
Chapter 27

Being the best guild in Yggdrasil deserved more than just bragging rights. This is why dad and the devs decided on an item that would be imbedded into the guild system itself. One that would be passed onto the next once the guild was no longer in 1st place or destroyed.

"Crown of the True King". The guild is immune to destruction. For example, the walls of the guild becomes indestructible by the system, as another world Item, it can resist all attempts to look into the guild, or anything. This item was the perfect shield.

Throughout our days, Society was ranked 4th. We never really had a chance since the guild ahead of us had members in the thousands…or used to. Even if we continue hunting raid bosses and stock up points until the last second, we would never get to first place in time. So, we chose another method to get it.

Process of Elimination

If the number 1,2 and 3 guilds are gone, then by that process we would become the best. A brutal yet simple solution. A curse for the others but who cares. Most of their members were already gone anyway.

POV WrathDevil920

No…! This can't be happening!

This guild is the number one guild! The Holy Trinity! It's not just a small base where two players can walk through and destroy everything in their path!

White Sovereign: Domain of the Gods.

A white light shot out from her and created a sphere…a large sphere enough to encompass almost the entire floor. The final floor.

White Sovereign: Shambles

And then…reality warped. I found myself choking in the hands of the Black Monarch as the White Sovereign started to destroy her surroundings. Breaking through walls in an attempt to find the guild weapon.

Black Monarch: Where is it! Where is the Holy Bible!

Me: *cough* Why…why would you do this??!

Black Monarch: We can kill you over and over for the information. I recommend you tell us peacefully so you can at least keep your levels.

Just as she said that, the White Sovereign broke the wall, revealing our treasury. In the back corner where it was supposed to be hidden with the strongest illusion…

White Sovereign: Bingo~ Sis, you can kill him now. We found it.

Me: NOOOO!!! Please!!! We'll drop our rank!! I'll force everyone to down level!! Please don't destroy our guild!!

I begged them as I sobbed into the microphone but they didn't listen. I felt a small crack as my screen showed.

System: User was killed by 'Black Sovereign' Respawn in 5 minutes in Base.

It was too late…I knew they wouldn't listen anyway.

POV Kara


The Glass Bible was shattered upon impact as the guild disbanded. We made sure to send every item they had directly into our inventory as to not be lost. Where it was nowhere as stacked and as ours, it still had enough to be called the number one guild of Yggdrasil…or at least it used to.


System: You have conquered the guild 'The Holy Trinity. Ranked First in Yggdrasil'.

System: Congratulations. 'Society' is now the Highest Ranked Guild in Yggdrasil. 'Society' has received 'Crown of the True King'

Diana: Finally…it's done. Every problem, every situation, we've prepared for them all.

We walked out of the broken and burning remains of the dissolved guild as it started to load out of existence. Returning to the dungeon it once was.

Me: Now we wait…we wait until the transfer.

Diana: And play a lot of Gachapon. And put billions into in-game money. Just in case

Me: And empty all the stores, discount or not. Who know? A world item might show up.

Diana: I doubt it. We have every one of them that was not claimed. I think there's maybe 2 left that are protected by we didn't bother since they're not really worth the effort. It's the 2 crappiest World Items.

Me: I guess, we are pretty stacked.

Diana: You think?

Me: Ok fine. No matter what happens, we're covered. We can just work on the 9.5th floor until the transfer. Your dragon form is too ridiculously large.

Sis's dragon form was the size of a small city. Her World Dragon form turned her into to 7 km long Western Black Dragon with red streaks (made of scales). It looked pretty wicked. Of course, she had her ability to size down and she also had her human form which she used most of the time but we wanted a space where she could just be herself once in a while. Thus, we expanded the 9.5th floor into something that resembles the island of Mycan.

2 full islands each the size of Manhattan with the sea all around it. Just to remember what it was like back in the One Piece World. We had to pull some really big favors and still pay a lot…enough to see it in our allowance for the devs to allow our guild something on this scale. After all, it was like a small world in here, just like how the Mycans saw theirs.

We put Seniram here since it fit the theme as an unofficial guardian. He would be here helping out the low level NPCs and only be called up occasionally for other tasks. We made sure to reprogram him so he was no longer arrogant or anything. But rather, a humble level 100 Golden Deity that loved to talk about chicken soup and farm animals.

On the last week, we gathered all of our employees and NPCs. We informed them of the event that was to come and how the world was ending and how they couldn't continue. Of course, our employees were expecting this…but was worried all the same. We gave them a job directly under sis who was working on the new game. If we are correct, our clones would take good care of them. Like this, their lives were secure again.

We told them to take a 2 week break (they will be payed during this time) and get ready for their new jobs…which they gratefully accepted. Being in the high class compared to most of the world, they were planning to enjoy that time with their families and share the good news. When they left…for the last time. They left everything they had in the treasury and we set up a statue of each of them to kind of make fun of them. Sort of a way to remember them and thank them for creating our homes.

We asked them to say goodbye to all the NPCs before they leave, as it was their last day for us officially. It took a while as they snap shot every corner of the guild to remember the art and the work that they put into the place. And honestly, they made this into the home of the god themselves. I've been to Nazarick so I knew well what that meant. Theirs was well done for people who did not do stuff like that professionally, but we only hired the best of the best. The difference was there in both ability and the money we spent.

For the remainder of the week, we toured the 9 realms and emptied shop after shop. If a shop was closed off to high level players, then we 'hired' a rather low level player to buy everything in the shop for us. In return, we'll give him double the amount of gold that was spent. Nobody ever refused this deal and it did us well.

We tried to level as much as we can and we succeeded in reaching Level 250 before time was up. We filled it up with various different classes after making sure ??? was fully leveled. I put mine in cook, blacksmith while sis put some more in runesmith, thief, and Draconic Master to fit her theme.

While these would help us now, if what the World Tree said was true, then this was just going to be a ripple in the Ocean. We would be getting everything…with time (maybe thousands of year).

Still, immortality was near and we were ready for it.

The last day. Before we logged in, we spent one last happy day with our family. We tried so hard to make it a perfect day, and a perfect day it was. It was a normal day, but also such a perfect one. Peaceful, full of love, and…with family. I kind of teared up at dinner which mom and dad thought it was because it was the last day of Yggdrasil. In a way it was true but it was the thought of not being able to see my parents again…but I'm sure everything has a way. If we do get the powers of the World Tree, who is to say that this is impossible?

After I payed one last visit to Momonga on the last day to console him for the others not coming…and paying him one last time as he filled yet another ring full of experience, I returned to Society and walked up to the twin thrones.

One pure white with elaborate designs while the other pitch black with rougher edges…but showing power and dominance over everything.

We sat down as we watched the timer get closer and closer to midnight.

Diana: Sengoku san, please gather all the NPCs here please. As fast as you can.

Still being an NPC, Sengoku bowed like a butler before walking out of the massive throne room to gather the NPCs.

Me: Are you ready?

Diana: I am

Me: Together?

Diana: Together

That was all I needed to hear as we heard the clock ticking. Ever closer to the promised time.