Chapter 48
Me: So you're telling me that there is no team called 'Foresight' from the Workers coming to invade our temple.
Doppelgänger: Yes. The team 'Foresight' with the member 'Arche' has not been recruited for this mission.
Diana: Perhaps it's still too early then. But that bastard with the elf slaves are there though?
Doppelgänger: Yes. A level 15 Swordsman who is calling himself a genius has 2 female elven slaves has been recruited.
Diana: Good. Personally I'd like him to die at Jimbei's hands but we've got to do with whatever we have.
POV Zesshi
The people here had the weirdest
Me: I thought we are going to Cresent Lake? To the land of the Elves
This was ridiculous. Is he not following orders?
Kuma: It seems you have not understood her intent. Even if you go to the Elven Lands, what will you do. Do you think they will let you be their queen just because? We hit the Slane Theocracy's crucial points before leading them back home. We bring you to the Lake a hero.
Me: I can bring down the entirety of the Theocracy and father alone. Why do I need to go through all of this? Can't I just free the slaves right after?
Kuma: When you put out a fire, you cannot just dump water on it and hope it is out. The seeds of fire buried deep in the ashes can grow again. You need to choke it, cut off the air supply to kill it once and for all.
Me: Stop speaking in riddles.
Kuma: They'll stay dead this way.
Me: See? So much simpler
I didn't understand the haven. A place filled with enough power to make the Gods look weak, not to mention the 2 queens themselves…though they don't like being called that. Then there are all of these warriors who studied. When did they even have time or the will to learn all this stuff?
I thought strong people would be dumb but I guess not in that place.
(Author Note: I read 'God Rising' by ABD so I am going to use the names he gave the cities of the Theocracy)
Kuma: You are going to go around the Theocracy and break their camps and burn their supplies. Call the elves to rebellion and return home a hero.
That…was quite simple.
Me: So when are we arriving?
Kuma: Wheaton, in 1 hour. When we arrive, don't try and talk. Just yell out your name and purpose before you free the elves.
My people…my people who I didn't even know were suffering. Of course I will free them. The more I thought about it, the more I got mad.
I knew the Theocracy had Elven Slaves, but I reasoned it with the fact that they were at war. I also knew that some human nations had human slaves. So what was the deal? But to have them treat them as nothing but cattle…not as war slaves but as an inferior life form.
As my rage burned once more, Kuma was there next to me.
Kuma: Keep your emotions in check Zetsumi. Your head needs to be clear if you don't want to be seen as a monster yourself by your people.
That reminded me, this guy was strong.
Me: Alright. Thanks for reminding me but…when this is all over, do you mind fucking me?
The face I saw on the stone masked Kuma was priceless
POV Doflamingo
Diana: Kuma just reported that Zesshi is going to her second breaker camp. The time is right.
Kara: The Workers have arrived at our doors as well. Kill the ones we have designated and capture the rest. Boa Hancock Doflamingo and , you are going to be our ambassador against the Empire.
Boa Hancock: It would be my pleasure.
Doflamingo: kekeke…of course Kara-sama.
Kara; Take the Dragon fleet with you. Show them the difference in power. Actually, you do your thing. You understand what I'm saying right?
Doflamingo: An open threat? kekeke!! Of course Kara-sama. It will be done. They will be forced to comply.
Kara: Is there an update from Crocodile?
3: Yes my lady. The Kingdom has fallen into a state of chaotic madness. Peasants are openly rioting in the streets for food and the weaker nobility have fallen to the hands of the angry mobs. The merchants and the poorer people are rallying to Princess Renner, as we have planned.
Kara: Good. Make sure Prince Zanac does not get in the way. He may not look so but he is more cunning and intelligent than most. He is the only one in the Royal family that knows what Renner is and can be capable of.
3: Of course. I will relay that to Crocodile to take extra precaution in his setup.
Diana: Well, for now, let us welcome our guests. Bring the captives to the 6th floor for questioning.
POV Karie, elf slave
Master: AArrghhhHH!!! My arms!! My arms!!!
Spirit Warrior: You are a fool to have entered this place. This Haven is the home of the Gods.
Master: Heal me you bitch!!! Heal me now!!!
Me: Kuh…he..hahahaaaa!
Finally, were we going to die? Oh how much I have looked forward to this day. How long I have waited for this bastard to die like this!
Master: Heal me!! argh! *slice*
My former master's head dropped on the ground and rolled before it came to a stop.
Spirit Warrior: Elves, I have been ordered to take you with me. You are to follow me.
There really wasn't much else me and my fellow elf, Sophie, could do. We were trapped here and the entire side was lined with the same Warriors as the guy that casually beat my 'genius' master.
Me: We don't have a choice…we need to go.
Sophie: I know…
We dragged our tired body when a black portal swallowed us revealing…a forest. An actual forest with a real sky. The air was so clean again, away from all the human's mess. Could this be home? Did they bring us back outside?
John: Hello there ladies. My name is John and I'm the guardian here. Please wait here for a bit while our queens arrive.
Queen? Then this wasn't the Elf Kingdom. But I've never heard of a place like this though. Was there another human Kingdom in the forests? No, probably not.
Me: Umm…Mister John, do you know what's going to happen to us?
John: Not really. But from where Kuma is…I'd guess that you'll be staying here for a week as our guests before we send you back to your Elf Kingdom.
Sophie: *sob* really? Are we really free?
John: Well, we can't have you leave yet. This is the home of our gods and you have intruded upon it. We know that you are not at fault, so that is why we're letting you go.
God…really? What Gods?
Me: May I ask which Gods?
John: You wouldn't understand but just know that the 6 Great Gods originated from her in a way.
Me: I…don't believe in the 6 Great Gods
John: Nor do I. They weren't gods, they were just given power that belongs to our God. Now enough questions. Looks like they won't be coming here anytime soon so I guess I need to accommodate you girls. *Log House*
As he stretched out his hands, a wooden cabin appeared from the ground.
John: Well, all the stuff in there are made of wood so it might not be the best but it's the best I can do for now. I'll order someone else to take care of you until you girls can leave. Also, try not to venture too far out into the forest. It was made to keep intruders out or kill them.
With that threat, he left.
Me: We'll be fine…right?
Omake. POV Another Worker
Me: Ha! These ghosts are weak! Just hit them with the Holy attributed spells!
Worker: Look! There's another room! There might be more treasure inside!
* Teleportation Trap Activated*
Me: Whaa—?
After a blinding light we found ourselves in an area we didn't recognize. As the fog from the spell cleared, we found ourselves in a dark metal room with many many patterns and buttons.
Me: Where are we?
Then I saw a dark outline of a tall man.
Me: Who are you?
?: Welcome to the second floor. Let me ask you a question…do you want to have a bad time?
Me: What?
?: Because you're about to have a very bad time
*Music starts playing*
?: Enjoy Megalovania. I downloaded it just for you.
As the walls opened and skeletons with cannons appeared, I felt like I was going to have a very bad time.
I usually don't like killing people but these fools were different. Our prior research showed that this team was made up of former bandits. They deserve to die.
POV Kuma
This half elf is one of the dumbest beings I have ever seen, but she is catching up. She might not be bright in her mind but I will commend her spirit. It would have been nice if she was with the Revolutionary in the past life.
She might not be strong compared to me now but perhaps in 'that' world…she could face off against me equally if not beat me.
Me: We will be arriving soon. Get ready
As the pressure underneath our feet died down, we landed in the middle of a square.
Guard: Who are you!
I looked around the make sure. By the dozens of elves lying and unmoving on the stinky wooden floor…
Me: Looks like we've arrived at the right place.
Zesshi: I am Zesshi Zetsumi! A Half Elf! I have come to free my people and take revenge on the Theocracy!