Trip of a life time

Other than that one day things were pretty normal for her. She went to school, part time job with hawks as well as then the occasional odd job for the LOV. She was trying her best to stay busy because there were some days where she would wake up and didn't want to go to class or even get out of bed. The students were now getting ready to get one of their breaks from school, a few students from UA including shinta had been picked for a big experience. They would get to go over seas to the U.S. and work with pro heroes there, this was to give those few select students a chance of a life time for some real experience away from the school. Shinta, Midoriya, Ibara and Monoma were the for students picked from UA for the experience. Bakugo was kind of upset he didn't get picked but deku had. Their break would be starting the next day "So Shinta and Midoriya tonight pack up your bags, a month worth of clothes and make sure to take your hero gear with you as well" Aizawa explained to them at the end of the day. Shinta was kind of excited to go on the trip, she had never been outside of the city really. Everyone headed back to the dorms and got ready to head home for their break.

Bakugo stopped by Shinta's room while she was packing "hey, I just wanted to stop by and wish you luck on your trip. I'm sure you'll do great over there. Just be safe and watch your back something still feels kind of strange about the whole thing to me" he said and she chuckled. "I understand what you mean. But it is an experience that is very rare and I am glad to be able to do it" she said hugging him "Plus I'm taking your hoodie with me Katsuki" she said to him and he blushed some hearing his name. Trying to keep his composure and control his own impulses he grinned some and gave her a passionate kiss "Just try to keep yourself out of trouble while your there Teddy Bear. When you get back I'll cook for you again" he said to her. The whole moment had caught Shinta off guard and she blushed some unable to form words and just nodded her head. As Bakugo took his leave from her room "See you when you get back" He said to her with a small grin. "I look forward to it. I think I love you Katsuki" she said softly as her bedroom door shut. Bakugo however heard her still and controlled his urge to burst back in there. 'I can't try to make her stay so I can protect her. She can protect herself' he thought to himself as he headed back to his room to pack up something's before he headed back home as well. A few students staid behind but most of the others had all headed back home with their families for the break.

Shinta headed down to the common room to wait for midoriya so they could head off to the airport. A few minutes later midoriya came down Shinso was now standing there with Shinta he had their tickets in hand. Once they were all together Shinso gave them both their tickets before taking his leave. "Good luck you guys. Be safe sis" he said taking his leave. "Let's go, we board in about three and a half hours" Shinta said to Midoriya. The two took their leave heading off to the airport for a trip they will surely never forget. Before too long the two made it to the airport and through security now waiting by the gate. A few of the people from the city giving them strange looks and Shinta heard a few murmurs. About how she looked like that newer villain who had been spotted with the LOV. This made Shinta kind of nervous as she played with the sleeve of Katsuki's hoodie she had brought along. "Don't worry about them. Remember your a hero and we are getting to get an experience of a life time" midoriya said with a smile and Shinta nodded. The two sat there sharing idle chit chat until they were able to board the plane. Shinta still couldn't help but to worry it felt like everyone was watching her.

After a bit longer they heard to sound to allow them to start boarding the plane. The students from UA were all escorted to first class and got comfortable in their seats. "Wow they really went all out for us didn't they?" Midoriya sad aloud as he got comfortable in his seat. Shinta chuckled some the other students just ignored the two of them. "Seems so, try to get some rest its gonna be a long flight" Shinta said to her friend before she looked out the window. Not much could be seen since they were leaving on a night time flight. Not long after they took flight and we're in their way to the US; they would be be arriving at JFK Airport in about 13 hours. Once the flight was steady in the air the flight attendants brought food out for everyone in first class. Shinta was sitting in the last row near the window midoriya in the row infant of her in the outer seat so they could still talk. It was made apparent to Shinta however that the flight attendants also had recognized her from the news articles. When Shinta lifted the lid to what should have been a bento box with chicken and steamed dumplings there was just a plate with ash on it. A small picture of one of the buildings shinta had burned down, but it wasn't from the articles. It was from when she lost time and she destroyed a section of the city. When she looked at the photo she noticed a small note was on the back.

~We know it was you who burned down our family store. Our families history was with in those walls. We lost my grandmother that night because of you~

Reading those words her face then paled and she quickly covered the plate back up so midoriya wouldn't see it. She kept the photo tightly in her hand as the flight attendant came back by grabbing her tray with a smirk as midoriya turned around. "Hey didn't they bring you food too?" He asked her confused he didn't see a meal in front of her. "I-I'm not hungry that's all" she said softly before looking out the window again. Midoriya could tell something was wrong and he noticed her holding tightly to something in her hands. He watched his friend for a moment while she curled herself up in the seat behind him before he went back to his meal. Midoriya promised his friend he would look out for her, he could tell how happy the two of them made each other. Once everyone else finished the meals the flight attendants came out and cleaned everything up. Shinta had already gotten herself comfortable and was trying to sleep, but the words she had read were keeping her up. 'Did I really kill someone?' She thought to herself wanting to talk to the only person who knew about her lost time. Shinta just wanted to talk to Bakugo about it he would be able to put her mind at ease about it hopefully. Eventually Shinta was able to fall asleep everyone else had already been sleeping away long before she managed to fall asleep.

Soon enough they were all woken up hearing they would be starting their descent soon to JFK. Shinta stretched some when she did she dropped the photo not realizing it. When Midoriya turned around he noticed the photo of the building remembering that it had burned down from a villain attack. Seeing the photo rose so many questions for him but he decided he would wait until after they were able to get settled in once they land. Shinta looked down seeing the photo after she finished stretching and quickly picked it up before stashing it away. "I can't wait to talk to the others back home. I really need to talk to Bakugo about something" shinta said to midoriya trying to talk with her friend. She could tell he looked worried about something. Finally they could see the tarmac below as they got closer to landing, Shinta was getting more excited she was starting to get a bit stir crazy on the plane by this point.

Everyone was able to start exiting the plane soon starting with the first class people. As soon as they got off the plane they all stretched and look around it was all new to them. The four students then headed to baggage claim where they would also meet the hero who was meeting them at the airport to escort them to their hotel. All four of the students had a room all to themselves Shinta was very happy about that, she needed some time to just to decompress from the trip. After getting herself settled in for the time being Shinta pulled out her phone to send bakugo a message she needed to hear his voice.

~Hey papa bear, we made it. I miss you already. Something happened on the way here I need to talk to you about it. It really freaked me out~

Shinta hit send and put her phone on the charger before she decided to get a shower they had a few hours until they had to meet back up with the pro hero that brought them all to the hotel for the event that started that afternoon. Midoriya had already fallen asleep as soon as he flopped on his bed, the other two students were also taking a nap as well. Back at UA Bakugo was getting ready to go to his room to relax for the night before bed. When he saw the message from Shinta he smiled happy to see a message from her already. Bakugo was getting ready to go to bed for the night back home, but he called her first so they could talk. When Shinta's phone began ringing she got a little nervous but answered it. "Hey Katsuki" she said to him small traces of sadness in her voice. "Hey Teddy bear. What freaked you out so much? You were super excited before you left" he said concerned. Shinta took a deep breath with a soft sigh "One of the flight attendants said something that really messed with me. I need you to look over the footage again from when i lost time. Pay close attention when I am near the bakery on that street please" she said to him this started to freak him out some. "Thats really specific. Why there? What did the flight attendant say to you?" he asked her snapping some he was worried about her. "She said i killed her grandmother Katsuki..." she said and Bakugo could hear her crying through the phone. Those words scared even his some "Hey its alright. Try to get rest. I'm sure they have a lot planned for you guys. You got this and I look over the footage don't worry. I'm right here and not going anywhere that east dumbass" he said with a soft chuckle. His comment put her mind at ease for the time being "Alright, your right. Get some sleep. Good night Papa bear" she said softly to him. Bakugo smiled some on the other end of the phone. "Night Teddy bear" he said before the two ended the call and both drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later Shinta heard her alarm going off as she groaned turning it off. "Time to meet up with the others I guess" She said and fixed herself from her nap. Midoriya met up with her at the elevator and they headed down. Once in the Lobby two heroes were there one for Midoriya and shinta and one for the two from class 2B. "Alright Shinta Aizawa and Izuku Midoriya you two will be working with me on the south side of the city. Once we get to the agency I will pair you both with one of the other heroes I work with" The man in front of them said as he led them out to a car that would take them to the agency. "Wait so we are going to be working separately?" Midoriya asked him with concern. He had promised to keep a close eye on Shinta while they were there for her dad and Bakugo. "Yes, You will still see each other at the agency at the hotel here" He said as they all got in the car and headed off to his agency "Oh you guys can call me Azreal" he smirked giving them a small nod. For the rest of the ride them were all quiet Midoriya could tell something was bothering Shinta but knew not to pry.