Chapter 37
POV Boa Hancock.
*bzzt* Select Recording…
Cardinal: We lead the Elf King here… and then…
Pontifex: We must never allow him to reach Kami Miyako!
Cardinal: He won't. The extra seat will stop him before that happens.
Pontifex: What if she's not strong enough?
Cardinal: Then she dies, but we will have earned the precious time we need. Besides, wasn't that the plan all along?
Priest: She's an elf bitch. Once this war was over, she no longer has any use. She won't follow us after she kills her damn father anyway.
Cardinal: Exactly, that's why we're leading the King there. I don't care about that bitch but she is strong. We need more like her.
Pontifex: What are you saying?
Cardinal: The Elf King will rape our woman along the way, and if any of them get pregnant. We will take the baby and raise them to become the next extra seat. These ones will be more obedient and know their place as halfling shits. Unlike the elf bitch.
Priest: I am in support of this. It might be a long term plan, but don't we have Dragon Lords to worry about as well?
Pontifex: I see your point. Very well, I approve.
*bzzt* *click*
Zesshi: … is this really how they thought of me?
As I turned off the recording, the half elf looked paled as she realized that her life was full of deception. Her face had signs of blood and her arms was cracked and she needed to be slouched against the side of the wall, her the look in her eyes were still fierce.
Me: I have not changed the recording anyhow.
Zesshi: I agreed to do this to kill my father and free the elves under his rule and…and they dare do this to me!!!?!
Kuma: This has always been the way of the Slane Theocracy. Did you perhaps think they were being nice to you since you were you? Look around you, you know that it is false. If you were powerless like the others, you would be at a brothel right now working as a sex slave…that is if you were even alive.
Zesshi: No…my entire life I have lived and trained here…how could this be?
Me: Come with us, our masters has a place for you in their homes. They intend to create a world that will be free of discrimination. To do that, we need you.
Zesshi: What about my revenge? What about my father?
Kuma: There is a time and place for everything. You will have your part in your revenge against the Theocracy as well as your father. But for now, I recommend that you follow us and learn about who we are.
Zesshi: Wait…if I'm going to leave, then I'm going to empty the treasury before going with you. You've already shown me that you can overpower me at any given moment so don't worry about me running away.
Me: We have abilities that can ready your mood and, to a degree, basic emotions. You seem distressed, full of regret but hate and fear is not one of them. We will wait for you here.
Zesshi: What will happen next?
Kuma: Without you, the Elf King will push into Kami Miyako and perhaps burn down the city. Your choice matters in whether you wish to protect the villages or see Kami Miyako burn. Of course, we can do it for you.
Zesshi: No…let me talk to your rulers. I would like to know more before I make a decision. I made my choice long ago in the heat of fury…and this is where it led me to. This time I would like to review my choices more wisely.
Me: Good answer. *gate* Now, let's go.
POV Doppelgänger 2
The war between the Kingdom and Empire was about to begin as both sides stood on each end of the plains, facing each other.
As the horn blew, the Empire's army let loose a barrage of magic and arrows before charging. The Kingdom's side did the same as they charged to meet the Empire's army.
Doppelgänger: Doflamingo-sama, I'm afraid I do not understand. Both sides will end in a stalemate. One side does not have a clear advantage over the other.
Doflamingo: Exactly. We have provided them both with superior weapons to think that they can win. They thought that this will be an easy victory but they will soon realize that it is not so. Do you know what this means?
Doppelgänger: No Doflamingo-sama
Doflamingo: The war will be drawn out with neither side willing to withdraw as to not lose face The moment they withdraw, their citizens will rebel against the government as they remember what their rulers had done to them. Besides, do you realize what season it is?
Doppelgänger: Spring time Doflamingo-sama?
Doflamingo: Exactly. The men who are participating in the war will not be able to help plant the seeds for the crops. The Kingdom will face a hard year no matter the result of this war. Kara and Diana-sama has made a long term plan. This will not a war and victory…but rather victory over the people's will and hearts. That takes time doppelgänger.
POV Sarah
Spade: So where are we going?
Me: To the Imperial Capital of the Kingdom
Spade: And why exactly?
Me: We have orders from the elders. We need to meet someone called 'Evileye'. Her real name is Keno Fasris Invern.
Spade: And why is she needed?
Me: They have said she is a potential threat. Not in strength but her influence in the near future. Her group, which is Mithril ranked Adventurer group 'Blue Rose' is gaining popularity among the people. We want to bring her to our side.
Spade: And how will you do that?
Me: She's a vampire…like me. And you heard how they treat non-humans in this world. I just need to show her the world we can live in. A world where she no longer needs to wear a mask.
Spade: Alright then, but why am I going then?
Me: Don't ask me how they know but apparently she has a thing for muscular men who saves people in distress…or more specifically her. Your presence will just make things easier. We'll just summon a few high level undead before we go in to make some action.
Spade: Sounds good enough for me.
Me: Right? alright, just let me prepare a bit before we go.
Spade: It's been 3 hours! How much longer do you need?
Me: You don't understand women at all…
Spade: The Sarah I know wasn't like this…*sigh* Alright, do what you need to do. I'll be at the cafe waiting.
POV Kara
As we sat on our respective thrones with the elders standing in front of us, I received a message that was asking for permission.
Me: Permission granted.
As soon as I said that, a dark oval portal opened in the middle of the Throne room as Boa Hancock, Kuma, and Zesshi Zetsumi walked out of it.
Zesshi: what is this place…
I would have the same reaction should I have saw it for the first time.
Diana: Welcome to our humble home…Society.
Me: Let us skip the pleasantries for I think we both know why we are here. Shall we talk about your plans for the future?