Time to Meet the Gang

Back at the LOV hide out Shinta had kept to herself the entire day staying in Dabi's room. Which was perfect so her room could be finished. Around dinner time Twice called everyone out to the main room for pizza. The group all just talked about how the day went as Shigaraki spoke with Shinta about the next plan of attack. "Alright, well I know Dabi showed you which room will be yours. But why don't we go check it out now bestie" Toga said after another awkward silence had fallen over the room. Before anyone could even get up Toga was pulling Shinta down the hall towards her new room. "Hey that's not how we discussed the reveal!" Dabi shouted as everyone followed after them. Toga stopped at the door chuckling waiting for everyone to catch up. Dabi placed his hands over her eyes "No peeking" he said in her ear as Toga opened the door. The group led Shinta into the room. Months ago the same room they stood in now was a dark musty storage room that felt like an empty void. Now on the other hand they hoped it would be something Shinta would really like. "Welcome to your new room Baby Flame" Dabi said out loud making it clear again to the others how protective he was of her.

The sight before Shinta was like a dream come true. "We all have been working on getting this room ready for you since we knew you were back. Pa.." Dabi went to say before Shigaraki interjected "Part of us knew or should I say hoped you'd come to us" He said with a grin and Dabi pulled Shinta further from him "I still don't trust you" he growled. The whole time they bickered Shinta wasn't even paying attention still in shock and awe of her room. The walls had been painted black much like her brothers, it helped hide scorch marks from her quirk. The bed was a large king size bed centered on the back wall, the bedding looked like the stars in the night sky. There was a beautifully stained Dark oak desk and dresser that matched the bed frame in the room. A small lamp sat on the desk with a few notebooks ready to be used. Shinta then looked over seeing a wardrobe with the same wood finish. "I had a lot of fun filling the closet and drawers for you" Toga said coming over to Shinta who was now looking over the clothing hanging in the closet. She was speechless the entire time, no one had ever done something like this for her other than Hawks. When that thought clicked in her head she immediately looked over at Dabi "What about bird brain? Did he try to help?" Shinta asked and everyone went from talking to one another to being quiet. One by one everyone slipped out of the room leaving just Shinta and Dabi standing there. "Well did he?" Shinta asked her brother again this time standing right in front of him. Dabi had been leaning on the wall so she had him trapped there instead for once. "Yea, he tried. I tried to refuse but the next thing we knew the furniture set here was sitting in the bar when we got back from a mission. He left his little signature mark letting us know it was him that's it" dabi explained to her and Shinta sighed some "please don't tell him I'm here now. I told him not to come find me, it's for the best right now" Shinta said picking up the fluffy teddy bear that was on her new bed hugging it to her.

"Everything looks amazing. Thank you all so much" Shinta said smiling at dabi who smiled back in return. "I am glad you like it. We all want you to feel at home and feel safe. Take your time before you start helping us with any missions. Let things settle down some before you venture back out into the city" dabi explained as the two went and sat down on her bed to finish their conversation. "yea, your right. I want to take him down but we need to plan it out the best we can" shinta said to him plopping back on her new bed. "this bed is so comfy" Shinta mumbled getting herself comfortable. Dabi chuckled "well enjoy your room. I got some work to do" Dabi said getting up before heading out closing her door behind him.

Shinta sat up looking over her room and sighed "so this is gonna be it huh? Who would have thought that two of the kids from our 'Number One' both turned out to be villains. I can't wait for that man to fall" Shinta said to herself as she decided to actually check out her wardrobe. After trying on a few outfits she found her new signature look for when she went to work. A pair of sleek black pants a white crop top with blue flames and the bottom of it "now to find the right jacket" she said to herself with a smile. She felt free for the first time in years really "I know being a hero is what is right but maybe just maybe I can help start something new. Being neither hero or villain like what stain was trying to do. But the right way" she said to herself while she did a few finishing touches to the room.

Things out in the city that night however were all but peaceful. Once Endeavor had caught wind that Shinta had 'Dropped Out' the night before she would have been taken in. He pulled strings and started a small task force to find Shinta, apprehend her if possible. Enji Todoroki was afraid the first time in a while, his whole world could crumble if she isn't silenced. Late that night Shinta couldn't help it though she felt cooped up and snuck out for a walk. It was pretty late the streets silent for the evening by this point "I should be safe with no one out here" she muttered to herself as she just wandered the streets. A safe distance away from the hideout Shinta pulled out her phone and stared at one of her contacts. It was late but shinta wanted to talk to Bakugo she debated trying to call him. After staring at the screen for what felt like an eternity to her Shinta decided she would just text him. "I don't want to wake him up. He does have class tomorrow" she muttered to herself as she started typing.

~Hey papa bear,

I'm safe no need to worry there. I miss you already, I want to see you after school if its possible. Lets meet for coffee. I'll be there at the table from before if you can come. Sorry if i wake you.

Good night

your teddy bear ~

After sending the message Shinta walked around just enjoying being outside. Checking her phone later Shinta realized she was out much longer than she meant to be. The sun would start to rise and the streets would start to get busy soon so she hurried back to the hide out. Luckily she was able to get in with out getting caught and back to her room, dive bombing into her bed. After getting herself comfortable she soon drifted off to sleep, Bakugo was indeed already asleep and dead to the world. In the morning Bakugo saw the message from Shinta and smiled seeing her message. He sent her a response of a few emojis before getting himself together for classes for the day. A few hours later Shinta woke up to a knock on her door. "Come on meeting" Shinta heard Dabi say from the other side of the door. "Mmmm....ok be there in a sec" she groaned getting up realizing she didn't change from the night before. Shinta quickly changed into something else before heading out to the group. This time instead of just the few she was used to there were several others. Most of them kept quiet scowling at her still since she was known as one of the top students in her class at UA.

Dabi pulled her close to him quickly hooking his leash back to her collar smirking at the others in the room. That small gesture seemed to put most of the scowls to rest at least for the time being. "So finally we are all gathered together. The newest turn of events though it seems that our newest member has quite a target on her back. Yami have you realized how big of a statement you made when you left UA?" Shigaraki asked looking over at Shinta and she nodded knowing that was the name they would be calling her from now on. "I did not intend to make a statement. I left to try to avoid a large statement, if I would have staid....I would be locked up not here. Endeavor would have made sure of it" She said as everyone listened to her. "Why does he have such a hard on for you?" Shinta heard from with in the large group of villians before her the face unfamiliar. Shinta looked at Dabi as if for permission to tell them and he nodded back to her. "I am his daughter. I have a different mother than the other todoroki children. He threw me out on the streeets the night his son Touya disappeared" Shinta said back. Murmers were heard with in the group Shigaraki cleared his throat to regain attention "Anyway with this target he has apparently upped patrol routes with the amount on shift at a time as well as a bit more frequent in areas where he thinks you may be. We have to do our best to not let them find you. Everyone here is part of our group as our you and we protect our own" Shigaraki said and shinta smiled some. "Now for the next few weeks Yami you must be careful when you go out. People will still recognize you and we do not know who is part of that task force and who isnt. For now your dismissed, you wont be involved in any plans until things quiet down. We dont want to bring any extra risk" Shigaraki said. Dabi nodded leading her back down the hall before releasing her from the leash. "i know its boring right now, but it will get better" He said to her before going back out to the meeting.

Shinta returned to her room and decided to get herself prepared for her coffee date. She was going to have to come up with some type of disguise to make it easier to go out. Finally it was time for Shinta to head out to go meet up with Bakugo at the coffee shop. Shinta had her hair all tucked into a baseball cap and she was wearing all new clothes so nothing anyone would recognize her in. After slipping past the rest of the LOV still continuing their discussion shinta hurried off excitedly to the shop. Soon after getting there Shinta ordered their drinks before going to sit at the table they had before, now she just had to wait for him to get there. After what felt like an eternity Shinta heard familiar footsteps approaching. As she looked in their direction a smile came across her lips. Bakugo stood there and smiled seeing his angel sitting there waiting for him. He would recognize her no matter what she was wearing, he was beginning to think he may actually be in…love. "Hey Teddy Bear" he said with his signature smirk as he took his seat across from Shinta before taking a sip of his drink. "Hey papa bear, I can't fool you can I?" She asked him in a cute almost flirtatious tone earning a slight chuckle from the ash blonde before her. "Never, I mean you are mine. So of course I would recognize you" he said with a smirk taking a sip of his drink. Shinta deep down knew she needed to savor their time together now. "Anyway Katsuki so the Sendai Tanabata Matsuri festival is coming up soon. Why don't we meet up there? Make it a date night…who knows when I'll be able to come out again with everything Enji is doing to try to find me" Shinta said sighing heavily. Afterwards a bit nervous of his reaction, also knowing deep down her villain life was truly about to begin sooner than she would have thought. The ash blonde sat there for a moment or two spinning the straw in his drink. His gaze had shifted down from Shinta to the glass while he thought about it. "Sounds good. Do you want me to bring the guys? They might want to see you for a bit then we can sneak off from them after a bit" Bakugo said with kindness in his voice. As much as Shinta wanted to say yes she looked down when her eyes were met by Katsuki's once again. "I don't think that would be good. It could draw more attention to us and plus I don't want to risk putting them or you in that kind of danger. I'll just have to try to see them all one on one here like I did with you today. Same table as we always sit at it shouldn't be hard. You guys are truly creatures of habit" Shinta said. Hoping her comment at the end might help lighten the tension that she now felt in the air at the table. Shinta then looked down waiting for his response as she started picking at her nails a bit. Bakugo could tell he showed his annoyance that she said no a bit too strongly when Shinta demeanor changed and he reached his hand out and pulled her hand into his. "Sorry, thats fine I can keep you all to myself at the festival then" he said and gave shinta a reassuring smile. Shinta smiled looking into his eyes hearing his reassuring tone. "Exactly I think its going to be great. We can make it a night to remember" she said with a smile. The two finished their coffees enjoying each other's company until the sun began to set, Shinta had managed to get him to let her walk him back or at least close to the school. "Night Papa Bear. I'll see you at the festival" Shinta said with a smile. Bakugo smiled back pulling Shinta in for a passionate kiss "Night teddy bear. See you there" He said before walking off back to the school. Once Shinta was sure Bakugo was out of sight she took off back to the LOV Hideout.

~A/N: Sorry for the delay, I've had a rough past few months. Plus I want to let everyone know I will be wrapping this up very soon. I have two more chapters planned for it before it will end. Thank you all for your love and support so far. I am glad you are enjoying my work~