The Festival has Finally Come

Over the next few weeks leading up to the Sendai Tanabata Matsuri festival the search for Shinta had begun to quiet down due to no sightings of her since the night she left UA. The last image they had was caught on a school security camera of her flying away from the city. Shinta had done that on purpose to lead them away from where she was; right under their noses. Shinta how ever was out and about just under her alias Yami. She was wearing her hair different to even the occasional wig if the area they were going was at a higher risk of recognizing her. Yami had created some buzz around UA with some of her classmates starting to wonder if it was her. Hearing the things the news had been saying bakugo was worried about shinta. She seemed normal when ever they would text which was pretty much every night before bed and at least once in the mornings. He just couldn't wait to go to the festival to see her again. He wasn't sure if he would ask her if she was Yami or not, but he knew she was dealing with her own things 'she wouldn't give everything up right? Not to be a villain…' he thought to himself shivering at the thought. He decided to just drop it for now it would be better that way.

Finally the day came, the day of the festival Shinta got ready she wanted to get there early to do some shopping. After finally deciding on an outfit she was able to slip out of the hideout and head to the festival. Of course once she was a safe distance from the hideout she took flight and flew close to the festival before landing to walk the rest of the way to help blend in a bit better. The decorations were so beautiful and colorful the booths all looked amazing as well but there was something specific she was looking for. Finally she found it a booth near the back that had masks. Her eyes immediately drawn to a specific one that the merchant had for display the tag saying it was a one of a kind. The was a white kitsune mask with blue flames on it. "It's perfect" she said to the merchant pointing to the kitsune mask "please I would like to purchase that one" she said to the man at the booth. The man smiled softly ringing her up and wrapping the mask carefully for her before placing it in a nice gift back. "Thank you very much sir" Shinta said bowing as she took the bag. After finally getting what she was looking for she had just enough time to get back to the gates to meet up with bakugo and she couldn't wait a smile planted on her lips.

Not long after she got back to the gates she saw Bakugo coming down the street, she couldn't help herself and ran to him. Bakugo chuckled when he saw Shinta running to him and he opened his arms to hug her. "Glad to see you too" he said chuckling before giving her a kiss and taking her hand to enter the festival. Bakugo did notice the bag however in her other hand "what did you come early to do some shopping?" He asked her and she nodded "yea, needed to pick something up for a friend" she said to trying to just leave it at that. The two began walking around taking their time to enjoy the sights, sounds. Shinta even managed to talk bakugo into doing a Photo Booth with her at the festival. The entire time Shinta just kept stealing glancing at bakugo when he wasn't looking like she was trying to study every detail of him; little did she know he was doing the same thing to her. Looking through all the different booths that had items for sale Shinta found something she thought would be a cute gift as well as something meaningful from her heart. While she was buying her items bakugo was doing the very same at another booth with a gift for her. He wanted to get her something special that every time she used it she would think of him. after purchasing the gifts for one another the met back up and bakugo pulled Shinta over tot he side so he could give her his gift. Shinta just chuckled at how he seemed so excited to give her the gift. Bakugo handed Shinta a small bag "I got this for you. I wanted to get you something that every time you use it, you would think of me. Since we cant see each other as much as we would like to" He said with his signature smirk. Shinta chuckled some and handed him a bag a little bigger than the one he handed her "Great minds think alike" she said smiling and began to open her present once Bakugo had his as well. Inside the bag was a beautiful hair piece for her to wear. The design almost looked like explosions similar to his quirk and she just smiled before putting it in her hair. Bakugo opened his gift bag after he saw her put the hair piece in her hair very proud of himself. Inside his bag was a small Blue teddy bear the shade of blue almost a match to the color of Shinta's flames; as well as coffee cup that looked like it was covered in sunbursts. Bakugo smiled chuckling some at the stuffed bear "its perfect, thank you teddy bear" he said chuckling some and gave the stuffed bear and his girlfriend a tight squeeze. The two just kinda laughed about it after that before continuing to enjoy the festival.

After a few hours of walking around they finally got some food and decided to sit under a tree in a more secluded part of the area. "I truly needed this katsuki. Things are about to probably get kinda crazy so it's nice to have a day of happiness before" she said with a smile. "Wait what do you mean kinda crazy? Do you know something?" He asked her concerned in between his bites. Shinta chuckled some "no silly, I just mean with you guys going to UA getting to live your dreams and be pro heroes. I'm just here on the sidelines having to hide" she said softly. Shinta knew the villains were planning something but she was in the dark, only thing she knew was she would be a key piece of the plan. Shigaraki and a scientist he had been working with wanted to give her another quirk to make her stronger, part of her was excited while another part nervous. "Just because we are at UA and you have to hide so much right now doesn't show much. Things change all the time and I still think you will be right there with Deku, Shoto and I as some of the top pro heroes one day" he said to her which earned him a smile. "I know it hasn't been easy ever since Endeavor took over as number one hero. But you still have us, Aizawa and I'm sure even principle Nezu on your side. When the time is right you'll be able to return" he said with confidence.

"Thanks katsuki. Really it means a lot and I needed that reminder that I'm not alone. I miss all of you guys a lot. Right after I got back things were weird for me just because I needed time to readjust to being back home in a safe place. I've healed from that and have been able to move on but with them still searching for me I don't see forgiveness coming from them anytime soon" she said as the two got up to start heading back it was getting late. "And before you argue I'm at least gonna walk you back close to the school" Shinta said to him trying to be stern and he chuckled "alright teddy bear". The two enjoyed a nice peaceful walk back until UA was in the line of sight. "Alright its time I take my leave katsuki. Have a great night and be safe. I had a wonderful time today, it was something I'll never forget" Shinta said to him giving him one final kiss "Keep yourself safe out there too ya hear. Before you know it you wont have to hide anymore" he said trying to be optimistic. Little did he know how right he was. When Shinta got back to the hide out she put her mask away in her room before reporting to the lab. Shigaraki had told her they were going to give her another quirk to help with the upcoming battle, he would give her the day to spend how she wanted before she would become another test subject. Dabi had been off doing his own things trying not to involve her for some reason which left her alone more often with shigaraki. If Dabi only knew what was going on he would not have allowed it and would be furious for it happening. Anyone else he didn't care but not her, he knew she still wanted to be a hero that's why he would try to not include her on most of his missions. He wanted to try to keep her out trouble the best he could. He wanted her to still have a chance when everything that was lined up for the plan was put in motion shifting the way the world viewed heroes.

The scientist working with shigaraki got Shinta all prepped and in one of the glass tanks as it filled her consciousness faded since they were putting her in a suspended animation state while administering the new quirk addition. Dabi had returned back at the main hide out not long after Shinta was put under noticing her room was empty, but the new item caught his eye. Curiosity got the better of him and he slowly and carefully unwrapped the package that was on the desk. After finally unwrapping it making sure to not damage the paper he saw the mask a small smile "she did always love those creatures" he said and he rewrapped it back to the way it was as his eye landed on something shiny on the desk next to it. He picked up the item to closer inspect it seeing it to be a hair piece; the same hair piece she had gotten earlier that day from bakugo. 'She must have dropped some stuff off and headed back out. It's strange she normally would have messaged me by now at least' Dabi thought to himself as he headed back off to his room sending her a message to check up on her. Her cell phone dinged at the lab but no one was going to answer it would sit unread until they were done her procedure. Shigaraki left the scientist to do his work heading back to the main hide out as well.

The scientist got to work once Shinta was in the proper state in the tank. After finding out a few things from her file and following her around here and there he had decided on the perfect quirk. He would give her the ability to shape shift. To make it easier to control for the user he tweaked it so that to be able to turn into people or creatures she would need an object or a totem of sorts. That item would be her link to the particular shift they were doing. He also decided to tweak her current quirk unlocking two other new abilities for her. She would be able emit a glow from herself with out needing to use her flame over time she should also be able to control the brightness of the glow fully but she should have some control to start. The second ability could do anything from strengthen her flames to help her save lives depending on how it would get used. It would be the ability to to pull heat in from anything in a certain radius around her she chooses as well as giving heat to anything in that same radius. The final thing he decided to add was more out of sympathy but her could tell her body was struggling with keeping up with the high temperatures of her flames. So he also added in a small bit of regenerative abilities that would not move super quick on already damaged parts of the body but any new injuries would heal much quicker leaving less scarring. Possibly even heal some of the scarring she already had. He might be an evil scientist but even they have hearts.

The scientist worked through the night getting all of the data set and correct before he would inject the serum into the tank she was in. "Now we just have to wait. In a few hours we will know how well your body is taking to the new quirks and modifications. I know you will be fine but it is all a matter of how well your body takes the new adjustments to when you will be ready. Once your ready I'll wake you back up" he said to Shinta floating in the chamber in front of him. 'Either shigaraki has high hopes for her or all for one sees something. But she doesn't seem like the rest, she doesn't seem like being a villian is her true calling' he thought to himself before returning to other work her needed to do letting his experiment do its thing. Meanwhile back at the main hide out Dabi realized Shinta still wasn't back but everyone else was "she is never out this late. Where the hell is she? She knows how I get" he grumbled to himself as he pulled out his phone flopping on her bed staring at the wrapped mask on her desk "I swear you better pick up" he said out loud before attempting to call her. At the lab Shinta phone went off in a almost silent lab scaring the scientist but he didn't answer it; it wasn't his place.

~I'm sorry the person you are trying to reach is not available at this time. Please leave a brief message after the beep~

*beep* "are you kidding me yami? Where the hell are you? I know I don't have much room to talk since I haven't around much but I didn't want you to get involved with all the criminal shit. You want to be a hero baby flame not a villain. I will always be here to protect you remember our promise. You better call me back" *click* Dabi hung up his phone letting out a big sigh before deciding since she wasn't there and he was already comfortable he would just sleep on her bed. She had slept in his bed plenty of times so it's only fair.