Chapter 30
It took 3 days to understand our situation fully.
First and foremost, everything was working the way they were supposed to. None of the NPCs were rebelling; all the machinery were functioning as they were supposed to and all NPCs that we have created with a person in mind have shown that they have gotten their powers (Devil Fruits) back without the weakness of water…except Crocodile. That's kind of to be expected though.
The middle guy of the Five Elder Stars started to explain in front of the administrative NPCs.
3: From the given map, we have confirmed that the Slane Theocracy, The Re-Estize Kingdom, the Baharuth Empire, the Draconic Kingdom, the Argland Republic, and the City Alliance are present. We have also confirmed the being known as King Ramposa the Seconds who is nearing his final days and his son, the Crown Prince Ramposa the third who already has three children. From this, we can deduce that we are currently 10 to 20 years before the arrival of Ainz Ool Gown. Our guess is that it is closer to 10 years.
Strange…not all the details line up as they do in canon but things are close enough to ignore.
4: We have drawn a new map that details our surroundings. While it is not entirely clear, we are south of the city known as E-Rantel. We are above the border between the Slane Theocracy and the Elven Kingdom. For safety, we have hidden our Temple from all eyes in this forest. It will take a 9th tier spell or above to see through our charms.
This would place us in a strategic location as well. Which means Ainz Ool Gown took the Northern center between the Kingdom and the Empire while we took the Southern Center between the Slane Theocracy and the Elves.
Diana: There is no country in this world that is not corrupt or have done evil. We will fell all of them together in one swoop. Till then, we must prepare for Ainz Ool Gown's arrival and prepare the world. Five Elders, tell us what you have come up with.
1: While we are materialistically secure, we lack in the currency of this world. We must take money and gold without catching the eyes of anyone. While doing so, we must weaken the military strength and ties between all nation. Slowly as not to attract attention over the next few decades.
5: We will have Gecko Moria to increase the number of undead, far north in the Katze Fields. Increase of undead will strengthen the negative aura which we can use as energy. More importantly, this will put a strain on both of Kingdom and Empire to continuously use resources to protect themselves from the undead.
2: Donqixote Doflamingo is to create an Underground network and take over the black market. Entire countries must rely on you…but you must never be seen. We can export level 5 weapons or below. We can also export food without losing anything as with the POP monsters. Drain the countries of their resources. Once Doflamingo has achieved connections of the upper echelons of each country, we can proceed with the next step of the plan.
Diana: Doflamingo, I believe you are an expert in this field of work?
Doflamingo: Of course Black Monarch-sama…kekekeke!!! Please leave it to me!
Me: Gecko Moria. Will you be fine alone?
Moria: Please White Sovereign-sama, I have learned my lesson from my previous life. I am no longer a lazy and weak warlord. This time, I shall prove it to you!
Me: very well. Also, please call me Kara. That was my name before and i wish to be called that now. We are family, are we not?
NPCs: Kara sama…*sob*
Man, this much loyalty was expected but seeing it for real was different.
Diana: Me too. Black Monarch was a title I took for myself whenI entered the World Of Yggdrasil. Now that we are out of it, there is no more need to do that. Call me Diana.
The same scene repeated itself as things started to get into motion again.
POV Doflamingo
The weaker the country is, the more they rely on the black market. The more corrupt it is, the more eager they are. The more wealthy they are, the more they buy. My new underworld empire is going to be a parasite. It will weaken, it will corrupt, but for those who we need, it will make them rich.
Unfortunately Kara and Diana-sama had forbidden me from using any sort of drugs or prostitution. We will have to go with actual items. The Kingdom and the Empire has not yet begun their annual war at E-Rantel. The Slane Theocracy is at war with the Elven Kingdom but it is not an all-out war yet.
The leaves out first priority to weaken the Roble Holy Kingdom and the Draconic Kingdom and seep them in naturally into the soon-t-be-warring nations with normal goods while do the opposite with weapons and arms.
These goods will be mass purchased by the Kingdom and Empire and possibly the Theocracy once they realize the quality despite being mass produced.
Me: kekeke….nations always tend to fear each other when others are mobilizing…
Then, we drop the vase. All the secret of the nobles, all the misconducts of the King and the members of royalty.
Me: The Empire will declare war on the Kingdom to reunite their people against a common enemy…the Kingdom in their turmoil will be forced to respond.
Now…how should I begin?
The automated factory on the 2nd floor whirled to life as it began stamping out swords, shields, spears, and armor. All under the value of level 10 in Yggdrasil but enough to be considered exceptional in the New World.
Hundreds of them were stamped out and being organized by the low level bots in the room.
Tim: Hurry! We need that batch to be sold to individuals who buy them. Prepare the next batch but with this emblem on it!
He held up an emblem of the Kingdom. The machine roared, paused, and then continued to pump out the weapons.
Me: Doing well Guardian?
Tim: Warlord Doflamingo. We've been processing your request for 200,000 Sets of swords, armor, spears, and other things. As you've requested we've put a tiny tracker in every 200 of them to track their movement and their spread. In addition, we've put the 'special function' in them for the right time.
Me: Thank you Guardian, things are going as planned. Have you perhaps finished the ones for individual purchase?
Tim: Yes, 50,000 of them in the corner. Currently being processed and making minor changes in the details but they should be ready by tomorrow.
Me: Marvelous. Thank you Guardian.
With that, I teleported out to the 8th floor where Alisha was staying.
Me: Hello Guardian, I hope you are doing well, as do you Sir Crocodile
Crocodile: Doflamingo…early to start, to come to this stage already
Me: There is not a moment to waste. I thought you were also busy? With your business with the beast men in the desert areas.
Crocodile: My time is not here yet. I must wait until the beast men are desperate. Now is not the time.
Me: Very well then. Guardian Alisha, may I ask if you have completed the request?
Alisha: A million totems of Tier 2 Healing spell 'Low Heal'. Yes, it's been done. I can do such low level tasks by the hundred thousands. But may I know what you need them for?
Me: Of course! May I ask you make 100,000 tier 4 healing spells as well? These will all be used to weaken the influence of the church. We will sell them to the common folk who cannot afford to hire a priest from the church. This ought to greatly weaken nations who rely on religion as their foundation.
Alisha: It's not like I have much to do. I might make more than accident so ring some of your workers here to process them as I'm done. Could you also ask John to make some more wooden pieces as well?
Me: kekeke…Greatly appreciated.
Now, how do I join? Perhaps should we destroy the Eight Fingers first?
POV Kara
John: I'm not against the plan but Kara, could you please tell me why you are doing this? This seems excessively brutal.
Me: We have to do it now, otherwise they will become liabilities. Dangers which we cannot face later on.
John: I don't fully understand.
Me: Sooner or later we will have to reveal ourselves to the world. Once we do, we are going to be taken as a threat no matter what we do. Slane Theocracy or the Holy Kingdom for example, I bet they're going to resist us till their last breath.
He nodded in understanding.
Me: That means we can't allow that, but we want to rule a Kingdom of harmony. How can a Kingdom of harmony destroy a neighboring Kingdom of millions?
John: Wait—
Me: I'm not going to kill the people, relax. I'm just going to kill the royalty and some nobles who have some serious bias against us. But the Slane Theocracy will require some violence. And that is why we need to do it.
It still seemed like he didn't understand.
Me: Right now, we are anonymous. We are 'off the grid. From here, no matter what we do, as long as we're careful enough, everything is an accident…a coincidence.
If we get rid of all our potential threats now, nothing will disrupt us later on. Things will be so much easier, since the only people who would know are the people of Society. But what if we do that afterwards? Or leave them be.
John began to understand.
Me: If we let them be, we will face unnecessary problems. If we eliminate them after we 'enter the grid', then people will call us demons. They will have the perfect propaganda to paint us as monsters. That's why our plan might seem so brutal now. We eliminate them now before they learn to bite us later.
Besides, it's good to know that you're calling me just Kara again. I was worried you would think I was an old woman now.
John: I just tried to bring it back for old time's sake, but seriously, do you have any idea how hard it is to speak casually in front of a god? Former midget or not, you are who you are now Kara-sama
Me: *sigh* You'll get used to it. Please tell the other guardians to do the same. You guys were all older than me once, it still feels a little weird that you are calling me with honorifics. Making me feel older than I already am.
John: Over 4 thousand years old and you want to feel young?
Me: Shut it Muscle Mass.