Things are Beginning to Fall into Place

Shinta had been radio silent for about two months, this didn't go over very well with those who tended to worry about her. The scientist had let her phone die not wanting to touch it if he didn't have to on top of the fact the longer she was gone the more it was going off. Dabi had kinda just turned into a broody teenager thinking they finally caught her, picking fights with the other members of the LOV or as they were going by now the Paranormal Liberation Front left and right. Bakugo had also gotten rather worried, she had missed their biweekly coffee dates now for two months. She never missed that they both looked forward to that afternoon they would get to see each other. Both of the boys would try to call her at least a half dozen times every day practically after the first few days. Neither of them wanted to admit they were worried about her to anyone else either of course. Finally things were looking promising and it was time to wake her up so the scientist charged up her phone leaving it off preparing her to wake up. The scientist got her over to a hospital bed all her vitals were perfect the addition of the new quirks was a huge success some of her scaring was starting the shrink already even. He couldn't be prouder of himself, once he knew she was fully stable and signs of waking up they would get her back to the main hide out to fully wake up on her own room. At that point the scientist called shigaraki to let him know he needed to send someone to retrieve her "finally dabi should shut up now" shigaraki said before hanging up and sending two newer members to retrieve her knowing they wouldn't ask any questions. With in another hour or so they had Shinta back in her room, Shigaraki had sent dabi on a mission to make sure he wouldn't be there. They got Shinta into her room and placed gently in her bed, she groaned when they set her down and immediately rolled over burritoing in her blanket as they left the room. 

Not long after the two left the room Shinta stretched out squeaking some with her stretch as her eyes fluttered open. Her sight seemed different she could feel things had changed with in herself the scientist had explained the ability to shape shift to her prior to the day of the procedure that was the reason she got the mask at the festival. She wanted to know what her form would be and be prepared. After looking around her room confused as to how she got back there she noticed a small layer of dust on her things "how long was I in there?" She asked herself grabbing her phone before turning it on. When she saw the date "I was out for two months!!!!" She said rather loudly but luckily no one else was around at the time. Not long after that she wound up dropping her phone due to the constant vibrate from all the missed calls, video calls and texts from the past two months "I am in soooo much trouble" she mumbled waiting for the phone to stop having its fit. After about fifteen minutes it finally silenced and she sighed looking at everything she had so many notifications she wasn't even sure what to do first. That was when her curiosity took over though with her new quirk she wanted to try to shape shift with the mask. No one else was there so no one would get hurt or have to know. 

Shinta got up and went over to her desk unwrapping her mask and smiling at the mask "I knew you were the perfect mask for this the moment I saw you" she said to it walking over toward her mirror she took a deep breath looking at her self. "Here goes nothing" she said to herself before putting on the mask unsure of what would happen next really. A strange sensation almost like tingling spread through her entire body even her wings as she felt her bones shift around. She could feel it working she was changing with in a blink of the eye in front of her mirror now stood a rather large kitsune pure white all except blue flame patterns on its face and around its paws. Shinta circled trying to look at herself in the mirror not paying attention to the sound of feet getting closer to her door. She was too excited to see herself as a kitsune to pay attention to much else. Moments later her door opened she quickly turned her head and saw Dabi walking in, he froze as soon as he saw the large kitsune before him not sure who it was or what they were doing in Shinta's room. Acting quickly Shinta closed her eyes focusing on returning to normal right before Dabi's eyes the kitsune turned back into Shinta and she adjusted the mask up and to the side some before awkwardly waving at him. "What the fuck did I just see?" He asked trying to stay calm even though he already had a feeling he knew the answer. Shinta gulped hearing the struggle he was having to hold back the anger but she tried to stay brave and not falter like she normally does. "I…I have some new quirks….sorry I just disappeared on you like that. I was told I couldn't tell anyone" she said sighing at herself just waiting to see how bad he would explode. 

Dabi went to say something but signed heavily "Yami, why? Why did you let him do that?" He said practically growling with his words doing the best he could to try to stay calm for her sake. "To help, to be stronger. He said there is a big plan thats going to be set in motion soon and I would be a crucial part" she said looking down seeing the anger rise the more she spoke. Dabi growled "I'll be back" he said storming out of her room closing the door yelling could then be heard down the hall. Shinta quickly looked around and saw a pair of noise canceling headphones and grabbed them putting them on. Once she couldn't hear the screaming she was able to calm down. 'I'm not sure who thought of the headphones but I'll have to make sure to thank them' she thought to herself and she sat on her bed and played with the fluff of one of the stuffed animals on her bed. She didn't remember there being this many two months ago. It then dawned on her she should probably let bakugo know she is alright, she'll just tell him she had to lay low for a bit again and the best way was to jut go full radio silent. Shinta grabbed her phone and sent bakugo a message: 

~hey papa bear, Im sorry for worrying you. Things got kind of crazy near where I've been hiding out and I had to lay low. I had to shut off my phone so that I wouldn't get caught as well. I didn't mean to worry you so much it just wasn't safe~

After she hit send Dabi reentered her room seeming to be a bit calmer now and she pulled the headphones down around her neck "Sorry, You know I don't trust him and the fact that h talked you into becoming another experiment for that nut job scientist pissed me off. I didn't mean to freak out so much but that was really dangerous. If it wouldn't have been successful you would have just turned into another nomu. You need to be more careful. Do not let the others see your new quirk until the time is right" he said patting her on the head before taking his leave so she couldn't argue. That and he was beyond pissed that shigaraki pulled her into all of this. He knew he couldn't do anything about it now, plus shigaraki left to start the next step of their plan. Everyone had their part to play and knew what role they had to play; all but Shinta. Shigaraki told her she would know what to do when the time was right. Unlike the others he didn't give her orders to be near the front lines, she would have freedom when the day for the plan came to be. 

Shinta thought back to the day they discussed everything and thought about the last thing he said to her after she agreed. He had told her "Just be there, do what felt right to you. Do not think about heroes or Villains that day. Follow your gut instincts. You have a much bigger part to play than anyone else here. You may very well become a new beacon of hope to the people after what happens". Shinta smiled thinking of the last thing he had said "maybe I truly could rise back to being a hero from this but with Endeavor being the number one hero it would never happen" she said to herself before deciding she would go for a walk, she felt she needed to stretch her legs after being asleep for so long. Going through her wardrobe she decided on a pair of black cargo pants and a crop top still wearing her mask off to the side on top of her head. Looking in the mirror she noticed some of her older scars seemed to be fading 'he really did manage to find a way to help me heal to' she thought to herself happy to see the scars beginning to fade away some. After getting a small bag together Shinta snuck out of the hideout deciding to walk around town hoping maybe she would run into some of her old friends or even bakugo, she decided to better her chances she would head closer to UA. It had been awhile since she had left and from what they had heard the task force looking for her was finally called off so she would be safe to get closer than she had before. 

After school Bakugo checked his phone seeing the message from Shinta and he couldn't help but smile even though he was mad she had worried him for so long. All he could think about was seeing her again and wanting to make sure she was ok. Bakugo sent her a text in return: 

~Glad to finally hear from you again. You really had me worried teddy bear. Don't do that to me again ya hear. Anyway see you tomorrow for our coffee date~

Seeing that message made Shinta's day, she wanted nothing more than to see him again. Aizawa had been asking about her, he had known about the coffee dates and would check in with bakugo from time to time on her. I mean she was his daughter he couldn't help but worry about her well being. Hawks had been worried about her to but did the best he could to stay away like she had asked even though he wanted to be able to see her as well. She was family he wanted to make sure she was in good hands. Hawks happened to be at his apartment eating lunch at the moment and he heard what sounded like someone landing out on his balcony his head popping up. He didn't want to get his hopes up he had heard that sound a few times and nothing was there. This time however he heard the sliding glass door open and he looked over towards the living room part of him still thinking he was hearing things. The next moment he saw her, shinta walked in from his balcony and looked over in his direction. He wasn't very far since he was eating at the dining table on the other side of the room she entered. Hawks dropped his fork and ran over hugging her he couldn't believe it was her, Shinta laughed at him hugging back. "I missed you too keigo" she said with a smile "you can't do that to me ever again. I don't like not knowing where you are or if you are ok or not. We're family and family should stick together" he said to her letting go and went to make her a bowl of some food before coming back into the room. The two sat down to enjoy a light meal together and catch up. "It was for the best. The last thing we would have needed would have been Endeavor or the task force seeing you hide me. That wouldn't have looked very good for the number 2 hero now would it" she said chuckling as she ate her food. She had missed spending time with him, frankly with any of her hero friends. "Well that task force has been fully called off. You are no longer a person of interest, they are focusing more on the villains and what ever it is they are planning now" he told her "i'd tell you something if I knew. But they wont tell me much either. Only thing shigaraki has told me is when the day comes to just be there and to follow my gut. Do what I feel is right regardless of whether its attacking them or helping them. Oh and something about me possibly becoming a new beacon of hope for the people. Not sure what he meant but yea thats all I know" she said as she finished her meal deciding she would clean up the dishes for them. 

Hawks listened to what she said and began thinking trying to see if he could figure out what Shigaraki could have meant by saying that. "By the way nice mask, it suits you" Hawks said as Shinta came back in the room "Thanks, I got it a few months back" she said smiling some. "Anyway I'm gonna try to see if I can catch up with anyone in the city before they turn in for the night back at UA. I really do miss everyone" She said and Hawks gave her a reassuring smile "believe me all of your classmates would be over the moon for you to return" he said watching shinta head back out sighing to himself he was worried about her still, something seemed off. Shinta made it close to UA and saw glimpses of her friends, but they were all on campus and she couldn't get that close. "Hopefully I'll see you all again" she said before taking off and returning to the hideout. The next day she got to finally go out for her coffee date again with bakugo and she couldn't wait even if that meant he would be asking her a bunch of questions about where she had been.