The Year of Mystery Comes to Light

Not too long after she fell asleep the meeting ended and Dabi carried her back to his room. There was so much he wanted to ask her, so much he needed to know. Even still he let her sleep he could tell how tired she was still. After getting her comfortable on his bed Dabi had to head out and do some work for the day. A few hours later Shinta woke up her hair a mess going every which way wrapped up in the blankets on Dabi's bed. Seeing the time she realized she needed to get ready to head back she was going to go home and talk with Shinso and Aizawa. She knew she needed to tell them at least something, she still wasn't sure if she should tell them everything that had happened. After making sure she had everything Shinta headed out everyone else seemed to be out as well. Shinta decided she would walk back her wings were still a bit sore from all her recent travel.

Once she hit the shopping district Shinta decided to pick up a few things for her friends and family. She had missed the holidays and birthdays while she was gone. With a bunch of shopping bags in hand Shinta then continued home getting there about twenty minutes later. When Shinta walked in the door the house was still no movements could be heard "I must have beat them home today" she said a bit sad for the house to be empty. Shinta used that time to get all of the gifts wrapped in the living room since no-one was home yet. After what felt like hours Shinta had finished wrapping all of the gifts finally and bagged up for when she goes back to the dorm. Everything situated she decided to make herself some tea before sitting out on there back porch.

Not too much longer Aizawa got home Shinso was with him they both had staid after school. The school wanted Aizawa to get the truth out of Shinta about what happened, they told him what ever means necessary. Neither of the boys agree with the school and their want to know so bad. Aizawa wanted to know just as bad as they did, yet he also knows sometimes its better off not knowing. When they walked in Shinso noticed the bags of gifts "I think Shinta's home dad" Shinso said as they walked further into the home. As they got with in view of the back porch "Yea, looks like it" Aizawa said as he looked out at her. "She has been through god knows what to get back here to us. When we talk with her we will only tell the school what they really need to know. It will be safer that way, for them and her" He said before heading off to the kitchen to make dinner. Shinso sighed heavily before heading outside "hey sis. Welcome back" he said jokingly. As soon as she heard his voice shinta shot up and hugged her brother he chuckled hugging her back. "Glad to be back" she said with a smile. "So you know the school wants to know what happened. They told dad and I that they want the truth all of it. They even gave him permission to use my quirk on you to get it. Neither of us want to do that, just try to tell us as much as you can. I know it isn't going to be easy but please sis. I'm afraid that if they aren't satisfied they are going to make me do it again but in front of them" he said to her. Shinta took a deep breath "someone has to be pulling those strings. They have never wanted to know that bad before, why now? I'll do my best to tell you guys everything. There are a few things I don't want to talk about, things that I had done on my way back home. Let's head in after dinner ill tell you guys what you need to know" she said with a soft smile. The two siblings nodded to one another before heading in as if on cue dinner was being set on the table.

"It looks great" Shinta said with a soft smile as the group sat down for dinner. The three had a nice dinner before the table was cleaned up and Aizawa pulled out a notepad. "Alright Shinta start from the beginning if you don't mind. What happened to you in the past year?" He asked her. Shinso was just as curious and waiting intently for her answer. "The pro hero we were working with had set it up where both Midoriya and I should have had another pro hero with us. We were not meant to do any of the patrolling alone. The hero that I had been paired with bailed the first day. Things went fine it was kind of like here at home, a bit more crime though. On the last day of patrol when it was time to head back there was a villain attack along the route I was taking. I did what any hero should do and responded, planning to just be support worse case scenario. It all happened so fast I don't really know how it happened honestly. One minute I was fighting the villain the next thing I know everything went black" Shinta said looking down Shinso rubbed his sisters back reassuringly. "Your doing great. I know its not easy to talk about" Aizawa said to her after writing down some notes from what she had said so far.

"When I woke up I was in a metal container…like the large shipping containers on ships. I had a few large wounds and part of my left wings was broken. I still don't know how I got the injuries or how I got there. After what felt like an eternity in the dark the container starting moving. I don't know how long I was in there. By that point I was really weak in and out of consciousness. I felt the thud of the container landing hitting solid ground again, then voice from outside. I couldn't understand them though it wasn't a language I recognized" Shinta said taking another small break drinking some of her water. Shinso after hearing about her injuries began doing the brotherly thing and looking over her wings. "They have healed by now silly" Shinta said chuckling at him some. Aizawa chuckled faintly for a moment. "So it sounds like who ever this villain is had access to some sort or tranquilizer or something then. It unfortunately sounds like you weren't meant to survive that container. If your injuries were that severe and you had no access to food or water its a miracle your still with us. I am very glad you are, your a fighter always have been" Aizawa said trying to be encouraging.

"After hearing the voices shouting outside the container the doors opened letting light in. The light burned my eyes since I had been in that thing for so long. My vision was hazy I saw three figures rush in and felt someone pick me up before I blacked out. I think it was later that night I woke up in a hospital bed strapped down to the bed. I freaked out some a doctor came in luckily I could understand them. The doctor explained to me that they found me in a old shipping container that had been marked for recycling. After some back and forth of that finally he told me where I was. I was in france….I was so scared and confused about how I got there. I asked the doctor what day it was and learned I had been missing at that point for about three months" she said looking down at the table. Aizawa wrote down everything he needed to hearing all of this was really hard. "I am so sorry this happened Shinta. None of us would have thought something like this would have ever happened to a student. Even more for it to have been you. I am sorry to make you talk about all of this. I know its hard, you doing great though" he said with a caring smile towards her. Shinta smiled a bit at him nodding "I was in the hospital for a few months, after that they transferred me to a rehabilitation center. I was at the center for another three months before I was cleared to leave. When I left the rehabilitation center one of the nurses had given me a bag with some of her old clothes in it for me. After that I began trying to figure out how to get home. I had nothing but the clothes the nurse had given me. It still hurt to fly so I was stuck on foot, I made my way toward the train station in the province. I was able to sneak onto a train heading toward poland. After the first day on the train a passengers kid had wandered on the train finding me in the last car. The very last car was empty other than me. When the girls mom got to us she pulled her away like a was a freak. Apparently not many heroes have wings there so its strange. After I calmed her down some we talked and she returned to her car with her daughter. Later that night after dinner had been served the little girl I had met earlier brought me a plate of food. She shared her dinner with me, they got off the train the next morning. After a few more days the train arrived in poland. From there I knew I just needed to keep moving I needed to get home. I had to find odd jobs along the way back, things from manual labor to babysitting. After another two months I made it to China. I felt like I was getting so close but it still felt so far at the same time" She said watching Aizawa viciously writing down what she had been saying. Watching the movements of the pen in his hand she could tell how upset her father was that all this had happened to her.

"Why didn't you try to get ahold of any of us? We would have come to get you right away" Shinso said finally breaking his silence. It startled both Shinta and Aizawa since Shinso rarely talked as it was. "When I woke up in that container I couldn't find my phone. I literally only had the clothes I was wearing. The villain took all the items from my belt, my phone and my id. Luckily everything else was back at the hotel. I kept the minimal amount of things on me when I was working. For the next month and a half I continued doing more and more odd jobs. Each one different from the last, but by doing these I had made it across China. The only thing standing in-between me and home now was the ocean. That's when I finally attempted to fly again. I had practiced some here and there but nothing long distance since what had happened. The first flight took me an entire day and into the night, My wings had combusted not long after the sun had set. Luckily due to the practice recently I was able to still control the flames and keep going. Some time during the night I finally landed somewhere in Nagasaki" Shinta said taking a deep breath. The entire time her emotions had gone a bit haywire with her emotions; the glass she had been holding shattered all of a sudden. All of the pieces of glass going every which way luckily not hitting anyone. Shintas hands had been cut from the part of the glass that her hands had been holding. "Are you ok?" Aizawa asked her not even caring about the glass shrapnel that had just flew through out the room.

"Y-yea dad. Its just still hard talking about it all. Im not proud of some of the things I had done on my way home. Please just don't make me tell you about the odd jobs. I'll tell you everything else just not those details" she said in a begging tone. Aizawa sighed and nodded "I won't, they don't need to know and neither do I" he said while Shinso began applying first aid to her hands picking the glass out first of course. "From Nagasaki I continued the same method I had been using to get closer my wings still too sore to fly anymore at the moment. But from there it took me until a day or so before Bakugo found me to get home. I was afraid of coming home, of just walking back into school like nothing happened. Then when I saw the newspaper talking about the mourning of the loss of a young hero. Seeing it was me that it was talking about I just hid. I staid at the spot where Bakugo and I had our first real date it felt safe and made me happy. That was one of the first places I have ever cried from happiness instead of sorrow" she said finally getting to the end. "I will say you are going to have to tell us about the odd jobs from Japan though. They are going to look into them otherwise. Please tell me you didn't do anything that could look bad if they found out" Aizawa said to her as she looked down at the table biting her lip some. "Shinta...What did you do?" He asked her getting nervous watching her play with her thumbs, she only ever did that when she did something bad...

"It…was an accident..."