I'm at peace when I'm with you

"Ok I already didn't like him but now I just want to kick his ass. What happened the night your brother went missing?" He asked her trying to hide the anger he felt the best he could. "So on that night Endeavor had Touya in the training room, he was pushing him beyond what he could do at his age. Touya started losing control and the room went up in flames. I heard him screaming in pain because his flames were burning him our father watching just yelling at him for being 'weak'. I ran to my brother even though the room was on fire to try to help him. The burns on my arms are from that night. When I hugged him that night his flames tried to attack me as I got close and wrapped around my arms to try to stop me. After that I was dragged away, last time I saw my brother he was still in that room of blue flames. Endeavor dragged me deep into the city back then I was never allowed out of the house let alone the room Touya and I shared. After that he abandoned me telling me I was nothing more that a piece of orphan trash" Shinta said as a few tears fell from her eyes. Bakugo moved closer to her and hugged her close to him "Your not trash, anything but. Before you keep telling me about the pain let me say this. I may be an angry person all the time but when I'm with you I don't fully understand it but I feel calm. Even with all the anger I have, when I'm with you I feel at peace" He said to her kissing the top of her head as he held her.

Shinta didn't know what to say and just hugged on tight to him earning a chuckle from the boy. "After that I was on a street somewhere in the city and passed out from the burns I had and the pain. My wings had been badly burned in that fire as well. I woke up in the hospital, after they medically cleared me I was sent to that youth center where I only went by Shinta. I had managed to talk the hospital into destroying any records with my true name on them giving me the only copies of my birth certificate. So it was like I never existed, shinso and Aizawa only know what they needed to. They both know that endeavor is my father and that he threw me out" she said to him nervous of what he would say next, he had been calm so far but she wasn't sure how long it was going to last. Bakugo wanted so bad to scream and yell about how messed up her past was but he took a deep breath squeezing her tightly "yes I want to shout but I know it scares you. You're better now than back then. You have family who does care about you, friends and you got my now dumbass" he said the last part jokingly and she chuckled "yea, I do have you now. The part that scares me though is my past, because of it I am mentally unstable. In certain situations it's like a switch it's clicked in my head and I'm not a hero in those moments. That switch clicks and its like I'm a different person, I become a villain" she said softly admitting it for the first time really out loud. That's when bakugo just chuckled some. "Let them do what they want. To me you'll still be a hero no matter what and either way you're still gonna be mine" he said to her kissing her softly as she smiled at his words.

The two sat there for an hour or two after before heading back in for the night. Shinta could still tell he was mad and just hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid. After saying their goodnights the two went off to their rooms for bed. The work studies would be starting up the next afternoon, Shinta knew hawks had some training planned for her. In the morning all of the students went to their classes things went smoothly and at lunch all of the students of 2A headed off to their work studies. Bakugo made sure to say good bye to Shinta before she headed off to hawks agency. When Shinta got there Hawks met her in the lobby. "We aren't going to my office. We are going to the training center" he said to her with a smirk leading her to the elevator. They began going down, shinta had only been down there one other time and she was the reason he had to have it redone. "Are you sure? Last time we trained their I set the place on fire a bit" she said to him. "Yes, I made adjustments for that, similar to the coating on your jacket" he told her as they arrived

When they stepped off the elevator hawks led her to one of the large training rooms. "We are going to see if your wings also have a quirk in a sense. We are from the same origin blood line so their may be some of the same or similar ability to your wings" he explained to her. "You mean other than catching on fire?" She asked him. Hawks nodded "exactly" he said to her as he went over to the computer on the wall to get the room setup. Shinta just staid to the side to be out of the way. The center of the room changed and resembled part of the city. "So the new training rooms are simulation rooms but once you enter the simulation zone it feels real. Everything with in the perimeter is contained, even your flames wouldn't be able to break through. That way we can train and you won't have to worry about hurting anyone or destroying things. Just make sure to grab a pair of the glasses or you can grab a pair of the goggles by the computer. The lenses will be how you will be able to see and interact with things with in the simulation area" Hawks explained he had already grabbed his goggles. Shinta went over and grabbed the glasses she rarely used the goggles she had they were more of an accessory for her. One of the other things Hawks had given her over the years.

She thought for a moment about her past and how a lot of the times where things seemed bleak or dark once she was adopted by Aizawa; Hawks had always been there for her. That thought just made her smile "Lets do this" she said to him as the two stepped into the simulation. From the outside it looked rather small but once they had stepped in it was like they were actually in the city. "This is crazy, you are a genius" shinta said to hawks looking around some waiting to hear what he had planned in for her training in there. "So I know due to your flames being your main quirk you won't have as much control if any of your feathers. But I want to see if you would be able to do the feather blades at least. With your quirk your blades could even been enhanced by your flames" he explained as he removed two of his larger feathers turning them into two blade to use. Shinta watched what he did before she tried but with only one, as she focused like he had and she passed her hand over the feather her quirk activated on that one feather as it seemed ti turn into a flame weapon. Hawks smirked "Good. Now we practice" he said and with out warning charged at her. The boys were doing as well as they could be with endeavor, so were all the other students. During work studies the students would be able to stay home with their families until it was over. The two kept training until it was time to go home for the night. Over the next week all of the students were able to learn quite a bit. Shinta had done a few odd jobs for the LOV during the week, small rumors had begun to spread that LOV had a new member. No-one knew who the new member was just that she had a fire quirk, Shinta was teetering the line more and more it seemed as the days continued. Hawks could tell that if something else big happened to her it very possibly will be that final straw for her.

Even though he knew he should report that to the school he just couldn't. She was family and he wanted to protect her. The students were all returning to catch up with each other before they had class the following day. When Shinta got back she met up with bakugo first giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "How was it?" She asked him and he just kept silent but had a smirk on his face. "Alright. I'm gonna go say hi to the others" Shinta said as she headed off to go talk to the other two boys. Bakugo was still angry that he had to deal with the man who calls himself a hero after what he did to his daughter. He just wanted to see Endeavor pay for what he did. Meanwhile while things went smoothly for all of the students at UA dark forces were still at work. The group hung out most the night up in shinta's room, she happened to be the first to fall asleep out of them all. Bakugo how ever found himself stuck by law of cuteness. Shinta was asleep her head in his lap she looked so peaceful, shoto chuckled some midoriya had already turned in for the night. He had been acting a bit strange even for him recently. "I can help you out of that if you'd like" shoto said to him and bakugo broke the trance he was under looking at the sleeping beauty in his lap. "Nah, just hit the light on your way icy hot" bakugo smirked at him as he carefully lifted her head and carefully slid down so her head was on his chest by the time the light was turned out by shoto.

Bakugo was happier than ever being there with her. He wanted to do something special for her, after what she went through recently with being kidnapped, held captive for two months while they did god knows what to her. As well as everything from her past, bakugo wanted nothing more than to see her smile and the next tears he wanted to see were tears of joy. He thought about it all before he drifted off to sleep shinta's head resting over his heart her left hand resting on his stomach. In the morning everyone headed off too class, things seem to be calm for the time being shinta just hoped it would stay that way. They were nearing the beginning of the second term and shinta was having a little bit of a hard time because of what she missed. "After school Shinta I want you to come home and study with Shinso" Aizawa said once shinta got another answer wrong after being called on. The rest of the day seemed to go smoothly, at the end of the day shinta headed home like Aizawa told her to. Shinso was waiting in the dining room for her so they could study, he hated it as much as she did. The two siblings sat there studying through dinner up until shinta had to head back to the dorms. Shinso felt confident with the stuff they went over that she would be fine.

Over the next couple of months things went pretty normal for shinta. One day in particular did stand out to shinta, the day Bakugo took her out for a romantic date. She got to see the other side of him, he really was a romantic softie at heart and she loved it. Bakugo got the whole Bakusquad and Shoto to help him out with getting everything set up. Shoto was the one who would help keep Shinta busy and bring her to the designated planned spot when the time was right. So during the day as he was told to do he took Shinta around town to a few nice places and to get her nails done. Shinta was enjoying the time with Shoto but could tell he was up to something just didn't know what. Once the Sun started to go down Shoto led her up to a hidden spot in one of the neighborhoods near the school. As they got closer Shinta saw it and smiled when her eyes landed on bakugo. Shinta ran to the ash blonde and hugged on to him smiling Shoto taking this as his cue to leave.

The two were standing at the entryway to a small open pagoda with rose petals scattered around the entire thing. Inside was a small table for two with a beautiful three course meal laid out for the two of them. "I wanted to do something special for you, it's been rough for you and I don't mean just recently. So I wanted you to have a special moment that makes you smile and I hope happy. Even more so since your going on that trip. I'm gonna miss you" he said to her the way he spoke was just enchanting to her for some reason. Bakugo walked her over to her seat pulling it out for her, after she sat down he did as well. "This smells really good" Shinta said looking over the food as she started with the small salad that was there "thanks, I um…made it myself. I like to cook, but you can't tell the others" he said to her. Shinta smiled over at him "of course not, this is really great. All of it is. I really don't know what to say. This really is the nicest thing someone has done for me" Shinta said as she began on her entree. Bakugo had made them a chicken stir-fry as their main course. "Well I wanted to do something special for you like I said. When you opened up about your past it took me some time to really process everything but I do know this. Before Aizawa adopted you after what happened and I think even till recently you haven't really known happiness. I want to fix that" hold her the candle light flickering casting small rays of light against her skin. He couldn't help but admire the girl in front of him.

The two sat there as sharing likes and dislikes with each other, getting to learn more about one another. Soon after was desert when Bakugo revealed what desert was Shinta was shocked, he made her favorite. The desert before them was a small green tea crepe cake for two with fresh sliced berries on it. "How did you know this is my favorite?" She asked him smiling knowing he had to have gotten help somehow. "I told you this would be special. So one day when you were out on patrol I went and asked Aizawa what your favorite desert was" he admitted with a small blush. "That was very sweet and brave of you" she said chuckling while the two shared the cake in front of them. Each dish was portioned out perfectly to not overfill them. Before too long they had finished their meal and began their walk back to campus, the bakusquad was waiting near by to do the clean up after they left. The two walked back to the dorm building and Bakugo even walked Shinta to her bedroom door. The two exchanged one last cute look with each other before he went back to his normal glare, they shared a quick kiss before going their separate ways for the evening. Shinta got herself ready for bed before flopping on her bed face down, she just thought about the date she just had and smiled. Not long after she drifted off to sleep after she got under her covers.