Chapter 29
POV Albedo
The Great Tomb of Nazarick was dark…quiet, and…it was just not something it once was. This place used to always be full of activity with all of the Supreme Beings doing things together.
Now, barely any of the 41 returned. Most of them were no longer here at all, they left and never returned. I tried to keep up a hopeful facade but I heard Momonga-sama and Ulbert-sama talk. It looks like we'll be losing another Supreme Being.
Who was the fool that were taking our creators from us? What was happening? Were we not created the way they wish us to? Could it be that Tabula-sama was…I shuddered, could it be that he was disappointed in his creation that he never returned?
I wanted to ask him. So desperately ask any of the Supreme Beings and beg them to not leave…but time and time again, they left one by one to never return.
Still, we served. Since that was our purpose. We served the Supreme Beings who had stayed behind for us…then one day, a goddess arrived.
She introduced herself as the White Sovereign, and apparently she has worked with the Supreme Beings before. I remember the Supreme Beings talking about her long ago on their victory over that guild Seraphim. Could she have been the same being back then?
I didn't really understand what she meant but the days after she joined the ranks of the Supreme Beings was different. The Supreme Beings all had a great and bright atmosphere around them. They started to come by more and more often. Ulbert-sama who had been so worried about something was suddenly better and started to actively play the game as if it was the beginning days of our guild. Whatever the White Sovereign told them, it had done magic to the tomb.
But most importantly…she understood us. She knew that we were trapped, and she did the best she can. Most Supreme Beings ignored us and let us do our job but she…she talked to us. She greeted us, asked us questions and even told us about the World she came from. It was through her that I finally understood what was plaguing the minds of the Supreme Beings in the 1st World. When she told me about my creator…I was so grateful. Then, I started to cry.
Me: *sob*
I knew she couldn't hear or see me like this but then the impossible happened. For a split second she saw me. Not my mask but me. She then wiped my tears which were not there for her, but for me, I felt her warmth. Ahh, how great it is for Nazarick to have such a wonderful being.
I swear with all my heart to serve you till the end of days…my White Soverign, oh true ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.
POV Nigredo
Oh how long will I be locked up here…am I not wanted? Do I shame my creator? It's cold…I don't have the proper cold resistance.
I heard a new Supreme Being has joined Nazarick, I wish I can go out and see her. The people I see out there looks so happy. Does she know that I am here? Am I forgotten? Will the other Superior Beings tell her that I am here?
If even just once she comes to visit me…just for me, then I think I would be so happy. But…do I really want to show this side of me to her? How unsightly I am, all crazed and trying to anyone that walks through that door. I can barely sleep at night, crying over how I always lose my mind to blind rage and bloodlust. I raised my hand against the Supreme Beings! Such a behavior should never be allowed.
It's so cold…surrounded by these broken baby dolls in this dark room…why wouldn't anyone come for me? Why?
Then I felt a presence. A new one, a powerful one but one I have never felt before. Could it be White Sovereign-sama? Please let it be her, it would be my dream come true.
The moment the door opened, that damn feeling of bloodlust overcame all my senses as I charged with my scissors to the intruder…to a girl holding a cute baby doll.
White Sovereign: Hello Nigredo. Albedo told me so much about you, but let's sit down. You poor girl, let's free you from this place.
Free…me? Really?
The words warmed my heart as I realized she meant it.
White Sovereign: I actually haven't told anyone but the Supreme Beings yet but you can be the first person to know my real name. Call me Kara, ok?
I felt as she held the Staff of Ainz Ool Gown that something fundamental about me was changing…but I liked it. I could think clearer, my thoughts no longer clouded. I started to realize how trash my life was but how bright my future looked. And the honor of being the first of the servants to know her mighty name was making my heart beat double time.
Nigredo: *sob* Am I really?
Kara: There there dear. You can keep the doll. That cute face looks like you.
What she said was true. As she combed my hair and worked some magic, I could feel my body change into something more presentable. I knew Tabula-sama did not make me this way, but I guess deep down I wanted to be this way.
Kara: This cold cell is meant for prisoners. How could he put you here? You are a valued member of Nazarick! We can't give you another room but let's renovate this place so it looks like an actual home.
I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes. How many years has it been in this cold cramped cell? With my murderous rage and misery. Dirty and broken. How did nobody decide I should be fixed or treated? And here was a new Supreme Being who I barely met 10 minutes ago and she already changed my entire life.
As the ice cell turned into a cozy and warm home filled with furniture and the proper utensils, equipment and food, I felt at home…at last. I can call Nazarick home again as when Tabula-sama first created me.
Oh Kara-sama. I will serve you forever.
Chapter 29.2
POV Demiurge
White Sovereign: Demiurge, Demiurge, Demiurge… the sharpest mind of Nazarick. The smartest of all denizens and Ulbert's image of perfection.
The new Supreme Being praised me as she walked around my place.
White Sovereign: Ulbert really did create you into the manifestation of evil…but wouldn't that conflict with Momonga's plan?
What did I just hear?
White Sovereign: Oh, sorry. You wouldn't know. I know you wouldn't tell anyone so I'll explain. The World Tree is going to die, with everyone inside it.
What! This was not an event I had fore-saw. Of course I heard the Supreme Beings worrying about the end of something but who would have guessed that the worlds would collapse…no, that it was even possible?
White Sovereign: That's where I come in, you see? The World Tree is a creation of my father and I had inherited his power to a bit. Once the Tree is dead, I will become the next giver of life. All of you will come with me to a new world. A safe world which is nothing like this one where it is enveloped in constant war.
Ah, is that why she had joined Nazarick? Why they had granted her a spot among the Supreme Beings? Such a worthy background and power does explain their actions of accepting a Supreme Being after so long.
White Sovereign: But you see, Ainz isn't like Ulbert or Luci*Fer or any of the Original Nine. Of course he doesn't mind killing but in the New World, he's going to have to rule the place, or I will. But here's the thing, throughout history, the nations that have prospered for the longest were those that had kept the people happy.
I think I am beginning to understand the plans Momonga-sama had for this world.
White Sovereign: He's going to need you. I'm going to need you but your demonic thoughts will distract you from time to time and even possibly his plan. I will have to take necessary actions…either then or right now.
Then she pulled out the Staff of Ainz Ool Gown…if she has this, then that means she has the permission from all of Nazarick. Including Momonga and Ulbert-sama.
Yes, she is worth trusting. She is a Supreme beings after all.
White Sovereign: With a new world, we need a new Demiurge. One that can function better. From the perfect evil to the perfect guardian of Nazarick. I do not want to proceed without your permission Demiurge. Will you allow me to make the change?
Of course White Sovereign-sama.
When she used the staff, everything became clear as I saw the world unbiased and for what it truly is. My hate for humans did not disappear but rather I saw them as useful tools instead.
Ever since that day, I had unwavering respect towards White Sovereign-sama…even more than Momonga-sama and might be a little more than Ulbert-sama. Could it be because she is my new creator in a way?
She told me that she will meet us in the New World no matter how long it takes. I will meet her there.