Enter, the White Sovereign

Chapter 4

Many months of advertising, marketing, and hyping the world up for probably the biggest leap in game technology…Yggdrasil was finally released to the public. On the opening day, sis and I joined the game to begin our climb to power…fast.

When I was greeted by a character creation page, I chose my Username before anyone else too it.

Me: White Sovereign

System: Confirming Username "White Sovereign"

Me: Confirm

The screen moved to a character customization page where I chose 'Heteromorph'. Obviously; there might be initial disadvantages against heteromorphs but that was because they were powerful to become a real threat.

I then scrolled down to choose the basic 'angel'. Of course, I didn't plan to stay an 'angel' in game long but this was one of the two hidden paths for something…more. After hurriedly hitting Swordsman as my first job class, I completed the character scan as myself with some white wings and went into the login screen.

While waiting for the character to load, I was seemingly alone in a completely empty white vast space…where I knew something to be.

I ran past the system loading screen and ran, ran, and ran. I ran past nothing but white but I continued to run until…


System: Congratulations. You have found 'World Item' Ouroboros.

We knew the devs hid it here. Sneaky people you…of course, who would even thinking of running into nothingness? Only the craziest or the mindless people would do such a thing without knowing that this item was there. Well, at least I go it before anyone else did…

That must have been it since the surroundings around me changed into a typical fantasy medieval style village in Midgard. If I knew sis's character, and I do, she would have been spawned in a different world. I would need to level up as fast as possible and meet her soon.

For the first time, I chose to remove the limiter that was on me…and I felt alive. I could breathe the fresh air of Midgard, I could feel my hands and smell the autumn breeze. I looked into my inventory to find the normal newbie starter pack, a wooden sword (that came along with my job class), and Ouroboros.

I grabbed the wooden sword out of my inventory and searched for the nearest exit of the village. I knew exactly where to hunt to farm the most experience.

Me: I would die instantly if I was a normal level 1 character…but I'm guessing their not expecting a level 1 angel with 4000 years of experience with the sword!!

After all, I was no longer held back by skills.

Chapter 5

Somewhere in the middle, I signed up as an Adventurer just to get the perks as a beginner. Adventurers under level 50 get a little more exp than those who are not. This little bit of exp increase would come in handy for a few days.

As strayed farther and farther away from the middle of the map towards the end of Midgard to face stronger and stronger monsters. My previous wooden sword replaced with one of steel, I faced enemies that should be impossible for me with ease. My battle sense and experience covering for my lack of strength and skill.

As I reached level 30, I bought a Cash Item that allows me to bypass enemies with physical damage nullification and went into a high-level player zone. I was the first player to enter the zone and got a small stat bonus. Not needed but appreciated.

I slaughtered mobs around level 70 right and left non-stop. A perk of being an Angel was the ability to fly. While it wasn't the same as floating, it was close enough. Of course, the damage I dealt with purely my sword wasn't much, so I needed to constantly slash, slash, stab, and repeat. I don't know how many in-game hours it was but I soon realized when I checked my character.

Speed was key to gaining strength. I did the best I could think of at the moment. It was not like it would last anyway.

White Sovereign

Level 50

Racial Classes

Arch Angel 10

Angel 15

Job Classes

Sword Master 10

Swordsman 15

I quit the adventurers the moment I reached level 50 and turned in all of my loot for a single Adamantium Katana before heading off to fight even stronger monsters. I tried to keep my targets Negative Karma so I could deal more damage without even doing anything. I then found massive mobs that I created with dad. An ugly mountain of flesh with nothing but a ton of HP with just one massive weakness…his third eye on the back of his head.

As a Level 80 monster, he was nothing but free exp to those who knew how to exploit him. As I fought, I started to miss all the fighting and action that we used to have…well, I guess we'll enjoy plenty of them from now on.

That night, after logging out from Yggdrasil, the result was a tie. Sis and I both reached level 65. Currently the highest level in the entire game. Other than that, it looked like the developers recorded some of my fighting scenes and were planning to use them as additional marketing material. I, of course, had no problem with it. Soon, they would not even be able t recognize us anyway.

As I lay on the bed, snuggled into sis's arms we talked about the new world of possibilities in front of us.

Diana: It began. It took 10 years…but it finally started.

Me: It did. I honestly thought I had enough fighting for a lifetime but when I fought in that game…I honestly felt refreshed. Like all of the stress I accumulated was washed away.

Diana: It does feel good to move like that again…I lost forgot what it felt like. I'm glad we can move freely without the restrictions. Imagine if we weren't able to do that.

Me: I would still be at around level 20…the only reason I reached this far was because of my knowledge in fighting

Diana: Same

Me: Besides, what did you name your character?

Diana: Black Monarch

Me: Exactly what they used to call you huh?

Diana: Then what did you name yourself?

Me: White Sovereign

Diana: What? Not White Monarch? Why not that? That was what you were called!

Me: Yeah…but honestly sovereign sounds cooler than Monarch in my opinion when spoken together with 'white'.

Diana: hmm, really? Well, we've been hearing that name for a couple thousand years so I guess I've just become so used to it.

Me: Understandable, I feel the same way. But we really need to hit level 100 fast. Before others reach that level.

Diana: So we won't be meeting until then?

Me: We'll meet on Vanaheim once we hit level 100. Then we can do what we need to do.

Diana: Great…more grinding

Me: Sis, it's still better than paperwork.

Diana: unfortunately, I agree. The true enemy is paperwork.

Me: Wise words from Sengoku-san