Chapter 36
POV Emperor Cassar of the Baharuth Empire
Count: Your Majesty! The people are rioting in the streets! They are demanding the death of nobles and all of the Royalty!
Me: Stop them! Send the knights! Send the knights to suppress the rebellion!
Knight: Your majesty, the second Imperial Knight Order composed of commoners have declared that they will no longer obey your Majesty's order.
Me: Traitors!!! Why? Why now of all times?
Count: Your Majesty, somehow the misdeeds of the noble houses and the inside conflict of the Royalty and Noble factions have been recorded and spread out and released towards the commoners!
Shit! But how?! Both factions knew to keep this a secret from the commoners. That would only lead to the destruction of both sides!
Me: Minister! Give me a plan! We can't leave things like this.
Minister: Your majesty. You must win back the heart of the people by uniting them against a common enemy.
Me: What are you suggesting?
Minister: Your first Imperial Knights have been donned in new armor and arms. How about we showcase that against the forces of the Kingdom? But first we must spread a rumor that all this is false information forged by the Kingdom to create distrust against one another.
That…was a pretty good plan. Did he really think of this himself? Nonetheless, we are trapped. This is all we can do.
Me: In the days f my Grandfather, E-Rantel was a city belonging to the glorious Baharuth Empire! Declare war on the Kingdom to re-take the city! Begin building a fort to prepare for a long term war!
Knight, Count, Minister: Yes, Your Majesty!
A plan is set…now all we need to do is make sure it goes smoothly…but why do I feel as if I am walking into a trap?
POV King Ramposa II, Re-Estize Kingdom
Marquis: Your Majesty! The Empire has declared war on us! They said they will attack E-Rantel. They demand our surrender and peacefully hand over the city or it will be war!
Nobles: Fools! Don't they know how our men are armed now? We must have superior numbers and soldiers! Those new spears for the peasants are better than my own heirloom! If they wish to come! Let them come ! We'll kick them back once and for all!
That was true…while the source was shady and unidentifiable, it was also undeniable that the quality of the weapons were nothing short of marvelous. We were ready for war…but is that a wise decision? What if the Empire had the same supplier? What if their weapons which were said to be good is even better than ours?
Nobles: War! We must make the empire pay!
Nobles: This is an insult! If we accept this, this will be a humiliation!
Nobles: Even the commoners are out for blood! Your Majesty!!
Aggrh!! Those damn nobles! Fine! Have what you want!
Me: Mobilize the men and send the supplies to the front. The Kingdom is going to war!!!
POV Pontifex Jared
High Priest: Your Holiness! The Elf King…the Elf King himself has joined the war! He is pushing back our troops out of the forest! He is personally leading the elves to Kami Miyako!
Me: What? What is the Holocaust Scripture doing?!
High Priest: We have lost contact with them… I believe they are all dead!
Me: Call back the Light Scripture and the Windflower Scriptures! Now is not the time to be fighting Beastman in the South!
High Priest: But your holiness…the Draconic Kingdom will fall soon without our aid!
Me: Our City and people are in danger! The Elf King himself is coming!
Cardinal: Even if the Elf King is leading one front, how are the others holding theirs?
High Priest: We found that the elves have gotten new weapons of which we do not know the origins of. They are well supplied and armed. Beyond what we have ever seen the Elves use before.
Shit…this was bad. Did the Gods forsake us in this time? NO! I must have faith.
Me: Gather all the cardinals. We must have a War Council meeting. At this rate…we must have to use our guardian…
What the Pontifex did not notice was an assassin hiding in the corner of the room…listening to every word to report back to Society.
POV Draudilon Oriculus, Queen of the Draconic (Dragon) Kingdom.
Minister: My Queen…the Slane Theocracy has redrawn their Scriptures. They have stated that they will be sending no more immediate help.
What was happening? Why were suddenly all the countries redrawing their support?
Me: Do they not understand the situation?! Elves can be negotiated with! These Beastmen are savages!! They EAT us! What point of Humanity do they not understand? What of the others?!
Minister: The Kingdom and Empire have declared war against each other. They will not be in a condition to help us in the near future. The only help we can expect is from the Adventurer's Guild to hire mercenaries.
Me: …is there anyone who can help us?
Minister: There is a young boy in his early teens…called Cerebrate. He has shown incredible potential as a swordsman.
Me: Is he not just a young boy…? No, nevermind. See what you can do…
Minister: My Queen. There is a rumor about an Underground Market known as 'Dressrosa'
Me: What of it?
Minister: They have been selling incredible things. Weapons that can cut through steel. Totems that can instantly heal and many more.
Me: Why are you only telling me this now?! Buy everything immediately!
Minister: But my Queen! They are…they are a Black Market. They do not wish to trade with a country officially.
Me: Give them an exception! Times are dire. Legalize all trades and turn a few blind eyes. Get their weapons and arm our men! Even if means emptying our Treasury.
POV Boa Hancock
As we appeared in a dark hallway, we saw a figure at the end, guarding a large Stone gate.
In the dim light was a heteromorphic elf. Half White and Half black, as if representing both of our rulers.
Zesshi: Who passes there?
Me: Hello Zesshi. I think we need to have a talk.
She ignored my words as she rushed towards me with her scythe, ready to kill.
Me: *armament* *Grab*
As I grabbed her blade with my bare hands, Kuma appeared behind me with his towering and unmoving face.
Me: Fine then…a talk after beating you down.
POV Kara.
Diana: Things have been set into motion. The gears of war are turning. Soon it will be time.
We were on the 8th floor. Sitting in the desert, relaxing.
As I poured sand continuously onto a single area, it piled up, creating a small mountain.
Me: Tension builds up and people's fears charges the nation to dive headfirst into conflict. They fear what will happen if they fight, but they know what will happen if they do not.
While the sand continued to pile up, the mountain crumbled as the weight of the sand broke the balance. Instead, it slid down the side.
Me: Fear, betrayal, lust and greed. Sins that will crumble society as people's hopes are broken. Wives will become widows and merchants to soldiers. Children lost as they lose the future their parents had planned for them.
I summoned an ordinary dagger from my inventory and slammed it down onto the pile of sand.
It embedded itself deeply into the sand. With it's hilt unmoving, it's blade supported by each and every grain of sand.
Me: A new order is needed. Wipe out the corruption and establish Justice in this gray world. An order held together by the broken dreams and the shattered hopes of the people to raise a new generation…a new hope.
We stood up as well got ready to meet Doflamingo and the elders to discuss the next stages of the plan.
Me: That is how we found a nation. A nation that will not shake. A nation with a foundation so durable and reminded of the pain of the past that they will never try to change.