Character Change

Chapter 6

We reached level 100 in a week. It got much harder to level once we reached level 80 and exponentially slower starting at Level 90, but we managed.

I filled all my levels as fast as I can, not even giving it a single glance when I looked at the new message that popped up.

System: White Sovereign, Seraphim, Angel of the Highest Order. You have reached the highest level of Divinity and Power in this world…the World Tree Wishes to give you a chance to evolve into something more. If you wish to hear more, then let this message continue. Know that this is a one time offer.

I let the message continue. This was what I was waiting for after all.

System: As your reward for the first Player to reach Level 100 with the race 'Angel', you are granted the opportunity to evolve into 'Unique Race' "Deity of War". Accepting this change will completely renew player's stats and levels.

I accepted without a second thought.

POV Diana

Finally! I reached Level 100 with my Dragonoid avatar. It was hard brawling my way all the way up but if I am the first…and I am sure I am, then it would be worth it.

Just as I thought about there being a bug in the system, the message popped up.

System: Black Monarch, Ancient Dragonoid, Dragonoid of the Highest Order. You have reached the highest level of Power in this world…the World Tree Wishes to give you a chance to evolve into something more. If you wish to hear more, then let this message continue. Know that this is a one time offer.

I let the message continue

System: As your reward for the first Player to reach Level 100 with the race 'Dragonoid', you are granted the opportunity to evolve into 'Unique Race' "Dragon". Accepting this change will completely renew player's stats and levels.

Dragons were not a race players were allowed to choose to play. This was the only way for anyone to ever play a Dragon and now I took it. There are 2 more of evolutions like this one but none of them are ridiculous as mine or Kara's.

But if there is anything in common with the new characters, it is that while they will become ridiculously strong later on, they are initially one of the weakest beings. In addition, each level requires 10 times the experience compared to the average, but any death or penalty results in the same loss. This was the payoff, but if one had the time and passion for it (like we did), it was a trade off I would make any day.

Without thinking twice, I accepted the evolution.

POV Kara

In front of me was the familiar character customization sheet again. This was where I go serious and make my character exactly as planned.

I shaped every crook and nanny of the body to my liking…which was still a loli in the end…It looked surprisingly similar to my previous body. I got used to my previous body, and I never felt any problems with it so I guess there was simply no reason not to make it like that.

I then accepted my new 'unique' race of Deity of War and put my single level there. For my non-existent job class, I chose 'Weapon Master'. This would allow me to use any weapon I wish without drawing attention.

The making of this decision wasn't easy for both sis and I, but it had good reason. According to ??, the moment we reach level 300, we will be free from the system, contract, the World Tree and anything that binds us as we ascend. But we still had an we get stronger from there?

Why were immortals so afraid of mortals if they were so powerful and had literally eternity to grow in power? Could it possibly be that it is harder for them to get stronger? If at all?

This was why we chose the hard but secure path. Reaching Level 300 with our new Characters will no doubt be exponentially harder, yet, in the long run, no doubt worth it. Just as it is harder, the reward we reap will be exponentially stronger, better than if we took the normal path.

Character customization end.

As I found myself still in the same place, I used a cash item to escape to the world of Vanaheim. This world would be much easier to level up in peace together with sis. While the world here was nowhere as harmful as Helheim or some of the other worlds, it was still a high level world. In addition to that, if players progressed the worlds naturally, they would find this world last as this was the farthest from the World Tree.

We would have all the time here to level up before players start to show up and try to PK us while we were still weak.

Just as I said that, a cash shop 'Gate' opened in front of me and out stepped sis, looking much like her past life. She kept her slight reddish hair but her eyes were pitch black. Hmm, strange, I might've changed my proportions to my previous life's but I still kept my natural hair and eye color…ok, I made my eyes slightly larger.

Me: Sis! Here! Wait, how are you in humanoid form?

Diana: One of the natural skills they gave to me. Dragon(s) are said to be able to shape shift into humanoids. So I can technically become a human, elf, dwarf, or any humanoid race at will.

Me: Well, congratulations on becoming the only Dragon player in Yggdrasil.

Diana: Says you who literally became a God. So what was the next best thing again?

Me: First player to reach level 100 with Demon. They can get the unique racial class that can go up to "Satan 666". Quite overpowered but not as much as ours.

Diana: But Kara! You look…you look like yourself.

Me: Speak for yourself sis. You look almost exactly the same.

Diana: Hey! But you're still short you know? Are people going to be afraid of a short Goddess of War?

Me: *pout* I'll show you why they called me the White Death!

Diana: yes yes, bringing down entire moons on parts of the planet and giving an entire island of prisoners cancer and all…I think they'll fear my cute little sister soon

Me: *humpf* That's right! This time, not even those of celestial origins will be able to stop us!

Diana: yes yes almighty Kara, but for now…I think we need to hunt some rabbits.

Pulled back into reality at our current weakness, I obliged and we went off to hunt.