Casus Belli

Chapter 49

POV Zesshi

Guard 231: Arghhh!!!

As I killed the last of them, I turned to my people. My fellow people who have suffered for so long.

Me: Form a line! I shall break your chains! Help those who cannot walk!

Behind me I saw Kuma taking out rows and rows of food from somewhere.

Me: You can eat after I have broken your chains. So for now, line up!

They obeyed as they cheered. They were free! Many of them were already broken willed, from all the breaking those damn traitors did…but this was a step. They will recover with time. After all, the lifespan of an elf is long.

Kuma: You did good. We'll arm them and send them to the next camp before heading to Crescent Lake

POV Jircniv

The Bloody Emperor, The peerless ruler of the Empire, that is who I am…yet, why do I feel so worthless in front of these two?

An hour ago…

Minster: Your Majesty! The public is in chaos! There are Dragons heading straight for the Imperial Palace!

Me: Dragons?!

Why Dragons? Could we have done something wrong to anger them? Could someone from the empire have accidentally killed their descendants? No…Dragons don't usually care for their children.

Perhaps it is better that they are dragons and not some mindless beasts. Dragons might be arrogant but they can at least be negotiated with. If things take a wrong turn, we have Fluder-dono to protect us.

Me: How many?

Minster: We have sights on 5 Dragons sir! All of them Golden except for the front and center. It is completely black!

Me: Is it the Obsidian Dragon Lord?

Minister: No your Majesty…they don't have the skin of a Dragon Lord. They seem like…beasts?

Crap…this could be bad.


The 5 Dragons Landed in the middle of the Imperial Palace's Square. Direct and middle and right in front of where my balcony was.

Then suddenly, two figures jumped off of the Black Dragon and calmly walked as they faced the hundreds of Knights and Magic Casters.

One was an enormous man. About 3 Meters tall but slender. He wore the loudest clothes I have ever seen with a Pink feathered garb that had a Black and Gold Scale sign on the back. He had messy blond hair and a smile that looked crazed…I couldn't see his eyes due to his strangely shaded glasses.

The other was single-handedly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. In a one piece (haha, get it?) dress I had never seen before, fitting tightly across her body.

Then, the man opened his mouth and spoke with the voice befitting a conqueror.

Man: The Emperor has sent Workers to the Grand Haven of Vanir, home of the Supreme beings. Our rulers demand an apology from the Emperor himself or this will spell the end of the Empire. Consider this a warning.

Then without another word, he spread his arms and suddenly the worst pain I had ever felt assaulted my mind. I lunged for my medallion and put it on my head as the pain subsided and my vision returned. I didn't notice that I was going unconscious.

I looked around the plaza to see…bodies. Over 200 Imperial Knights, Magic Casters, Divine Casters, and most of all…Nazami Enec, one of my 4 Knights were also on the floor, probably dead.

The only person still conscious was myself and Fluder, who looked as if he was experiencing a headache.

I wanted to cower but I had a reputation to uphold. If I bow here then they will look down upon the entirety of the Empire. But…how did they know about the workers? I had taken extra care to make sure my name would not be recorded in any situation for this. Not even a single worker would have known I was involved with this.

Me: Honored Ambassadors, please come on up and we can discuss about this. I am sure there is a misunderstanding between us.

The woman scoffed at my words before walking towards the palace, in which the man began to follow.

Who were these people?

POV Boa Hancock

Looks like Doflamingo's Conqueror's Haki was enforced with Godly Aura. With his celestial blood that Kara-sama had put in him, he can use something similar to 'Fear Aura 5'. Unfortunately, looks like almost nobody could survive this. While we did make sure that the Emperor wouldn't die, I am surprised that he remained conscious. No, it was probably his medallion. I sensed a faint magic in it.

As we walked up to the Imperial Palace, we were greeted by maids who were not in the haki blast zone. They lead us up through the shitty palace and up into where I believe he would accept us.

While I'm sure it was an eye and jaw dropping place for most people, we were denizens of Vanir. Stuff like this would be put into a barn for the animals to enjoy. Living in the perfect place for so long, everything not of Society started to look like shit.

Me: What a shitty room…

The Emperor didn't show it but my observation haki picked up on his emotional distress going up. Looked like he was as nervous as he can get. But I could tell he was a good politician. He was hiding his feelings very well. Enough for me to get tricked if I had not my haki.

I could tell he was observing our every move, our every little quirk and behavior. Our clothes, our posture, our looks and facial expressions. Cunning man he is, a shame that he is up against us. The only thing he'll know is that we are confident in our strength and…yeah, I know we are arrogant. But we have every right to be so, don't we?

As his inner feelings grew confused again, I could tell he was trying to connect the dots, to look at what mistake he had made…but can't. He was trying to figure out how we knew he had sent the Workers. Of course he wouldn't know. We were always twenty steps ahead of him. He wouldn't notice the doppelgänger in the corner of his very room and Fluder would never rat on it.

Like a rat in a barrel, Kara and Diana sama has had him trapped from the start.

Jircniv: Honored Ambassadors, you must have traveled far and wide to deliver this message and honor us with your presence. We have prepared some simple refreshments for you. We hope you will try some, if it pleases you to do so.

Ahh, the drinks and snacks. Diana same did warn us that we would be fed some shit. *sigh* did I really have to taste it?

As we sat down on the low sofa…or rather for Doflamingo sitting on the high corner so he could stretch his legs, we turned and faced the Emperor.

Just as Jircniv chimed a bell, the twenty maids entered the room. Each of them looking trash and even worse than that at their jobs than the Vanir counterpart. Perhaps it was due to our presence but they looked flustered.


One of them dropped their tray full of refreshments and made a mess.

Maid: My…my apologies!!!

She quickly hurried out, probably to bring someone who can help her clean up the mess.

Jircniv: *sigh* I am so sorry about her. But please, help yourselves.

Doflamingo was the braver one of us two. He grabbed a cup and drank it…only to grimace and put it back down.

Doflamingo: Tastes like sawdust. Not even a special effect.

Me: You can't expect a place like this to have something that is up to your taste.

Doflamingo: Agreed. Perhaps we've become to accustomed.

Jircniv: I sincerely apologize. Then could you please tell us how to craft this favored beverage? I would like to order my chefs to make it for you if we meet again.

Doflamingo: HA! A human wants to make the nectar of the gods! Fool, nobody can make it other than Zeff.

Jircniv's eye twitches as Doflamingo casually gave away that he wasn't human. Truthfully he wasn't but nobody would really be able to tell the difference. It was honestly like the difference between a skeleton and a lich. Both undead but one of the higher order.

Jircniv: Then, honored emissaries, allow me to introduce myself once more. I am the Emperor of the Baharuth Empirem Jircniv Rune Farlord el Nix. I am certainly aware of Doflamingo-sama's noble name, but might I inquire as to yours?"

Me: Boa Hancock.

Impressive. Doflamingo's behaviors in the past has sent many Kings and arrogant nobles into a blind rage, or made them act impulsively. This emperor is keeping it all in.

Jircniv: My deepest thanks, Hancock-sama. Then, with reference to what Doflamingo-sama said, specifically 'rulers of the Grand Haven are very unhappy and will destroy this country unless they receive an apology'... I assume that I, as the presumed offender in question, will be making my way to Vanir?

Doflamingo: It is not the presumed offender young boy…you are the offender.

Me: Yes, you are to go and apologize now.

Jircniv: Now?

Me: Yes, take your consideration of 'now' as however long you think we you will need. I think that will be all.

Doflamingo: To make sure you don't forget, we'll leave a reminder in the sky.

He put his left hand up to the ceiling before whispering…

Doflamingo: Bird Cage

A thick strand of string burst through the ceiling and soon all of the Imperial Capital.

Doflamingo: Don't worry, we made sure that the gap is wide enough for a person. Though that leaves the question of how you will get a carriage. If our ruler deems you too late, we'll choke your empire with the strings. I think you'll understand.

*grrrr* *slice* *slice*

With the screams of the people and the sound of falling buildings, the look on Jircniv's face told us that he understood as the strings began to tighten.

Doflamingo: Good…I'll stop it for now. We'll see you soon then emperor

We stood up and left the room with the emperor's mind in tatters.

When we got to the courtyard, we requested a *widen magic gate* which opened up and allowed us and our Dragons to exit safely.

Diana: Welcome back Hancock, Doflamingo. I believe all went well?