Tides of change

The two went down and met everyone in the dining room just like many nights before. Shinta kept quiet and just took in everyone company knowing she won't see them again for awhile. Everyone enjoyed a great dinner before watching a movie in the common area. Bakugo and Shinta were the last two to head to bed for the night. Bakugo walked Shinta back to her room and when they walked in he pulled her close. "You better keep in touch. I care about you too much for something bad to happen to you" He said to her and she smiled. "I will. I promise papa bear. For now go get some rest you have class tomorrow" she said as they shared one final passionate kiss before he took his leave. Shinta then waited a good fifteen to twenty minutes before she grabbed her bags and went to the roof. If she flew then she knew no one would see her at that hour. Shinta took a deep breath before she took off heading first to hawks apartment "Good bye UA" she said softly as she flew off. Hawks wasn't home when she got there which she was kind of glad about. Shinta placed the gift bag with her jacket and the letter in it on his dining room table before she took back off. Since he tends to fly all the time he tends to leave his balcony door unlocked. From there Shinta headed to the only other place she knew she would be safe. Shinta was heading to the LOV, at least there she would be safe.

About an hour later Shinta arrived at the hideout, standing there staring at the door. "Hopefully everyone is asleep. I don't want to have to try to explain anything right now" she said as she entered the hideout. When she went in everything was quiet, it seemed they were out doing stuff. Shinta sighed in relief as she headed to Dabi's room. Heading down the hallway however she heard the shower running in Dabi's bathroom. "Well at least i can just talk to him then. I don't even know how to tell any of them what's going on. Touya isn't gonna be happy about it" Shinta sighed to herself as she put her bags down by the desk. Shinta decided to go get her brother his favorite drink, maybe it would help the news go down better. Dabi happened to be coming back down the hall to his bedroom as Shinta hit the corner to return with his drink. The two siblings locked eyes for a moment before he just walked into his room Shinta wasn't far behind him. "Why are you here so late?" He asked her as Shinta closed the door. Shinta handed him the glass taking a deep breath "I ran away…well kinda" She said to him looking down just waiting to hear him lose it on her. "What do you mean? I know things have been different since you got back. Is everything ok?" He asked her concerned which surprised Shinta some "Well no, I left because it was either I leave or get expelled in the morning" she said with a soft chuckle. "Wait, what? Why expulsion is the same thing as being called a villain" he said after taking down his drink in one gulp. "The safety commission wants to expel me, but principal Nezu warned my adopted dad. So he gave me the heads up saying if I left before morning Nezu would consider me a drop out instead. Letting me keep the choice for myself to be a hero or not" Shinta said to her brother before hugging him.

"I know this isn't what you wanted to happen. Our father won't rest until I am gone for good or locked up I think sadly" She said to him not letting go while Dabi just groaned from the affection. "Well now that you're with us, we will keep you safe from him. Enji Todoroki will never lay a finger on your again. Now get let's get some rest. The others are going to be rather surprised when they find out your here in the morning" He said chuckling "specially psycho, she was bummed when you went missing" he said before picking up his sister. Dabi walked over to his bad dropping her on the bed before he climbed over to his side of the bed. "Don't argue, Just get some rest" he said sternly placing his arm over her almost possessively. Shinta couldn't help but chuckle some and got herself comfortable, not really sure what was going to happen next really. The night passed on and Shinta finally fell asleep after getting lost in her thoughts. Shinta knew deep down the following day for a lot of people will be a sad day again, she hasn't been back that long and now she is gone again.

In the morning at UA things went right as principal Nezu and Aizawa hoped. When the safety commission got there and had the escort them to Shinta's room she was gone. All her stuff packed up neatly but she was gone with no sign of where she went. Both Principal Nezu and Aizawa hid their delight that she left as they walked the safety commission back out of the school. During the commotion Shinta's classmates now also know she is gone. "Kachaan, you talked with her last night. Did she say anything?" Deku asked Bakugo who just shot him his signature glare. "She was fine last night. Well as fine as she has been since she got back. I'm sure she will turn up again. Plus the safety commission wanted to expel her, why else would they come here for her" Bakugo said before heading off to class. Those who heard what Bakugo said all staid quiet doing the same. Shoto and Midoriya both sighed worried about her as well as Bakugo. They could tell he was hiding something, but also knew better then to try to get him to talk. Shoto however before heading to class went to his sister room, he had to know for himself.

When Shoto walked in the room it was almost like she was never there, just a few traces of her things out. Most of it was packed in boxes by the closet. Shoto looked through the desk hoping for a note or something but found nothing. The last place Shoto figured he would look would be under her bed, she rarely put things there so maybe? When Shoto looked under the bed though the only thing he found was a teddy bear. It was almost identical to the one he had growing up, but it was burned badly. "This was Shinta's, we both had one" he said softly hugging the burned bear tight. He then quickly tucked the bear in his bag heading off to class. The entire class tried to get Aizawa to talk about it which just backfired on him making them run drills all day.

Meanwhile around noon finally everyone began to gather at the LOV hide out for the normal daily meeting. Everyone was already out there in the main room waiting Dabi was on his way out Shinta not far behind him. No one but him knew she was there yet. "Finally your here we can get started" Shigaraki said seeing Dabi as he entered the room. Dabi said nothing as Shinta turned the corner "Hey guys....I'm umm...I'm back" Shinta said with a soft chuckle. Shigaraki was surprised but also a bit relieved to see Shinta was well. Twice kinda just cheered for her as Toga ran up and hugged her. "Welcome back bestie! So wait why are you here? Shouldn't you be in class?" Toga asked which brought up a good point to all the others in the room. Now all attention was on Shinta an she took a deep breath "I...I ran away. I didn't have a choice due to the number one hero. It was either run or get locked up if I would have stayed. The number one hero would love to see that" Shinta said to them all before taking her respective seat in Dabi's lap. It was strange; as peaceful she felt with her friends she felt more at home with the LOV.

"Alright, well you know your safe here. Dabi will help you get one of the extra store rooms cleaned out and we can turn it into a room for you" Shigaraki said before they went into more work driven conversations. "So for now the main goal is the same as it has been, Shinta will no longer be what you go by out on the streets, if someone were to hear your name it would only be a matter of time. you cant go by your hero name either, its too well known. "When we are out in public your gonna go by Yami. For now; everyone you know the drill business as usual except you Dabi. Help Yami get her room prepared" Shigaraki said before dismissing the group. everyone scattered heading off to do their respective tasks for the day. Dabi led Shinta down the hall past his room. "Alright we can put you in here it one of the largest of the rooms that are left. Plus there isn't much in here to have to move. For now why don't you go relax, let me take care of this for you baby flame" Dabi said to her softly. It was just like when they were kids again and Shinta smiled nodding before heading back to Dabi's room. Once she was out of site he opened the door revealing a fully put together bedroom for her.

Dabi always hoped after they found each other she would stay for good there with him. So he had already been working on it over time. After working on a few finishing touches in the room dabi went to do his work for the day. When he got back he would show Shinta her new room, hoping she would like it. Finally that evening after dealing with his own craziness hawks came home and noticed the bag on his dinning table right away. After he stood there debating to open the bag seeing the letter with Shinta's hand writing perched on top of the bag. "Shinta what did you do?" He whispered to himself as he grabbed the letter opening it with a gulp. Hawks pulled out the letter tucked inside was one of her feathers and he smiled some sliding the feather to the side.

~Letter to Hawks~

Dear Kiego,

Hey so I know your probably confused and worried now. You probably came home and notice the bag first thing. You have always been so observant. I am sorry that I am leaving this letter and the jacket you have given me.

Endeavor must have told the safety commission things that was left out of the report. That or things that happened when I was younger. When I was in the youth center... I have made a few mistakes things that can never be undone. Aizawa gave me a choice, he let me know last night the safety commission was going to come personally expel me. We all know that means they would take my hero license permanently and mark me as a villain. So after everyone was asleep I left UA.

I am giving you back the jacket to hold on to for me. Everyone knows the jacket in our city, I can't keep it right now. I am close by and I am safe. Please Kiego don't try to find me, its for the best for now. We need to let things blow over. Maybe finally show the safety commission the truth about their number one hero


your baby bird


A few tears fell from his cheeks onto the paper while he read the letter. The feather still lightly in his hand as he pulled out the jacket. Pulling the jacket in close Hawks gave it a squeeze before sniffling and straightening himself up. Taking a deep breath Hawks took the jacket and hung it up in the guest room closet, right where she would know it would be. When the time came for her to reclaim her jacket. As Hawks left the room he sighed "I guess this is goodbye for now baby bird" He mumbled to himself wiping away the last few tears. Part of hawks knew exactly where she was, even still he didn't go. Shinta asked him to stay away so he would for her. He took the feather heading to his room. He pulled out a chain and a small link "Sorry" He whispered apologetically to the feather before piercing the tip of the quill with the link. In doing so he put the feather on the chain placing it around his neck. "At least this way my dear cousin is still close to my heart" he mumbled as he continued on with the rest of his normal nightly routine. The news everyone had gotten that day was a lot, many still felt kind of lost not having her around them.