Choking the Nations

Chapter 38

POV A spy in the wall

The war between the Empire and the Kingdom ended with a draw with significantly more casualties on the Kingdom's side, yet they managed to protect E-Rantel from falling into enemy hands.

Despite their victory, the Kingdom was on the verge of internal collapse. Immense amounts of money flowed out of the Kingdom (into Doflamingo's wallet) and never recirculated back into the market. People were getting poorer and people started to get hungry.

Ramposa II had to rely on his personal army to keep the peace and hope things would calm down again.

Ramposa: Order the mines and the treasury to issue more money! Mine more gold and print more!

Marquis: But your Majesty! The repercussions of the—

Ramposa: Enough! I wish to hear no more of this…I plan on having the Crown Prince, Ramposa the third with his wife take the throne after this season. I have had enough of this!

Nobles: This was a victory! those damn peasants don't know shit about being grateful! Don't they know that we defended their homes?!

Nobles: We should raise the taxes a bit more! They ought to be thankful that we're not killing them for this!

Marquis: Enough you fools! Can't you see that the commoners are unhappy?! We just had a rebellion last week! When will you fools learn?

Nobles: Blasphemy! How dare you speak to me like that!

Nobles: We should have pressed on harder and destroyed the Empire while we had the chance!

Nobles: We must buy more weapons for that market to arm our men again! We must declare another war to wipe out the Empire!!

As expected, the Kingdom is a mess.

POV Another Spy in the Baharuth Empire

Cassus: I've had enough. The people are rebelling, the people are hungry and the church does not seem to help. The nobles are being loud again…what do you think we should do?

Jircniv: Purge them father. Blame the nobles then remove them to ease the tensions of the people.

Cassus: Son…I am tired. Perhaps I will give you my throne, you do as you wish…I leave the empire in your bold hands.

Jircniv: We would need a reason to justify our claims. Bring me a list of all the rumors and start investigating…and get to the bottom of who is supplying our weapons. I have a bad feeling about this.

POV Doppelgänger spy in the Slane Theocracy

Pontifex: WHAT!! How could this be?!

Cardinal: We knew we couldn't trust that elf bitch! She took all of the Holy Relics and disappeared without a trace!

Pontifex: Any chance that she could have been kidnapped?

Cardinal: Her? Are you kidding me your holiness? It's the extra seat of the Black Scripture. It's Zesshi herself.

Cardinal 2: But now what do we do? Without our Hope for Humanity, do we stand a chance against the Elf King?

Cardinal: We won't be able to hold him back enough to get more babies like Zesshi…he will kidnap all of them and bring them back to his country.

Pontifex: Send the Black Scripture to hold back the Elf King…we must look at this from another perspective. Can we threaten him with the elven prisoners?

Cardinal: It is a widely known fact that the Elf King does not care about his subjects.


*shatter* He threw a glass vase at the wall where it shattered.

Pontifex: *huff* *huff* No…this must be a trial from the Gods. Gentlemen, let us have faith…we must believe and trust in our Gods.

POV Draudilon

Minister: With the new weapons and these 'totems', our men have succeeded in pushing back the Beastman. But our casualties have seen new highs….

*glug* *glug*

Minister: Your Majesty?

Me: Bring me another bottle…

Minister: Your majesty…I beg you, could you not use your wild magic?

There was a secret that he did not know about my Wild Magic. Perhaps it was due to the mixing of human blood for multiple generation but my Wild Magic had a great and obvious weakness. While other Dragon Lords could use souls of any intelligent life form as long as their wills are weaker, I can only use the souls of my subjects…and at an extremely high cost.

If I made up my mind, I could easily drive the Beastman to extinction…but at what cost? My entire country would be dead by my own hands.

Me: No minister…how many times must I say so?

Is there really no country out there which can lend a hand?

POV Kara

Me: I'm so bored~~

We finished the talks with Zesshi and everything was going as planned by the 5 elders and with extreme enthusiasm from Doflamingo. Crocodile was just getting started with the Kingdom while the rest was really just waiting.

After that was don, it was just some small changes until Nazarick arrives. Really boring and small stuff. I wanted to see some action and everything but in the end, it's all just politics politics and politics. I'm so glad that we created the 5 Elders. Almost nothing needs to come up to our level and they do a better job at it than we can ever hope to.

Diana: I guess everything is going as it is supposed to. How about we take a little break and tour this world a little…as people and not to kill Dragons or anything.

Me: Sure! But I don't want to talk. Can I just sit on your head in my fox form?


I didn't want for an answer and instead transformed and jumped on top of her head before rolling myself into a comfortable position.

Me: (like this)

Diana: You seriously have an absurd level of ability at Observation haki kara. There's only you who can directly send exact words and feelings to another person through Observation alone.

Me: (I'm special that way. So can we or not?)

Diana: Well, if my little Kara wants to, I guess we can arrange something. Where do you want to go?

Me:(Baharuth Imperial Capital)

Diana: You want to see the fights don't you?

Me: (Everything)

Diana: Well, I guess we have some business in the empire anyway. If we are lucky enough, we might be able to do some of them.