Dark Times fall over UA

Once they entered the agency it was a lot like back home; very busy. There were a bunch of people running around and taking calls, Shinta looked around taking it all in as did Midoriya. Some of the people stopped and watched Shinta as the group walked past them. When they got to his office the two were sent off with the heroes he had told them about. Midoriya went off towards the east side as Shinta headed the opposite way 'Great. How am I supposed to keep an eye on her now?' Midoriya thought to himself as he headed off to work. It wasn't fully what they expected to be thrown right into work once they got there. Shinta on the other hand after the hero she was supposed to work with gave her a run down of the dos and don't's was left on her own. This putting the plan set ahead of her arrival in motion; the area she was in was one of the most crime ridden in the area. Shinta began doing rounds just like back home things seemed to be going well for the time being. Over the next few days all the students continued with the jobs they had been given. On the last day of the rounds they would be doing was when things started to get interesting.

The morning started like it had been the past few days, Shinta was doing her rounds things went well. Later in the evening Shinta was on her way back to the agency when a large explosion was heard from another part of the city. Shinta heard the sound and she couldn't help herself she had to go see what was going on. Midoriya was back at the hotel already he had finished his rounds earlier and was taking a nap out cold. When Shinta got to the location there was fire roaring people screaming and a villain in the epicenter of it all. Shinta quickly got to action to help contain the disaster as she got closer to the villain, when the two looked at one another "oh goodie, my prize is here" the villain cackled. Shinta began attacking the stranger but before too long he had worn her down managing to get one final blow on her knocking her out. The fire died down moments after and the two were gone, all that was left was shinta's signature jacket covered in ash laying on the ground. Not long after a few of the pro heroes had finally made it to the scene, seeing that the villain was gone. Azreal was one of the heroes to arrive at the scene and he noticed the jacket on the ground knowing who it belonged to. When everything was cleaned up he headed back to the hotel, he had to let Midoriya know. The flight for the UA students was the following afternoon and they would be done a member on the return flight.

Midoriya woke up to a knock on his door, he went to see who it was still pretty out of it. When he opened the door his eyes immediately fell on Shinta's Jacket in Azreal's hand. "Where is Flame? Why do you have her jacket?" Midoriya asked and Azreal looked down his expression grew solemn. "There was a Villain attack on the west side of town. It seems Flame may have been the first on the scene…when we got there both her and the villain were gone. We are going to keep looking for her. We will do everything we can to find her. You need to return home tomorrow either way, I will contact your school and let them know what has happened" Azreal said handing Midoriya the jacket before walking away. Once he was gone midoriya closed his door holding the jacket tightly in his hand. "Everyone is going to freak out. I can't stay I know that but something still just doesn't feel right. Too much of a coincidence" He said before he went back to bed to try to rest before his flight.

The rest of the evening midoriya slept terribly the whole time worrying about his dear friend. In the morning Midoriya was greeted at his hotel room door by Azreal who escorted him back to the airport where he met up with the other two students again. After Azreal answered any questions the others had all three of the students went through security and headed to their plane to return to Japan. A few of the other pro heroes in New York were starting the investigation into Shinta's disappearance. Azreal had to then call UA and inform them of what has happened, once he was back in his car he sat there in the parking garage. Pulling out his phone he figured he should get it over with and he called the school, his call being directed to the principal. "Hello Principal Nezu speaking. What can I do for you?" He asked in his normal happy tone. Azreal took a deep breath "Hello sir. My name is Azreal, I was the Pro hero your students from Class 2A were working with on the trip here to America" he said really dreading having to give bad news. "Oh yes, They are all on their way back home now if I'm correct. How did everything go?" Nezu asked Azreal and he could hear the nervousness in the next words "Well, three of your students are on their way back. On the last day of patrol Flame acted as a pro hero even though her shift was over. There was a Villain attack on a busy street, she saved the people. Before any other heroes could arrive at the scene however. Flame and the villain were both gone. The only thing we found was the jacket she was wearing as part of her hero gear sir. Our investigation started in full force here this morning we will do everything we can to find her and return her home sir. I am sorry this happened we should have been more careful" he said and Nezu gulped some at the news he had just heard.

"Thank you for letting me know so urgently. Please let us know if there is anything you guys would need from us to help aid in her search. I will inform those I need to here" he said and with out even waiting for a goodbye Nezu hung up the phone and sighed 'This is not going to go over very well' he thought to himself taking a deep breath before picking up his office phone calling both All Might and Aizawa into his office. When the two arrived they could feel the tension in the air, it could practically be cut with a knife. "What's going on principle Nezu? You seem frazzled by something" Aizawa said to him as All Might nodded in agreement. "Well as you know the students will be returning this evening. There was however one problem. It seems Shinta will not be with them. There was an incident with a villain she was first to the scene. When the pros got there the villain and Shinta were both gone they only found her jacket. I am sorry to have to give you this news" nezu said with a serious yet solemn tone. All might's face paper as did aizawa's. "Please tell me they are looking for my daughter?!" Aizawa shouted out after a few moment of awkward silence in the room. "Yes they started a full on investigation this morning" he said to them before quickly jumped as Aizawa growled some. "They better find her" was the last thing Aizawa said before storming out of the room. All Mights breath hitched as the door slammed shut "He has every reason to be upset of course. Thank you for letting us know, I'll do what I can too help break it to the other students of class 2A. Thank you principle Nezu, keep us posted with any now information" All might said Nezu responding with a nod before All Might left as well the news sitting heavy in the air for the three adults at UA.

Aizawa went back to his classroom the students could tell something was wrong by the anger they could see on his face. "Hey teach, what happened? You look pissed" Bakugo said breaking the silence in the room. Aizawa's eyes quickly shot to the ash blonde "The words I'm about to say are heavy. No one and I repeat no one start yelling or freaking out. It will not do any good we all just have to wait…Shinta will not be returning this evening with the others. There was an incident with a villain she was the first on the scene from what we were told. When the pro's arrived her and the villain were both gone, her jacket was all they found. The American heroes she was working with are working in the investigation to find her. That's all we know, so I am canceling the rest of your classes today. Go back to the dorms" he said to everyone. The entire class sat there like deer's caught in headlights while the words set in, Bakugo of course was the first one to move "They should have let more of us go to protect her!" He shouted before storming out of the room 'Deku I swear I'm going to kick your ass if this was your fault' he thought to himself as he went back to the dorms. Instead of his room though after grabbing his laptop he went to shinta's room he wanted to try to see if he could help. Maybe he could find something anything with a clue in her room or so he hoped. The rest of the class not long after Bakugo's outburst headed back to the dorms as well. They all shared the same look of concern for their fellow classmate and friend. Not just is she missing but in an entirely different country they don't really know much about.

In the evening very close to lights out for the students Midoriya returned to the dorm. As soon as he walked in the door Bakugo had grabbed him and thrown him across the room. "Why didn't you protect her!" He screamed at his friend who looked down before getting Shinta's jacket from his bag. "They separated us. She was supposed to have a pro working with her, I don't know what happened. I'm sorry Kachaan" Midoriya said before putting shintas jacket down in front of him. With out another word the green haired boy got up and walked off to his room. Bakugo scoffed in annoyance at him picking up Shinta's jacket tightly in his hand. "Damn Nerd. He should have tried harder then" he growled to himself before going back to his own room for the night. The dorm building soon fell silent all the students sleeping. In the U.S. the investigation was in full swing to find Shinta. Some how they still had no leads or clues it was as if she had just vanished completely.

Over the next few months very little had been heard about Shinta. Things were starting to look bleak bakugo had taken over shintas room and turned it into an investigation room. He had pictures everywhere from what info he was able to get. It almost seemed like trying to find her had consumed him. Bakugo had talked both Shoto and midoriya into helping him. The trio had been working hard in class as well as afterwards even they haven't been able to find a single thing to help them find her. "M-M-Maybe it's time we start thinking about the elephant in the room" midoriya said "don't you talk like that. Get out if your giving up! I told her I would be there for her! We have no idea what's going on or where she is! This is the best we can do Deku, now if you're giving up…GET OUT!!" He shouted making both of his friends jump tears falling from his eyes. At that moment both of the boys were frozen, neither knew what to do. Midoriya hadn't really ever seen Bakugo cry even as a child "K-Kachaan i'm not saying I'm giving up. Just that we need to keep in mind that unfortunately that could be an outcome" Midoriya said before leaving he room. Shoto was not far behind him knowing there was nothing he could say or do to help. Bakugo would probably try to blame him again like he has a few times since Shinta's disappearance.

After the meltdown the group distanced themselves from one another. Other classmates who used to get along now were fighting. Aizawa had even seemed to have lost his edge, like part of him had been ripped out. Meanwhile the entire time while sorrow and anger dwell in the walls at UA, Endevour was living large as the new number one hero. The LOV had been pretty quiet not gaining any unwanted attention. Hawks finally after those first few months gave Dabi a call he had been dreading this call ever since the day he found out. "What do you want now Bird Brain? You screen all of my calls, won't respond to my texts for THREE MONTHS! And NOW you want to CALL ME?!" Dabi snapped the anger could be heard clear as day. "Ok calm down its been very busy on the hero side recently. Remember when we told you about that trip Shinta went on?" Hawks asked him knowing the anger he heard was fully warranted. "Yes, why has she not been back here to us yet? Why have you been ghosting me?" Dabi asked back trying to calm some to let his friend talk. "I have been quiet trying to find the right way to tell you. I was hoping by now to have more information than we do. Shinta…she didn't return with the other students from the U.S." Hawks said pulling his phone away from his ear waiting to hear Dabi yell.

When Dabi heard those words however he went silent for a moment. After what felt like an eternity he finally spoke "So your telling me that my little sister has been missing now for three months in an entirely different COUNTRY!!!" He screamed even though hawks was expecting it the scream caught him off guard. "Yes, they have been searching for her ever since she disappeared. The only thing they had to go on was some villain was in the part of the city where she happened to be going through. Shinta was on her was back to the head quarters for the day from the shift she worked and jumped into action. There wasn't a lot to go off of just that they found Shinta's jacket at the scene" hawks said back after recollecting himself "If the villain left her jacket then they must have known about the special coating you put on it. If she isn't found so help me Keigo" Dabi growled "That or somehow knew about the secret tracker that was sewn into the hem of the collar of the jacket. You know just as well as i do Shinta is known to run in rough situations ago times. So I put the tracker in as a safety precaution" hawks explained to him. "Screaming at you is pointless it wont get us anywhere. Thank you for the update Keigo seriously, i just hope she is back home where she's belongs soon. Go get some rest, Night" Dabi said before hanging up not even giving Hawks a chance to respond to him.