Powers Restored

Chapter 28

We put together what little we know of the history of the New World and created a simple chart. One that would be distributed to all of the denizens of Society whenever they would leave the Haven.

If you go back more than 600 years ago, it was the age of the Dragon Lords. Beings that were unchallenged and unmatched in might with their Wild Magic…until the advent came.

600 years before the Storyline, the 6 Great Gods entered the World. This time they won't have their World Item (Downfall of Castle and Country), but they would make their presence nonetheless. They would create the Slane Theocracy that would worship them as gods and put humanity in the center of power for the centuries to come.

500 years before the storyline, the 8 Greed Kings would appear on the continent. They would ravage the continent and conquer the known world. Through this time they would spread Tier Magic, leading to the decline of the Wild Magic of the Dragon Lords.

Shurshana would fight against the 8 Greed Kings alone (as the others had human avatars and died due to their lifespan) and die at their hands. Following his death would lead to the all out war between the Dragon Lords and the 8 Greed Kings. One which did not have a clear winner…but the age of the Dragon Lords officially has come to an end.

The internal conflict between the 8 Greek Kings result in their downfall and their demise. It is assumed that the remaining Dragon Lords have pooled together their survivors and killed off the last remaining Greed King.

300 years ago before the beginning of the Storyline, there was a civil war that lead to the downfall of Gatenburg. During this time, the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord defeated a player. He would have since gotten a World Item of one of the twenty but…since we have collected all of the twenty, that will not be the case this time.

250 years ago before the storyline, Evileye and Fluter would be born. As to why this information is important is unknown but for mankind, this age is considered very old. Infants.

200 years before the storyline, much of the supporting heteromorphic cast of the New World were born. This was also the tine when the Evil Deities broke free and damaged across the New World. My guess is that these Evil Deities were one of the Sins or a high-level summon, about level 60-80 at most. Judging that this took the effort of the entire continent and the collaboration of the strongest beings (known as the 13 heroes when in reality there were more), to take them down, they were not really that strong. It was also during this time that we suspect a low level player arrived and took the name of 'Minotaur Sage' and revolutionized life in general. It was around this time that most of the nations were founded including the Re-Estize Kingdom, Baharuth Empire, Dragon Kingdom, and the Roble Holy Kingdom. The Adventurer's Guild was also formed during this time.

Anything after that and up until the beginning of the story are generally the birth of a character and not really important.

We showed this to the 5 Elders who were kneeling before us.

Diana: We can arrive at anytime before then or perhaps after. If we arrive beyond 6 months after the arrival of Ainz Ool Gown, we will be going in blind. The part where it saids 0 is when our allied guild Ainz Ool Gown is going to appear in the New World. Set up a plan for anytime of arrival. We must not just survive, but prosper.

Me: Very soon, this World will fall and you will be free. Your powers that have been sealed for so long, your voices which you have kept in will all be lifted. As this world dies, a new one shall take its place. Give us that world…and once you do, make it prosper in the name of Society.

Just as I said that, the clock struck 12 as I felt a plane of reality rip, bend, and change. The moment I took my next breath I felt as if I had been holding my breath for 17 years. I felt the change immediately. All of my power, my strength, my power over the natural laws and temperature which I had regarded as so natural were back to me.

Me: I'm back…

Sis wiped my eyes. I must have let out a tear.

Diana: I know…we all are.

In front of us were the reanimated members of our previous life. Some of them crew mates we have made our Nakama forever while some were those who we deemed worthy of remembering forever with us.

Me: We're here. Now speak, and tell me that you are free!

The hall was silent for a split second…before erupting into cheers and shouts of joy as they realized that they were finally free. Their powers no longer limited and their actions no longer had constraints. They could talk in our presence and no longer held back. We were all free.

It took a while to calm down but Sengoku took care of that.

Sengoku: I understand your happiness but you stand in the presence of the Supreme Beings! Calm Yourselves!

The others were quick to follow and quieted down.

Diana: Now, first things first. Let's check that everything is working as it is supposed it. Warlords, I order you to check every part of the Haven to make sure everything is working as intended. The traps are functional, our farms, our denizens. Everything.

They bowed and left. I then looked towards the 5 Elders.

Since we didn't know their names, we just named them 1 through 5 depending on their height. Shortest to tallest.

Me: One, I believe that you have understood the World we are in? Now order them to find out more and set up a plan. We must be prepared about our location, time, and our potential enemies. But know this, except for Nazarick, there are few we can trust.

That was how we spent our first minute in the New World…in which I then immediately turned into a small baby fox (pure white) with a giant fluffy tail and dove onto sis's lap. I really missed this form. Petting feels so much better when you're like this.

*pet* *pet*

Diana: Oh Kara, you never grow do you?

Me: kuu~

Diana: Before I forget, begin the plan for 'Complete Assimilation of Ainz Ool Gown'. All preparations have been completed.

They bowed and left the room. We weren't going to fight Ainz Ool Gown or make them exist as allies. We were going to literally make them into part of Society.