What will she become?

~A.N.: thank you all for your patience during the past few months. Here is the next chapter enjoy~

"It…was an accident…" Shinta said as she started to scratch at her arm nervous. "Please Shinta, tell me so I can protect you" Aizawa said to her with the most reassuring voice he could muster. "One of the jobs I found out later they hired me under false pretenses. I…k-k…killed someone" She stuttered the last of her words out before she just curled up into a ball the best she could in her chair. Shinso and Aizawa both went white from shock at her words. A few moments later Aizawa stood from his seat walking over to Shinta's seat at the table. He pulled her chair out a bit more before kneeling in front of her. "Its going to be alright. I won't let anything happen to you, we will do everything we can to make sure the school doesn't find out about it. I would like to know more on it later but we are done for now. Im sorry to make you go through all of this so soon after returning" he said to her and shinta peeked out from behind her arms some. "Its fine. Lets just get it over with" she said softly. "I was told it was a someone high up working for the Yakuza. I didn't realize until it was too late…the location they gave me was an address of someone who had wrong the yakuza. They wanted the person out of the picture" She said uncovering her face looking at her dad. The look in both of their eyes was enough to make even the most heartless person cry. Aizawa looked at Shinta with so much love for her and the fact that she is safe; but the bravery to own up for what happened. Shinta's look much like her fathers should her love for him and the joy that he is still accepting her after her mistakes.

A few moments of silence passed in the room, Shinso was still in a bit of shock from what she had said. Those words made him a bit nervous as he remembered the secret those two shared about Dabi's true identity. "We are both here for you sis. No matter what" Shinso said to her setting his hand on her shoulder. After that moment the three had some desert and watched a movie to end their night together on a happy note. Shinta slept at home that evening the group had all fallen asleep on the couch watching movies together. Shinta had curled up to Shinso her feet across Aizawa lap the boys both sleeping sitting up the whole night. In the morning Aizawa was the first to wake up and he chuckled some at the sight before him. After he careful maneuvered himself up he went and made a pot of coffee as well as some breakfast. He knew after breakfast Shinta was probably going to want to head back out so he wanted to make sure to enjoy some time with her where he can.

Not long after the siblings woke up to the smell of freshly cooked bacon. Shinta and shinso both stumbled into the dining room seeing Aizawa setting down the plates of breakfast at the table "morning you two" he chuckled some trying to leave the events of last night behind them. "Morning dad" Shinta said after yawning before taking her seat "morning" shinso grumbled rubbing his eyes before taking his seat. "Breakfast looks great" Shinta said with a smile "I know after breakfast you're probably gonna head back to the dorms" he said and she nodded in response. "Yea, I have a few things I wanted to try to do today" she said softly. The three of them enjoyed breakfast together before Shinta headed back to the dorms. Upon her arrival Shinta saw everyone gathered around the presents she had dropped off the night before. "Shinta did you get these for all of us?" Midoriya asked to break the silence in the room "Yea…I know I was gone through the holidays. So I wanted to do something for all of you, for not giving up on me" Shinta said looking down as she said those last few words. Shinta had almost given up on herself while she was gone, but seeing her friends again brought her peace. No one said a word but instead the entire class went in for a group hug, bakugo of course getting to her first. Shinta was rather surprised by the reaction of them all still but smiled. "Well go on guys open your gifts" shinta said chuckling and everyone went to find their presents and began opening them.

The rest of the day was full of happiness for the students, meanwhile Aizawa had to turn in his report. As Aizawa walked into the public safety commission office report in hand he took a deep breath before heading into the building. After being led to one of the offices he waited patiently to turn in the report. Aizawa made sure to leave out a few things to protect his daughter, he knew if they found out she had killed….they would lock her up. After what felt like hours Aizawa was called in for his turn to speak with the safety commission. "Welcome Aizawa, I take it you have brought us the report we requested?" The safety commissioner said as he entered the room. With a roll of his eyes Aizawa closed the door behind him before setting the file down on the desk. "Yes sir, Shinta does not seem to be a threat. Everything in that file will back up my words sir. Shinta had taken on odd jobs to help her get back to us after she had been kidnapped. If you want more information your going to have to read to file" Aizawa said coldly. "There is something else bothering you what is it?" The commissioner asked him as aizawa scowled at the man. "The villain that took her was paid off be a pro on your payroll. Find the snake before I do" he said before standing up taking his leave. Aizawa was even rattled by his words, he cared about his daughter and knew all too well who paid off the villain. He just hoped the safety commission would do the right thing and find out the lies behind their new prized number one hero. Aizawa stormed off heading home for the rest of the evening.

The safety commission looked over the file but were still rather concerned, the number one hero had been feeding them other information he found about her. Things from before like that he had spotted her with the League as well as things that had been removed from her records. Incidents that had happened when she was at the youth center. For some time nothing was done, the students returned to class all but Shinta. Shinta was staying at the dorms to be close to her friends but hadn't gone to class since she got back. Things staid like this for a few months until Aizawa was called to principal nezu's office. The two spoke briefly Nezu was warning Aizawa that the safety commission was going to expel Shinta, if they do that it revokes her hero licensee indefinitely. "Please my friend we need to get her to make the choice tonight. If you can get Shinta to agree to leave the school grounds since she hasn't been attending class. We can cover it up that she just up and left. At least then your daughter can still be a hero if she chooses to be one" Principal Nezu said and Aizawa headed back out of the office with a heavy sigh. He knew he was right it would be the best option, but he also worried about Eri and Shinta being around each other. They haven't seen each other since before Shinta left. So he was worried that a family environment may not be best right now either. Most of the students were still out doing after school activities when Aizawa decided he would go talk with Shinta. The less people around the better in a time like this.

Aizawa went in the building and went to check in her room first seeing she wasn't in there, he knew she was probably on the roof. He took a deep breath before heading up there to give her the news. When Aizawa arrived on the roof he was relieved to see it was only Shinta up there, when she saw him she gave him a soft smile. "Hey dad, what's up? You don't normally stop by like this" she asked him seeing something was on his mind as he got closer. "Yea…the principal just gave me some news involving you. The safety commission wants to expel you, in doing so they would revoke your hero license. You would be deemed a villain at that point unfortunately. But there is another option" he said to her. Shinta was shocked slightly at his words even though part of her knew it was coming. "What's the other option?" She asked him softly. Shinta had changed a lot from what had happened, even still she wasn't ready to let everyone see the new her. "Since you haven't returned to class since before you left really. Principal Nezu said if you left school grounds fully before school begins tomorrow. He will count it as you dropped out protecting you from losing your hero license and being marked as a villain. I know it may come whether i like it or not, but for now this would give you the choice still" he said to her care and love for her coating the words. Shinta looked down and thought about it for a moment coming up with her plan before she nodded. "Alright, I just need to pack up some things and at least say goodbye to Bakugo. Thank you dad for letting me keep the power to choose my path" she said smiling. Shinta then hugged Aizawa as tight as she could, he returning the same. The two stood there for a few moments just holding on tight to one another knowing this was goodbye. "I'll see you again out there. Your still family keep in touch with us" Aizawa said before taking his leave.

Shinta staid there on the roof thinking up how she would tell Bakugo. "I should go pack first, that way once everyone else is asleep. I can sneak right out and no one will know but dad and Bakugo" she said to herself as she headed back in the building and to her room. When Shinta walked into her room she looked around smiling some this place has been her home, she has had many fond memories. Shinta knew she needed to pack light, plus she knew she wouldn't need everything. She would take just what she needs for now and get the rest of her stuff later on from home. After about two hours of meticulously packing Shinta was able to get everything she needed to into two bags. Shinta wrote a short letter to hawks putting it in a small bag with her jacket after she hugged it close to her one last time. "Its time I hang you up for now. Ill give it back to hawks for safe keeping, people recognize my jacket too much for me to wear it around" she told herself before placing all the bags beside her bed. It was like Bakugo knew Shinta needed to talk. Not long after she put everything down she heard a loud knock before Bakugo barged in the room. At least he knocks now.

"Hey teddy bear, what's with the bags?" Bakugo asked her and noticed her mood shift "I have to leave tonight. If I stay the safety commission is going to expel me and take away any chance of me being a hero. If I leave before school starts in the morning I can still have a choice. I know its not what you want to hear but it's what's best" Shinta said to him grabbing his hands in hers. Bakugo sighed the frustration lacing his breath. "Doesn't mean I like it. Your still my girl either way you got that?!" He said to her and Shinta chuckled just kissing him in response. "Yea I got it Papa Bear. Just be patient while things calm down. I will message you when I get to my location tonight. After that I will keep you updated as I can. Just promise me you will hide this from everyone else. No one else can know I left, just try to play dumb like you have no idea" Shinta said to him with soft eyes and he groaned back in response causing her to chuckled some. "Alright Teddy Bear. I got your back. Just be safe out there" Bakugo said to her wanting to say so much more. He wanted to keep her there with him, but he knew if she staid he might never be able to see her again. That and all of their friends would know the things she has tried to hard to keep hidden. After that the two headed down for dinner like every night, after all she had to keep up the facade a little longer.