The return

Soon enough the holidays had come and gone presents sitting there in the common room all untouched, no-one could bring themselves to open the gifts with out the whole family being there. Rumors occasionally would be heard that someone who looked kind of like shinta had been spotted. Every time though it was in a different place, different countries even. As time kept passing the U.S after a year ended the search. The school was going to plan a service everyone had thought the worst since there had been no true sign of her. Bakugo at this point had been staying home from school for the past week or so, staring at his phone half the day. He hoped each day his phone would go off and it would be her, but that day hadn't come. Finally Bakugo had to go back to school if he wanted to still be able to pass that year. As he headed out his normal angry scowl on his face he decided he was going to make one put stop before going to the school. He headed to the pagoda where he and Shinta had their date.

When he got there he froze for a moment, his heart started racing his eyes locked on the figure infront of him. He begged in his mind for it to not be a dream. As he got closer the person became much clearer and he smiled, it was her. Shinta somehow had come home she looked rather banged up and very tired but she was alive. Shinta had been resting in the pagoda nervous still of returning to UA; a lot has happened to her in the past year. Standing there feeling the wind blow through her wings she heard footsteps coming closer. Shinta turned around and saw the one person she hoped to see, Bakugo. Once the two locked eyes they both ran toward each other colliding falling back Shinta landing on him. They both chuckle for a moment "I've missed you" Shinta said to him kissing him before she got up helping him up. "Your damn right you did. I was really worried about you, we all were" he said to her smiling softly. "We need to get you back to the school. Everyone will be so happy your back" he said to her in an excited tone. Shinta smiled softly hesitating some "Can we try to not make too much of a big deal out of it? Ive been through a lot to get home and I just want to get a real shower and sleep in my bed" Shinta said to him and he nodded.

"Lets get you home then" Bakugo said holding his hand out to her. Deep down he still hoped this wasn't all a dream. The two walked towards the school but once they got closer he turned down another street. He was walking her home, back to Aizawas house. "Thank you Katsuki" shinta said as they got to the door. "Your dad should have already headed to school. So you should have the place to yourself. I won't tell anyone except Aizawa, but ill wait till lunch. Take some time relax and get some rest I'll come back by after school" Bakugo said to her giving her one more loving his before heading off to school. 'Man she really is back. I can't believe it. But I can tell she is hurting from something. I need to know what happened to her while she was gone' he thought to himself on his way to school. Bakugo tried to hide his happiness the best he could when he got to school and luckily no one really paid attention. The day proceeded on like it had been he just had to wait till lunch and give Aizawa the news. Back home Shinta had gotten into the shower after she did a safety sweep making sure it was just her there first. Soaking in the hot water seemed to help her some both her mood and body. It had been quite a while since she had been able to get a real shower. After a long hot shower Shinta wrapped herself in her favorite fluffy black towel and went to her room. "Ive been gone a little over a year and they kept everything the same. The bed looks freshly made too. Dad really never gave up on me either" she said to herself smiling taking in the sight of her room. It still felt very surreal being home for her. When Shinta finally looked in the mirror she cringed at the sight she saw "I should get checked out by recovery girl soon. I just want sleep first" she mumbled to her reflection.

Giving herself a small nod as if agreeing with herself she went and grabbed some clean clothes from her dresser and got herself comfortable wrapped in her blanket. The relaxation of being home setting in even more for her as she drifted off to sleep. The first good rest she has had in a very long time. Before too long a knock was heard on her bedroom door before she heard the door open slowly. Grumbling in the process Shinta turns her head and looks over sleepily. Aizawa stood there in front of her in shock to see her and he fell to his knees speechless. Once Shinta fully realized who it was she got up and went over to him and kneeled down hugging Aizawa. "I misses you dad" she said softly. Aizawa hugged her back tight a few tears escaping his eyes "I missed you too. We all did. We never gave up on you. The entire class…hasn't been the same since what happened" he said to her as they both got up. "You still look really tired but come back with me. I'll take you to recovery girl and you can get some rest in the infirmary. After she clears you, you should go back to the dorms. Be with your friends and take some time for yourself to readjust. We are going to need to know what happened to you before you can resume classes though" Aizawa said and Shinta nodded

"I understand. Yea lets do that, I bet everyone will be really happy. I'm glad to be back home" she said softly as the two headed back to the school. Shinta was still very nervous about going back to the school, part of her felt she no longer belonged there. Aizawa escorted her right to recovery girl who got Shinta set up on a bed. Shinta began trying to rest while recovery went to work she knew just how bad the damage really was. After the coast was clear and it was just the two girls Recovery girl had Shinta remove her shirt to examine the rest of her wounds. A few hours later school has ended and Shinta began waking back up after her treatment. "You should be all set. Just take it easy still for a couple of days" Recovery girl said to Shinta. Excited to get released Shinta nodded and headed toward the dorm building. It just so happened to be movie night at the dorms so everyone happened to be gathered in the common room. A few minutes later Shinta decided to really surprise everyone so she flew up to the roof of the building. Coming in through the roof entrance Shinta quietly made her way down to the common area as soon as she got closer she could hear the movie they were all watching. Shinta walked into the room close enough to see everyone but due to her slight hover she hadn't made a sound.

Thinking of how to get everyone's attention Shinta felt a tickle in her nose, before too long she sneezed. That quiet rather cute sneeze was enough to get everyone's attention to the new sound in the room. When everyone in class 2A turned seeing Shinta everyone froze there jaws dropping. Shoto was the first to move other than Bakugo who had a grin on his face the whole time. Shoto walked up to his sister and huddled her tight. "I was so worried about you. But I knew you weren't going to go down that easy to some random villain" he said and she chuckled. "Missed you too. I missed all of you" Shinta said as everyone else came and gave her a big group hug. The class all reunited it felt like home again, like the dark clouds finally passed. After everyone settled back into their seats they finished the movie for the night. Everyone wanted to know what had happened to her but she had explained that over time they will find out.

The rest of the evening went on like nothing had ever changed. The fact that everyone still treated her the same put Shinta's mind at ease some. When it was time for lights out however Shitna grabbed bakugo's hand batting her eyes at him. Those few movement were just enough for him to know exactly what she was asking. "Of course, I'd love that" Bakugo said with a soft smile before going back to his usual expression. The two went back to Shinta's room which had been cleaned up to look like it did the day she left. "You even cleaned up and dusted some while i was gone. Thank you, for not giving up on me" Shinta said to the ash blonde as he closed the door. Instead of saying anything in return Bakugo grabbed her by the waist and gave her a loving kiss. "I promised I'd always be here for you. Also I…I think I may be falling for you" he said with a soft blush turning around so she could change. Shinta blushed at his words as well while she changed into her pjs. "I think I may be falling for you too Katsuki" Shinta said as she got into bed. Bakugo hearing the blankets shift turned back around and got himself comfortable in bed with Shinta after turning out the light.

"Stay here with me all night please. I dont want to be alone" Shinta said to him as she laid her head on his chest. The ash blonde smiled some getting comfortable with her "Ofcourse, I'm not going anywhere teddy bear" He said as he rubbed her back. Minutes later they were both asleep, Shinta kept a tight hold on him through the entire night. Any time she would start to have a bad dream her hands would squeeze onto what ever part of him they could grab.The night passed on in the morning Bakugo woke up first seeing his sleeping angel beside him. He slipped out of the room and went to make Shinta her coffee before he went to get ready for class. Shinta grumbled feeling the weight shift in the bed before she drifted back off to sleep. After getting ready Bakugo brought Shinta's coffee in sitting it on the warmer on her desk before heading to class.

Shinta woke up a few hours later seeing the coffee sitting there she smiled. Once she got herself together for the day Shinta headed to class. She wanted some type of normal again, the entire class including Aizawa was speechless seeing her walk through the door. "I know I've missed a lot and you wanted me to take me time. But I just want things to feel normal" Shinta said and Aizawa nodded for her to take her seat. The whole class did everything they could to help her feel at ease. Over the next week or so things went smoothly for her. But now she needed to talk about what had happened to her and the thought made her nervous. After school ended for the week giving them a weekend to relax shinta decided it was time to let the others know she was back. That afternoon Shinta took off toward the LOV hideout excited to see the look on everyones faces that she was back. When she got there shinta took deep breath before opening the heavy metal outer door, before walking down that familiar corridor.

There happened to be a meeting going on when she got there. Everyone had still been on edge since they had heard the investigation into her disappearance had ended. Hearing the door open and shut everyone had their eyes glued to the door. Dabi ready to grab who ever emerged from the dark hallway. As soon as Shinta walked out of the hallway into the room she was pinned to the wall Dabis hand close to her face his flames smoldering in his hand. Shinta hadn't even flinched just looked up at him. Once Dabi and the others realized it was her he hugged her tight. "Hey guys" she said with a small chuckle. "How? What? Where have you been?" Shigaraki asked in his normal rude tone. After the others gave Shinta a hug they all settled back into their respective seats.

"All in good time. The school has something planned that much I know. I haven't even told anyone there what happened to me yet. I'll at least tell you this…the villain that took me had been paid off. He was paid off by a pro hero from here. From Japan to make sure I didn't make it back from the trip" Shinta said and could hear all of them growl in anger. "The only other thing I will share for now is I made my back with nouns help. I had to fight my way back, things that I had to do… Ill get kicked out of UA once they find out everything. Oh and when the trip started the flight attendant on the plane…well her grandmothers bakery was one of the buildings I had destroyed. Her grandmother was still inside when it burned down" Shinta said and everyone went silent. Even Shigaraki who was as cold blooded as they come was shocked. "You couldn't have known she was in there" Toga said to Shinta trying to cheer her up some. Shinta smiled softly and just leaned into Dabi. The meeting then got back on track, As they talked Shinta drifted off to sleep with her head resting on Dabi's shoulder.