gates. Bakugo and his friends noticed that small smile before his words and they hoped that meant Shinta was back.

Moments after the class all gathered at the gates as they looked down the street leading to the school; right where the hill meets the horizon two figures came into view. As soon as they got close enough to see who it was the bakusquad and Dekusquad both ran towards her the two practically tripping over each other. Shinta chucked seeing the mess of her friends in front of her before she was grabbed in a hug by Bakugo "welcome back teddy bear" he said with his signature grin. The rest of their friends getting up there to them and all of them are at a lose of words including Aizawa when they see Shinta kiss Bakugo. The only people who knew were those who were at the coffee shop the day before she was kidnapped. After they broke the kiss Shinta noticed all eyes on her and she waved "hey guys" she said awkwardly "I'm gonna just say it now so it can be done with. Overhauls men wanted revenge and blamed me for his capture, they wanted blood atonement" she said telling all of them point blank she wanted to forget about it all or try to. Her friends had so many questions still but were just happy to see her back. "Were just glad you're back, we missed you" Mina said with a smile. Shinso took his leave once she was with her friends and started heading to the dorms. Aizawa looked at him "great work bringing her home" he said to him, shinso nodded he couldn't help but continue thinking about what dabi told him. Once things settled down Aizawa went off to finish his work for the day. Class 2A went back to their classes shinta staid back at the dorm and took another nap she was still tired. After school aizawa touched base with shinso on what he knew about what happened to her. It wasn't much just that she was in a holding cell in a weak state, he hesitated for a moment before deciding if he should tell him the rest. "I bumped into some of the LOV members on the way out with her. We exchanged glances and I was able to quickly get away with out an issue" he said leaving out the words exchanged between Dabi and hisself.

Back at the dorms Shinta had woken up and already gone to get checked out by recovery girl. Her and all her friends were watching some movies in the common area. Bakugo had his arm tightly around her waist the entire time which she thought was funny in a cute kind of way. The school continued to look into those who had taken Shinta and a few heroes worked on apprehending them. For the first time in awhile Shinta felt happy and at home. With all the craziness recently it was nice to finally have a moment of calm with her friends. Bakugo could tell something was different with her but he couldn't quite place what exactly. As the evening proceeded Shinta wanted to talk to her closest friends and asked them all to meet her up on the roof. Bakugo, Midoriya and Shoto all went up after that unsure as to why she asked them all up there. Shinta knew that only those three really know her and she wanted to talk to them about the nightmare she had a couple nights prior. "So were all up here what did you want? Come on already" Bakugo said with his rushed tone. Shinta had become almost immune to the random mood shifts Bakugo had since she would get them as well. "Katsuki, Izuku and Shoto I wanted to tell you guys the truth as to why I was really not at school for those two weeks. Before you guys found me during the mayhem caused by the LOV and nomus. That day endeavor was named number one hero, I wasn't sick I have been working as a double agent to spy on the LOV for the safety commission. I was with them and I had to play my part as one of them" she said taking a moment to let them take in the new information so far.

A few moments of silence before "Wait so you were helping the Villains!?!" Bakugo yelled but this time he actually did startle her. The anger she heard was very real this time. "I had to. I didn't hurt anyone and only damaged buildings that were marked for demolition already" she said thinking up what ever she could to defuse the situation. "Than what happened" shoto said softly while Bakugo fumed for a bit longer taking a few deep breaths to recenter himself. "Not long after was when you guys found me. What got my in trouble was the fact that it was recorded on the cities cctv cameras and the school saw it. So for two weeks my hero status and any ties to it were revoked. That's why I wasn't here" she said to them Midoriya finally taking a deep breath "It sounds like you did what you had to in the situation you were in. I'm sorry the school did that to you. We were all really worried about you while you were gone" he said to her and she smiled softly. "The other reason I wanted to talk to you three specifically is because if I ever go dark…do you think you'd be able to do what had to be done? The school already thinks I will after the incidents that have happened since I started school here last year" she asked them straight forward. They all stared at her blankly for a moment "Why are you asking this?" Shoto asked her "It would depend on what you did on how I would react" Bakugo said coldly his words felt almost like ice to shinta. "Because I had a nightmare that I went dark. I woke up in a hospital the building was up in flames. Everyone was dead all of our friends. I had caused it, then Bakugo and Midoriya try to arrest me. After a fight they managed to get me into a cell. I remember me telling them to just kill me, I didn't want to be in another cage" she said to the three looking away. "If the time ever comes, we will be there to try to get you back no matter what happens" the three practically said in unison which made her chuckle some. "Thank you guys. Truly for being here for me and having my back" she said to them and the group headed back in the building it was around time for them to head to bed they had class the next day. Shinta however grabbed Bakugo's hand and he turned to face her "Can you stay with me tonight?" She asked him showing him her vulnerability instead of the tough face she always wore.

The ash blonde didn't know if it was the cute look in her eyes or maybe the way she asked him but he couldn't possibly think of a reason not to. "Of course, let's go" he said to her as the two headed back to her dorm room. When they got back to Shinta's room Bakugo turned down the bed while she got changed into her pajamas. After that the two curled up holding each others hands as they went to sleep. "Night papa bear" she said softly almost in a whisper, but he heard it clear as day. The nickname she called him making him blush some. "Good night teddy bear" he said just as soft kissing her hands before closing his eyes for the night. Shinta smiled before she drifted off as well. The two slept peaceful until morning.